Way of the Wicked (Inactive)

Game Master Toodles or summat

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The BGGM wrote:
Paimon the Fool wrote:
@BGGM: You said everything on the prd. So no setting specific material, correct?
tell me what you're thinking

Nothing in particular. I wanted to make sure I was up to spec

I have an interesting idea for a human cleric of Asmodeus. With halloween today, not sure I will get to a full submission, but will do my best. First some rolls. Wisdom is my focus and Dexterity is my foible.
Roll set 1
Strength: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Constitution: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Intelligence: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Charisma: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Roll 2
Strength: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Constitution: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Wisdom: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Charisma: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

@paimon, looks fine

@dathom, recruitment closes tomorrow night at 10 est, so you've got at least until then.

Cool. Well I'll wait to roll stats after selection is made. I applied for a game a while back and got three 17s and a 14 but ultimately did not get chosen. Ever since then I've been content with chilling out until selections were made before rolling. The stats in the crunch I submitted should add up to 25, though I do have an updated block with my way of the wicked trait in it. I'll post the final sheet either tonight or tomorrow. Happy Halloween by the way!

Dark Archive

Jerana will raise an objection to use of halflings as weapons... Gnomes are far better for it.

(makes note:halflings not to be used as weapons. grappling hooks still fine.)

Well, it's good to know they have some use besides dinner. *grin*

Also, just added the 2 extra skill points (profession(cook) and performance(oratory)).

Still trying to figure out a prettier way to format my info.

Using 25 pb just because I have never, ever managed to have a semi decent roll when rolling for stats.

Name: Keres Miyaro
Race: Kitsune
Class: Oracle
Crime: Fraud


Keres Miyaro had always been an outsider among her kind, from birth, she had been cursed by the power of Asmodeus , as well as having a deep and disturbing connection to the Spirit World, allowing her to not only see them, but to also have some degree of control over them. This creepy and unsettling behaviour essentially led to Keres being abandoned when she was very young, but fortunately the self-reliant female kitsune became very adept at surviving.

To begin with, Keres stuck to simple stealing, wandering the streets, before making off with an item here and there from an open shop, relying on her change of form to evade pursuit. As she grew more older, and her physical attractiveness grew, Keres adopted more complicated crimes. Due to her innate ability to change form to look like next to anyone, Keres was a very adapt spy and information broker, creating files on many high ranking families so she could change into a loved one, a secret lover, a son or daughter, whoever her target trusted implicitly. In short order, Keres graduated to part time assassin, enjoying the thrill of the chase and the seduction, but the personal dislike of putting herself at the scene of the crime, as well as the overt reliance of a physical attack led her to seek alternative ways of creating money. Fraud therefore, as well as blackmail, became her tried and true, as she often took the form of an auctioneer or highly regarded salesman, offered a product, received the income, and then switched forms around the next corner, leaving the victim utterly confused when he had come up to pick up his “product”, and discover the person he had been dealing with had been an imposter.

With easy access to money as well as the virtual undetectable nature of the crimes, granted Keres the freedom to study her own interests. While she got a thrill out of committing the crimes, it was merely a method to survive, a way to earn the basics, food, shelter and cash, while her real interests took priority. As a master of spirits, Keres was consumed in her desire to access the Spirit World. She saw it as a world full of energy, that, if harnessed, could propel a spell caster into the ranks of the great. Such an idea was currently entirely theoretical, so Keres listed it as a long term goal, and in the short term contented herself in studying the spirit of creatures, curious with terms such as the “human spirit”, something that apparently existed within living bodies as well as the undead versions that were so well known. Keres theorized that it was possible to control the latent spirits within a living body, in a similar fashion to how Clerics could command and control undead spirits, however firstly she needed to actually find and locate where such a spirit might lie…which meant test subjects.

Using her influence, her money and her talents, Keres was able to employ several people to obtain (unwilling) test subjects for her to conduct her personal studies. Occasionally, Keres was able to obtain some on her own, simply by taking the form of a loved one and walking her target into an ambush, but she disliked putting herself within the thick of things, and frequently relied more and more on her acquaintances. Indirectly, this would lead to her downfall.

It was a job that started off like many others, with Keres taking the form of a daughter of a powerful political figure, and had taken herself hostage, masquerading as the daughter while a hired accomplice threatened the life of the “daughter”. The job would have gone off without a hitch had the real daughter not made an unscheduled visit, which had effectively threw the game away. It was an unforgivable lapse in judgment, and as she was taken away, Keres privately blamed her acquaintances, the girl’s tail not alerting Keres that she was close. Secondly, Keres blamed herself, her crimes had gotten far too elaborate in order to avoid detection, and she loathed that the law enforcement had pressured her into pushing the boundaries as to what was advised or ill advised.


In Kitsune form, Keres stands out due to her white coat, something she loathes that she cannot change, and thus does not revert to her Kitsune form often. In her human form, she generally takes the look of an extremely attractive human female with deep blue eyes fair skin, and long dark hair. Obviously however, she can take the form of any individual she has encountered, and will frequently change on the fly to easily avoid detection, as well for her own personal preference, disliking staying in one "look" for too long.


Keres is a very manipulative and deceptive individual. Exceptionally skilled at mixing untruths with truths, while throwing half truths around to disorientate someone, she excels at gaining whatever she wants from her targets (usually money or information) before evading retaliation with slippery ease. Keres is crafty, but has a weaknesses for surfaces, and loves variety, best noted by her willingness to change forms for the hell of it. Her ease in social situations paired with the avid curiosity of a researcher is a potent combination, which lends Keres large degrees of self confidence and charm, although due to the shadowy criminal nature of her work lends her to be slightly distrustful of others, especially due to her recent imprisonment.

Motivations and Reasons for the overthrow of Good:

Keres is primarily driven by her research, her crimes were merely a method for her to both finance her research while enjoying the essentials of life. In later times, she relied on her connections to find her research subjects, although this wasn't entirely necessary.

Her reasons for the overthrow are twofold. Firstly, and most importantly, under the current regime its nearly impossible for her to gain access to the hidden, forbidden and sacred texts that she really needs for her research (which is unfortunately difficult for her to infiltrate), as well as for her to gain a ready flow of test subjects for her to use. Secondly, she has a personal dislike toward the current law enforcement for effectively ruining the life she had built up in Talingarde, and seeks to implement a small bit of revenge.

General Character Plan:

Keres will stick with the Oracle class, drawing on her connection to the spirit world and therefore increasing the success of her research. Assuming the success of the attempt to take control of the city, Keres will likely use her newfound influence to carry out her research in peace (with the freedom to access the tools she no longer had), with a steady supply of "helpers". Ultimately, Keres seeks a way of gain some semblance of control over the spirit world, to harness it for her own end, and eventually gain control over the spirits within living creatures, giving her full control over people. Technically speaking, I guess this puts her on the thin line between "insane" and "genius" but that is her motivating factor. While she has no personal desire for the trappings of official "rule" (preferring magical or social manipulation or control rather than a crown), she would (I'm sure) enjoy assisting with the creation of a spy system or information network, putting her talents in deception to good use.

Eventually, I see her gravitating toward a lich, in order to try and sense the line between living spirits, undead spirits, and the boundaries between life, death and the spirit world, but this is a far off goal and not something that would occur in the immediate future anyway.


Keres Miyaro
Female kitsune oracle (spirit guide) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 106; Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 42; Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 192)
LE Medium humanoid (kitsune, shapechanger)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception -1
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 dexterity)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite -2 (1d4-2)
Oracle (Spirit Guide) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st (4/day)—charm person (DC 15), cure light wounds, shield of faith
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, guidance, light
Mystery Juju
Str 7, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 8, Cha 19
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 10
Feats Realistic Likeness[ARG]
Traits Fraud (Crime Trait), reactionary
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +8, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Knowledge (planes) +7, Knowledge (religion) +7
Languages Aklo, Common, Senzar, Sylvan, Thassilonian
SQ change shape, fast shifter, gregarious, mystery (juju), oracle's curse (legalistic), revelation (ensnare the soul), vow to self
Other Gear 150 gp
Special Abilities
Change Shape (Su) Assume a single human form.
Ensnare the Soul (Su) Your charm person or dominate person creatures look undead, & are slow to act if not directed.
Fast Shifter (Su) Using your racial change shape ability is a move action instead of a standard action
Gregarious (Ex) Successful Diplomacy check causes target to take a –2 penalty vs further CHA skills for 24 hr.
Legalistic The shackles of Hell impose savage consequences should you violate a covenant, but also imbue you with remarkable guile. Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally), you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your ob
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Realistic Likeness Change shape can mimic individuals you've met, gain a +10 bonus to Disguise to impersonate.
Vow to Self (1/day) +4 morale bonus to one role to keep a promise.

Character Focus:

Keres brings quite a few things to the table. Firstly and most importantly, she acts as a decent face, while maintaining mastery over several different knowledge skills. As a skilled infiltrator, she can pull off any covert operations like no-one else (be it in a roleplaying opportunity or official mission) and still has her Oracle revelations and divine spells ready to assist. She can fulfill lots of different options, so I am pretty happy at what she can do without defaulting to a pure healer.

thanks for your submission, ginganinja. what's your curse and where does the juju mystery come from?

Should be in my Crunch, but the entire thing is a tl;dr so I'll mention it here. Curse is Legalistic (thought it ties into Asmodeus better than any other options), and the Juju mystery is the alternative Juju mystery, (there are two of them, one that allowed the creation of non evil undead (banned in PFS), or the newer version which is PFS legal) found in the paizo published Faiths and Philosophies.


just checking, these are fine, thanks

Shouldn't be too long now. I remember the last person I wanted in on this. Was a Fighter that was known for stabbing people with a set of dagger gauntlets. Couldn't wield or grab anything with his left hand, but dammit, it was intimidating. Got Snake style at level 1 and focused stats into Sense Motive. Was a cool character to me, but he didn't get accepted. Zaul is a little more believable/down to earth, but just the right level of addled.

listens to the sound of crickets

I've never seen a slower last day of recruitment with 40 minutes left

Pick me.

After those roll, I will take 25 point buy please. Here is my submission for Lukasz Pavo, an Infernal Bloodline sorcerer. Details can be found in the profile. Future progression will be in diabolist, once he qualifies. I hope you think he will be a good fit.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Name: Vellsoreta Telladrain
Race: Half-Elf (half-drow really)
Class: Magus
Crime: Blasphemy


Velsoretta Telladrain Is a half-drow Born into a mercantile Slaver family In Ustilav. His parent’s marriage was a strategic partnership; Drow Slave queens wanted a foothold on the surface, so they married one of their men to one of Ustilav’s biggest slaver families. Vellsoretta was a consequence of the marriage’s consummation.

As Velsoretta grew up he quickly learned the value of secrets and the leverage they carried, The challenge of destroying your enemies within the confines of the law, he learned to crack the whip. Notorius for it even. He once severed the arm of a very valuable slave with a single crack. As he grew close to manhood his parents decided he should not be in the slave business however, he was to “rough” with the product and lacked the ability to “push” the product (bad cha).

Instead his parents sent him off to a prestigious wizards college in north eastern Ustilav. there he was endowed with a first rate education. After two years of study he began to dabble in the dark arts. Caught red handed in the middle of a sacrificial ritual, he was expelled from the college for “practicing magic on another student against there will.” (“the Female was found Naked, staked to the ground, with her blood used to complete a very well drawn pentagram.” noted one of the Professors)

Velsoretta knew he had no where to go, soon his parents will find and opunish him for such an embarrassment to the family name. so he got the idea that he would move to the last place they would think of looking for him, The kingdom of Talingarde!

After a few months Vell slipped into his old habbits. Using his superior intellect to swindle people out of money, drawing up elaborate contracts he called “life assurance”. This cought the eye of the local Mitran Authorities. I didn't take long for them to uncover Vell’s asmodean history, and thus he has found himself in brandscar. Waiting for the end...


Vell is tall and lith, with Broad muscular shoulders from "cracking" most of his life. He has a lite charcoal skin tone with mesmerizing green eyes. His sardonic disposition has rarely won him any friends, witch is fine...

Motivations and Reasons for the overthrow of Good:

Simply put, he wants to live in opulence. He finds the lack of Slavery a sign that the society in question is unrefined. His religion drives him to assert his dominance intellectually and physical, he would like nothing more than to push peons around all day. A real middle management terrorist.

Alright, at 10:14pm est the final list of complete submissions is

Namicon Anson, the human cavalier
Carnadine, the dhampir dark lord anti-paladin
Seranov-Rekran Underforge, the pahmat dwarf ranger

Adsapiens-Krayn, the drow primal companion hunter
biglundi-V, the invulnerable rager barbarian
joshua hirtz-Solomon, the tiefling strangler brawler
Szeth the Sunless, the human zen archer monk
Wivvy-Woodes Rodgers, the human swashbuckler
Will Pratt-Ogren, the half orc mutagenic mauler brawler
Meeko- Vellsoreta Telladrain, the half-drow magus

spinningdice-Jerana Weatherwatch, the halfling oracle
Dreicho Narcisse, the tengu cleric
ginganinja- Keres, the kitsune oracle

topherhughes- Erum, the ifrit sorcerer
Tim Woodhams-Doctor Yanev, the human vivisectionist alchemist
Eldros Matzaki, the tiefling diviner
Duboris-Zaul, the Plague Doctor, the human alchemist
Eibon Allister- Rauven Denar, the half elf sorcerer
dathom- Lukasz Pavo, the human sorcerer

Kyle Reyford, the human empiricist
Paimon the Fool, the half orc ninja

if I've missed anyone, please let me know; if you feel that your character should be listed in a different catagory, please let me know.

I'll be PMing those recruited no later than 10pm est Monday, November 3rd.

Ladies and gentlemen, my selections have been made. I thank you all for your interest, though if you've not a received a PM from me at this point then you've not been selected for this campaign. If anyone has questions about why they might not have been chosen, you may PM me with them.

Again, thank you very much, and good luck in the future.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Congratulations to those that made it in.

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