![]() Just a note that Levitate only affects one person if you were planning to use it for the whole party you would need five scrolls if available. Levitate: Levitate
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 2 Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, F (a leather loop or golden wire bent into a cup shape) Range personal or close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target you or one willing creature or one object (total weight up to 100 lbs./level) Duration 1 min./level (D) Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Levitate allows you to move yourself, another creature, or an object up and down as you wish. A creature must be willing to be levitated, and an object must be unattended or possessed by a willing creature. You can mentally direct the recipient to move up or down as much as 20 feet each round; doing so is a move action. You cannot move the recipient horizontally, but the recipient could clamber along the face of a cliff, for example, or push against a ceiling to move laterally (generally at half its base land speed). A levitating creature that attacks with a melee or ranged weapon finds itself increasingly unstable; the first attack has a –1 penalty on attack rolls, the second –2, and so on, to a maximum penalty of –5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the creature to begin again at –1.
![]() You know that Thistletop itself is a curiously round island about 60 feet off shore, connected to the mainland by a rope bridge. The island itself has an unusual genesis—it was in fact once the head of a sentinel statue that stood upon the ridge of land called the Rasp before the nation of Bakrakhan became the Varisian Gulf. The statue itself has long since crumbled and become overgrown by the Nettlewood, but the head escaped such obscurement by landing in the surf. The magical nature of
![]() Erodel enters Savah's Armory and makes his request for armor. Savah Bevaniky, the owner is present and waits on you herself. At your request for privacy for your measurements she will summon a male apprentice and send you off to the backroom. From the mirrors set up in there you can assume it is also used as a final fitting room. The apprentice takes your measurements, tactfully not commenting upon your scars. Once done he leads you back out and Savah tells you to come back by dusk. ![]()
![]() Erodel, yes, Father Zantus will cast lesser restoration on you. He will do it for free in thanks for what you have done for the town so far. And yes, there was mw fullplate available.
![]() @Erodel -
Elransil -
![]() @Elransil -
@Erodel -
@Manx -
![]() Elransil - It looks like Tsuto committed suicide by himself. Father Zantus and Ameiko both arrive at the jail, brought by different guardsmen. Much like Pik, Father Zantus also declares Tsuto too far gone to reach with any of his healing spells. Ameiko appears very torn by his demise. After his betrayal and murdering of their father she is just at a complete loss for how to take his death. She will retreat back to the Rusty Dragon Inn. Erodel, a servant will take you the study where Titus is going over some bookwork with his accountant. Titus will bid you welcome and ask your purpose for the visit? ![]()
![]() Pik, you notice that there is quite a bit of commotion going on at the sheriff's office. You hear the deputy that was left in charge yelling out orders for someone to fetch a healer and for someone else to find Ameiko and bring her to the jail. Peering through the open door to the jail, you see two guardsmen laying Tsuto flat on the floor outside of his cell. ![]()
![]() @Erodel, yes, Titus Scarnetti is still in town and resides at Scarnetti Manor. Father Zantus is properly horrified by the news of a secret altar to Lamashtu located beneath the city. "This will be a long and complicated process. Before we can even think of removing the altar we must first begin steps to desanctify it. Excuse me son, I must gather my fellow clerics and explain to them what is going and begin plans right away to deal with this." ![]()
![]() Elransil, your parents and sister are glad to know you are ok. They had heard about what happened at the Glassworks and were worried. They tell you that some of the other trading families are worried about everything that has been going on and are planning on leaving Sandpoint tomorrow until things calm down. They haven't decided yet if they will be leaving as well. Ameiko will identify the pouches of dust as items from the Glassworks. She will help you sell everything else. ![]()
![]() The horses were yours to keep and are light military horses and came with regular riding saddles, no saddlebags.
![]() Quote: One, would any of the following items count as a trade goods for the purposes of selling them: masterwork thieves tools 100g, masterwork flute 100g, tiny crown 50g or silver earrings 25g. Half price for the tools, full price for the other things. Correct on the dagger. 110% is fine since that is allowed by the trait. ![]()
![]() When you decide to look through the journal, you see that it is a small, leather-bound booklet that contains two dozen parchment pages, most of which Tsuto has apparently filled with maps of Sandpoint or erotic drawings of a young woman. DC 15 Knowledge [local] to know who she is The maps each depict different attack plans. The first set shows the attack plans for a group of thirty goblins—one of these battle maps is circled, and you all may recognize it as the attack the goblins made on Sandpoint during the Festival. Of more pressing concern are the next several pages, which illustrate an assault on Sandpoint by a force of what appears to be two hundred goblins. None of these are circled, and while many are scratched out as if they’ve been rejected, the implications are ominous nonetheless. One on the last pages of the book depicts the same young woman seen earlier, but this time it is with demonic hands, bat wings, horns, a forked tail, and fangs. ![]()
![]() All of you make it back through the tunnels and up to the town with out a problem. Once you leave the Glassworks, you notice that there are guardsmen at the doors. They relax when they see you and tell you that they were ordered to keep watch in case any goblins tried to run out, but they hadn't seen anything leave before you all exited. They also tell you that the deputy is still trying to interrogate Tsuto at the jail and that Ameiko is likely still there with him. When you inform the deputy of the tunnels, he begins cursing the smugglers who made a network of them under Sandpoint and gives a guardsman instructions to get the local mason and his apprentices to block the tunnels under the Glassworks. He will then turn back to you all and inform you that Tsuto is refusing to speak to anyone, even Ameiko and they haven't gotten any information at all from him. ![]()
![]() Since people seem to be in favor of finishing off the quasit, we will just jump ahead a few rounds to its death since you have it pinned. Seems unnecessary to go through all the rounds it will take to get past its damage reduction and fast healing over post. Now dead, you search the tiny creature and find on it a tiny dagger and tiny crown worth 50g. A thorough search of the room does not reveal anything else. ![]()
![]() round 14 @Manx - Spoiler:
You wouldn't be able to pinpoint the location of the quasits aura until the 3rd round per the description of the Detect Magic spell. Quote:
As Erodel and Elransil rush to shut the door, Pik appears to grapple with something. The quasit appears to view as it tries to claw at Pik. rolls: attack claw 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11