WaterSprite's RotRL - Burnt Offerings (Inactive)

Game Master Joy

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I am looking for 5-6 players for the Rise of the Runelords AP. Submission guidelines are:

22pt buy
no stat below 8
2 traits
1 campaign trait (page 330 in APG)
list your name/race/class
explain why you are in Sandpoint

I am looking for players that can post at least once a day (and yes, that includes weekends). Don't worry about RP in this thread, if I like your concept I'll check you out under your aliases. If there is something specific about your character that will cause it to not be chosen, I will let you know so that you may change it to stay in the running.

Recruitment will run until Friday.

I am keen to throw up a Shoanti Monk (Tetori archetype) for your consideration. I'll work up the basics then check back in with details once I have compiled everything.

Character ready :), I'll tweak for 22pt buy. Do you want us to use campaign feats?

ETA: Tweaked :). Let me know what you think.

You may use a campaign feat, but it is not required.

I am disinclined to choose anything from Ultimate Combat since I do not have the book.

DM Watersprite - is the disinclination solely due to a lack of the book?

I would be more than happy to summarise what the Tetori does and does not get directly, and the content should be viewable on the D20PFSRD website within a couple of weeks.

If it's an absolute no, then I'll bow out - but if you are open to considering it and then making a ruling I'll persist.

Lantern Lodge

Luminiere Argence Solaras Dawnbringer II

female aasimaar Oracle.

explain why you are in Sandpoint

Lumi is Nualia's younger cousin and a ward of the local church. a naive goodie 2 shoes with a ditzy nature.

i can refine her stats appropriately. i am currently considering.

Cha 17 wis 10 int 14 dex 14 con 14 Str 12

@Sweetman - Summarize for me.

@Deona - Bola is fine for a family heirloom, but the exotic weapon feat requires a base attack bonus of +1 to take. So you would be fine to use the family heirloom one, but the others in your inventory would be at a -4. I'm fine if you want to take the feat at 3rd level though.

Heirloom trait was changed with the 7/21 update to Advanced Armory.

DM WaterSprite wrote:

@Sweetman - Summarize for me.

@Deona - Bola is fine for a family heirloom, but the exotic weapon feat requires a base attack bonus of +1 to take. So you would be fine to use the family heirloom one, but the others in your inventory would be at a -4. I'm fine if you want to take the feat at 3rd level though.

Cool, I didn't even realize that :) Will switch it around and keep Campaign feat at 1.

DM Watersprite - thanks for the consideration. I have given a summary in spoiler form below. I've also included a few feats from UC that I might be interested in over the first few levels so you can consider them as well.

Tetori archetype:
The archetype is essentially a grappling monk - for ease of review I've included the changes up to level 6 only. I can put up the rest later if you like.

Monk bonus feats are pre-set as grappling feats:
1st Level: Improved Grapple; 2nd Level Crushing Embrace; 6th Level: Greater Grapple The italicized feat doesn't actually exist. I would seek to replace it with a normal monk bonus feat as per core

Graceful Grappler (Ex): Uses monk level in place of BAB to determine CMB and CMD for grappling. Replaces flurry of blows.
@ 4th level: no penalties to attack rolls and can make AoO while grappling. Retains Dex bonus to AC while pinning or when grappled.

Counter-Grapple (Ex): @ 4th level may make an AoO against a creature attempting to grapple him. Replaces slow fall.
@ 6th Level may counter-grapple even if attacker has concealment or total concealment.

Break Free (Ex): @ 5th level adds monk level on combat maneuver or Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple. If the tetori fails a save against an effect that causes entangled, paralyzed, slowed or staggered - may spend 1 point of Ki as an immediate action to attempt a new save. Replaces high jump.

At higher levels gets supernatural abilities to prevent freedom of movement or polymorph effects. Also gets the Grab special ability at 8th level on unarmed attacks.

Feats: (pre-requisites in brackets)
Chokehold (Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Monk level 5th): while grappling a creature up to one size category larger, and attempt a grapple maneuver at -5 penalty. If successful, the opponent is pinned and cannot breathe or speak.
Binding Throw (Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki Throw): after successful Ki throw, may use swift action to attempt a grapple.
Stunning Pin (Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist): when pinning an opponent, may spend a swift action to make a Stunning Fist attack.
Dragon Style (Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 3 ranks): While using this style, gain +2 on saving throws vs sleep, paralysis and stunning effects. Ignore difficult terrain when charging, running or withdrawing. Can charge through squares that contain allies. Can add 1.5 times Strength bonus on damage roll for first unarmed strike on a given round.

@Sweetman - Looking at later encounters in the books and I don't think that a grappling based character would work out well. So I'm going to say no.

Fair enough - thanks for your time.

Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:
Heirloom trait was changed with the 7/21 update to Advanced Armory.

true enough, so the proficiency only comes with the proficiency feat, so still have -4 until then. Doesn't work as well as I originally thought, but undoubtably given the desire to be better in battle situations with my newfound companions, I will practice a lot :).

Dark Archive

I'd like to play a First world Summoner from Inner Sea Magic, if that's ok.

Basically, I trade summon Monster SLA for Summon Natures Ally, There are extra fey creatures added to my summoning list, and my Eidlion has the fey sub type, better saves, but less hit Dice, could get DR/cold iron.

Was thinking an Gnome Summoner, with a strong First-World Theme, She Is trying to get back to the first world to Find out how her people got to Golarion.

I'll post a full story/ statblock tomorow form work.

Putting together data now. Human (Varisian) fighter/rogue(not trap kind). Very interested in playing.

I am in Sandpoint at the bequest of Titus Scarnetti

I'd like to submit my Halfling Rogue, Dairkal, using the Swashbuckler Archetype.

One thing that confuses me, it says under Martial Training that you can take the Combat Trick up to two times. Does that mean you can take it twice at first level, or when your able to take a Rogue Talent, you can take it more than once, since normally your limited to only taken a RT once?

Monkeygod wrote:

I'd like to submit my Halfling Rogue, Dairkal, using the Swashbuckler Archetype.

One thing that confuses me, it says under Martial Training that you can take the Combat Trick up to two times. Does that mean you can take it twice at first level, or when your able to take a Rogue Talent, you can take it more than once, since normally your limited to only taken a RT once?

You can choose combat trick up to 2 times, but only once per time you get a talent.

As I am nearing my limit of aliases, I am not going to make one just yet so as to not waste a slot. Here is Dairkal's history though:

Dairkal history:

Born with an odd shaped birthmark in the rough shape of the holy symbol for Desna, Dairkal(Halfling for mischievous fox) has always been lucky. Lucky that he never got into too much trouble when he was caught stealing toys from the other children, lucky that his parents and the rest of his villagers didn’t banish him from the town when he was stealing kisses from the girls and lucky that he was talented: Dair, as the girls liked to call him, could juggle like no other. When it was obvious he was too much trouble to keep in town unwatched, the village elders apprenticed him to a wandering gleeman that often stopped in their town.

The youth took readily to his mentor’s teachings, learning how to incorporate his natural agility into his juggling act, how to spin forth stories that could make his audience cry or laugh and most importantly, how to steal and not get caught. The two travelled over much of Varisia, making a fair amount of money, friends and of course a fair amount of enemies. However, as when he was young, it seemed Desna favored this rakish Halfling and his luck got the two troublemakers out of plenty of tight spots.

After nearly nine years on the road, Dair decided it was time to find a steady gig and took his leave of his old friend and mentor. The young rogue headed for Sandpoint, for he had heard that the small town had a theater and he could almost definitely get a performance spot. The people of Sandpoint, having dealt with the Last Unpleasantness and then their chapel burning down, have rather enjoyed the likable, lively Halfling and his amazing juggling act.

I would like to submit an application for Skerrin Maltisse, a LN Elven Wizard.

A full build is available via his character page.

Let me know what you think :-)


Skerrin is an elderly Elf, with a mane of fine silvery hair, and a tanned, weather-lined face. He generally dresses in a sturdy explorer’s outfit, dyed green with designs picked-out in silver thread. He typically has a journal and quill in hand, ready to make note of anything interesting which catches his eye.

Although he can be quite distracted at times, going off onto tangents about esoteric subjects, he is quick to smile, and is filled with boundless energy – although his strength is failing, he is still as spry as ever!


Originally from Kyonin, Skerrin moved to Korvosa almost two hundred years ago, when his master was made the Kyonin cultural attaché to Korvosa. As a means of furthering better magical relations between the Korvosan Acadamae and the mages of Kyonin, his master deemed that it was politically expedient for him to send his apprentice to take classes at the Acadamae.

Skerrin found that the majority of the humans were aloof, but he kept his head-down, and despite the fact that he had no particular skill at Conjuration, eventually took the Test of Summoning.

Having ensured that his token ‘olive branch’ of intercollegiate goodwill had succeeded, Skerrin’s master turned his attention away from the Acadamae, and focused on his ‘cultural’ portfolio with great zeal – in fact, he became quite notorious for his interest in the young women of Korvosa, much to the chagrin of more than one noble house or merchant family.

However, such scandalous activities were simply a cover for his actual purpose in the city – using a combination of magic and money, he maintained a web of informants that specialised in knowing anything and everything about the city.

Invariably, Skerrin was in the thick of whatever long game his master was running. Things continued in this fashion for close to a century, before someone managed to unravel the carefully constructed web, and attempted to finger the puppet-master – Skerrin took the fall for his master, and was ultimately expelled from the city for spying.

He returned back to Kyonin, and lived a life of quite mediocrity, pouring over ancient books, and developing a reputation as a respectable sage. However, in his later years, he was seized by wanderlust – he remembered the fierce excitements and the rush of adrenaline associated with adventure and discovery, and decided that he would like to experience it again before he retired.

Searching through his records, he became fascinated with the cyclopean ruins and tantalizing hints of forgotten magic that littered the Varisian Gulf, and resolved to travel there. Taking a boat from Magnimar to Sandpoint, he arrived just in time for the Swallowtail Festival...

I would like to submit an Oathbound Paladin (Oath Against Savagery). I will work on the crunch and fluff later, however.

@MG - My only problem with the Swashbuckler archetype is that you lose trapfinding and I would prefer a rogue that had it.

Working it up now, but...

Name:Dennvyn Fealthan
Race: Halfling
Class: Bard (Detective Archetype)
Age: 17

Stats: Str: 12, Dex: 16, Con: 14, Int: 12, Wis: 10, Cha: 16

Traits: Vagabond Child (Urban: Disable Device), Outlander (Lore Seeker)

Dennvyn was a street kid who grew up in Magnamar, having been basically pressed into service as a pick-pocket and thief as a young child. He tried to pick the wrong pocket one day, but, fortunately for him, he was apprehended by a guardsman who took pity on the boy and brought him home to live amongst his large family -- and to have him educated. At first resentful, Denn eventually idolized his adoptive father and saviour, resulting in the somewhat peculiar focus of his education.

Dennvyn came to Sandpoint in order to study the ruins toward completing his final thesis and graduating from the college. He finds the ruins here fascinating, but at the same time, is looking forward to celebrating the Swallowtail festival without "adult supervision".

Is that 2 traits + campaign trait, or 2 traits, one of which must be a campaign trait, just to be clear? I only picked two, but I wanted to be totally sure...

I would like to submit Cecil Von Spirito. He's a standard summoner, built for a different campaign, but I can edit him the specifics of your campaign easily enough. There are generally 1000 summoner applicants, so I want to submit the RP aspect to the game and edit the mechanics if you think he has a chance of making the cut.

In short, he's a spoiled rich kid who has never had to do a day of work in his life. Now he's out in the wide world with "no" money (relatively speaking) and not much of a clue as to what to do with himself.

Slightly longer version:
Cecil is a spoiled fop who’s antics have recently gotten him kicked out of his family home. Officially Cecil insisted on "finding his fortune." Unofficially his father kicked him out and told him that if he couldn't teach Cecil respect than perhaps the open road could. Cecil has never been farther than yelling distance from servants in all his life. His knowledge all comes from books and none from life experience, although he's always seemed to instinctively understand about the planes. On an outing about a year ago Cecil was attacked by bandits and his manservant was brutally murdered. In panic Cecil instinctively called out to anyone for protection, much to his surprise (and the bandits) his call was answered. Elemental creatures and a wolf-like dog features pulled themselves out of the earth and slew his attackers. Over the course of the last year He's been practicing and honing these powers. He's got a pretty good handle on them, but his "experiments" caused no end of embarrassment to his family when one such creature destroyed the premier party that his mother throws ever year. The next week Cecil was on the road in front of the only home he ever knew with no idea what to do next. He joined the Pollexian sovereign when the opportunity presented itself. If nothing else it’s a steady source of income and he hopes to use the political leverage to reestablish himself into the nobility.

@Tilnar -
I like bards and would like to have one in the party, but I do not like the Detective archetype.

DM WaterSprite wrote:

@Tilnar -

I like bards and would like to have one in the party, but I do not like the Detective archetype.

Fair enough -- the character concept was kind of built around that idea, and I personally like the flavour of it and the ability to handle what would otherwise be roguish bits -- plus figured the boosts to initiative and perception were nifty uses of performance.

However, your campaign = your call.

I'll see about making a different bard, I guess.

Ok, so, second try. ;)

Working it up now, but...

Braegan Varkohn, Gnome Bard

Age: 31

Stats: Str: 12, Dex: 15, Con: 15, Int: 12, Wis: 10, Cha: 16

Traits: Rapscallion; Black Sheep (Bitter Nobleman) [Stealth]

Super-brief background:

Braegan was not born in Sandpoint, but was found, abandoned by the docks when he was but 5 years old. He has no memory of his life before ending up at the Turandorok Academy. Always a mischievous sort, Braegan often created trouble for his fellow students by encouraging them to acts of petty vandalism while almost always avoiding taking responsibility for this himself... This ability of his led to him attracting the attention of Titus Scarnetti who sought to put those skills to use in gathering information and attempting to rebuild the political power his family had recently lost.

Have you checked out Ilya yet? Just wondering whether I need to change anything.

Dotting for interest.

I'll be working up Gervar, Human barbarian.

@Ilya - Any in-game reason why your character uses a falcata?

I'll mock up a dwarven fighter. He's fun and likes to drink. He's in town because he works guarding caravans, but he's getting bored of yelling at bandits who are more hungry than dangerous.

His name is Stonehart.

EDIT: I somehow read right past the frontline fighters who already applied. I'll post an elven or half-elf archer instead.

DM WaterSprite wrote:
@Ilya - Any in-game reason why your character uses a falcata?

Varisian's have a penchant for strange weapons. I usually play finesse types, that seemed like a more typical big fighter type exotic weapon, if you want me to take another type of exotic let me know. (also, it looked like I might be the only big damage guy there for a while :) )

I'd like to submit Durgen Grimhelm, Dwarf inquisitor of Torag from Janderhoff.

Str 14 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 12 Wis 16 Cha 10 (After Racial Adjustments)

Traits Blooded (from Dwarves of Golarion), Propitiation (From Faith of Purity) and Missionary for the Campaign Trait. If the first two traits are not OK becuase it is from something that is not acceptable they can be changed.

Durgen is in Sandpoint to spread the faith of Torag and because Torag wants him there for an unknown reason.

I gave him the Tactics Inquisition from Ultimate Magic vs a domain.

He wields the Dwarven Dorn-Dergar as tribute to dwarven traditions.

Ilya Varison wrote:
DM WaterSprite wrote:
@Ilya - Any in-game reason why your character uses a falcata?
Varisian's have a penchant for strange weapons. I usually play finesse types, that seemed like a more typical big fighter type exotic weapon, if you want me to take another type of exotic let me know. (also, it looked like I might be the only big damage guy there for a while :) )

I could also just go with a pickaxe if you want (I wanted an intimidating weapon that is not usual, everyone and their uncle seem to have a greatsword :) ).

you could always reflavor that greatsword to have a description of something similar yet more exotic. it's something i freqently do with a bunch of things from weapons to characters.

hell, in 2 play by post games,

i have a fighter whom is described as a ronin and sees herself as such. her small armory of weapons are reflavored as well.

i also have a rogue who may be described as being a 'ninja' and runs around in a kimono.

i am working on passing off the concept of an aasimaar 'oracle' as an angel blooded youth who has a strong connection to the 7 heavens, a pure heart, and extreme Naivete'. which could be described as closer to a sorcerer than an oracle. but oracle fits her support niche better. in fact, i intend to give her predestigitation as an orison (using one of her orisons known) for more angelic flavor. sealing small scrapes, (think accelerating scab growth), reanimating small animals (like birds) for a few rounds and similar stuff.

I see too many falcatas around to consider them unusual. The APG has a couple of melee weapons in it. Like the Earth Breaker, Ogre Hook and Klar.

Elransil is the son of Caladrel and Mary Farseeker, traveling merchants who are good friends with Ameiko Kaijitsu. He has none of his parents’ skills when it comes to selling and buying goods; that all went to his older sister – Elizabeth.

Elransil showed an aptitude for protecting the family caravans as they traveled from city to city. He also got pretty good at hunting for food with the other guards and taught himself to treat the hides to have more things for the family to sell.

Whenever the caravan travels through Sandpoint, they always make a point of staying at the Rusty Dragon Inn. Mary worked there when she was younger, and it’s also where she and Caladrel met. Ameiko always has plenty of food for the whole family and knows all the people in town who might be looking to buy whatever is new in the wagons.

The family has come back to Sandpoint to make as many sales as possible during the Swallowtail Festival and maybe pick up some unique items to take to Magnimar. Elransil is trying figure out what to do with his life. He and his sister can eventually take over the caravan for their parents. But the young ranger isn’t sure that’s what he wants. He wouldn’t mind some excitement in his life.

Neutral Good Half-Elf Ranger 1, age 25

HP 12
Saves Fort +3 Reflex +6 Will +2
Initiative +6
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus: Perception
Traits: Elven Reflexes (+2 to Initiative) and Anatomist (+1 to confirmation rolls) or Rich Parents (extra 900 gp to start)
Campaign Trait: Favored Son (Ameiko Kaijitsu)
Skills: Handle Animal +4, Knowledge: Nature +4, Perception +11, Stealth +8, Survival +6, Knowledge: Local +4
Favored Classes: Ranger and Fighter, +1 HP per level

Special Abilities
Low-Light Vision, Elf Blood, Elven Immunities, Keen Senses, Multitalented

Common and Elven

Caravan Guard

Strength 14
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 10

QUESTION FOR DM WaterSprite: I haven't settled on the two main traits. I like Elven Reflexes since I imagine his father helped teach Elransil how to use a bow. The other is up in the air. I could see the bonus to confirmation rolls since he's been focusing on a bow for years. I could also see the extra money since his parents do have plenty. Do you have a preference on such things?

@Elransil - No preference, either trait would do fine.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'm definitely interested. I'll throw together a concept in the next day or two, but I'm thinking of a gnome wolf rider; he'll almost certainly be a cavalier but there's a slight possibility I might go ranger instead.

Shadow Lodge

Posted for approval.. is Erodel, everything should be in the profile!

(built for 15 pt buy!)

Lantern Lodge

may i please ask why i feel ignored? i happen to be applying for this game as well.

DM WaterSprite wrote:
I see too many falcatas around to consider them unusual. The APG has a couple of melee weapons in it. Like the Earth Breaker, Ogre Hook and Klar.

Yeah, now that I talked to some people I see that. Like I said I have been playing finesse guys for a while and hadn't really seen it. I think I'll change to the pickaxe after all. It just looks scary and once in a while it will deliver a really impressive hit :)

All updated and ready.

A bit of fluff for Gervar, I should have the crunch later tonight..


Born the second son of his clan's leader, he found himself thrust into the position of leading the tribe someday when his older brother was stricken with a sickness that killed him. Gervar felt the clan shaman was responsible, but without proof, the Shaman managed to have him exiled for an imagined insult to the clan.
Wandering the tundra trying to survive, Ger found himself imagining the bear spirit who his clan followed speaking to and leading him to safety. After days, he realized it was a spirit avatar of the great bear and that for some reason he'd been chosen to bring the clan to safety and remove the false shaman. However, Ger realized he needed a bit more power and skill before he attempted, so he's been selling his skills to those in need, helping those who need it.

Character Description:

Tall and muscular, Ger keeps his head shaved bald, but with a tight close-cropped beard that shows a blend of red and blond. His grey eyes have a bit of humor to them, but when in battle his gaze is sharp edged and steely.

Character Personality:

Usually quiet, Gervar tends to observe first, then interact. Some take it for slowness, but he is the proof that slow doesn't always equate to lack of intellect. He's slow to make friends, but when he does he stands by them without fail. If he's gathered among friends, he can be most jovial and cheerful.

@Lumi - I'd rather have no pc related to named npc's in the path.

@Grimhelm - The traits are fine.

Lantern Lodge

i heard that being related to a named NPC is a great way to tie in a character to the setting.

How is the group doing on the Divine side of things? I'm thinking about bringing in an Half-Orc Oracle of Battle.

So, 22 point buy. Is that starting at 8 or 10 for the abilitiy scores?

@Saronian - Starting at 10.

Characters will begin with max starting wealth.

i hope you are still recriuting i am looing to play my summoner cid

C/N male halfing summoner <master summoner>
traits natural born leader, adopted human parents +1 skill trait
chance savior campain trait
in sandpoint due to parents
str 8 <10-2> dex 16 <14+2> con 10 int 10 wis 10 cha20<18+2>
elidodon<lesser> name xionel form biped small
str 14 dex 14 con 11 int 7 wis 10 cha 11
bite 2 limbs claws 2 limbs feet improved natural armor 1 point
improved damage claws 1 point minor magic <ray of frost 3Xday> 1 point
skills bluff 4 <1+3> disable device 2 <1+3-2> perception 4 <1+3> stealth 13 <1+3+2dex+4size+3feat>feat skill focus stealth
cid's magic 0 detect magic,mge hand,guidnce,resistance,
1st icicle dagger,unfetter
feat scribe scroll
equipment backpack, scroll icicle dagger, waterskin, rationsX5
thife's tools
skills spellcraft 4 <1+3> stealth 8 <1+3dex+4size>
use magic device 9 <1+3+5cha>
age16 speaks common and halfling

still taking characters?
I'm taking a look at the book, and work something out today.
Any roles missing that you'd like to see filled before i toss up a build

Yes, I am still recruiting.

Regarding classes, I believe I have enough Oracle and Summoner applications.

Roles, I think trapfinding is still needed.

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