Voyage of Lost Souls (Inactive)

Game Master SinBlade06

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Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

and the cost of the ships being repaired?

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

and the paladins inventory,

The Captain is able to find someone who will repair and repaint both ships for a simple 1,000g total in about three days.

Paladin's Inventory:
Longsword +1 (Large)
Belt of Giant Strength +2
Cloak of Resistance +1
Full Plate +1
Arrows (20)
14 Rations (Trail/Per Day)
Rope (Hemp/50 ft.)
Holy Symbol (Silver, Iomedae)
Pouch (Belt)
Holy Water (Flask)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds(4)
Mace, Heavy
Manacles (Medium)

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"You two!" Colette says to the two new crew members that she picked up during the last fight. "Who are you and what can you do?"

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

Mishkara will take the long sword as a trophy and to possibly use later in combat. Well then if you need me I will be at the pub enjoying this victory.

The two Teiflings stand at attention, much more military than anything. One of them speaks, the other just stands at attention.

"I am Dorcha and this is Saig. Saig's mute, but I know his Sign Language. We served together in the Gold Army, but we got lost during a mission and got branded deserters. We were on our way back for trial when you found us. The Golden Rule is harsh on all military punishments, so adding piracy won't hurt any more than it already has."

"We were a pair of scouts in the Army, with secondary skills as mechanics and repairmen. A few minor dings or holes here or there, we can take care of it."

Saig makes a few motions and signs to Dorcha.

"Oh, and Saig wants you to know he's a decent cook too. I should know, he's kept me fed on long trecks across the Dry Sea."

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"So long as you guys are willing to follow the orders of a Cleric of Besmara, then we'll be fine. We're going to get a few more people for the ship... Which reminds me, CAPTAIN!!" Colette shouts at Jonas before he leaves for the bar. "GET ME CREW!!"

Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1


Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1


Artemis looks up as Colette yells at Cptn Jonas. Ever since we picked up that second ship she sure has gotten an attitude. Artemis says off hand to Cptn Jonas as she finishes off her glass of wine.

Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

you have't been around long enough, she's always like that.

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

Mishkara will shake her head as she downs one a cup of mead, you have not been around her long enough.

Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

After which Jonas brings his attention to Barry who is perched on his shoulder.You look hungry, lets get you some food shall we, Barry?
Jonas proceeds to stop one of the waiter/waitress and asks
for a leg of chicken.

Artemis raises her hand to get the barmaid's attention so that she could have more wine.

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

Turning back to the two new recruits, Colette says "How long have yee been sea-bearing folk? Do yee have any family across the seas? How much is yer bounty currently? What specifically do yee have experience with on a ship? How long do yee plan on staying with the ship? Are yee tied to the ship or the captain? Do yee have a problem following the orders of a woman, even if she is a Cleric of Besmara? Do yee follow the codes that Besmara has written?"

She then finishes off her grog and lights up another cigar.

Dorcha speaks up. "In that order, 8 years apiece, our families are either dead or assume we're dead, I have a 1,000 gold bounty for abandonment of my company, and Saig has a 2,000 bounty for abandonment of his company and "poisoning" the captain. He's still alive, they called it attempted murder. We both have experience with general rigging, cannon control, and shipboard combat. Saig is also a decent cook."

Saig and Dorcha do some sign language to each other. "At this point, since we're both outlaws and have no home anymore, we're tied to the lifestyle. Give us the orders, we'll go where you say. And as for the whole woman Cleric of Besmara thing, we don't really know the religion, so we'll need a beginner's course, and orders are orders. We follow the chain of command. Should something change those orders or the chain, we follow our guts."

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"Good. Now for the serious question... Do you know of any Colette looks around carefully before asking, to make sure if anyone is listening. "government issued supply ships nearby? We did find you on a Navy ship."

Dorcha and Saig think for a little bit, but shake their heads. "No, sorry. Last time I heard anything about trade ships or supplies was back when I was with my company a few months ago. Those ships would have sailed a while ago."


The barmaid brings over another bottle of wine and a chicken leg for the baby dragon. "And if I may, sir, are you Captain Jonas Gavigan?"

Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

I heard the name. sense motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 bluff: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

sense motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 Mishkara will listen softly as she leans back in her chair.

The barmaid doesn't have malicious intent. She just wants to do something that someone asked her to do.

"Sorry, you match the description I was given. I guess I'll keep looking."

As she walks away, you can see a slip of paper in her back pocket with a seal on it. Perception to find it, and then a Know: Local for what the seal is.

Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29 local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 I have special eyes...

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 I am even more special :D
local: 1d20 ⇒ 8

Perseption: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37 to identify the piece of paper in the barmaid's pocket.

Artemis and Jonas both see the seal, but Jonas doesn't remember where he's seen it before.

The seal looks like the letter T with a longsword down the center.

The maid goes about her business, getting drinks and taking orders.

Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

Jonas returns his attention back to Barry. Who has started eating the chicken.

Artemis sips her wine and wonders what the barmaid was interested in know if the Capt was actually the person she was looking for.

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"Alright, so I'm going to need you two to take this 100g and buy as many fruit and steaks you can get. We'll need quite a bit, but just locate vendors who sell them for now."

Artemis finishes her wine and leaves the bar to go look around town. She is looking for flame arrows or acid arrows.

The two Tieflings take the gold and head out to pick up the supplies requested. When they return with the goods, they also have some news.

"Ma'am! We found something!" Saig pulls out from a sack that contains the fruit a few rolls of paper and hands them to Colette. Wanted posters. Dorcha explains, "We found these on our way back. We took them down as fast as we could. We thought you should see."

The posters have pictures of the Captain, Mishkara, Colette, and Artemis, but each one has something kind of off. Mishkara's got tusks like a half-orc, Colette has pointed teeth and is said to have sold her soul to the devil, Artemis has exceptionally long hair and very long ears and nose, and the Captain has an eye patch, missing teeth, and a pair of horns under his hat. It is thought he is a demon.

  • Captain Jonas Gavigan: Wanted for theft of Golden Rule property, piracy, and general misconduct. Reward: 900,000 gold. Alive preferred
  • Mishkara: Wanted for murder, theft of Golden Rule property, and general misconduct. Reward: 800,000 gold, additional 3,000 for her sword. Dead preferred.
  • Colette Dubois: Wanted for heretical worship, piracy, assault of Golden Rule officers. Reward: 750,000 gold. Alive preferred.
  • Artemis Taldoran: Wanted for aiding and abetting pirates and murder of Golden Rule officials. Reward: 500,000 gold. Alive preferred.

    "I don't know if anyone saw them before we grabbed them, but I think you'll be safe. They don't look like you. You uh....didn't really sell your soul, did you? Anyway, this seal is that of the Golden Navy, specifically Commander Niklaus. I think you'll recognize him as the Half-Orc that commanded the ship we were on."


    Artemis is on the way to the main market of the town and happens to find a shop that specializes in ranged weapons and ammo.

    While she doesn't find what she was looking for, there are plenty of other arrow kinds available. Ammunition minus the firearms and firearm ammo.

  • Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

    "Yeah, the captain should probably see these. Did you see who put them there?"

    "No, they were there when we we got there. Hopefully no one makes the connection." Saig signs. "Oh, and we got the fruit and steaks you asked for."

    Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

    "Alright. Put the food under the deck, and stay there. Did anyone see you run back here?"

    "Don't worry. If we don't want to be followed, we won't be. You can be assured of that." Dorcha and Saig head down below deck, taking the fruit and steaks with them.

    Artemis does not find that arrows that she is looking for at the ammunition shop. She was looking for arrows like the crossbow bolts that see had see someone use. On the other hand, Artemis thought she could just have her bow enchanted with fire but she knows that is costly.

    The shop owner Artemis was speaking with knows of an enchanter in town that can do what she's thinking. And he has a coupon for a 10% discount on first time enchantments.

    If you want to get your bow enchanted, Flaming is a +1, and you've already got a +1, so it would be a +2 total on your bow, and if you include the coupon, it'll be a total of 7200 gold.

    Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

    as Jonas is leaving the bar he finds the barmaid that was looking for him and "accidentally" bumps into her. bluff: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31sleight of hand: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24

    Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

    Mishkara will leave the bar after sometime and look around town to see if there is anything of interest that she can get.

    Male Ratfolk (5) Plaguebringer Alchemist/(1) Pathfinder Chronicler

    Shiver walks around the town, trying to see the interesting sights and comprehend the inner machinations of the human mind. Hopefully it was not as boring as spilled milk.

    Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

    "Stay under the deck, I'm heading out to the Orphanage. Tell the captain that I'll be back before the nightly drinking."

    Colette heads to the town's Orphanage and works for charity until the Captain and all come back to the ship.

    Jonas is able to take the note without her being any the wiser.


    I know you are the one that attacked and commandeered the Golden Rule ship formerly known as the Sentinel. Your wanted poster does you no justice.

    I have a means to get you under the Golden Rule eye. Meet me out back of the bar tomorrow night. I know you're grounded for a little while.


    Mishkara notices that there's an arm wrestling contest at one of the bars. Winner gets free drinks and 1000 gold. Could be fun.

    Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

    Mishkara, will go over and enter the competition she is sure that she could win.

    Mishkara is one of several entries. She's place in the lower bracket, but works her way into the semi-finals easily.

    Her opponent is a Man, definitely works out. When he gets to the stand, he chuckles. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Too much!"

    Str Rolls:
    Mishkara: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
    Him: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

    Mishkara throws him to the dirt. The crowd cheers. She's getting good.

    Her next opponent is a Half-Orc. "This will be entertaining. Good luck.

    Str Rolls:
    Mishkara: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
    Him: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

    Mishkara manages to beat him, just barely. He shows his respect.

    Mishkara's last opponent looks like he's made of rock. And he knows it. "Let's get this over with."

    Mishkara knows she will need every ounce of strength, and goes into a rage just before the bell rings.

    Str Rolls:
    Mishkara: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
    Him: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

    She's done it! Mishkara has won the tournament! 1st prize was 1000 gold and free drinks at the bar for the rest of the day.

    Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

    Mishkara will take her winnings with a grin before going to the bar to celebrate her victory.

    perception to see what people are saying: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

    "Damn! That chick's strong!"

    "Remind me to stay on her good side."

    A lot of good things, a few guys trying to flirt. This was a good idea.

    Artemis heads back to the ship to put up her gear and gets ready for an evening filled with drinking. She know that sleep will not be easily found this night as a group of drunken mean can make a good deal of racket.

    Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

    "What is taking them so long?" Colette says as she works at the Clerical Orders during her charity work.

    Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

    Captain Jonas returns to the ship after awhile and considers where the ship's (with the other dragon egg) position and destination.

    [ooc] Refer to rule IV. I think the wood between the deck and the room is think enough to drown out some noise. [ooc]

    Capt. Jonas remembers that there is a map with the ship's course charted out on it. Hopefully, it will leave him in the direction of this other dragon egg.

    There is also that scroll with the map on it to lead you to the ship itself.

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

    After getting happily drunk, Mishkara will try and make her way back to the ship.

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