Voyage of Lost Souls (Inactive)

Game Master SinBlade06

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Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"What kind of bird?" Colette says as she grabs a Deck of Harrow Cards.

"I think it's called a parrot. I'm not a zookeeper." Shaker goes into the back and comes back with a rainbow macaw on his shoulder. "He dodn't have a name yet."

"Wind in the sails! Wind in the sails!"whistle

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"Simply adorable!" Colette says as she takes a puff of her Cigar. "Can we keep it?"

Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

I don't mind, but you have to care for it if you want him. err... her? After which he looks at the macaw. how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Jonas says to the bird flawlessly. back at the shaker's place when he was looking at the cannons.

6 short cannons at 200 each at a total of 1200
4 longarm cannons at 220 each at a total of 880
200 regular cannon ball at 5 gold for 10 at a total of 100
and 1000 doses of black powder at a total of 750
max total of 2930 gold

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"I know someone who would love you." Colette says to the bird. "How much will it be for both the bird and the deck of cards?"

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

Mishkara will browse the store for a little but does not find anything of interest. I will probably go look for something exotic later.

"The deck is 2 gold, the bird is 50. I'll also throw in a week of food and the cage."

The macaw flutters down from the Orc's shoulder to Colette's.

Brawk "7 paces North Northeast."

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

Any clue what is that bird saying? sounds like he is giving directions.

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"Sounds more like he's been around too many pirates. Does he swear like one?" Colette asks the vendor.

Shaker doesn't have to say anything. The parrot says a few things involving someone's mother that shouldn't be repeated.

"That answer your question? And as for the directions, he's been saying that since we got him."

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"Eh. I don't need a bird that bad if it says things like that."

Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

"hmm. Where did you get the bird, exactly?"

"We got him from his last owner. He's outlived his last three owners. We think he's at least 130 years old." Shaker puts out his arm and the bird jumps up onto his arm. He takes it into the back and returns a moment later with a slip of paper for the captain.

"Here's your receipt. The goods will be delivered in a few hours to the Red Raider. Enjoy your new firepower."

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

Mishkara will nod, well, I will take the bird than Shaker. A old bird probably has a good use.

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

Colette pays for the bird and for the deck of cards.

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

Mishkara will hold out her arm for the bird to land on and try to gently stroke the birds chest. Well Fella, where did you come from?

Whistle "West of the the three sisters." He lets you pet him as he tilts his head, looking at your eyes.

Common Knowledge:
The Three Sisters--Santa Mara, Clarana, and Marina-- are three islands to the west of the Port City. They don't appear on a world map because they haven't been explored enough for a general shape yet.

The biggest thing about these three islands is they are the furthest to the West that anyone has been able to go. Some have tried, but none have returned when trying to go West of the Three Sisters.

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"I'm sick of these old pirate stories. I bet he just heard stories of sea monsters and mermaids from some drunk old pirate."

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

Well even if he did learn if from a drunk pirate it does not effect us at all. Now than I bet the ship is done by now. Shall we head out?

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"Let's stop by a friend's right fast. He might be willing to join us."

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

and where is this friend of yours at? Mishkara will ask.

From outside there's a massive explosion to the point where the shop shakes and a few things fall of the shelves.

Shaker shouts at the top of his Orc lungs before he rushes outside.

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"If we walk out now, no one will blame us."

Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

"I agree, I say we leave the area now!" Jonas rushes outside to figure out what happened and then escape.

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

Mishkara will follows after the other two, You read my mind

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

So thus our heroes run from a crime that they didn't commit! What lovely heroes thus far! Hopefully, our new friend will HAVE HIS CHARACTER PREPARED and will be willing to go on an adventure!

Outside, there is absolute bedlam. One of the stores across the way is now nothing more than a few broken beams and a pile of splinters. People are running up and down the dock, trying to escape.

Off the shore, a single ship can be seen with smoking guns. This was deliberate.

The port is under attack.

The ship itself can easily be seen, though the name and the flag it flies are somewhat hidden by the smoke of the guns. Perception for info about the ship, -2 due to distance. You can also roll a Know: Local after your perception.

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
local: 1d20 ⇒ 6 it is untrained

Mishkara is looking at the chaos with a smirk on her face not the ship.

Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
know local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

Colette is too busy running away to worry about that."

You guys are blind!! The most anyone is able to see is it's a ship.

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"Faster, ya scally-wags!" Colette shouts as she heads away from the explosions and whatnot.

As Colette shouts, another explosion rocks the pier. The ship is firing at the dock! Everyone roll Acrobatics to avoid falling.

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

1d20 ⇒ 16

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

acro: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

acro: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

Hey! Everyone stays on their feet! As for the dock....

The pier under your feet starts to buckle and drift as the ropes and supports break under the barrage. A thump and a crack later and the part of the pier Jonas and Mishkara are on is free floating! Colette is on the part of the pier still tied down, but that soon could change.

Colette is about 20 feet from the capt. and Mishkara. The part of the pier is 40 feet wide by 60 feet long.

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

Colette will continue to head for the mainland.

If I can get back to the ship, then we can get the crew to get us out of here!

Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

swim to get back to mainland: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

swim: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Mishkara will come up from the water after falling in with a scowl on her face muttering to herself.

I want out of this water now. So close to the town it is rather nasty and such.

Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

Gather the crew, we shall test our blades on the fools. He speaks to the crew in a stern voice.
could they have found me here? No, word doesn't travel that fast. I shall see if they know where my first-mate might be.

Swims are fine. You don't need to roll again.

Colette remembers where the Red Raider is docked and knows the crew is waiting, it's just gonna take a little bit of convincing to get back here and out to that ship. It'll take a few rounds and a good social skill to get them going.

One thing I don't think I got clear enough was that the entire city is one giant port. The real mainland is about a mile west of where you guys are now. If you meant that you are heading back to solid ground, the phrase is "back to firm."

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

Mishkara will after getting back the land part of the port and reaching the ship. She will then try to help rally the crew. diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Male Human rogue/group leader 5/1

diplo: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Upon Captain's orders, the crew jump to action, getting the ship ready to go. In moments, the ships off port and ready for battle.

It takes a little while, but the Red Raider eventually gets close enough for it's cannons to be effective. As you get close enough, you can finally see the flag the ship is flying.

The flag is the letter A with an arrow for the cross and a pair of swords for the supports on a black field. Knowledge Local or Nobility for info.

Female Aasimar 5th barbarian/ 1st Oracle

know local: 1d20 ⇒ 13
know nobility: 1d20 ⇒ 3

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"Captain, let's ship out. Don't want to get caught in the confusion. We'll come back and see how bad the damages are. I sure hope it won't be too bad." Colette says to Jonas.

"And does anyone know what's up with that ship?!" she shouts to the rest of the crew.

Crew Knowledges:

Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Local: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Nobility: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Nobility: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Nobility: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

The crew gather that the ship belongs to Argos Theran, known for taking on 5 ships from the Golden Navy and losing only a single man in his crew. He then rescued the survivors and either sent them ashore or took them on as members of his crew. Theran currently has a bounty on his head well over 100,000 gold. This raid makes his fourth raid on Grey Kingdom ports this year.

His ship, the Crooked Smile, is at least as well armed as the Red Raider and twice as well manned.

Female Human Cleric/Harrower 5/1

"Let's keep running, Captain. No reason in letting everyone here die for no reason."

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