Undead_Narrator's Age of Worms Campain - The Rise of Kyuss

Game Master AoW_GM

WC Map

Welcome to the fortunate souls selected! Here's to a brand new year and some fun rping! Please complete your characters and equipment and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Also advise of any changes - you can't change your class but you can modify equipment, etc.

Male Dwarf Monk 15 HP: 153/153; AC:36/31/28; F +20; R +21; W +20; Init: +11; Percep: +24 (+26) Ki pool: 13/13; Stunning Fist (DC 25) 16/16; Quivering Palm (DC 23) 1/1; SR 25; Reach: 10'

Thanks for the selection! I have made some changes - changed stats and items around and went with a permanent enlarge person cast on him - so he is now an 8' dwarf. :)

hp 123/123; AC 34, touch 15, flat-footed 32; Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +16; +2 vs. enchantments; Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17; Immune sleep;

Reporting for duty!


Male Cuddly L'il Fuzzy Hamster Psion (Telepath) 20

I will have Pele's profile created in the AM.

I may swap around a few bits and pieces to gain more spells known, but I'm kinda glad to play a very focused blasty/controller type wizard.

male Active spells. GMW on Lance and Morningstar Gnome Paladin 15 HP 154/154 AC 37 T 14 FF 36 F23 R 16 W 20 Ini +2 Perc 27 SE 5/Day +6 /+15/+6

Ready for hunting the undead.

WC Map

An 8-foot dwarf...interesting. Everyone please modify your characters to read like Rothgar so I can see all the vital stats at a glance.

HP 122/122; 14 temp | AC 23/19/18 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +14 (+2 vs enchantment) Perception +22, Initiative +5

Should be all set. I'll re-evaluate spells and spellbook when I'm off mobile tonight.

WC Map

Comments on character:

Gideon -
1. As your character sheet currently reads, I have you over the 240K gp limit with just your magic items (scimitar alone costs 52K+), without counting your mundane equipment. Please revise.
2. Also, you have an extra point to spend on your attributes.
Starting stats:
Str 14 (5)
Dex 10 (0) with belt = 14
Con 12 (2) with belt = 16
Int 10 (0)
Wis 15 (7) + 2 racial + 3 at 4th, 8th, and 12th levels = 20 with headband = 24
Cha 16 (10) with headband = 20
Total = 24 (you have 1 point to spend; you can make Dex 15 or Con 17)
3. I have you spending 47/45 skill points, so you are 2 points over. Revise.

WC Map

Flizzibus, please correct following typos/errors:

1. Your wisdom score is not 1, I am sure. I assume it is 10. Please fix.
2. You have spent 29/30 skill ranks and you have to pick a Craft skill for your obsessive racial ability.
3. Your charisma bonus to saves due to Divine Grace is +6 not +7 so when you smite it is +6 hit and +6 deflection bonus.
4. You have 5 mercies - you only listed 4.
5. Radiance has 2 additional feats.
6. I have Radiance at 102 hps not 97.
7. The mithral chain barding +1 cost 2200 gp not 2100.
8. Could you break down Radiance's AC? I have it at 33 with amulet +1.
9. You have a Headband of Charisma +4, not +5.
10. Saves are +6 DG and +1 Luckstone not +7 DG. Correct saves.
11. Reflex save is +17 not +16.
12. Will save is +20 with no +1 trait.
13. Attack with sunblade is +21 and damage is 1d8+16 when you power attack.

HP 122/122; 14 temp | AC 23/19/18 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +14 (+2 vs enchantment) Perception +22, Initiative +5

Made some changes with spellbook, dropped cloak to +4, remembered to buy a focus for mage's sword spell.

Should be good to go, now.

Edit: been playing sorcerers too long - forgot I got 8th level spells!


male Active spells. GMW on Lance and Morningstar Gnome Paladin 15 HP 154/154 AC 37 T 14 FF 36 F23 R 16 W 20 Ini +2 Perc 27 SE 5/Day +6 /+15/+6

A lot of changes were done down the way, but sometimes Paizo board is not friendly if I make changes. Some I really missed.

1. Your wisdom score is not 1, I am sure. I assume it is 10. Please fix. D
2. You have spent 29/30 skill ranks and you have to pick a Craft skill for your obsessive racial ability. D
3. Your charisma bonus to saves due to Divine Grace is +6 not +7 so when you smite it is +6 hit and +6 deflection bonus. D
4. You have 5 mercies - you only listed 4. D
5. Radiance has 2 additional feats. D
6. I have Radiance at 102 hps not 97. D
7. The mithral chain barding +1 cost 2200 gp not 2100. D
8. Could you break down Radiance's AC? I have it at 33 with amulet +1. D
9. You have a Headband of Charisma +4, not +5. D
10. Saves are +6 DG and +1 Luckstone not +7 DG. Correct saves. D
11. Reflex save is +17 not +16. D
12. Will save is +20 with no +1 trait. D
13. Attack with sunblade is +21 and damage is 1d8+16 when you power attack. D

HP 122/122; 14 temp | AC 23/19/18 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +14 (+2 vs enchantment) Perception +22, Initiative +5

@Gideon: curious why you took Eschew Materials as a cleric - most (if not all) divine spells require divine focus instead of material components, and Eschew Materials will not remove that requirement.

Not that I'd expect a cleric to forgo their holy symbol anyways...

hp 123/123; AC 34, touch 15, flat-footed 32; Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +16; +2 vs. enchantments; Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17; Immune sleep;

Corrected the changes you needed. Removed 1 pearl of power, i am at 239,500 now. The 2 extra skill points were from my healer's kit bonus being automatically calculated in. I corrected this.

Eschew Materials? Ah. Hmm... Yeah that's right, I forgot about the cleric substitution, been playing arcane casters too long! I'll change that to Critical Focus.

WC Map


Initiative is +2, not +0 (+1 Dex and +1 Luckstone)
You still have not fixed paladin smite evil and divine grace abilities to reflect +6 instead of +7 under paladin subsection.

Also, would it be okay with you if you knew Gideon? As a paladin and cleric of Sarenrae, respectively, it follows naturally that you two would know each other.

WC Map

Pele: If you use your FC bonus all for hps, with 30 Int, I have you with 135 skill points, which equals 9 maxed out skills at 15 ranks each + 3 maxed skills from the headband for a total of 12. However, your sheet lists 13 skills maxed out at 15 ranks. Explain.

hp 123/123; AC 34, touch 15, flat-footed 32; Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +16; +2 vs. enchantments; Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17; Immune sleep;
Undead_Narrator wrote:


Initiative is +2, not +0 (+1 Dex and +1 Luckstone)
You still have not fixed paladin smite evil and divine grace abilities to reflect +6 instead of +7 under paladin subsection.

Also, would it be okay with you if you knew Gideon? As a paladin and cleric of Sarenrae, respectively, it follows naturally that you two would know each other.

I'm totally okay with that.

HP 122/122; 14 temp | AC 23/19/18 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +14 (+2 vs enchantment) Perception +22, Initiative +5
Undead_Narrator wrote:
Pele: If you use your FC bonus all for hps, with 30 Int, I have you with 135 skill points, which equals 9 maxed out skills at 15 ranks each + 3 maxed skills from the headband for a total of 12. However, your sheet lists 13 skills maxed out at 15 ranks. Explain.

must have mis-counted.

Fixed - Appraise dropped by 10 ranks, Fly dropped by 5

WC Map

Thank you for the changes. The campaign pbp thread is up so you can start rping or just dot. :)

male Active spells. GMW on Lance and Morningstar Gnome Paladin 15 HP 154/154 AC 37 T 14 FF 36 F23 R 16 W 20 Ini +2 Perc 27 SE 5/Day +6 /+15/+6

I would be honored to know Gideon. Actually I found it an inspiration to have a Cleric of Saranrae, thinking that we could very well be the two sides of a golden coin.

Male Dwarf Monk 15 HP: 153/153; AC:36/31/28; F +20; R +21; W +20; Init: +11; Percep: +24 (+26) Ki pool: 13/13; Stunning Fist (DC 25) 16/16; Quivering Palm (DC 23) 1/1; SR 25; Reach: 10'

Flizzibus, I think GM is waiting for you to post in the Gameplay thread - see Tab at top of page. :)

male Active spells. GMW on Lance and Morningstar Gnome Paladin 15 HP 154/154 AC 37 T 14 FF 36 F23 R 16 W 20 Ini +2 Perc 27 SE 5/Day +6 /+15/+6

I had to bring my baby daughter to bed and prepare my lunch for tomorrow.

Male Dwarf Monk 15 HP: 153/153; AC:36/31/28; F +20; R +21; W +20; Init: +11; Percep: +24 (+26) Ki pool: 13/13; Stunning Fist (DC 25) 16/16; Quivering Palm (DC 23) 1/1; SR 25; Reach: 10'
Flizzibus Feuerlanze wrote:
I had to bring my baby daughter to bed and prepare my lunch for tomorrow.

I was not criticizing; just making sure you knew how to get to the page. :)

hp 123/123; AC 34, touch 15, flat-footed 32; Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +16; +2 vs. enchantments; Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17; Immune sleep;

I will need some time to pick my spells. Got 8 levels to go through!

-Posted with Wayfinder

HP 122/122; 14 temp | AC 23/19/18 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +14 (+2 vs enchantment) Perception +22, Initiative +5

Just another perk of having a narrow spellbook!


hp 123/123; AC 34, touch 15, flat-footed 32; Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +16; +2 vs. enchantments; Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17; Immune sleep;

In the end I'm keeping most of my spells the same, but with a few changes for dealing with more combat and survivability. I also took speak with dead so we can try to get some information.

hp 123/123; AC 34, touch 15, flat-footed 32; Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +16; +2 vs. enchantments; Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17; Immune sleep;

Im currently dealing with a family crisis. I should be back online soon.

-Posted with Wayfinder

hp 123/123; AC 34, touch 15, flat-footed 32; Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +16; +2 vs. enchantments; Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17; Immune sleep;

Crisis isn't necessarily diverted, but I'm starting to cope with it. I'll be back soon, just... might take me a while to get the energy up to post rapidly again.

WC Map

Gideon, sent you PM. Still interested in game?

hp 123/123; AC 34, touch 15, flat-footed 32; Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +16; +2 vs. enchantments; Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17; Immune sleep;

Yes. Still in! Just... waiting to breathe again, I guess!

HP 122/122; 14 temp | AC 23/19/18 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +14 (+2 vs enchantment) Perception +22, Initiative +5

Just wait, we'll get you back in the land of the living ASAP.

HP 122/122; 14 temp | AC 23/19/18 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +14 (+2 vs enchantment) Perception +22, Initiative +5

Treasure so far:

Assassin bird:
Belt of Dexterity +4 - 8,000 gp sell price
Boots of Speed - Rothgar
Ring of protection +2 - 4,000 gp sell price
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 - 1,000 gp sell price
Cloak of resistance +2 - 2,000 gp sell price
Sniper's Goggles - 10,000 gp sell price
Improved shadow leather armor +3 12,060 gp sell price
Short sword +2 - 4,157 gp sell price
Ring of Ki Mastery - Rothgar?
Large scorpion venom (10 doses) - toss in the water?
Wand of cure light wounds (47 charges) - Flizzibus?
Wand of darkvision (17 charges) - Anyone?

Evil tree monster:
Scabbard of keen edges - Pele
+2 anarchic longsword - Pele
Druid's vestments - 1,375 gp sell price
Slippers of spider climbing - 2,400 gp sell price
Strand of prayer beads (bead of blessing, karma, and smiting) -Gideon

Subtotal if we sell all but bolded items: 44,992 gp

Resurrection spell for Gideon: 10,000gp + cost of casting

Total treasure if we can find someone to buy the loot:

34,992gp = 8748gp each

Male Dwarf Monk 15 HP: 153/153; AC:36/31/28; F +20; R +21; W +20; Init: +11; Percep: +24 (+26) Ki pool: 13/13; Stunning Fist (DC 25) 16/16; Quivering Palm (DC 23) 1/1; SR 25; Reach: 10'

Rothgar already wears 2 rings, so you can sell the Ring of Ki Mastery. I think the Church took the goggles and ring of protection for resurrecting and restoring Gideon.

WC Map

You can add up my list of treasures and add the vestments and slippers. Waiting for you guys to spend the gold before moving on.

HP 122/122; 14 temp | AC 23/19/18 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +14 (+2 vs enchantment) Perception +22, Initiative +5

Not sure why we stalled out, but Pele is mainly interested in scrolls of:

Rope Trick
Mnemonic Enhancer
Shrink Item
Stone Shape
Prying Eyes
Greater Prying Eyes
Form of the Dragon III
Mage's Lucubration
Flesh to Stone
Stone to Flesh

And will take any remaining gold coming his way as materials with which to scribe scrolls/spellbooks.

Obviously, not all of those spells will necessarily be available, nor have I looked at the costs, but that's what he would ask after before teleporting back.

He would also pick up about 30 days worth of rations and a case or two of cheap rum, for the orcs.

male Active spells. GMW on Lance and Morningstar Gnome Paladin 15 HP 154/154 AC 37 T 14 FF 36 F23 R 16 W 20 Ini +2 Perc 27 SE 5/Day +6 /+15/+6

Well Flizzibus said what he thinks it should be bought.

Male Dwarf Monk 15 HP: 153/153; AC:36/31/28; F +20; R +21; W +20; Init: +11; Percep: +24 (+26) Ki pool: 13/13; Stunning Fist (DC 25) 16/16; Quivering Palm (DC 23) 1/1; SR 25; Reach: 10'

I agree with tossing poison away and Pele should hold on to the Wand of Darkvision and use it on Flizz or Gideon as necessary and we should keep Wand of Cure Light Wounds. That leaves:

Belt of Dexterity +4 (8000 gp)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (1000 gp)
Cloak of resistance +2 (2000 gp)
Improved shadow leather armor +3 (12,080 gp)
Short sword +2 (4155 gp)
Ring of Ki Mastery (4500 gp)
Slippers and Vestments (3775 gp)_
Total = 35,510
Each person's share = 8877.5 gp

Given how deadly this AP is rumored to be, Rothgar buys a Scroll of Raise Dead with cost of material component already factored in for 6125 gp and a Scroll of Restoration to restore one permanent negative level for 1700 gp, which leaves him with 1052.5 gp. He is done shopping and ready to go.

WC Map

With recommendations from Chief Priest of the Church, all the magical treasures and spells are available, so you do not have to worry about availability. Just clearly list out your purchases and the gp for each. This AP is deadly so investing in some raise dead and/or resurrect scrolls may be wise, as you will not always be able to teleport away. Just my 2 cents, spend as you wish.

HP 122/122; 14 temp | AC 23/19/18 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +14 (+2 vs enchantment) Perception +22, Initiative +5

Okay, purchashing the following scrolls:

Rope Trick: -150gp
Shrink Item: -375 gp
Slow: -375 gp
Flesh to Stone: -1650 gp
60 days rations: -30gp
2 cases of rum: -120 gp
Total spent: -4350gp

Scribing materials for spells: -940gp

3587.5 gp to go towards diamond dust or other materials as needed by Gideon.

hp 123/123; AC 34, touch 15, flat-footed 32; Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +16; +2 vs. enchantments; Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17; Immune sleep;

3k for diamond dust and the rest for misc. Components please.

-Posted with Wayfinder

WC Map

I am waiting on Flizz to spend his gold. I need an accounting of his expenses.

male Active spells. GMW on Lance and Morningstar Gnome Paladin 15 HP 154/154 AC 37 T 14 FF 36 F23 R 16 W 20 Ini +2 Perc 27 SE 5/Day +6 /+15/+6

Flizz will give his gold to Gideon, to buy consumeables.

hp 123/123; AC 34, touch 15, flat-footed 32; Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +16; +2 vs. enchantments; Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17; Immune sleep;

Oh dear! More shopping for me! :D I'll probably buy some wands or something, give me a bit to figure it out.

male Active spells. GMW on Lance and Morningstar Gnome Paladin 15 HP 154/154 AC 37 T 14 FF 36 F23 R 16 W 20 Ini +2 Perc 27 SE 5/Day +6 /+15/+6

Paladins are not into consumeables. And to keep our healer alive and kicking sounds sensible to me!

hp 123/123; AC 34, touch 15, flat-footed 32; Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +16; +2 vs. enchantments; Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17; Immune sleep;

With the money Flizzibus gave me and my own, I bought an extend magic rod, a second wand of cure light wounds, and a wand of detect secret doors.

Male Dwarf Monk 15 HP: 153/153; AC:36/31/28; F +20; R +21; W +20; Init: +11; Percep: +24 (+26) Ki pool: 13/13; Stunning Fist (DC 25) 16/16; Quivering Palm (DC 23) 1/1; SR 25; Reach: 10'
Gideon Goldwater wrote:
With the money Flizzibus gave me and my own, I bought an extend magic rod, a second wand of cure light wounds, and a wand of detect secret doors.

Extend rod: 11,000 gp; Wand of Cure Light: 750 gp; Wand of Detect Secret Doors: 750 gp

hp 123/123; AC 34, touch 15, flat-footed 32; Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +16; +2 vs. enchantments; Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17; Immune sleep;

I apologize for being absent for a while. I had to force-disconnect myself from the internet for a while and it made doing play-by-post games difficult.
However, that is part of the reason for this post. I've realized that I've been putting way too much time into play by posts, and have signed into WAY too many games for me to reasonably handle with my current workload and changes to my life situation. I needed to cut down the number of games I am in, and this one is one of them. I am sorry. I was having fun, but these games were getting to be one of my causes of stress, and that was what tipped things for me. Thank you for the opportunity to play with you all, and I am sorry for the inconvenience.

WC Map

I understand Gideon. Take care.

male Active spells. GMW on Lance and Morningstar Gnome Paladin 15 HP 154/154 AC 37 T 14 FF 36 F23 R 16 W 20 Ini +2 Perc 27 SE 5/Day +6 /+15/+6

Sorry to hear mate.
But we do need another cleric!

HP 122/122; 14 temp | AC 23/19/18 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +14 (+2 vs enchantment) Perception +22, Initiative +5

Bump? Are we dead in the water?

male Active spells. GMW on Lance and Morningstar Gnome Paladin 15 HP 154/154 AC 37 T 14 FF 36 F23 R 16 W 20 Ini +2 Perc 27 SE 5/Day +6 /+15/+6

I think so. Has been a blast... but alas I wish you all the best.

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