Race |
HP 122/122; 14 temp | AC 23/19/18 | Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +14 (+2 vs enchantment) |
Classes/Levels |
Perception +22, Initiative +5 |
Strength |
12 |
Dexterity |
20 |
Constitution |
16 |
Intelligence |
30 |
Wisdom |
12 |
Charisma |
8 |
About Pele Ento'Yoshi
Pele Ento’Yoshi
Male Elf Evoker 15
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init: +5; Senses: Perception +22; Low-Light Vision
Speed: 30, Fly 40 (good) Languages: Common, Elven, Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Necril, Orc, Protean, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon
AC 23 (Dex +5, Deflection +4, Mage Armor +4) Touch 19 FF 18
HP 122 (15d6+60) +14 temp hp
Fort +12 Ref +14 Will +14 (+2 vs enchantment)
Immune: Magical Sleep, suffocation, starvation, thirst
Melee: quarterstaff +8/+3 (1d6+1) or +2 anarchic longsword +10/+5 (1d8+3 19-20/x2; +2/ +2d6 vs lawful creatures)
Ranged: composite longbow +13/+10 (1d8+1 20/x3) Range 110 Ammo: 40
BAB 7 CMB +8 CMD 23
Abilities: Str 12 Dex 20 Con 16 Int 30 Wis 12 Cha 8
SQ: Favored Class (Wizard; HP), Keen Senses, Elven Magic, Arcane Bond (Ring), Intense Spells (+7 damage on evocation spells)
SA: Force Missile (10/13; 1d4+7 force damage, range 250’), Energy Wall (12/15 rds/day, as wall of fire but can choose energy type)
Feats: Scribe ScrollB, Spell Focus (Evocation), Greater Spell Focus (Evocation), Spell Penetration, Extend Spell5, Greater Spell Penetration, Eschew Materials, Empower Spell10, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning, Combat Casting, Spell Mastery15
Traits: Bastard (+1 sense motive, class skill), Observant (+1 perception, class skill)
Skills: appraise 5+10+3, fly 10+5+3, knowledge (arcana) 15+10+3, knowledge (dungeoneering) 15+10+3, knowledge (history) 15+10+3, knowledge (nature) 15+10+3, knowledge (planes) 15+10+3, knowledge (religion) 15+10+3, linguistics 15+10+3, perception 15+1+3+1+2, sense motive 15+1+3+1, spellcraft 15+10+3(+2 to id items), stealth 15+5
Combat Gear:
Equipment: headband of intellect +6 (perception, sense motive, knowledge(religion), belt of physical perfection +4, cloak of resistance +4, ring of protection +4 (bonded item), ring of invisibility, tome of clear thought, handy haversack, boots of levitation, clear spindle ioun stone, iridiscent spindle ioun stone, longsword, quarterstaff, dagger, composite longbow (+1), 40 arrows, 50’ silk rope, bedroll, spellbook, pen & ink, belt pouch, chalk, charcoal stick, mage’s sword focus (miniature platinum sword)everburning torch, +2 anarchic longsword, scabbard of keen edges
Coin 1275 gp
Carried Weight: 17 lbs
Spells Prepared: (CL 15, SR check +21; Concentration +25 (+29 cast defensively), DC 10+ Spell Level +10, Evocation +12, Conjuration +11 / Prohibited Schools: Necromancy, Illusion)
Cantrips: dancing lights, detect magic, message, prestidigitation
1st: magic missile, charm person, feather fall, grease, identify, mount, protection from evil, floating disk
2nd: see invisibility, web, extended feather fall, resist energy, extended shield (2), extended mage armor, scorching ray
3rd: extended see invisibility, extended resist energy, empowered magic missile, tiny hut, haste, fly, fireball
4th: arcane eye, wall of ice, extended greater magic weapon, extended tiny hut, extended haste, extended magic circle against evil, lesser globe of invulnerability
5th: teleport, wall of force, overland flight, extended wall of ice, empowered fireball, cone of cold
6th: extended wall of force, chain lightning (2), disintegrate, summon monster VI
7th: greater teleport (2), summon monster VII, mage’s sword
8th: clenched fist, summon monster VIII, empowered disintegrate
0th: All except Necromancy
1st: burning hands, charm person, enlarge person, feather fall, floating disk, grease, identify, mage armorM, magic missile, mount, protection from evil, shield
2nd: flaming sphere, scorching rayM, see invisibility, web
3rd: hasteM, fireballM, flyM, greater magic weapon, tiny hut
4th: arcane eye, globe of invulnerability, lesser, resilient sphere, stone shape, wall of ice
5th: cone of cold, teleportM, overland flightM, wall of force
6th: chain lightningM, contingency, disintegrateM, summon monster VI
7th: greater teleport, mage’s swordM, delayed blast fireball, control weather
8th clenched fist, summon monster VIII
Summoning Spellbook
1st: summon monster I
2nd: summon monster II
3rd: summon monster III, magic circle against evil
4th: summon monster IV
5th: summon monster v
6th: planar binding
7th: summon monster VII
Scrolls: Rope Trick, Slow, Shrink Item, Flesh to Stone, Stone to Flesh
Scribing Materials: 940 gp
Description: Pele stands 6’ tall, weighing 130 lbs. He has the typical reedy frame of most elves, with pale skin and light blue eyes. Unlike most elves, he wears his hair closely cropped to his head, with a narrow leather headband around his brow, bearing a single blue gem directly between his eyes. He wears dark red and black robes, with a heavy hooded cloak over all. A longsword, longbow, and dagger sit in sheathes on his person, while he carries a stout carved quarterstaff in hand.
Personality: Pele learned very early in life that nothing comes without a cost. Through years and years of dedicated study, he mastered the elemental powers of magic, favoring fire and the pure destructive energies therein. His father, a potent wizard and sage himself, beat any idea of the use of necromancy out of the young elf, to the point that he will target undead creatures and the wielders of necromantic magic almost above all others in combat. He also learned how to master the difficult art of casting while under duress and dangerous situations. He now travels the lands far and wide, seeking out new knowledge and ferreting out the forces of undeath to burn where he can.
Background: Pele grew up hard, for an elf. The bastard son of a high counselor, he was made to know his place early and often. He spent his early decades cataloguing scrolls, shelving books, and working essentially as a slave/apprentice to his father. While not quite a social outcast, Pele took to the studies hard, in an (ultimately futile) attempt to garner true acceptance from his father. Luckily, he possessed the drive and natural ability to really master the arcane arts, and pulled himself out of that social standing through that work. Having mastered his magic, he now travels as if a forlorn elf, seeking adventure, companionship, knowledge and the chance to do some real good in the world.