Tyrian Conspiracy (Inactive)

Game Master Cronax

A campaign set in the Dark Sun Setting.

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Male Halfling Brawler 6 ; HP 36/50; DR 0 ; AC 19/ T 16/ FF 14; Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +4 ( or +6 vs fear); Init +4; Per +5; CMB +7 (or +10 for sunder), CMD 22 (25 vs sunder); Spd 20 ft

As Rahger returns with Hamailii to discuss plans with the group, he seeks Daishata's attention.

"I did some scouting about alongside the building near the trade house. The wall felt sticky and easy to climb, but we noticed it was actually my hands. If you could look at them, I would like to know why they are like this and if I should be concerned."

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Not necessarily, especially if the head of the authorities is not a fan of our enemy... If that is true perhaps it can be arranged for them to turn a blind eye...

Female Human (Gulg) Inquisitor (Nganga-Templar) 5/ Fighter (Gladiator) 1; HP 51/43; AC 22/ T 12/ FF 20; Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +7; Per +10; CMB +5, CMD 17 (21 vs disarming); Spd 20 ft

"My only concern is that the item we seek may not be easy to locate or remove. By creating an event in public, we limit our own time to retrieve our goal from the interior of the building."

Dai is visibly frustrated, but not with the group - more at her own inability to suggest an alternate plan.

"I advise true stealth and subterfuge - find a way in that does not rely on many contingencies. I am willing to provide support, or if it is the wish of the group to be one of the infiltrators."

Female Human (Gulg) Inquisitor (Nganga-Templar) 5/ Fighter (Gladiator) 1; HP 51/43; AC 22/ T 12/ FF 20; Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +7; Per +10; CMB +5, CMD 17 (21 vs disarming); Spd 20 ft

Dai examines Rahger's hands and feet.

Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12


"I have never seen or heard of anything like this before my friend."

Daishata notices nothing out of the ordinary with the halfling.

Male Half-Giant Psychic Warrior 6th; HP 37/51 DR 0; AC 16/ T 11/ FF 15; Init +4; Per +12; CMB +8, CMD 19; Spd 30 ft; PP 16/29

"I agree keeping it low key as long as possible is the best plan. Rennoc, the more people we involve the more likely word will reach them before we arrive. Who is up for going in and what do you need from the rest of us?"

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

I may be able to suggest an alternate course, target an area near the compound and cause a massive ruckus... The guards will be drawn to that area, once the compound's guards have thinned we can slaughter every foe between us and what we want. My plan may be simple but at least in this instance the more complex the plan the more things can go wrong.

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf Cleric 6 AC 17/13/14 | hp 12| F +3, R +5, W +4; +2 vs. enchantments | Immune sleep | Init +3 | Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision | Perception +9

I would say i´m kind of a specialist for something like that, sneaking in and out somewhere unseen. I would try it, probably better at night though. It´s easier then.

She looks around, considering.

Do we know who and what exactly our "enemies" are? Or how many they are? I do not think it is a good idea starting open violence in this city. We are surely outnumbered against our enemies already and we will have the citywatch againist us too then. That´s a bad plan. Open violence should be our last resort.

Male Half-Giant Psychic Warrior 6th; HP 37/51 DR 0; AC 16/ T 11/ FF 15; Init +4; Per +12; CMB +8, CMD 19; Spd 30 ft; PP 16/29

Chumani thinks for a moment before answering the question. "We don't really have any enemies yet, though I suspect that will change soon. Our patron's enemy is House Torika, and they have asked us to find proof House Torika is corrupt."

"Going in at night makes sense to me, thanks for being willing to do it. What kind of supplies will you need?"

Turing to Rennoc, Chumani tries again to explain his position, "Rennoc, causing destruction for no reason is not what we need right now. I agree it may be needed if things don't go well, but only as a back up. Due to Rahger getting spotted earlier they may already be more alert, but I don't see blowing things up as helping any." Turning to the others he asks for their opinions, "What does everyone else think?'

Male Human Rogue (sniper) 6; HP 23/52; AC 16, 14, 12; F+4 R+9 W+3; init+4; CMD 17; Per+7

We can send a single person in, magically hidden to find what we need, a signal to note if something has gone wrong so they can create a distraction or come to aid. One of Hamailii, Rahger or myself should be the one to enter, at least in my opinion.

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

I am admittedly a man who favors the more destructive options Chumani, the Cerulean Storm does not lend itself to stealth. It does lend itself to inflicting untold amounts of carnage and I am trying to figure out the best way to exploit that.

By attacking the enemy in a raw display of brutal power we keep their eyes focused upon us and an infiltrator will have a much easier task of sneaking in.

Here is my suggested course, find a suitably tall building and burrow beneath it, between my spells and Chumani's skills as a stonemason we could create a tunnel that would hold up for at least a few days. We can use the building's height to give us a a good view of the compound, from their we can begin our assault.

While their eyes are focused upon us an infiltrator can get in and out undetected and get what we need. We ourselves can use the tunnel to escape after a minute of bombardment. It may sound crude but the plan is simple, relying on minute details subject to change such as the rotations of guards would be foolish at best and lethal at worst.

Whatever your eventual plan I will go along with it, but understand that if it goes wrong I am more then willing to level the entirety of Tyr to escape.

Male Half-Giant Psychic Warrior 6th; HP 37/51 DR 0; AC 16/ T 11/ FF 15; Init +4; Per +12; CMB +8, CMD 19; Spd 30 ft; PP 16/29

Chumani nods at Gideon, "I'll let the three of you figure that out, but I would feel better if two of you went instead of just one."

Turning to Rennoc, Chumani takes a deep breath before beginning to speak. "I have no doubt you would be willing to level the city to escape, and if it goes that badly I will gladly help. That being said, Tyr is a free city and it's people could be helpful for our future plans. We should not burn that hand if we can prevent it. Assuming we can get the needed supplies quick enough, we have two or one of the quieter folks enter the complex tonight and see what they can do. The rest of us will be nearby ready to provide a distraction or break in to retrieve them. What would be our best way to communicate with them while inside?"

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

My ability only goes so far, communication without someone skilled in the mental arts would be impossible... Hence the reason that I am for the more "straight forward" approach, their is beauty and value in simple, brutal carnage. It gets things done, however perhaps we need an inside source of info... Find one of the guards in his off duty hours and put him in a room with me, alone. He will answer my questions truthfully or he will die....

So that we can advance things:
Who exactly is doing what in your quest to gather evidence against Thaxos?
What time of day or night are you making the attempt? (It is about noon as you are discussing things)

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf Cleric 6 AC 17/13/14 | hp 12| F +3, R +5, W +4; +2 vs. enchantments | Immune sleep | Init +3 | Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision | Perception +9

Hamailii suggests that she and one or more other capable persons sneak in there at night and try to find some evidence. At the same time during the day, the party can try to consolidate with some people of that house, make some friends or even get into their service itself to pry out informations. Even simple stuff like a layout of the building, where what is kept and who is living, where the guards are, how many there are, if there are traps or something, everything can help.
If possible Hamailii will try to scout the building at daytime to (not trespas yet though.)
Lucian, Gideon and Rahger could all be capable of such things too and Hamailii asks them about it.
She suggests that the others stay nearby in case of emergency or violence. In that case, all of Rennoc´s storm magic is welcome too of course. Perhaps it could even be made that the house of Thaxos get´s in trouble for the open violence later and gets punished somehow.

Also Hamailii heard wild tales about legendary items that allow you to stay in contact with other persons even when you are far away. She would like to check if such an item is acquirable.

Hamailii (and any others that wish to) return to the Troika building. It is much as it was before.

As stated before, Talara can get you almost any magic or psionic item listed in a Paizo or Dreamscarred Press psionics book that you can afford. It'll only take her about an hour to procure them.

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Rennoc is for capture a guard and shock the truth out of him, Darth Sidious style.

Female Human (Gulg) Inquisitor (Nganga-Templar) 5/ Fighter (Gladiator) 1; HP 51/43; AC 22/ T 12/ FF 20; Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +7; Per +10; CMB +5, CMD 17 (21 vs disarming); Spd 20 ft

The problem with capturing a guard is that if we are seen then we risk blowing the whole deal and the guards might be doubled, evidence moved etc.

Dai is supportive of Hamailii's stealth plan, but defers to Gideon.

She is also supportive of Rennoc's plan to kidnap a guard and retrieve more…information about the layout and sentry times.

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20 to find out where the Troika guards drink when off-duty…

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

they have to visit the latrine sometime...

Male Human Rogue (sniper) 6; HP 23/52; AC 16, 14, 12; F+4 R+9 W+3; init+4; CMD 17; Per+7

Gideon will head to the Troika building as well, observing for now, similar to Hamailii.

You arrive back at the Troika building. Little has changed. There are still a full dozen guards armed with Datchi clubs (a reach bludgeoning weapon) stationed outside. Two remain at the entrance while the others patrol the perimeter.

If you want to just wait and watch, let me know for how long.

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Rennoc is waiting for when they visit the latrine... *passes Gideon large club*

Female Human (Gulg) Inquisitor (Nganga-Templar) 5/ Fighter (Gladiator) 1; HP 51/43; AC 22/ T 12/ FF 20; Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +7; Per +10; CMB +5, CMD 17 (21 vs disarming); Spd 20 ft

Cronax - any results on my Knowledge check?

Male Halfling Brawler 6 ; HP 36/50; DR 0 ; AC 19/ T 16/ FF 14; Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +4 ( or +6 vs fear); Init +4; Per +5; CMB +7 (or +10 for sunder), CMD 22 (25 vs sunder); Spd 20 ft

Rahger will travel with the group to stick together up until near the Troika building. He will stay within sight of the group in case he's needed.

Since he has already been seen by the guards, Rahger doesn't want himself to be associated with the rest of the party, and make their job of infiltration harder.

Daishata: The guards are well trained, but common mercenaries. You know of half a dozen different broy holes in the city that they might call home.

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf Cleric 6 AC 17/13/14 | hp 12| F +3, R +5, W +4; +2 vs. enchantments | Immune sleep | Init +3 | Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision | Perception +9

Hamailii watches for an official and legal reason to enter the building.
She also considers using her "everyman" power to infiltrate it.

Since you don't have any actual authority, any official reason would have to be a lie. The bluff skill or linguistics skill (for forgery) could be used to that effect.

You're going to need to be proactive here. Unless you wanted to wait for nightfall or something.

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

what would the cost be for Rennoc to buy a few clubs?

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf Cleric 6 AC 17/13/14 | hp 12| F +3, R +5, W +4; +2 vs. enchantments | Immune sleep | Init +3 | Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision | Perception +9

Guess i´ll wait for the night and try to sneak in then.

Simple rock clubs are free

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Rennoc finds his companions and presents them each with a rock club...

Message to party:

Let us find where they sleep, eat or s*@*... We need to perform an interrogation.

Male Human Rogue (sniper) 6; HP 23/52; AC 16, 14, 12; F+4 R+9 W+3; init+4; CMD 17; Per+7

message reply:
I agree, we need information and we have all we can get from watching

Male Elven UnRogue; HP 12/12; AC 17/ T 14/ FF 13; Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +2; Init +6; Per +7; CMB -1, CMD 13

Message Reply:

Sounds good to me.

Female Human (Gulg) Inquisitor (Nganga-Templar) 5/ Fighter (Gladiator) 1; HP 51/43; AC 22/ T 12/ FF 20; Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +7; Per +10; CMB +5, CMD 17 (21 vs disarming); Spd 20 ft

"I know a few drinking houses frequented by guards who work the Toika compound. Perhaps we could find one there and get him or her into a compromising podition or situation..."

Several hours pass as you wait for a shift change. At around three in the afternoon, you spot two familiar figures enter the building. Yaris and the elf with the drake face tattoo slip in from the street.

Reminder as to what you know about them:

I wrote:
The dark skinned human is a Gulgite named Yaris. Also in the employ of house Vordon, she is skilled in infiltration and assassination.
I wrote:
You also recognize the elf. His name is Mutami and he is a member of the Nightrunners, your tribe. The Nightrunners often act as spies and assassins in a mercenary capacity and that is probably what is going on here. Mutami doesn’t have any special abilities, but is fairly well trained in the martial and sneaking arts.

Ten minutes later, the pair exits the building and heads off down the street.

Male Human Rogue (sniper) 6; HP 23/52; AC 16, 14, 12; F+4 R+9 W+3; init+4; CMD 17; Per+7

Those two are affiliated with our enemies, perhaps we could follow them and capture them for interrogation

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Trap them in an alleyway, I can maximize the effect of my spells upon them...

Female Human (Gulg) Inquisitor (Nganga-Templar) 5/ Fighter (Gladiator) 1; HP 51/43; AC 22/ T 12/ FF 20; Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +7; Per +10; CMB +5, CMD 17 (21 vs disarming); Spd 20 ft

"I agree. Let us ambush them. I am tired of letting Nadar and his ilk lead the chase."

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24 to ascertain where a good place for an ambuscade suitable for Rennoc might be.

While you know the city layout fairly well, you don't exactly know where the pair are headed.

Is everyone following them?

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf Cleric 6 AC 17/13/14 | hp 12| F +3, R +5, W +4; +2 vs. enchantments | Immune sleep | Init +3 | Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision | Perception +9

Definately following them and telling the others!

I recognize the elf. His name is Mutami and he is a member of the Nightrunners, my tribe. The Nightrunners often act as spies and assassins in a mercenary capacity and that is probably what is going on here. Mutami doesn’t have any special abilities, but is fairly well trained in the martial and sneaking arts.

Male Human Rogue (sniper) 6; HP 23/52; AC 16, 14, 12; F+4 R+9 W+3; init+4; CMD 17; Per+7

Gideon will follow
We need to be careful then, an ambush, as stated, is ideal. How should we initiate this? We need someone to cut them off, does anyone have a way to get ahead of them easily

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Remember what I did to the halfling assassin? That spell will do well here, with an ambush I can can raise a dust storm in front of them and then hit them with that spell... The only option they will have is to try going through us and Chumani can block an alleyway easily.

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf Cleric 6 AC 17/13/14 | hp 12| F +3, R +5, W +4; +2 vs. enchantments | Immune sleep | Init +3 | Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision | Perception +9

How about i first speak to my kinsmen?

Male Halfling Brawler 6 ; HP 36/50; DR 0 ; AC 19/ T 16/ FF 14; Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +4 ( or +6 vs fear); Init +4; Per +5; CMB +7 (or +10 for sunder), CMD 22 (25 vs sunder); Spd 20 ft

Rahger will follow with the rest of the group.

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

With all due respect your kinsmen may well be a renegade... Don't worry to get information out of them we need them alive. Unless any of you know of a mage who takes his power from the Grey...

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf Cleric 6 AC 17/13/14 | hp 12| F +3, R +5, W +4; +2 vs. enchantments | Immune sleep | Init +3 | Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision | Perception +9

Hamailii smiles at Rennoc.

I have no reason to believe my kinsmen a renegade. He is a member of my tribe and i cannot allow for him to be slain untill there is a sound reason to do so. Let me talk to him first and we will see what happens.

Male Half-Giant Psychic Warrior 6th; HP 37/51 DR 0; AC 16/ T 11/ FF 15; Init +4; Per +12; CMB +8, CMD 19; Spd 30 ft; PP 16/29

Chumani will be along as well.

"Speaking to him will be good, but at his first hostile action we attack. Agreed?"

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

It may be advisable for Hamailii to talk to him and separate him somehow from his companion... Think you can do that elf?

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