Tyrian Conspiracy (Inactive)

Game Master Cronax

A campaign set in the Dark Sun Setting.

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Male Elven UnRogue; HP 12/12; AC 17/ T 14/ FF 13; Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +2; Init +6; Per +7; CMB -1, CMD 13

Agreed Lucian says as he listens to the conversation between the others.

Daishata: It's actually Knowledge: Arcana to identify a spell's effects once they are in place. Spellcraft can be used only when you observe the spell being cast.

Random Encounter: 1d100 ⇒ 12
Random Encounter: 1d100 ⇒ 22

You mount up and head back towards the road to Tyr. While the two day ride is uneventful, you find that your provisions don't quite stretch far enough. In part because of Rahger's quick thinking at the trough, your water supplies are sufficient however.

Assuming you share your remaining supplies, one of you misses a meal before you get there.
Unless the person who doesn't eat is Chumani, Hamailii or Rennoc, most of you will heal to full by the time you get there (Rennoc will still have 2 damage remaining, 7 if he doesn't eat).
Regardless, all PP, per day abilities and spells are restored by the time you get there.

You arrive back to a city in turbulence. Everyone you greet is on edge and you see windows being boarded up and far more people are carrying weapons openly than you remember from your previous visit. You quickly learn that a public meeting of the city’s council is being convened and there is still time to get a decent view of the proceedings if you hurry.

Everyone that wishes to may make a Diplomacy check to gather more information.

Male Half-Giant Psychic Warrior 6th; HP 37/51 DR 0; AC 16/ T 11/ FF 15; Init +4; Per +12; CMB +8, CMD 19; Spd 30 ft; PP 16/29

Chumani will have skipped the meal, and have used Body Adjustment to heal any damage he had taken during each day, before resting for the night.

Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Rennoc will follow Chum and create a link between them all...

Message, all:

We would do well not to separate, our enemies may have more assassins waiting to strike a straggler down... We should see the meeting, keep an eye out for nobles that are fearful. They will be the most likely to want more power if for no other reason then to defend themselves and their holdings...

Male Human Rogue (sniper) 6; HP 23/52; AC 16, 14, 12; F+4 R+9 W+3; init+4; CMD 17; Per+7

diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Male Halfling Brawler 6 ; HP 36/50; DR 0 ; AC 19/ T 16/ FF 14; Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +4 ( or +6 vs fear); Init +4; Per +5; CMB +7 (or +10 for sunder), CMD 22 (25 vs sunder); Spd 20 ft

Rahger will quickly move with the rest of the group to the proceedings. When the group settles on a spot, Rahger will see if he can get to any higher ground to better see and stay out of the mob of people.

"Rahger doesn't feel like being stepped on. I keep near above."

He will also try to keep his presence to a minimum. Assuming there are a few minutes to spare, Rahger to will take his time and take 10 on climbing/stealthing.

Gather Information Results
* Several senators have been assassinated over the past couple nights.
* The city guard is clueless.

The council building is crowded when you arrive. There is standing room only for onlookers. Timor, the Senior Templar and Minister of Tyr addresses those present. ”Senior Templar Gennet in the Bureau of Finance was murdered last night. We suspect that one or more of the merchant houses may have been involved in retaliation for the recent tax reform he was implementing.”

Master Sintha of House Valex retorts ”The templars are well-known for their scheming and internal bickering. My esteemed colleague, Rowen the Tailor, was also found dead this morning. It is just too bad an innocent merchant became a victim to their treacherous ways.”

This results in a wail of commotion between the templars and merchants present. Then someone shouts ”It must be the Preservers! They’re the only faction that hasn’t been targeted by the assassins. They must be responsible!” Sadira of Tyr rises to counter the claim, and the Council chambers are reduced to a chaotic forum of accusations, threats and arguments.

Senator Vildeen Tyrthani manages to silence the quarreling parties, but the Senator Turax blurts out “Which one of you three wants to take responsibility for the attempted murder on the noble Senator Trevalis Minthur?”, resulting in another outburst from those assembled.

The crowd finally falls to silence as the aging patriarch of House Vordon rises from his position among seated spectators. “If I may, senators, honored templars, respected nobles, and fellow tradesmen – citizens of Tyr.” Thaxos begins. The council chambers become utterly silent. “It is evident that someone is trying to sow discontent among Tyr’s people and its political factions. This night’s bloodshed and cowardly attacks, and the fact that the city guard has been unable to find the perpetrators means that no one is safe in our free city.” Thaxos Vordon clears his throat. “I for one will not let our city fall victim to assassins and those who employ them to take away our freedom. I will not yield. I do not doubt that you are present now, traitor, gloating at your deeds, so hear my words. I am not afraid to incur your wrath. Send your assassins, coward, or speak up now, if you are brave enough.” The crowd’s roars grow as the aging trade lord speaks, and end in wild applause to his finishing remarks. Thaxos bows slightly as he smiles and raises his palm, gesturing slowly for the crowd to fall silent again. His face suddenly turns gravely serious as he continues. “Sadly the city guard is unable to protect Tyr’s citizens... “

Captain Zalcor rises to object, but Timor gestures for him to remain seated, passing a short nod to the captain of the city guard. Thaxos continues uninterrupted. “....and thus I see it as my sworn duty to Tyr and her citizens, to put an end to these outrageous murders, and at the same time put an end to the criminal threat in the Warrens.” The people applaud the aging trade lord once again.

The senior templar signals for Zalcor to raise his objection. “All that sounds fine and well, Lord Thaxos, but how will you make truth out of your words, if you don’t mind me asking?” Thaxos turns to face Zalcor and bows slightly before addressing the veteran guardsman. “Of course, my dear Captain Zalcor. I mean no disrespect to the City guard, but it is evident matters are out of control. What if more murders were to take place? We would soon no longer have a Council to lead us. Where you have failed to succeed, my experienced guards and agents might have something to contribute. My resources are at the city’s disposal, as they have always been. Was it not House Vordon that kept the citizens of Tyr fed during the chaotic times following our despotic sorcerer-king’s death – and did we ask for anything in return? No. Nor do we ask anything in return this time, except permission to lend our aid.” The people once again applaud the trade patriarch of House Vordon.

Timor rises after conferring quickly with Sadira, and Rikus who has been paying close attention to the discussion between the various parties. “The city thanks you for your generous offer, Lord Thaxos, but the Council has faith in the city guard. Investigations are being conducted as we speak, and I assure you that all resources are allocated in our search for the one responsible for the assassinations.” Timor gives a slight bow, but receives a dissatisfied growl from the crowd. Someone calls out ”The assassins could be halfway to Urik or some other rivaling city-state by now!” Another voice shouts ”It’s foolish not to accept offers of aid from the ones who can afford to help!” A third voice says ”The city guard has nothing to lose except its pride if House Vordon’s agents resolve the matter.”

Lord Thaxos stands, smiling with his hands folded on his back as the roars of the crowd demand his intervention. Thaxos finally raises his hand and the people become quiet. “The people of Tyr have spoken. I will put an end to the threats within our fair city, so the Council can focus its efforts on the enemies outside Tyr’s walls in the future.” Thaxos receives a standing ovation. Sadira, Timor and Rikus look to one another and shake their heads slowly, clearly dissatisfied with the people’s reaction, while Thaxos enjoys the crowd’s cheering.

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Message, all within range:

We need allies, or more accurately assassins of our own... As much as I hate to admit it the Preservers might be useful...

Male Halfling Brawler 6 ; HP 36/50; DR 0 ; AC 19/ T 16/ FF 14; Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +4 ( or +6 vs fear); Init +4; Per +5; CMB +7 (or +10 for sunder), CMD 22 (25 vs sunder); Spd 20 ft

" Talara may know about these deaths. Time to report."

Male Half-Giant Psychic Warrior 6th; HP 37/51 DR 0; AC 16/ T 11/ FF 15; Init +4; Per +12; CMB +8, CMD 19; Spd 30 ft; PP 16/29

"Agreed. Everyone keep your eyes open. Lets try to not find any unwanted trouble."

You meet up with your employer in the noble district, just North of the city entrance. It’s a nicer joint than you are used to, but you haven’t come for the scenery. You tell the proprietor the password and are directed to a private room. Talara is there, sitting with her back to the wall, apparently out of breath. “Things are not looking good. Thaxos has legitimized moving his troops into the city, at least in the eyes of the people. The Council is powerless when he has the people wrapped around his finger. Now, tell me what did you discover on your trip to Altaruk?”

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

An encampment, Gideon was one of the scouts and can give you more precise details... As it stands I can tell you how to get rid of Thaxos, if your ready to pull every string you have that is.

Male Human Rogue (sniper) 6; HP 23/52; AC 16, 14, 12; F+4 R+9 W+3; init+4; CMD 17; Per+7

our target of observation was seen with the leader of a camp of militaristic men and women, claiming to work for Thaxos, six were chosen specifically to accompany him on a 'most important mission'

Talara looks increasingly worried as you tell her what you saw. She bites her lip and cocks an eyebrow at you. “This all but confirms my suspicions. Those mercenaries Nadar brought back – they’re the assassins. There were six assassination attempts, three of them succeeded.. And that mountain camp is training grounds for Thaxos’ elite agents recruited from the ranks of his dummy merchant houses. He must have vast numbers of troops and highly specialized individuals serving him. I’ve had my suspicions regarding those dummy merchant houses. I have a feeling that this is but the tip of the mountaintop.”

Even though you are alone in the room, Talara motions for you to lean forward and whispers. “The problem is we cannot simply accuse Thaxos of planning a coup – we need evidence. My informant in the Vordon manor has disappeared. Most likely she lies buried somewhere after Thaxos realized his servant was working for me. However, her last report revealed something that could prove to be a vital clue. She mentioned several visits to Thaxos’ office by the head of House Troika, possibly one of Thaxos’ latest dummy houses.” Talara pauses to breathe.

She eyes Rennoc thoughtfully. “I think we may have the same idea. If you could somehow sneak into House Troika’s headquarters, and find some kind of evidence of Thaxos’ activities, I could present the evidence to the Council and have him exposed once and for all. As the situation is now, no one will react to an increased amount of Vordon guards and agents gathering within Tyr’s walls. A coup could take place any time soon. It is crucial that you act quickly. I can offer you no more money at the moment, as Thaxos has frozen all of my assets. Though if he is found guilty in conspiracy against the Council of Tyr, I am sure you will be handsomely rewarded. While he is popular among the average citizens, there are those on the Council who would like to see him rot in a prison cell or his head placed on the chopping block. What do you say?”

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Not what I was thinking, throughout their history the Preservers have survived not through raw power but by cunning. They understand the use of illusion and enchantment magics, as a result they have the tools to do two things.

First they can use their magic manipulate the masses, implant or alter a memory here make an illusion there and you can make the masses think of Thaxos badly.

The second thing they could do is distract the guards and soldiers of Thaxos, make them go somewhere else and leave Thaxos's own compound relatively light of defenders. A determined force could then assault the compound, laying waste to it and killing Thaxos. As an added bonus it would Martyr Thaxos and make his "heir" all the more popular, I'm certain you could find a way to spin it.

However this all hinges on gaining the support of the Preservers, without them neither of these options is available...

Female Human (Gulg) Inquisitor (Nganga-Templar) 5/ Fighter (Gladiator) 1; HP 51/43; AC 22/ T 12/ FF 20; Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +7; Per +10; CMB +5, CMD 17 (21 vs disarming); Spd 20 ft

Dai follows the talk of political machinations closely. She is amazed at the level of undermining and chaos that is rampant in this city state.

For all Rennoc's accusations of Lalai Puy's dictatorship, she at least maintains control.

She dismisses her musings and turns to current plans...

"If the Preservers could help us that might be useful, but there might be trouble convincing them of the plot Talara maintains is afoot, or her innocence within it... [turns to Rennoc] Rennoc - do you have magicks that could alter our appearance or allow us easy entry to the House Troika compound?"

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

None, the Cerulean is raw elemental power in action... It does not reward the illusionist nor the enchanter, hence the reason we need the Preservers. However I do know a way of drawing them out, all mages crave spells and it is not uncommon for Preservers to trade spells for spells amongst themselves or other "source" mages.

Talara furrows her brow and shakes her head. "Seizing power through magical manipulation. Sound familiar to anyone? Tyr's freedom was hard fought. The people would flock to Thaxos in droves if it came out that the Preservers had been messing with their thoughts. Besides, if Sadira and her ilk had the capacity and inclination to do something like that, I imagine it would have happened years ago. Still, I'll speak to her all the same, maybe I can convince her to use a divination to our advantage."

"I'd also rather you didn't outright assassinate Thaxos. As you said, he'd become a martyr. I fear however that one of his cronies, Nadar perhaps would seize the reins. At best there would be a civil war within the House. At worst, they'd all stay loyal to the plan and we'd be right back where we started." She clearly doesn't relish that possibility. "Much better to discredit him, have a public execution. Those in the House involved with his coup will slink back into the woodwork and the rank and file will do everything they can to distance themselves from it and him. I'm pretty confident I can take control under those circumstances."

Male Human Rogue (sniper) 6; HP 23/52; AC 16, 14, 12; F+4 R+9 W+3; init+4; CMD 17; Per+7

I agree with discrediting Thaxos. I have the means to sneak into the headquarters and the various magics of my allies here would also be helpful in that endeavor. We cannot allow him to appear a martyr, if the masses continue to support him, even in his death, he will have won. It is better to expose a criminal to those with the authority to kill him, than to do it yourself.

Male Halfling Brawler 6 ; HP 36/50; DR 0 ; AC 19/ T 16/ FF 14; Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +4 ( or +6 vs fear); Init +4; Per +5; CMB +7 (or +10 for sunder), CMD 22 (25 vs sunder); Spd 20 ft

" You also said some people not die from assassin attack. Which people?"

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

We still need the Preservers... Or a psion with no connection to Thaxos, if stealth is the way to go about this the less people used the better. Invisibility is something either a psion or Preserver can provide and the scout will need it...

Male Elven UnRogue; HP 12/12; AC 17/ T 14/ FF 13; Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +2; Init +6; Per +7; CMB -1, CMD 13

Lucian listens intently to the conversation being had, connecting everything together in his head.

Apologies for the lack of posting, I work a lot more than usual during the summer and I'm still getting used to it.

Male Half-Giant Psychic Warrior 6th; HP 37/51 DR 0; AC 16/ T 11/ FF 15; Init +4; Per +12; CMB +8, CMD 19; Spd 30 ft; PP 16/29

"As others have said killing Thaxos does not seem like it should be our first choice to deal with the situation."

Chumani considers for a moment, turning to Talara he continues Rennoc's second line of thought. "Do you have contacts that could help us get the magical or psionic supplies we would need to sneak in?"

"My sources say that Templar Gennet of the finance ministry, Councillor Turloff, and Faldar the Preservers all were subject to attacks, but managed to escape."

"I doubt I can convince the Preservers to intervene directly, but I do have a few contacts for acquiring mystical goods, what specifically do you need? As I said, I've already paid you the last of my liquid funds, so you'll need to cover the costs involved for the time being."

Talara can get you any magic or psionic item that you can afford at the moment. You'll have to pay for it out of the funds you are carrying however.

"While stealth is good, you might also consider guile, or even a more direct approach against Troika. The longer we wait, the better Thaxos's position becomes. If my contact was right and there is incriminating evidence, they won't call for the city guard if you take a more direct approach, you'd just have to deal with however many of Thaxos's agents are around."

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

If you cannot convince the Preservers [i]we]/i] will. Any idea where Faldar is? As for getting the evidence we will sort that out amongst ourselves...

Male Half-Giant Psychic Warrior 6th; HP 37/51 DR 0; AC 16/ T 11/ FF 15; Init +4; Per +12; CMB +8, CMD 19; Spd 30 ft; PP 16/29

"Aside from getting supplies, I see no need to involve others at this point. It will just increase the odds of Troika, Nadar or their associates finding out we are moving against them."

"I think some items that will make us harder to see coming will be best."

I can't access the google spreadsheet on my work computer so I don't know what resources we have currently.

Female Human (Gulg) Inquisitor (Nganga-Templar) 5/ Fighter (Gladiator) 1; HP 51/43; AC 22/ T 12/ FF 20; Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +7; Per +10; CMB +5, CMD 17 (21 vs disarming); Spd 20 ft

Dai agrees with Chumani that involving any outsiders uns the risk of sabotaging the current mission. She remembers with no little dismay the means she and her fellow nganga resorted to to entrap arcanists the Goddess deemed profane in Gulg.

"We have trust in our group, and we trust our employer. Beyond that we can rely on nothing, and have no control over who may have been planted in any group we chance to contact. Even now our purposes may be compromised."

Male Halfling Brawler 6 ; HP 36/50; DR 0 ; AC 19/ T 16/ FF 14; Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +4 ( or +6 vs fear); Init +4; Per +5; CMB +7 (or +10 for sunder), CMD 22 (25 vs sunder); Spd 20 ft

Rahger nods in agreement as well. "We target before. They know our face but we not know all theirs. Only us do this thing. We can't trust others."

Male Human Rogue (sniper) 6; HP 23/52; AC 16, 14, 12; F+4 R+9 W+3; init+4; CMD 17; Per+7

Agreed. This world is full of liars and cheats, we cannot trust anyone outside of this group

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Don't have to, arranging a spell trade could still be valuable for us... Spells are rare and among Preservers highly sought after, they may be willing to trade the items we need for some of my knowledge... They don't have to know what these items are to be used for after all...

Male Elven UnRogue; HP 12/12; AC 17/ T 14/ FF 13; Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +2; Init +6; Per +7; CMB -1, CMD 13

"Interesting idea Rennoc, magic is rare indeed, and your magic has definitely proven to be useful. Though I am certainly worried about our enemies catching wind of our endeavors before we have the chance to move in." Lucian says, mulling over the floating options.

Male Half-Giant Psychic Warrior 6th; HP 37/51 DR 0; AC 16/ T 11/ FF 15; Init +4; Per +12; CMB +8, CMD 19; Spd 30 ft; PP 16/29

"True, I think we would need to cover our purchases with other items, and your trading of spells. This will help hide our plans and preventing people from thinking we are the assassins restocking for another night of attacks."

Female Human (Gulg) Inquisitor (Nganga-Templar) 5/ Fighter (Gladiator) 1; HP 51/43; AC 22/ T 12/ FF 20; Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +7; Per +10; CMB +5, CMD 17 (21 vs disarming); Spd 20 ft

Daishata thinks on Renooc's plan.

"I agree that we might purchase any thing for any reason. But certain things tend to connote certain reasons. Even then, there are many reasons and many opportunities. It is extremely unlikely that any yet know we intend to target Troika. I say contact the Preservers if you wish Rennoc - they may not have what you offer, and they may be interested in it. Otherwise, we buy what we need, if possible, perhaps from someone else."

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Time to find some Preservers, Gideon feel like tagging along to lend your expertise? If the Preservers are uncomfortable with you claim your my apprentice...

gather information(find me a Preserver)1d20 ⇒ 15

Female Human (Gulg) Inquisitor (Nganga-Templar) 5/ Fighter (Gladiator) 1; HP 51/43; AC 22/ T 12/ FF 20; Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +7; Per +10; CMB +5, CMD 17 (21 vs disarming); Spd 20 ft

Dai will stay behind but will advise Rennoc if possible:

Aid Another: Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Male Halfling Brawler 6 ; HP 36/50; DR 0 ; AC 19/ T 16/ FF 14; Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +4 ( or +6 vs fear); Init +4; Per +5; CMB +7 (or +10 for sunder), CMD 22 (25 vs sunder); Spd 20 ft

"Talara said she can do it for us. No need for us to look."

"Tricky." Says Talara. "Even after the fall of Kalak, the Veiled Alliance has kept their affairs close tot he chest. Most of it's members prefer to remain anonymous, doubly so with Thaxos's assassins running about. Sadira herself ought to still be at the council chambers, but she's the careful sort and will want evidence before acting to intervene."

Your knowledge check is good enough to know that contacting with the Alliance in Tyr is a finicky process. You would go to a particular wine shop and ask about them. The proprietor will deny all knowledge of the Preservers. Then, you'll be discreetly observed for a time. If they deem you worthy, they'll make contact.

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Sadira isn't who we want, who we want is an artificer of some sort... While rare some mages do specialize in the creation of magic items, which is what we need... Anyone have ideas?

Not assuming that daishata has told rennoc about the wine shop...

Female Human (Gulg) Inquisitor (Nganga-Templar) 5/ Fighter (Gladiator) 1; HP 51/43; AC 22/ T 12/ FF 20; Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7; Init +7; Per +10; CMB +5, CMD 17 (21 vs disarming); Spd 20 ft

I meant if the Aid Another was possible. Dai will have told Rennoc what she knows before he left...

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Rennoc will journey to this wine shop and will bring Gideon along if he will come...

What is the interior of the shop like?

Male Human Rogue (sniper) 6; HP 23/52; AC 16, 14, 12; F+4 R+9 W+3; init+4; CMD 17; Per+7

Gideon will accompany Rennoc to the wine shop, wary of this observation that is to come.

Before you leave, Talara reminds you "As I said, I have contacts for the acquisition of magical and psionic infused objects, though I don't have any interaction with those who craft them."

* * *

Knowledge: Geography DC 10, can be made untrained:

Here is a map of Tyr.
House Troika's building is in the Eastern half of the merchant district.
You met with Talara at the Sandstone Inn, which is in the noble district.

The wine shop is located in a mud brick building on the border between the merchant and elven districts. It looks much like half a dozen similar shops you passed on the way there. A scrawny man with a thin mustache is out front, tying large bones to the windows to forge a crude barricade. He's apprehensive as you approach and re-positions himself to not have his back to your approach.

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Message, Gideon:

Play this directly or indirectly?

Male Half-Giant Psychic Warrior 6th; HP 37/51 DR 0; AC 16/ T 11/ FF 15; Init +4; Per +12; CMB +8, CMD 19; Spd 30 ft; PP 16/29

Chumani watches as Rennoc and Gideon leave, hoping they are able to accomplish their goal.

Turning back the Talara, "I think we could use some items to keep us from being seen and heard if possible. Do you have any idea what that will cost for the seven of us?"

I was looking at the loot list and don't see any sign of the funds she had paid us or am I missing something?

Male Human Rogue (sniper) 6; HP 23/52; AC 16, 14, 12; F+4 R+9 W+3; init+4; CMD 17; Per+7

Directly, lying would make us seem untrustworthy, and we need these allies, assuming you do not have a reason for the indirect approach

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Message, Gideon:

Linking us up.

Message, Gideon and Wine Shop Owner:

Tell the Preservers that I seek a spell trade, I am looking for items of magic to be precise.

Male Halfling Brawler 6 ; HP 36/50; DR 0 ; AC 19/ T 16/ FF 14; Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +4 ( or +6 vs fear); Init +4; Per +5; CMB +7 (or +10 for sunder), CMD 22 (25 vs sunder); Spd 20 ft

Rahger will restock his supplies of food and drink.

Lantern Lodge

Female Elf Cleric 6 AC 17/13/14 | hp 12| F +3, R +5, W +4; +2 vs. enchantments | Immune sleep | Init +3 | Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision | Perception +9

Hamailii will join Rahger and restock too.

The man whirls when you cast the cantrip giving you a hard look. "Even if I knew what you were talking about, now is not the time for that sort of thing. We're closed. Come back in a few weeks when things have calmed down in the city and buy a pot of my finest." he whispers back.

* * *

As you resupply, you notice more uneasiness throughout Tyr. It takes you a while to gather rations as it seems everyone has decided to stockpile. There are also longer than usual queues at the public wells.

Sorry I'm late, it's been a long week.
Gideon and Rennoc are at the wine shop. Rahger and Hamailii are shopping for supplies. What are the rest of you doing?

hp 49, ac 12, 12, 10, F 5+, R 4+, W 5+, Init 7+

Massage, Wine Shop Owner and Gideon:

You will tell your masters of me, for I bring spells for trade... The Preservers would be greatly displeased if you failed to at least bring them word of new spells to add to their collection...

intimidate1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

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