Thom Verikal |

Of course he is Raya! The very first person you have to lie to is yourself, he he.
Thom pours another glass of wine and takes a drink. He lowers his voice while looking at the others still waiting to use the bath. "I...think I do...but I know she has her own master she follows..." A look of realization dawns on his face, "And you...do you...like her as well?"

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

James sips at his drink, quietly whispering to the mage. "She does look very attractive, both in combat and that garb. Her radiance is very compelling to my shadows..."
"However, it's obvious that she feels not the same way." James has the usual male obliviousness that he has absolutely no insight into her feelings. "So..." he shrugs.
Taking another drink from his glass, he finds it empty and refills his and Barels glass; whilst watering down some Wine for Hester. 'What am I doing? Idiot, these are comrades. Not a dating service.' He breaks a smile.

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As timing would have it, James doesn't get the chance to answer that question since the bathroom door swings open. Still combing her hair, the Heartwarder returns to the group. "Well that was a simple pleasure. Thank you for loan, James. I've been knee deep in just about everything a tomb can throw at you, and Freeport wasn't much better." She looks across to Barel, "Speaking of, how's the wound faring, did it heal up proper?"
James passive Bluff beats Raya's passive Insight, but Thom's doesn't.
"Something a matter?" She wipes her hands off on the scrap rag that she has before slowly getting her armor put back on, greaves first.

Thom Verikal |

Thom glances at Raya, avoiding looking at her directly. "Uhh, no Raya....Nothing at all...Excuse me, I think it is my turn now for the bath..." He hurriedly gets up and heads to the bath.
Bluff 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

'So that's the kind of relationship the group has, wandering into bathing facilities. Well I suppose comrades in camp do get close.' He looks to Barel in askance. "I am honoured to have you in my home, Lady Iatos and all you heroes."
Insight: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24 Yep, James is a smooth liar.
At Hesters words, James smiles. "I am meant to be a responsible adult." There's a slight smirk as in his heart he still cannot believe he's at the age he is. "Well you'll have to get some stew to line the stomach."

Barel Dlode |

Barels eyes light up at the sight of the wine. He quaffs a glass, disregarding the flavor, and pours a second before regaining his manners. This one he drinks more appreciatively before agreeing with Thom regarding its quality.
At Arishat's comment, Barel eyes her for a moment before smiling in reply. "You don't need to fight me for the bath. I will wait my turn and then slosh around as happily as wine in a goblet! This sewer smell is even rankling my nose."
At this point, Barel realizes that he has nowhere to sit without soiling James's furniture. Instead, he pulls up a spot of floor outside of the bathroom, awaiting his turn.

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

After making sure he is clean; James doles out platefuls of rich beef bourguignon with fresh warm bread. "Sorry for the meagre fare, I wasn't really expecting visitors." he hands it to each of the newly cleaned people (& Hester). Himself he only nibbles slightly, stomach still upset from earlier.

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

"This morning, you know in case Valentino comes back." he says with a shrug, although there's a hint of lost-hope to his voice. "Anyway, I made lots of bread eat up. Once Barels had his quick dunk. I'll just....ahem....freshen up."
He looks around at the group a warm feeling in his stomach, he hadn't felt so happy since he's was in camp with his comrades...But these seemed tougher, more seasoned (especially assaulted).

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Raya sups as well, perhaps eating more than a fair share. "Many thanks indeed, I've always had a fondness of good, fresh bread; back on the farm we only made no-rise which isn't nearly as good." She dabs her mouth, "So, does this mean you intend to join us out of Sigil then? You have a life here, a home...at the very least I might suggest a steward for your home in your absence, there's simply no telling how long we will be gone."

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She grabs a dishrag, cleaning up the dishes, "Tell me about her?"

Thom Verikal |

Thom, having returned from his bath, digs into the proffered meal with gusto. He knows the chance for a good meal at their next destination was not good.
After the meal is done, he raises his glass in a toast. "Thank you James for such a wonderful meal! May we all succeed in our quest so we can have many more fine feasts!"

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

Raising his glass politely to the halfling; "I thank you, there's no greater pleasure for a host than his hospitality to be enjoyed." he seems happy that the quiet fighter is enjoying himself and maybe warming to James.
Breaking the bread with a jagged tear, he lathers some butter upon the end. "So you're a farm-girl? I wonder where they grow ladies like you?" he jokes after quenching his thirst.
"I would be honoured if I could come with you all, to Pluton." he adds sincerely.
"But good idea about a steward!" James looks to the small Hester, "So how's about it? Would you like to stay here until I get back?" He says hopefully with a small smile; knowing that the young girl though cheeky and boisterous has such potential - that could be nurtured to be something great.
"It'd keep you away from your Step-da; especially after he's had a drink." James says sadly.
Raising his glass as well; "A good toast Thom!"
Then his heart sinks as she sees straight through the masks, pretences and barriers that he's carefully constructed. His voice low, so that the others in the main area drinking don't hear.
He starts; "She was..." his voice falters. "Eleanor was... my first and only love." he says the words quickly & thick with emotion.
Realising that it might as well all come out, he continues "Her brothers were sending her to a convent, but we eloped... the first and only night. It was magical night, we were to be married in the morning. But her brothers found us first."
"She died in my arms; as my life-blood flowed out..." his voice quiet barely audible, he rubs at the old wound on his chest. "That was when she came to me, I made my pact with The Lady. Eleanors soul would be safe, she would look after it ."
James turns to Raya his eyes red-lined and the tears clear in them; "My powers... they are not evil. The Goddess of Shadows protects me, I can bind my soul with others. The diamonds cleanse their souls, before I release them."
"There is one thing I fear... I saw the One-eyed man. He marked me 'for special attention'" James rubs at his forehead absently, as if the clear it. "He liked my confidence, I must get away from here - from Sigil. Lest his boon and bane hurt the people."
"Sorry, for unloading on you like this... ever are the shadows attracted to the light's purity." he concedes.
The mask of false self-confidence slowly slips back into place before her eyes, but in the very corners she can just see the doubt and sorrow.
After the meal has concluded James has a quick bath and change of clothes. He gets ready to pack all his worldly goods and leave a note for his beloved brother.

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Raya takes the remark with a smirk, but remains silent.
Raya listens quietly as she dries the last dish, setting it aside. "You misunderstood me. I called your strength 'dark', not evil. There are similarities of course." Her tone is soft, compassionate. This IS what a Heartwarder does, after all. "And a dark strength could be turned to evil easily, especially when it comes from loss. I have heard your zeal for combat. I would not want you to throw yourself away, nor fall under evil's sway."
She frowns for a moment, "In truth, it is not my place to say such things, but when there is concern, there needs to be action. Do not worry about burdening me, it is my place, after all." Raya gives him a soft nod before exiting the kitchen.
'I think that perhaps he has locked himself in a cage, compensating for his own moments of helplessness with his antics...oh but he is alone...Who knows what he has spoken to the darkness alone...in the bitter watches of the night, when all life seems to shrink?"
Ready to move on.

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

After a wash-up and change of clothes including his bracers; James looks ready and prepared. "I have taken all my potions and elixirs that I've prepared, I shouldn't need the retorts and other alchemical equipment?"
A slight look of doubt flickers across his face; "Hester, I'll give you say 1000 gold?"
Ready to move on.

Rev DM |

Hester stares.
"Seriously? For that money I'll even tidy up."
She spits on her hand and holds it out to James. "You have a deal Jammy. And a home to come home to."
Restored, well fed and cleaner than any of you have been for a while, the party prepare to move out as Hester gets to work washing the dishes - as good as her word.
"You take care with Lu. She seems like a sweet old tiefling lady, but I don't trust her," she says seriously.
Respond as you wish.
The streets of Sigil are still as vibrant by night as they were by day, brighter perhaps as tall lamps blaze in the streets, giving the Hive a party atmosphere. Lu's shop seems to be open. There is light under the door at least.

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

"I would tell you to be careful with the money; but you're smarter than that Hester. I hope you'll still have some of that left; when I come back... if I come back." James says calmly placing a note for his brother on the mantelpiece.
Walking into the night, in his new pale shirt, tight britches and crimson embroidered waist-coat. As he walks down the road, he looks back to his sharply suited self. "Do we want to go straight in there? Ask for the info and the portal? I only have 1200 gold." He states the last quietly knowing that the streets have ears.

Thom Verikal |

Thom shrugs slightly in the outfit James had provided him. It was not quite as comfortable as his typical wizardly garb, but it will do for now. Also, he had to admit, it did make him look more...dashing.
"Hmmm...I suspect things won't be quite that simple. There was some sort of veil placed on the location, so I suspect others will try to prevent us from learning where the portal to there lies. We should conduct our business with her in private."

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

James opens the door, and holds it for the rest as whomever enters. Subsequently he walks inside and moves to the tiefling behind the counter. "That was a very good leaf you sold me earlier... I was wondering if we might do some more business?" His eyes flick around the shop hidden behind his dark glasses, although he knows the others will have his back and with better eyes than him.

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"Unharmed." Raya adds, "Also, I would advise not traisping about in the sewers beneath that plaza." She grimaces at the thought, "Sound advice I am sure. Anyway, it appears we have a new destination ahead of us. A dark sealed plane filled with great trepidation...Lu, your assistance to weary travellers has been of great help so far, I would ask you again for assistance, to help us find a way into Pluton." Her words are shushed at the end, in case any other customers are in the vicinity.

Rev DM |

"That poor old man's so lonely he'll nest with sewer dross. I surely hate to see it."
Lu shakes her head sadly. "Got a lot of enemies, a real lot of them."
"Pluton, now. Well, sugar, you're in the right place for I can surely find you a key. There's one itty-bitty problem with that and that's the price, but I'm guessing y'all don't mind paying. Can't be money - ain't enough gold in Sigil to buy that. So I'm asking a favour from y'all. You want to get there bad enough, y'all need to give me something good. Something powerful."
She sighs. "Now see, I'm wishing this could be otherways, but it's not possible. I'll be needing some of your power. Nothing else strong enough to hold that portal for you. One power each."

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Raya gives Lu a puzzled loo, "I'm afraid I don't quite understand. Power is begot by want and need. Are you asking for ambition? Or do you speak of strength of will itself, that which is taxed in combat?"
'Strange, I did not think Lu to be some sort of Sorceress, I had no idea she could open a portal herself. What more is there to her that I have failed to see?'
I'm guessing we need to all sacrifice a daily for this?

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

"Interesting!" James says raising an eyebrow; "By taking that you'll take some of the responsibility and provenance that comes with it."
He's slightly surprised at the request although know if they are dead then they'll have no powers. "Of course, we want to go to a specific place. Not just somewhere in the entire plane, having us wander around for our lives is not what I plan to do."
Opening up his cigarette case sub-consciously he inquires; "And what use will you put these powers too? Are they needed to feed the portal, or for your own collection?"

Rev DM |

"Honey, there's maybe a handful of people even know the place exists, it's just lucky for you I'm one of them. Nobody should even know about it and it's not so simple as just handing over a key. Has to be a strong key. Like the young man says, there's a veil.
Y'all need to know those powers won't be coming back to you right away. Twenty four hours I'm guessing and then, if you're lucky, if you can be reached out there, maybe. You courtly smart-alecky types just have to choose."

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

"Oh, I did not mean to offend my kind lady. I just heard your wit was as sharp as your tongue and know that we need to be careful to cross words with you." James tips his hat.
Smoothly he continues; "So if the power will pierce the veil and allow us to open the doorway to his place." James looks to the tiefling replacing his cigarette case whilst holding one in his hand. "What is your payment?"
Give up Ring of Pain

Rev DM |

Trapped on an island in the middle of Yorkshire with few or no roads in or out of town. Water should start to go down soon, but the rivers are all running very high. Helps to have a 4x4, which I don't.
Lu looks at the party consideringly.
"Y'all seem mighty determined, so I'm not going to be asking for anything else from you right now. My personal fee can just wait a while - because you have to know there is one. I'll be calling in a favour from you when the time's right."
The old tiefling draws the offered power into herself and closes her eyes.
"Y'all might want to rest up a spell. That place is not hospitable. I'm not going to name it again. Some things were kept hidden for a reason."
If you're taking an extended rest before you leave, go ahead and make a basic save at the end of it. If you make it, you get your daily back. If you don't make it, then each subsequent save you make post extended rest is at a cumulative +2. If that makes sense.

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

"Exactly, Lady Kutrigur. An extraction option would be good?" James replies.
Looking to Lu with a cheeky smile; "Although I don't give out my favours so easily; you could do anything with me!" he winks. "I'll do an unspecified future favour, provided that I have the right to refuse and the consequences of the favour don't harm too much."
The extended rest is upto you, James is absolutely fine (better than fine in fact). Although he needs to be in a fight soon(ish) or he'll lose his Free Crit Boon.

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"So long as such favors are not outside of what I already do. I won't be setting fire to orphans or murdering kings for you, but I do expect a price and frankly I feel more at ease now that you mention one. A bargain is easier than a deception."
I really don't need one either. Sitting at 9/12 surges, however if Arishat wants it, I'm fine with taking it easy for a day for once. Technically we probably only need another 4 hours to be considered an extended rest anyway what with all the baths and meals.
Save vs bargain 1d20 ⇒ 15 Does this mean everyone gets +6 to their save vs loss of dailies?

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

James looks across to the paladin with a smile and mutters under his breath; "I know a couple of Kings who could do with a right royal murdering."
I'll have to check to see if James 'Helm of 7 Deaths' loses it's souls after an extended rest. Also do we have an AP from the Angel & Vocar fights ;p

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

"If we need a rest before leaving, then there's still my place." 'Unless Hesters already sold all the beds.' He jokingly thinks.
"So it's only a lock going into there?" James ponders.
Yeah, we will need a rest if we are to have a full day of fights. I just don't like losing inspent goodies (darned DSA & AP) :P
Save: 1d20 ⇒ 8