To Change the Way of the World: A Better Valcia Begins Today (Inactive)

Game Master Darksmokepuncher

You are members of the Army of the Freeland of Amerys, a newly reformed country and the first to bring Democracy to Valcia. Your missions will involve the safety and protection of Amerys, the expansion of your lands through the conquest of or alliance with new territories, and the abolishment of slavery.

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Male Elf Wizard 20


Mortimer gives a solemn nod. "I hope the light succeeds in that case." He shuffles around. "I don't mean to impose, but if I payed would you mind sheltering me for the night? I managed to keep my hidden purse from the men who attacked me. I don't eat much and am very quiet."

*Grumbles about everyone communicating in spoilers* :D


My stuff, stay out! :D

Hp 81/81 AC 24 (21) (+12 Perc; +4 Init; Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +7)

Secret Twin Sister Language:
Pfft :).

Shadow Lodge


"3 silver pieces ought to do. You'll have food, a warm, bed, and anything else we can get ya."

Intrepid Trio:

Now that you're out of the city. What's the plan?

Male Elf Wizard 20


"It is much appreciated." Mortimer finds the 3 silvers and hands them over. "Thank you again for all of your kindness. I'm glad such good hearts can still be found in the world."

Mortimer has no more plans for the night. He will help with chores if able and will read late into the night before sleeping for 4 hours with Biel on watch.

Shadow Lodge


I need a will save and a fortitude save from you, please.

Male Elf Wizard 20



Will: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
Fort: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Ehh! Not bad at all!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hp 81/81 AC 24 (21) (+12 Perc; +4 Init; Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +7)

The super three will head out to the last attack spot.

♂ | HP: 45/45 | AC: 17 | Acr +7, Ath +2, Nat +3, Per +5, Ste +7, Sur +5|Saves: S2*, D7*, C2, I0, W2, Ch0 | Init +4 | PP: 15 | Spd: 35' | Insp: No | HD: 5/5 | Spell DC: 13 | Spells: (4/4) | Status: Madness (Lvl 2)

Cyrus will follow them.

Moving out!

Shadow Lodge


As you lay asleep, your subconscious mind fights off a spell designed to make your rest as deep as the grave. Simultaneously, your body works to fight the paralytic that has somehow worked it's way into your blood.

At this point you hear footsteps in the room. You may act, or roll bluff to "remain asleep".

Male Elf Wizard 20


Mortimer sends feeling of calmness to Biel, letting the familiar know that he is awake and aware of the situation. Mortimer remains on the ground, but prepares himself for a fight.

Bluff: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36

Hold action to cast vanish should anybody approach Mortimer with intent of harm (sword raised, holding ropes to bind him, etc).

Shadow Lodge


Great Bluff, but with eyes closed you wont be able to see for your readied action. If you are peeking, that's fine, but theres a penalty to bluff. How do you want to handle it?

Male Elf Wizard 20

I'll peek and take the penalty.

Shadow Lodge


Mortimer can see 3 men and hear 3 others. They surround you, weapons sheathed.

"Do it. He's out."

One the the men in your field of vision begins casting a spell.

DC 13 spellcraft tells you it is Zone of Truth.

Male Elf Wizard 20


Interesting that they would combine a sleep spell (I'm guessing Deep Slumber) with Zone of Truth. Perhaps just being cautious.

Mortimer shuts his peeking eyes and plays the part of the victim, acting as if entirely asleep and listening to his assailants while trying to throw off the effects of their spell.

Will: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

Shadow Lodge


I hate you :) You barely passed :)

"Is it done?" the first voice asks.


"Wake him."

A stiff-toed boot nudges the wizard in the ribs.

Male Elf Wizard 20


Dang, impressive DC.

Mortimer opens his eyes and flicks them about, but keeps his person still, unsure if their intended paralytic would have prevented him from speaking.

Shadow Lodge


"What's your name?"

Male Elf Wizard 20


Mortimer flicks his eyes about trying to see his assailant's faces. "What is this? Who are you?" His eyes rotate over. "Why can't I move?"

Shadow Lodge


"Can't you? This'll fix that." A short man with a small needle bends down, neddle poised.

Are you going to let this happen or try to stop him?

Male Elf Wizard 20


Time to GTFO.

Concentration DC 23: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25

With a bark of "Togofor ifni!" Mortimer winks out of existance, appearing a good hundred feet outside.

Dimension door, verbal component only. Mortimer will try to find some cover in the trees and watch the house.

Shadow Lodge


Mortimer hears muffled cries and cursing from inside the little farm house. Mere heartbeats later, the band emerges into the yard. Immediately they fan out to begin a thorough search.

The big farmer with the axe at his belt shouts, "Alec! Usha! Scan for magic auras. He's bound to have something on him!"

Two of the company produces small, wooden relics, hold them aloft and start scanning in sweeping arcs.

The others hold long knives braced against bows knocked with arrows; their eyes searching the recesses between tree and wood.

The big man shouts again. "Don't group up! Word is he's a devil with them fireballs!"

Intrepid Trio:

You ride until dusk begins to fall and make a tidy camp. The following morning leaves you hale and rested.

I'm updating you all slower since travel scenes assume longer stretches of time than Mortimer currently has :)

♂ | HP: 45/45 | AC: 17 | Acr +7, Ath +2, Nat +3, Per +5, Ste +7, Sur +5|Saves: S2*, D7*, C2, I0, W2, Ch0 | Init +4 | PP: 15 | Spd: 35' | Insp: No | HD: 5/5 | Spell DC: 13 | Spells: (4/4) | Status: Madness (Lvl 2)

Cyrus wakes early and hunts down some food, finding just enough to get him by.

Forgot to bring food so taking 10 on Survival = Good enough.

Male Elf Wizard 20


I was highly considering whipping a fireball into the house but thought that would be a little mean to the poor couple who sheltered me.

Does it look like they're splitting up enough where I could isolate one of them?

Shadow Lodge


The man of the couple who sheltered you is currently leading the hunt against you if that helps.

They are all pretty well spread out.

Map updated for you :)

Male Elf Wizard 20


That rat bastard.

Mortimer casts invisibility on himself, moving deeper into the woods.

Standard action to cast, move action to move 30' (or slower if terrain is hampering) directly away.

Shadow Lodge


Mortimer's pursuers continue their search.

Perception and Stealth check please. Also, your next round actions.

Intrepid Trio:

The morning passes quickly and soon you find yourselves at the first of the rolling hills that lead to the capital.

Male Elf Wizard 20


Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29
Stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (16) + 21 = 37

Mortimer casts fly on himself and gains altitude, stopping when he is above the range of detect magic. Then he heads back over the house to find the husband who was leading the search for him, still saying invisible and in the sky.

Hp 81/81 AC 24 (21) (+12 Perc; +4 Init; Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +7)

DM + Super Trio:
We keep moving forward toward our destination

Star Trio:


♂ | HP: 45/45 | AC: 17 | Acr +7, Ath +2, Nat +3, Per +5, Ste +7, Sur +5|Saves: S2*, D7*, C2, I0, W2, Ch0 | Init +4 | PP: 15 | Spd: 35' | Insp: No | HD: 5/5 | Spell DC: 13 | Spells: (4/4) | Status: Madness (Lvl 2)

Anyone else have wild west horse riding music stuck in their head?

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly:

On loop :D

Shadow Lodge


He is standing outside the door to the farmhouse.

Intrepid Trio:

Dun Dundalund Dunalund Dundalund Dundalund Dun! Dun Dundalund Dun Dundalund Dundalund Dun Dun Dun!

Hang in there. Thorough wizard is thorough :)


Was that... Bonanza? :D

♂ | HP: 45/45 | AC: 17 | Acr +7, Ath +2, Nat +3, Per +5, Ste +7, Sur +5|Saves: S2*, D7*, C2, I0, W2, Ch0 | Init +4 | PP: 15 | Spd: 35' | Insp: No | HD: 5/5 | Spell DC: 13 | Spells: (4/4) | Status: Madness (Lvl 2)

That was the one in my head couldn't think of the name though.

Male Elf Wizard 20


"I suggest you start talking about why you were attacking before I burn everything within sight to the ground." Mortimer keeps invisibly changing location to throw off his voice.

Hp 81/81 AC 24 (21) (+12 Perc; +4 Init; Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +7)

The 3 Musketeers:
Before D'Artagnan joined...

Shadow Lodge


The big man whistles a signal and turns in the direction of Mortimer's voice.

The others with him begin circling the house.

"We ain't attacked you. We were merely trying to gauge you: get our bearings as it were. Now we know you've got some tricks."

He chuckles. "You in the army, wizard?"

Male Elf Wizard 20


Mortimer speaks in a seething voice. "I was a contractor, but I left because those corrupt bastards tried to use me as a scapegoat."

Shadow Lodge


The big man narrows his eyes. "You sound like you hold no love for the army. If that is true, reveal yourself and we can talk."

Male Elf Wizard 20


Well well, have I possibly run into the group already?

"We can hear each other just fine. Talk."

Shadow Lodge


"I'm sorry you misunderstood. This is not a negotiation. You come forward and we can talk. Or we hunt you until you die."

Male Elf Wizard 20


Mortimer laughs. "And what's to keep me from floating up here and raining fire until you're all dead?" Mortimer drifts higher, taking out a wand and casting mage armor on himself.

Shadow Lodge


"Nothing. Maybe everything. The point is, you have no way a'knowing what we are capable of, but we've seen your tricks and there's more 'f us than you. I like the odds. Last chance Mortimer."

Male Elf Wizard 20


I see no good reason why they can't talk to me here, so if talking is all they want to do than there's no reason for me to make myself vulnerable.

Mortimer drops the invisibility, but remains 150 feet in the air. "Talk."

Shadow Lodge


"That's a start. You say you hate the army for tryin' to scapegoat ya? What happened?"

Male Elf Wizard 20


Mortimer glances around at the circling men, seeing if they have any magic or bows or other ranged means of combat. "I was sent on a mission of liberation with a special operations team, but the entire mission was a facade. It was a ruse to get us all killed, but I made it back and discovered their true intentions. Since I was alive and aware of the situation they're now trying to pin the deaths of those soldiers on my head and calling me a deserter." He gives a small grin. "Well now at least the second part is right. I'm going to return there in a few years and burn the whole place to the ground."

Bluff: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22

Shadow Lodge


"Is that right? And you didn't try to defend your innocence? You just caved to their fraud and turned traitor? Just like that?"

The big man shrugs. "How am I to believe you? Last night, you spoke well of the army in hopes of them removing the bandit threat. Now,you hate them. What am I to think?"

Male Elf Wizard 20


"It had little to do with my innocence, it's that they slaughtered my comrades for their own ends. I will not work for anybody that does that."

Mortimer laughs. "So if you run across what you believe to be a random citizen you would tell them your hatred of the army and your plans to overthrow them? I believed if I had said that than you would have thrown me out."

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