GM Valynce Sharae |

Welcome to the Forgotten Realms! What follows is a list of rules for everyone to follow while playing in this PbP. Please be courteous to your fellow players and make sure to follow these rules. This will help me run the game more smoothly especially since this module is going to be very in-depth and extensive. These rules can be modified in any way. These modifications will be done in the discussion thread, hopefully with the approval of everyone unless I find the need to implement them for other reasons. My goal is to make this a fun and enjoyable experience.
#1. No profanity or foul language.
#2. Everyone is expected to post at least once in a 24 hour period. If you have to be gone for longer than a day or two please let me know. I will control your character until you return or find a way to have you leave the party and rejoin. If a player is gone longer than 24 hours in a combat situation the GM will act for that player.
#3. When posting please let everyone get thoughts and character reactions in. I do not mind if you have multiple posts but do not overload the thread.
#4. Please keep all out of character talk in the ooc format. Like this.
#5. Please keep OOC talk in this thread to explanations about what your character is doing stat wise such as: Valynce is using her power attack feat when making her strike.
#6. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me or post in the discussion thread.
#7. When I introduce combat I will ask everyone to roll initiative. After I establish who goes in what order a stricter set of rules will be in place.
#8. When in combat/rounds only post when it is your turn, this will help me read through the thread easier and analyze what is going on.
#9. Please be patient in combat I have found that my character misses out on commenting during battle about things that have just happened when there are multiple posts.
#10. Please talk in character in bold type format.
#11. Please use italics to show what your character is thinking.
#12. Have fun!
The next post in this thread will start the campaign. So please do not post yet. Please post as your characters only from this point on. Please post in the discussion thread also as your characters. It makes it easier to know who is asking questions. Thanks everyone and lets have fun!

GM Valynce Sharae |

One by one you are lead into a small room in the back of the Silver Unicorn Inn located in the grand city of Silverymoon. After extensive training and tests your hard work may have payed off with what have done for the Valynce Group. As you enter the room you see a plain round wooden table with seven chairs around it. The guard, an elf in leather armor and cape with a rapier at his side that lead you here motions for you to sit.
Please wait here... the guard says and then exits the room closing the heavy wooden door behind him.
As you look around you notice only one window, the shutters closed, the morning light streams in through the slits. A charm perhaps, with a gem attached to it hanging above the window creates a splash of rainbow dots, as the sun catches it, that fall over the far wall. The room is plain to say the least, the table, a candelabra of what looks to be brass stands holding three lit candles at its center and the chairs you now sit at, along with a small stand with a pitcher and basin of water sitting atop it are the only pieces of furniture in the this 40x40 room. The room is silent except for the noise made by the now five other people, you recognize vaguely from training, that sit near you. No noise can be heard from the lively inn's tavern section you passed when coming in.
Ten minutes have passed but nothing as of yet has happened...
What do you do?
You may now talk among yourselves, make skill checks if you wish, cast spells, attack rolls, or walk out... It is all up to you! Have fun and let the game begin.

GM Valynce Sharae |

Dryten: You know from what you have heard around this city and from the limited time you have been here that:
Silverymoon is a Metropolis easily containing over 35,000+ people. Nature itself imbues this city, it is a beautiful place of ancient trees and soaring towers, with curving lines in its stonework and garden plantings adorning every nook and balcony.
Aerial steeds carry riders on high, magic and learning is revered, music and laughter are heard often in the streets, and the city contains fascinating shops brim-full of maps, books, minor magic items, and beautiful things.
You also know from your brief observations that even more so than Waterdeep, Silverymoon is built on the spirit of cooperation between the races. Humans, Elves, and Dwarves all maintain dwellings in the same areas of the city instead of dividing into separate wards. You observed a human home built around the base of a tree, with elves using the tree above as part of the walkway to their central tree home, and Dwarves coming up from caverns below.

Allystra |

Allystra nods at the Half-elf's cordial greeting. She stands and gives a revealing bow.
I have no idea why we are here but it seems to me, to avoid boredom, that we might as well introduce ourselves. I am Allystra, a wanderer, a seeker of excitement and adventure She gives a wide and friendly smile
She glances around at each of the individuals seated at the table.
I was hoping you could each describe your character quickly

Balugarom Twiddlestick |

Balugarom jumps excitedly from his seat, head reaching just above the table "Hello there, you may call me Balugarom" He pauses slightly to adjust the birds nest hat that sits chaotically on his shock of green hair. "Or Twiddlestick whichever you prefer"
As he clambers back onto his seat the wolf by his side nudges gently at his hand. "Yes ShadowStride new places, new people!!!" He talks to the wolf as if no one else is there when clearly they can hear.
Hopefully didn't ramble on to much

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walks over to the window and trys to open up the shutters,
Let's Open up the shutters so that we all can see in here. it is a little too dark for my liking.
Then goes over to the table and looks everyone else up and down and start calmly talking
As some of you know already I am Kyranda Cleric of Calistria
I ponder which one of these guys, i can get some money from tonight
Looking around at the Gnome she kind of smiles,
It is such a nice thing to see the little folk around here again, maybe you can visit with me a little later on tonight?
Diplomacy check 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Keleth Forgall |

Keleth introduces himself, looking at each person individually, summing them up.
I am Keleth Forgall, but enough with these pleasantries, let us find why we are here.
I don’t like this; it is probably some sort of trap or plot against us.
Keleth looks around for any other objects or unusual thing that might be in the room
Perception check 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
I wonder why Kyranda couldn’t open the shutters. I must investigate.
Keleth walks over to the shudders. As he is about to investigate, he notices the gem above the window and pulls it down, examining it closely.

Dryten Zyral |

And I am Dryten. A pleasure to formally meet my fellow captives...errr guests, we'll see soon enough.
Dryten is wearing a cloak over his leather armor. The hood is off to reveal the scars and age lines on his face.
This room feels quite misplaced as if it serves a purpose unknown to most of the city.

GM Valynce Sharae |

As Keleth's outstretched hand almost closes around the gem a spark of blue energy zaps his hand.
Balugarom isn't quite that enthralled with Kyranda but his friendly attitude stays the same. Although Balugarom now has something more than this room to think about.
I will attend to the perception check when I get home tonight.

Allystra |

Ah ha! Allystra clap's her hands in delight.
I wondered about that gem but I didn't want to be the first to touch it. I had hoped to get through our introductions before I rudely began exploring but seeing as you've taken the initiative...
She says to Keleth.
She moves towards the gems and the shutters and begins to mutter under her breath and waves her hands in the air in a circular motion without touching anything.
Allystra casts Detect Magic and will concentrate for three rounds if possible.

GM Valynce Sharae |

Keleth- Other than the gem in the window the room is exactly as described. You find nothing else out of the ordinary.
Allystra- After your first round of concentration you are almost blinded by the rooms aura, the walls themselves glow with magical energy. After your second round of concentration you can see that the gem glows more than the room itself. Finally after your third round of concentration you realize that this gem is a sort of sound proofing device it also has a defensive ability to keep it from being removed.
The door opens and a woman with almost white hair, standing about 5-11, tattoos marking her body and face, some glowing slightly, wearing a red dress, an ornate necklace, and has a look of leadership about her Looks like avatar picture walks in flanked by two guards. Neither you recognize. She walks over to the table, a bemused look on her face at those by the window and takes a seat.
In a soft and soothing voice but one that doesn't lack conviction or leave any room for argument she says:
Please take a seat we have much to discuss. She smiles, one that seems to make you feel at ease. She motions for the two guards to leave.
They salute and exit the room closing the door as they leave.
My name is Valynce Sharae the founder and leader of the Valynce Group. A group dedicated to adventure and treasures. A gleam enters her eyes.
Possibly, known to you, or not, the odd jobs and training you have been going through over the past few years have been leading up to this point. To be here means that you are the best in your areas. I have asked you here because of some disturbing visions that I have had, along with most of our Wizards and Sorcerers.
Valynce's gaze falls on Allystra but moves on...
If you are interested I have a mission for you. Should you complete this mission you will be inducted into the Valynce Group. I will give you two chances to leave this room. The first is now. If you do not wish to take this opportunity the door is there, you may leave. Otherwise we shall begin a debriefing.
She waits to see if anyone says anything or leaves.

Keleth Forgall |

Keleth looks around to see if anyone else moves, but firmly keeps his mouth clamped.
Sense motive on Valynce 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Finally maybe a chance to get out into the real world, finally a chance to make a difference, finally a chance for revenge.
Sorry, this doesn't make sense, I am trying to get my background up but am very busy. It will make sense soon.

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As The lady walks in the room Kyranda looks at her and ponders hmm, she is a beauty She chooses the chair next to Valynce and smiles at her slightly.
after she looks at Allystra Oh My!, I will have to get that information out of her as soon as possible
after hearing the rest of the speech
Grabbing the water pitcher and glasses she pours water out for everyone in the room and offer it to each one of them in turn saying
let us drink to new friendships and new adventures that might await us!
then she drinks a sip of the water
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 bluff check to not really drink any water just put it up to my lips and pretend

Allystra |

For a moment Allystra appears to continue her study the gem and doesn't even seem to notice the entry of Valynce Sharae.
As Valynce finishes her speech and the other's take their seats she turns abruptly letting her dress swish across the floor.
She lightly and smoothly walks over to the table and takes her seat across from Kyranda and next to Twiddlesticks and Shadowstride, giving them a friendly smile.
Across the table she notices Kyranda looking at her intently but quickly leans back in her chair and folds her hands in front of her face and stares at Valynce her smile disappearing as she listens intently.

Dench Bloodchylde |

Dench maintains his spot on the wall, and returns any greetings received.
"That'll teach you not to touch things," he says after a bark of laughter when Keleth's hand gets zapped. "I'd suggest we refrain from messing with things further lest we upset our 'hosts'."
Dench stands up to his full height of six foot nine inches when Valynce enters the room, and adopts a parade rest stance. He quietly listens to what she has to say and only speaks when she is finished.
"I'd be greatly interested in hearing what this prospective job entails, m'lady," he says with a respectful tone to his voice.

Balugarom Twiddlestick |

Balugarom brightly smiles at Kyranda "Well yes...oh, ohhh. You mean that kind of 'tonight'. Well I don't know what..." Gratefully he is interrupted by the entrance of Valynce, as she talks he fiddles with his overly large brown eyebrow.
His returning grin to Allystra is huge, then turning to ShadowStride he says "I think that we will be liking her", ShadowStride wags his tail just happy for the attention.
Hearing Dench's comments "Yes we would be very interested!!!".
Although I never knew a Half-Orc could laugh.

GM Valynce Sharae |

Kyandra please make a SLIGHT OF HAND skill check to hide the fact you are not drinking, everyone else (you may choose that your character wasn't paying attention) who was paying attention to Kyandra when she was drinking please make a PERCEPTION check. I will assume most people will be looking at Kyandra at the moment because of her statement. Balugarom you will be at a -3 for your perception check due to the advances she made towards you earlier, you are more enamored with her than everyone else.
Everyone please see discussion thread. Thanks.

GM Valynce Sharae |

Only Dryten and Keleth notice something strange, when Kyranda goes to take a sip of her water she doesn't actually drink any.
Valynce looks at each individual in turn and begins to speak:
I am glad you have all decided to stay. I did hand pick you after all... Now to business. I mentioned earlier about some disturbing visions. From the information we have gathered the visions have coincided with an earthquake that has happened in Waterdeep. We believe something has happened to The Mad Archmage Halaster...
Her eyes seem to drift out of focus and then she snaps back into herself.
We have heard that many adventuring parties and guilds are gathering gear and heading into the depths of Undermountain. We have figured out that something dreadful has taken place under Waterdeep in the depths of Undermountain. The visions almost seem as if Halaster has sent out a call to certain people to go there. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to gain entrance into Undermountain and explore the lower levels below the sewers. Scholars call these the dungeon levels...
She pauses for a second and then says: This is your last chance to back out. The information you will be given next is top secret and if we find out that you have betrayed us or sell this information in any way...
Valynce slowly looks towards the pitcher of water and the entire table it sits on suddenly explodes into tiny splinters, basin and glass shattering to the floor. She looks back at the table.
Well we will just leave it at that...now choose... The door or the mission.
She pauses and waits.

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after hearing about the earthquake hmm, I ponder about that if there is something else she is not telling us. and whom is the guy called Halaster?
after hearing chance of backing out
Why? why would I want to back out of this chance after being chosen? After all, I just started making some new friends
goes over to Twiddlestick and puts her arm around him right cutie?
after the table exploding and the pitcher drop drops her glass as the table explodes
Geese, I hope there was nothing in there that could harm no one. I did not want anything to happen to anyone I just.... ahh nevermind.... snickers
As, I agree with your offer, I do have a question though ma'am? what is in it for us other then becoming your top agents in the field?

Dench Bloodchylde |

after hearing about the earthquake I wonder if this Halaster character she mentioned had anything to do with it, he ponders. Only one way to find out I suppose.
after being given the chance to back out
I have never been one to back away from a challenge, he says gruffly. My sword and shield are at your service.
after the table breaks in to splinters
Well that's different and volatile. I must keep it in mind to never anger her.
I find myself agreeing with, Kyranda was it? What is in this for us other than the position she mentioned.

Allystra |

Allystra listens to Valynce intently.
After the table explodes and the glass shatters Allystra has trouble preventing a smile from crossing her lips.
An adventure indeed. Well I for one am more than willing to go. I've seen many things in the last few years but I've yet to see a dungeoun much less travel beneath a mountain
She sits up and smiles.

Balugarom Twiddlestick |

Balugarom listens to Valynce's offer, as Kyranda puts her arm around him. Yes I am cute aren't I. He beams but then the table explodes, he sits there stuck in place for a second before leaping from his chair "Hoo hoo. Excellent excellent we choose mission." He starts dragging his chair through the debris "Now can you do that again."
ShadowStride has backed into the corner of the room hackles raised and fangs showing.

Dryten Zyral |

Mad Archmage Halaster, hmmmmm.
Knowledge Local-not sure if it would be a local roll or not 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Also a Knowledge Dungeoneering for Undermountain 1d2 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
If I may ask a few questions of you Valynce:
What resources do you have for us for this mission?
What can you tell us about some of the other groups we may encounter on our quest?
What is it that is so important for us to go dungeon crawling beneath a sewer?
As my new friends here have said I will happily accept this mission, for a quest of this magnitude will certainly have its benefits.

Keleth Forgall |

After Keleth notices Kyranda not drink
Oh, she is a sly one, and a little to pushy for me. I will have to keep an eye on her.
As Valynce talks about the quest, Keleth's eyes seem to become unfocused as he stares of into space.
This situation seems a little too circumstantial, and I trusted her. hmm
After the table shatters
That was a little excessive
Keleth watches as each person speaks, but stays quite himself, thinking.

GM Valynce Sharae |

To Kyranda and Dench, Valynce says: For you? This position allows you access to the Valynce Group's resources. Not only that, you will be payed on completion of any mission assigned to you by us and further more any treasure you find along the way is yours to keep... Unless specifically requested by us.
To Dryten Valynce says: [b]This mission will require you to use your own resources and your own wits. After all this mission is your final test. She shoots him a smile.
As for some of the other groups... She shrugs ...they range from fighters to adventurers, to guards, wizards, basically anyone who received the visions and have decided to investigate. Some may be hostile and others may be friendly.
As for the importance of this mission...It is of the utmost importance that you find out what has happened to Halaster.
Sorry have been really busy lately. Will deal with skill checks and the rest of the mission tomorrow. Sorry for the delay and thanks for baring with me.

GM Valynce Sharae |

Ah yes... well as for the other groups. The Valynce group has a few rules about engaging other parties but we will talk about that shortly.
Let me fill all of you in on The Valynce Group. We... The Valynce Group has grown big enough now to gain notice by other groups that are involved with the realms. One in particular is the Harper's. Self proclaimed watchers and saviors of the Realms, as such when you encounter other groups The Valynce Group requires that violence be a last resort in the completion of your mission. If possible, at least with this mission, work with other groups to accomplish your mission but watch your back. Not all groups work with us or have the same objectives.
As I said earlier, your mission is to gain access into Undermountain and find the reason for these visions and the earthquake. Our best wizards fear that there are forces in effect that could destroy Undermountain and in the process obliterate Waterdeep. This information does not leave this room. A widespread panic could throw Waterdeep into horrible chaos. The Lords of Waterdeep and certain groups including ourselves do not want this to happen.
You will gain access to Undermountain through the well located in the common room of the Yawning Portal Inn. You will meet with a man by the name of Durnan the owner of said establishment. You will find the inn on Rainrun Street in he city's castle ward, two doors west of The Empty Keg Tavern. Right next to the inn, between it and the Keg, stands Mother Salinka's House of Pleasures, a shabby, low-coin festhall.
Anyone in Waterdeep can point you to the Portal, it is the most well known Inn in town. You are to follow all of Durnan's rules while in his Inn. We have procured you rooms at the Inn while you hunt the depths of Undermountain. You can return there and rest anytime you need and there are multiple places to receive healing in the city. As well as in the Inn itself. They will charge however.
After her lengthy mission statement Valynce looks again at them all.
We have great hopes for all of you and look forward to your final report upon your return. If possible we also would like you to gather as much information about Undermountain as possible, maps, journals, anything you find bring back here. Before you set off, are there any other questions?

Dryten Zyral |

Shall we acquire information from the other groups as well? Could there be groups there merely to challenge our exploration?
Realizing he is asking all the questions, Dryten pauses and addresses his teammates.
Any one else have any concerns or are we ready to lay out our strategy?
Pulls his hood over his head and sits back in his chair.

Allystra |

Concerns?... Allystra turns her head to one side looking confused.
No I believe I'm ready She says with a wide eyed smile
I'll gather my things and meet you at the inn and we can start looking for those rings.
She says flippantly as she moves to get out of her chair and leave.

Balugarom Twiddlestick |

Balugarom "Hmmm questions." He looks to ShadowStride for inspiration but the wolf is still backed in the corner, tail between his legs. "Can you give us paper. Orabook" he speaks quickly his voice getting squeaky. "It's been so long since I've seen a book."
He turns his gaze to Dryten slowly smile on his lips "Strategy? I like the sound of that"

GM Valynce Sharae |

Valynce turns to Dryten: You may interact with any one or thing you find. Once the mission starts you are on your own. We do not know what groups or dangers you will face, Halaster and his apprentices had been filling Undermountain with every monster they could find from this plane and others since his take over of it...
She hears Allystra's words and turns her gaze on her: Allystra please stay behind for minute after the others leave. There is something I wish to discuss.
Valynce looks to Balugarom and says: Balugarom sweetie that is something we actually can supply you with since part of your mission is to gather information. Anyone interested will be supplied with inkpens, a vial of ink, and a journal or 10 sheets of parchment your choice.[/b]
She smiles kindly at the small gnome.

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Valynce, I would request one favor from you if you do not mind. Also It would be exremely helpful to journal this down, so I too will partake in your supplies, ma'am
goes and writes on an extra piece of parchment that is from her backpack and writes down a note
If I can get at least this it would help me out a lot more,
Hey Twiddle-sweetie, want to come next door with me to get those supplies? slight wink at him
oh, and Allystra, your boots are untied
hmm, how can I get her to tell me everything, I know that there is going to be no way of listening into this room, I have a huch on that...
walks out behind Keleth with Twiddlestick

GM Valynce Sharae |

As everyone goes to leave:
One last thing... you will be travelling in a group as companions from now on, if you make it through this mission everyone in this room will be in the same party. There are horses waiting for you outside and a riding dog for you Balugarom. Please gather any of the writing supplies I mentioned earlier in the supply shop next door, they know you are coming and then head to Waterdeep with all haste.
After Kyranda passes the note to Valynce: Kyranda please wait outside so I may talk with you after I finish with Allystra. Thank you. She smiles.