The Seven Prayers: Save the Princess! (Inactive)

Game Master Aebliss

It's time to escort a young noblewoman to her first meeting with her fiancé, all in the name of peace. And then it's time to save her life...!

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The unthinkable has happened.
Peace talks have broken out between Andoran and Cheliax! Despite many, many setbacks in the diplomatic process and numerous objections from many Andoran and Chelish nobles, slow progress has been made, and a pivotal point has been reached.

A marriage has been arranged between a young Chelish noblewoman and the son of a longstanding member of the Andoran Ruling Council.

Seeing as there are still plenty of people who would prefer to end the diplomatic process (and the courtship) with a sharp knife or some quick poison, it has been decided to bring the two young people together for their first in secret, in a neutral location in the Whisperwood.

YOU have the noble mission of escorting the young lady from Cheliax to the location in the Whisperwood, to meet her Andoran fiancé and escort both of them onward to Andoran.
And of course... it all goes terribly wrong.
Will YOU go forth to Rescue The Princess...?

NO CE characters.
20 pt. build
Hero points allowed
Two traits at character creation. You may choose to take a drawback, in which case you can have a third trait.
Maximum starting gold at 1st level.
Maximum hp at 1st level. At all following levels, half maximum plus 1 plus Con. modifier.
At least two paragraphs of backstory, a description, and a good reason why you might have been selected by House Jeggare to escort their young flower to her engagement.


Core rulebook
Advanced player´s guide
Ultimate magic
Ultimate combat
Advanced race guide
Inner sea magic
Gods and magic
Humans of Golarion
Goblins of Golarion
Humans of Golarion
Orc of Golarion
Blood of Angels
Blood of Fiends

I have advertised for this campaign on a different site as well. There are four people who have right of first refusal, and I want a party of seven at the most.

Updating will not be very fast, but I will try to at least have a new post for you on a weekly basis.

If this first adventure goes well, there will be more adventure to follow this first dungeon/crawl.

I am definitely interested. I will put together a proposal soon. :)


Will you allow Andoranian characters? I have an idea for a Bard (archeologist) that is an Androan agent under cover in Cheliax (sabotage and spying mostly) that heard about this mission and pulled some strings to get assigned to it. Otherwise I have ideas for other characters if you find this unacceptable. I LOVE the Cheliax-Andoran setting btw.

Dark Archive

I am in as well, but am willing to play most any class we end up needing. So I'll watch what you guys offer up and then propose something.

Liberty's Edge

GM question:
What role, if any, is the church of Abadar likely to have played in the negotiations? I'm leaning toward an Abadarite priest, but I'm not sure whether that will fit with the backstory.

Count me in, please. ;-)

Dalgar the Great wrote:
Will you allow Andoranian characters? I have an idea for a Bard (archeologist) that is an Androan agent under cover in Cheliax (sabotage and spying mostly) that heard about this mission and pulled some strings to get assigned to it. Otherwise I have ideas for other characters if you find this unacceptable. I LOVE the Cheliax-Andoran setting btw.

Certainly, although your character may have gotten orders already to lay off on the sabotage once the peace process got up to full steam.

Shisumo wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

DM answer:
Oh, the major lawful churches will ALL have wanted a piece of the pie; officiating at the Wedding of the Century would be a feather in their cap, and of course they all want at least some influence on the treaty that is being set up. There's a lot of negotiating going on behind the scenes, too.

Welcome, all. ^_^ One of the people with right of first refusal has, indeed, refused, so an extra character slot has opened up.

Silver Crusade

I'd like to join this game if possible. I've never played on paizo before, so if that is a hindrance then no worries. I've got an Aasimar Paladin that I'd like to play.

Liberty's Edge

So concept, then:

The Church of Abadar was a key player in the negotiations over the marriage, and was quick to volunteer one of its faithful as the young Lady Jeggare's protector for the journey. When the question of who specifically was raised, the Church promptly nominated Analise Menndova. The young priestess has worked for several years as a guardian of the Chelaxian trade routes, knows the area they will be traveling quite well, and as a bonus, actually attended the same finishing school as the young Lady Jeggare! What choice could be better?

Annalise, however, was not as thrilled. She did indeed know Lady Jeggare during their school days together... but only because her mother was a teacher of mathematics, and Annalise was allowed to attend on scholarship. A tomboy and a non-noble who preferred to spend her time in the stables or the practice field rather than the parlor or salon, Annalise was teased brutally by the other girls - and Lady Jeggare was the ringleader. Annalise still can't think of those days without shame. "But it'll be better now," she's told herself. "I was a child then, and so was she. We're adults. I can do this." Her mirror has gotten tired of hearing those lines, and Annalise still doesn't quite believe them...

Annalise Menndova is a LN human inquisitor of Abadar, specializing in the repeating crossbow. A full build and a description is forthcoming, as long as the concept suits.

Hey everybody... Just checking in to say I will be joining in. As soon as I get a few things in order I will post my character.

Just wanted to say hi until then!

Hi! :)

Hi All. I'm interested as well. I'll have a proposal up soon!
Love this setting - I'm actually running a solo campaign set in the Whisperwood myself. Really curious to see your spin on it.

Hi everyone,

also interested in the game, and would like to join, if no big knowledge of Pathfinder is required.

Shisumo wrote:

So concept, then:

The Church of Abadar was a key player in the negotiations over the marriage, and was quick to volunteer one of its faithful as the young Lady Jeggare's protector for the journey. When the question of who specifically was raised, the Church promptly nominated Analise Menndova. The young priestess has worked for several years as a guardian of the Chelaxian trade routes, knows the area they will be traveling quite well, and as a bonus, actually attended the same finishing school as the young Lady Jeggare! What choice could be better?

Annalise, however, was not as thrilled. She did indeed know Lady Jeggare during their school days together... but only because her mother was a teacher of mathematics, and Annalise was allowed to attend on scholarship. A tomboy and a non-noble who preferred to spend her time in the stables or the practice field rather than the parlor or salon, Annalise was teased brutally by the other girls - and Lady Jeggare was the ringleader. Annalise still can't think of those days without shame. "But it'll be better now," she's told herself. "I was a child then, and so was she. We're adults. I can do this." Her mirror has gotten tired of hearing those lines, and Annalise still doesn't quite believe them...

Annalise Menndova is a LN human inquisitor of Abadar, specializing in the repeating crossbow. A full build and a description is forthcoming, as long as the concept suits.

I like the concept -- but there's one teeny hitch. The Lady Jeggare being married off is sixteen, going on seventeen.

Would you consider a relative of hers as your school bully? Perhaps a young aunt?

Liberty's Edge

Older cousin or even an older sister would probably work, as long as the younger girl was close enough to see - and possibly mimic some of - the bullying taking place. That might even work out better, because it will be even more humiliating that Annalise is scared of a girl several years her junior... :)

*waggles hand* I'll give you an older cousin, and the young lady was close enough to see. ;) Stay tuned for some surprises during the trip...

How about the Advanced Class Guide classes? I'm considering playing a fencer along the lines of Inigo Montoya or Wesley, since, you know... we're escorting a princess bride-to-be, and it just makes sense. Swashbuckler is my first choice for class.

Sorry, but no. None of those classes. If you want to go that route, I recommend a Rogue or a Fighter with Weapon Finesse, building up to Duelist down the line. ;)

Scarab Sages

Contemplating some form of bodyguard. Maybe magically geased to not be able to speak, especially if its anything negative against the princess or cheliax on general. Your thoughts?

The gease seems a bit too restrictive, especially with a thought to the potential follow-up.

Feel free to be a bodyguard, though! :)

DM Quoth wrote:
Sorry, but no. None of those classes. If you want to go that route, I recommend a Rogue or a Fighter with Weapon Finesse, building up to Duelist down the line. ;)

Two-weapon ranger is actually the second closest I think, but rogue is also tempting. Thanks for the quick reply! I'll get started.

Scarab Sages

Well then perhaps its something shevhas control of? Working on the crunch in a few hours when home from work. Otherwise one bodyguard (probably with just a slight crush on said princess incoming.)

Liberty's Edge

Monk with a Vow of Silence?

I would like to bring in an Elven Fighter. It has been long and long since I played with a regular fighter.

Scarab Sages

I was thinking along those lines yeah.

That sounds a lot better than a magical geas. ^_^

Scarab Sages

you know i havent made a monk since early 3.0 would taking weapon finesse make my unarmed attacks use my dex mod? the book said natural weapons are considered light weapons, and i would like to think a monks fist, or knee would be considered natural but just wanted to make sure you are on the same page DM.

Scarab Sages

gm question:
I dont want to ask too many questions but how is the travel proceeding, i would assume if part of the retinue i would at least know if its by land or sea. I only ask because i was contemplating purchasing a cart and mule as sort of a baggage train, you know carrying my wards spare clothing and the like. But if its by boat no sense puchasing such things. Should have the profile and backstory up in an hour, making dinner.

Dark Archive

My entry. Background and crunch is all under the link. If you happen to notice anything amiss or need clarification please let me know. I placed two different drawbacks there on purpose, since one has a gm fiat. If it doesnt work let me know. I might edit a feat and equipment chosen based off the questions i broached earlier. other than that, Thank you for your consideration.

Here's the character crunch - description is still pending.

What kind of creatures would you recommend for favored enemy? I'm leaning towards human right now.

TheNine wrote:
you know i havent made a monk since early 3.0 would taking weapon finesse make my unarmed attacks use my dex mod? the book said natural weapons are considered light weapons, and i would like to think a monks fist, or knee would be considered natural but just wanted to make sure you are on the same page DM.

It's fine with me. ^^ Oh, and we are definitely travelling by land, so if you can afford a donkey and cart, it's not a bad buy. Keep in mind that they'll have to wait outside for dungeon crawls...

SecSeibzehn wrote:
What kind of creatures would you recommend for favored enemy? I'm leaning towards human right now.

We-ell, are you at all familiar with Advanced Fighting Fantasy? Orcs, Goblins and the Undead are common appearances...

Tramtris Artevaine wrote:
My entry. Background and crunch is all under the link. If you happen to notice anything amiss or need clarification please let me know. I placed two different drawbacks there on purpose, since one has a gm fiat. If it doesnt work let me know. I might edit a feat and equipment chosen based off the questions i broached earlier. other than that, Thank you for your consideration.

Looks good! Mind, though, that the Jeggare are a noble family and not the royal one - that's the Thrunes.

I'd go with Pride, unless you have someone specific in mind to be Attached to, and a good reason for it.

Why did the nuns treat Tramtris special?

Dark Archive

I would like to assume he was treated special because while he doesnt know his parentage perhaps the nuns do? It was mostly added as a gm hook if any crazy links are needed. Some Baron or duke or lords bastard child i suppose. I saw princess and my mind must have jumped royal, whichever house it was appropriate for him to be snapped up by of course. editing now.

Do you have a full roster already?

Pitching Ianira Catalfamo, an inexperienced chelish sorceress(infernal) planted, as an agent, amongst the bride's handmaidens. Her patron pulled a few strings to make sure she was selected to go on this trip.
When her powers manifested at a young age she was run out of her home and live on the streets for years. Until one day a mysterious patron provided her with a job at a mansion to work as a servant for a young princess. Her job was simple, to keep her ears open, and send messages to her master, and to protect the princess in case anything should happen.

Will post the crunch soon.

DM, I need some input regarding the world. I am well familiar with the Fighting Fantasy book series of Ian Linvingstone and Steve Jackson. Is this world similar to that? I confess I never heard the names you have here, but if you could give me some pointers to it, I would appreciate.

Details of Ianira are in my profile.. I might have gone slightly overboard in her backstory.

Dark Archive

How about Ailaya Jaggare, older cousin to the bride-to-be and general belligerent noblewoman?
Torn between either Cavalier or Rogue with Swashbuckler archetype?

It's better not to be a Jeggare -- for reasons which will become apparent at the end of the first section of the AP. ;)

From this recruitment thread the princess seems to be surrounded by spurs for everybody lol. So is Chellish politics I guess.

Presenting Cruster, for your consideration.
He's just got a bare-bones backstory for now. I'm going to flesh it out a bit more later today.
Thanks so much :)

The campaign's description is up.

I feel tempted to put up the first Gameplay post, but nobody respond to it yet if I do... ;)

Dark Archive

'twas just an idea based on tying closely to Annalise's, never mind.
Going to work something up...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

As one of the elder race, Cemenamme cares little for both Andoren and Cheliax. She remembers a time when there was no such country as Andoren, and a time when Cheliax was ruled by more benevolent forces. Like many of the elves that lived within Cheliax's borders, when the Thrice-Damned House rose to power, they withdrew to their forests and made it clear that no force was welcome. For years, Cemenamme spent her time patrolling the Whisperwood and culling the creatures that spawn in its dark depths. It's a job that requires solitude. That suits her just fine.

While she despises the politics that divide the human nations, she's not so blind that she doesn't understand that peace between the two would mean well for both nations. When House Jeggare started looking for people to help escort the coupe through the area, she volunteered her bow to them.

Besides, she'd heard they were going through her woods. She would accept no other answer but her inclusion to the group.

Here is Mirandix for your consideration.

Backstory needs a little polish, and his gear needs to be finalized.

A quick write up for my fighter character. Not all of her background but enough to get the ball rolling.

Arma Fili Sustinuit

The news of the marriage had traveled throughout the land and Andoran was nothing but gossiping about the possibility of the upcoming wedding. This gossip reached the ears of a traveler recently returned to the city after having left long ago. The female warrior in her armor turned to listen to the gossip and with a quick turn left the street corner guiding her horse by the reigns.

Having lived her life with her hermit like eccentric father, the surprisingly alive daughter of the dead and reviled alchemist Gammen Sustinuit arrived had come speak with her best and perhaps only real friend simply on a whim. But now having learned of this, she found that she was on her way to the aid of her childhood friend. Arma had known the councilman's son as her best friend during her childhood and while they had not seen each other for so very long, she would volunteer to go and bring back his fiance safely to him. Fate had made her a warrior after all, and that was what would be needed. Perhaps her goddess wanted her there for a reason? The many thoughts and feelings ran through her head but she blocked them from doing anything but spurring her forward.

It had been so long since she had seen the town and while she saw many faces through her helmet no one gave her any recognition. She was glad for it, as she was not eager to be chased from town and almost burned alive again. Memories of her fathers studies and questionable character as well as the fearful violence of the townspeople had made their mark on her. If her dearest friend had not been the only source of truly good memories left untainted from the events of her childhood, she never would have returned. She had no where else to go. But the only place she really wanted to be was here. So despite her own reservations she had returned.

She had changed much from when they had last seen each other, during their youth, but there were still some signs of her old nature even within the determined face of the warrior she had become. A hard edge that was just beginning to form and would help her in her new profession. A hard edge that had only come to the surface of her hard life when she found few options other than to pick up a sword to live. Still the bond forged with the boy who had been her only real companion outweighed any other concern about those who had harmed her in her past. She had let it go mostly. Survival and the idea of moving forward had convinced her to become stronger. She would struggle down any path to find a way to be happy.

Covered with armor from head to toe of the highest quality as if a knight or paladin, she seems to have become a mercenary. Only when the visor of her helm is opened can any skin be seen. Her blue eyes seem distant and cold but her smile while rare is about the only sign of her emotions. Her voice is firm but it seldom reveals more than just what she said. Mostly because she tends to remain silent unless spoken to though she always seems to pay attention to what is around her. She has a focus for the mission and no longer is she the lonely child that had been driven from her home long ago. She may be around people but she is often apart from them. She never seems to go anywhere without being fully prepared, dressed in her armor and carrying her weapons.

She had a purpose to her movements and a very intense almost logical resolve in her eyes. She promised to herself just as she would to him, that she would do all she could to insure the Princesses safe arrival. She rode toward the council to volunteer her services. She had hoped to visit her friend in better times instead, but she could help him, so she would.

I'm going to back out of this. Love the idea but I'm having issues that won't allow me to post often.

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