
A G Thing's page

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I only have two boards I post on now a days and of all the actors and funny men who have passed on that have touched my heart, I know this man deserves at least that I post to both. I wrote this a few moments ago for my other board I roleplay on. Figured I should share it here too. Still crying. Perhaps I need a funny movie to watch.

"Rest well oh clown of my childhood.
Your smile and wit brought joy to my heart.
It's sad to lose you clown of my childhood.
I never dreamed that we should have to part.
For though I laughed clown of my childhood.
I laughed because you gave me joy and cheer.
Though I will cry oh clown of my childhood.
It is only because my heart has held you dear.
Your time is done clown of my childhood.
My heart will mourn but it will still fly.
For it is due to you clown of my childhood.
That in that laughter you shall not die."

Farewell my friend.

A quick write up for my fighter character. Not all of her background but enough to get the ball rolling.

Arma Fili Sustinuit

The news of the marriage had traveled throughout the land and Andoran was nothing but gossiping about the possibility of the upcoming wedding. This gossip reached the ears of a traveler recently returned to the city after having left long ago. The female warrior in her armor turned to listen to the gossip and with a quick turn left the street corner guiding her horse by the reigns.

Having lived her life with her hermit like eccentric father, the surprisingly alive daughter of the dead and reviled alchemist Gammen Sustinuit arrived had come speak with her best and perhaps only real friend simply on a whim. But now having learned of this, she found that she was on her way to the aid of her childhood friend. Arma had known the councilman's son as her best friend during her childhood and while they had not seen each other for so very long, she would volunteer to go and bring back his fiance safely to him. Fate had made her a warrior after all, and that was what would be needed. Perhaps her goddess wanted her there for a reason? The many thoughts and feelings ran through her head but she blocked them from doing anything but spurring her forward.

It had been so long since she had seen the town and while she saw many faces through her helmet no one gave her any recognition. She was glad for it, as she was not eager to be chased from town and almost burned alive again. Memories of her fathers studies and questionable character as well as the fearful violence of the townspeople had made their mark on her. If her dearest friend had not been the only source of truly good memories left untainted from the events of her childhood, she never would have returned. She had no where else to go. But the only place she really wanted to be was here. So despite her own reservations she had returned.

She had changed much from when they had last seen each other, during their youth, but there were still some signs of her old nature even within the determined face of the warrior she had become. A hard edge that was just beginning to form and would help her in her new profession. A hard edge that had only come to the surface of her hard life when she found few options other than to pick up a sword to live. Still the bond forged with the boy who had been her only real companion outweighed any other concern about those who had harmed her in her past. She had let it go mostly. Survival and the idea of moving forward had convinced her to become stronger. She would struggle down any path to find a way to be happy.

Covered with armor from head to toe of the highest quality as if a knight or paladin, she seems to have become a mercenary. Only when the visor of her helm is opened can any skin be seen. Her blue eyes seem distant and cold but her smile while rare is about the only sign of her emotions. Her voice is firm but it seldom reveals more than just what she said. Mostly because she tends to remain silent unless spoken to though she always seems to pay attention to what is around her. She has a focus for the mission and no longer is she the lonely child that had been driven from her home long ago. She may be around people but she is often apart from them. She never seems to go anywhere without being fully prepared, dressed in her armor and carrying her weapons.

She had a purpose to her movements and a very intense almost logical resolve in her eyes. She promised to herself just as she would to him, that she would do all she could to insure the Princesses safe arrival. She rode toward the council to volunteer her services. She had hoped to visit her friend in better times instead, but she could help him, so she would.

Hey everybody... Just checking in to say I will be joining in. As soon as I get a few things in order I will post my character.

Just wanted to say hi until then!

Hi! :)