Galenna Icethrone

Ianira Catalfamo's page

1 post. Alias of Ólafur Dagur Skúlason.

Full Name

Ianira Catalfamo




Sorcerer 1




1.72 m (medium)



Special Abilities

touch for shaken 1 round 7/day


Lawful Neutral







Strength 12
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Ianira Catalfamo

Female Chelish Sorcerer 1
LN medium human
Init: +2; Senses:Perception: +0


dagger: +0 1d4 19-20/x2
light crossbow: +2 1d8 19-20/x2
quarterstaff +0 1d6 x2

Special abilities:
Corrupting touch 7/day: Cause target to be shaken for 1 round and detect as evil outsider to detect evil.


HP: 7 = 6 + 1(con)
AC: 12 = 10 + 2(dex)
Touch: 12
Flat footed: 10
Saves: Fort: 1 Ref: 2 Will: 2
CMD:13(11 when flatfooted)
Speed: 30 ft.


Bluff: 10
Disguise: 7
Diplomacy: 8
Know(arcana): 5
Perception: 0
Spellcraft: 5


Skill ranks: 2 + 0(int) + 1(race)
Bluff: 1
Disguise: 1
Know(arcana): 1
Spellcraft: 1
Diplomacy: 1

Deceitful: +2 bluff/diplomacy
Spellfocus(enchantment): +1 DC on enchantment school spells

Bloodline powers:
Corrupting Touch (Sp): At 1st level, you can cause a creature to become shaken as a melee touch attack. This effect persists for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level (minimum 1). Creatures shaken by this ability radiate an aura of evil, as if they were an evil outsider (see detect evil). Multiple touches do not stack, but they do add to the duration. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Charming: +1 bluff/diplomacy on characters that could consider Ianira sexually attractive. +1 DC on language dependant spells vs. same
Focued mind: +2 on concentration checks


Light crossbow
Not ready yet


Until Ianira's fifteenth winter her life was very simple. She was the daughter to a modestly successful merchant, and due to her beauty likely to be wed for status. Until one day when she and her mother found out that she was fiend touched. This turned out to be a problem, as her father was a known follower of Abadar, and not a devout devil worshiper. If this were found out it would cause a major scandal for Catalfamo's foreign business partners, many of whom dealt with him specifically because of his limited ties to hell. Ianira decided that night to leave home, she snuck out through her window and left the city early the next morning, before her family could raise the alarm. Ianira traveled for a while before settling down, in a distant city where no one knew her or her father. In this city she discovered her talent for manipulating people. Ianira became a courtesan for the middle class, using her magic to avoid having to perform all the duties expected of her. One evening a new client, a middle aged man from a respected family requested her presence for the night. After putting him under her power she learned that he knew who she was and that he was planning on murdering her in the morning. She left immediately and went to the hovel where she lived. Upon arrival she found a man wearing a mask in her one room home, he introduced himself as master Ignatius. He then told her that her client for the night was dead with evidence pointing to her, he then informed her that he knew quite a few of her former clients and her father. He then gave her two options, to attempt to run knowing that by the morning all of Cheliax would know that she was a prostitute and a murderer with a decent bounty on her head, or to serve as his agent within the household of a prominent family in a neighboring city. She took his offer of servitude and traveled once more. She was assigned to personally serving a young daughter of the family. Ianira spent the next few years serving the girl, using her magic to aid her in her work. Regularly she would inform master Ignatius of the happenings in the house and occasionally performing odd jobs for him. One day Ianira learned that the girl she served was to be wed in Andoran, master Ignatius gave her a new job. To escort the girl safely to her destination. When the time came to leave most of the other maids fell horribly sick and Ianira was chosen to escort the girl. Thus she stands on the steps of the great mansion where she has lived for the past six years watching as the men at arms finish their preparation for the journey ahead...