The Monkey in the Library (And Other Horrors) (Inactive)

Game Master Aebliss

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*disclaimer: the following is a fictional introduction of the setting and not meant to offend any Americans or Russians real or unreal, living or undead*

As seen on a public announcement board:

It is good to live in America in the Sixties! Your Uncle Sam wants you to do your part for Mom and Apple Pie, so you've got your job cut out for you! America is the best place in the world to live! The number of jobs that need to be done to safeguard Peace, Freedom and Democracy are endless, so you kids need to study hard, you adults need to knuckle down, and you all need to do your part for the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave! Work hard, and your Country will reward you for your labour.

*Rumours that both emigration and immigration have been disallowed because the threat of Nuclear War has left Uncle Sam, Mom and the Apple Pie paranoid about Rusky spies and saboteurs are Lies and Sedition, and as such punishable by Detention at the Government's Pleasure.*

America, Great Melting Pot of the World! Here, the industrious descendants of Europe's brave explorers have, after shrugging off the chains of the old countries, settled and joined in Equality and Harmony to make a Better, Brighter Future! With the Freedom Marches of the fifties concluded, America has shown the lie of socialist propaganda, which dared to claim that discrimination stained our noble Red-White-&-Blue! Every loyal citizen is equal under the Law, no matter the colour of their skin, the number of appendages on their body or the beliefs they practice in the privacy of their own home, and opportunities exist for everyone who applies themselves and shows loyalty to the Good Old U.S. of A.!!!

*Protest marches currently forbidden under the law against illegal gatherings so as not to disrupt public life. Workers' unions currently forbidden under the law against illegal gatherings under suspicion of Rusky involvement. Claims of discrimination based on species, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, race, political beliefs, gender et al. must be submitted to your local Police Station and Nowhere Else. Do not undertake any independent action before you have been contacted by Local Police.*

So in short, if you are a Citizen of America, you are one Lucky Duck! You are living in the world's Mighty, Throbbing Heart of Freedom and Prosperity! While the world beyond our borders teeters on the brink of War, America stands in Peace and Strength. Our Armies are mightier than those of all our enemies, our Economy is more stable than the Rock of Gibraltar, and our People are Hap-Hap-Happier than any other! So turn that frown upside-down and ask not what your Country can do for you -- it's already doing it! You are living in Paradise on Earth, Lucky Duck, so start asking what you can do for your Country. Remember, Mom and Apple Pie need you, and Uncle Sam is always watching. If you find yourself at a loose end, come see a recruiting officer at your local army base, or present yourself at the unemployment office. Just as you need America, America Needs You!

*Rumours that citizens approaching to within one mile of the international borders have been shot are Lies and Sedition. Rumours that the ongoing disruption to air traffic has been engineered by the government are Lies and Sedition. Rumours that the ongoing disruption to sea travel has been engineered by the government are Lies and Sedition. As such, these rumours are all punishable by Detention at the Government's Pleasure.*

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Welcome to a version of sixties-era America. There are a few differences; the world you live in is not merely populated by humans (modern evolutionists denounce the idea that a single species could be dominant on a whole world, when there are so many ecological niches to fill as science fiction), but also by other species. The Cold War is already in full swing, and America is Knuckling Down! This means that, as the introductory pamphlet (see above) mentioned, public gatherings and unions have been outlawed.

Your well-trained, friendly Policemen are really cracking down on those long-haired, dope-headed, work-shy, socialist Hippies, so no need to worry, citizens!

Private, social gatherings are in full swing, however, what with kids experimenting with pot in their parents' basements and adults gathering to discuss their jobs, their old army exploits and the trouble with young people these days. (That and key parties...)

*Any private gatherings suspected of serving seditious purposes are defined as Actions Preparatory to Treason and are by Law permitted to be broken up with Necessary Force, all participants to be detained at the Government's Pleasure.*

While the government is constantly telling its citizens that they're so happy here that they don't need to even think about leaving and that they really need to Knuckle Down for America, the average citizen's main concern is, as always, to make enough money to pay for rent, food and amenities. The more intellectual worry that the nation is living under the threat of nuclear war, however. With emigration, immigration and civilians' access to communication across the border having been cut off completely since the end of the Second World War leaves these intellectuals highly nervous as to what is going on in the wider world -- but mostly, they remain silent.

*Rumours that people who have questioned Government Policy have been abducted by Government Officials and remain missing without record of trial are Lies and Sedition.*

In any case, for all intents and purposes, America is your whole world.
Sure, you've read about Europe, Russia and other parts of the world during social studies, you're learning their languages in class, but you've never actually been there or even met someone who remembers living there. Some of the really old Elves might remember, but those all live the high life in their gated communities in Virginia. How would a common kid like you ever get to talk to those rich snobs?
Old soldiers (like your dad or grandad) still talk about the battles they were involved in, but even they were kept apart from the locals when they were shipped out.

*Rumours that American soldiers were ordered to shoot any natives approaching bases during foreign deployment on sight are Lies and Sedition. Rumours that our brave soldiers stationed abroad did not know most of the time who they were fighting or why are Lies and Sedition.*

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Should you take up the challenge to live in this world, you are currently a teenager attending Howard Memorial Highschool in Port August. Your mission in life is simple (according to your parents and the posters on the public notice boards, anyway): Get good grades, find a socially acceptable mate (a spouse of the opposite gender and the same species as you capable of conceiving offspring) and either move onto work or further education once you've finished high school. Prestigious extracurricular activities are a decided plus.
(Secretly, you know your real mission in life is to experience the pleasures of sex, booze and pot, as well as show off in front of and have lots of fun with your friends and peers, but your folks would probably kill you if they found.)

Life is perfectly normal. Then one day, you're in the school library doing research for a sociology project -- and the Monkey appears. You and the others present find yourselves under attack by the hideous brute, fighting for your very lives to survive. Things go decidedly downhill from there, as you will soon discover that life in these altered States of America is far stranger than you had previously suspected...

As is Reality Itself.
*Interference detected. Rebooting signal.*

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Character creation:
Starting level: One.


Alignment: Any other than Chaotic Evil.


Ability scores: 15-pt. buy.


HP: Maximum + Con. modifier at 1st level. Half max. + Con. modifier at following levels.


Character classes: Your first class level must be in Expert; you are an 'average kid' (if such a beast exists) growing up in a 'civilized' society (a post-industrial one, anyway), and as such have no experience that could lead to your starting as one of the regular character classes. As you advance in levels, however, you can receive training to acquire survival skills not needed in 'normal' life. Surviving long enough to reach higher levels requires you to think as well as act; play cleverly.

This is not to say that you can not have any combat training.
Sports clubs do exist, and you may have taken lessons in boxing or some martial art (or just be a bully who likes beating up social inferiors) granting you access to Improved Unarmed Strike or Catch Off-Guard or something similar.
Likewise, you may have an interest in tales of magic and wonderment, granting you access to skills like Knowledge (arcana) because you have researched the subject in your spare time.


Character races: Please select one from the following list: Aasimars, Catfolk, Changelings, Dhampirs, Drow, Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Hobgoblins, Humans, Ifrits, Kitsune, Kobolds, Nagaji, Orcs, Oreads, Ratfolk, Strix, Sulis, Sylphs, Tengus, Tieflings, Undines.

Note that, despite the public announcement's claims, discrimination is very common in these Altered States of America.
*Lies and Sedition detected! Contact your Local Police at once or be considered implicit in these acts of Lies and Sedition!*

Aasimars, Dwarves, Half-Elves, Humans, Ifrits, Oreads, Sulis, Sylphs and Undines are 'first-class citizens', the cream of society, the proud descendants of the first colonists (who killed a lot of the natives and stole their land), as opposed to all the later immigrants, to wit:

Catfolk, Changelings, Dhampirs, Drow, Gnomes, Kitsune and Strix are considered to be 'second-grade citizens', and seen roughly on par with Gypsies in our own world.

Goblins, Half-Orcs, Hobgoblins, Kobolds, Nagaji, Orcs, Ratfolk, Tengu and Tieflings are 'third-class citizens' and commonly considered to be 'freaks' with criminal tendencies, even if they are law-abiding citizens.


Starting wealth: You start with 50 gp, otherwise known as fifty dollars. Invest it wisely or put it in the bank. (What do you expect? You're living on an allowance.) Invest this money wisely, and in the knowledge that your parents (if you have any) have probably provided for school supplies and necessary clothing. (Howard Memorial Highschool has a uniform. You will wear it.) No magical gear at 1st level; magic is not a common part of this setting.
That you know of.


Traits: You get two of these, which you can draw from the APG, Faiths of Balance, Faiths of Corruption and/or Faiths of Purity. You may also decide to select one of the Setting Traits. Please do not select from the APG's section of campaign traits.
Drawbacks are allowed, but only if they can be integrated with the setting. The feat Additional Traits from the APG is likewise allowed.

Blood Immemorial:
You may not know it, but yours is a pedigree that goes back even further than the proudest grandparent might care to speculate about.
Upside: Once a day, you may use Detect thoughts as a spell-like ability. This is an inheritance from some distant ancestor who possessed uncommon psychic power. Save DC is Cha.-based, as you unleash this power through some raw, vital force, rather than focused study.
Downside: Your mind is unusually weak against psychic invasion. You take a -2 to Will saves against mind-affecting effects, such as charm, compulsion, or attempts to read your thoughts.

Broken Home:
Maybe your dad was laid off from work some time ago. Maybe one of your parents walked out on the family before you were old enough to understand why they were unhappy - or selfish - enough to do that. Maybe you're the unwanted child of an interspecies dalliance and a ward of the state, growing up in an orphanage. Whatever the case, your home life is decidedly less than ideal. This has hardened you; you weather life's difficulties if not with ease, then at least with stoicism.
Upside: You gain a +1 to Will saves.
Downside: You start with a social stigma, gaining a -1 to Bluff and Diplomacy checks against known authority figures and your supposed peers.

Social Outcast:
You see them at every highschool; the kids that don't fit in with their peer groups, the 'weird' kids with the interests no one shares. Solitude, scorn and bullying have left their scars on you, but you have gained something from your loneliness.
Upside: Take a +1 to one Knowledge skill of your choice. This Knowledge skill is always a class skill for you. You also take a +1 to Initiative, as you have learned to be wary of danger in your everyday life.
Downside: You take a -2 to saves vs. fear and Intimidation.

You see these people at every highschool, too; the ace of the football team, the prom queen candidate, the kids already modelling for toothpaste and underwear commercials. You stand at the top of your social pyramid -- but if you are wise, you will realize you have a long way to fall...
Upside: You possess a +1 trait bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy vs. known authority figures. You're a rockstar at your school and everyone knows it!
Downside: You take a -1 to Perception and Sense motive. Your total assurance of yourself sometimes blinds you to hidden hostility...


Feats & Skills:
Feel free to draw these from the CR, APG, ARG, UM, UC and ACG, so long as you can justify them in the given setting and with your character background.


Available patrons:

These Altered States of America primarily worship Lissala, goddess of civic obedience. References to 'rune magic' in holy scripture are generally considered the remnants of more primitive forms of worship, or even as metaphors. While the Government claims that the USA have freedom of religion, no known worshiper of any of the other, 'pagan' gods is likely to achieve a high position in life. (Of course, covert worshipers can get anywhere so long as they are clever.)


Alseta came to America from Eastern Europe, and is relatively popular among the lower strate of society. Because she is considered a patron of travellers and the current climate disallows travel across the borders, this faith has been marginalized in the media.


The faith of Aroden comes from western Europe and is semi-alive and well in the Altered States. Seen as the hearth god of humanity, Aroden is generally treated as the result of old pagan creation myths, just like the other hearth gods. Modern science often downplays Aroden as a grandiose father figure and an expression of humanity's deep-seated need to appear to be special in all ways.


The worship of Asmodeus came to the Americas with Italian immigrants. Nowadays, the lord of devils is even more marginalized than some of the other 'pagan' faiths due to old power struggles between his faith and that of Lissala -- which Asmodeus' clergy lost. Modern science suggests he may be the hearth god of the tiefling tribes, but spokesmen for the more vocal tiefling groups violently deny this.


Brigh is a goddess whose worship has never been very vocal, and it continues as a whisper today -- but it does continue. The Whisper in Bronze is heard most often at the colleges and research institutes of America, where it has taken on the form of a secret society for the intelligentia. Rumours that these societies hoard seditious documents and are involved with treasonous activity keep the faith even more low-profile than its own tendencies would do.


Although Calistria is known to be the hearth goddess of the Elves and the Drow, her faith having travelled with them from their old holdings on the African continent, she has been disinherited by the aristocratic Elves now living in the gated communities of Virginia because she 'presents the wrong image'. In contrast, the Drow clinging to the lower strata of society are devout in their worship of the Savoured Sting -- yet another thing reducing their chances in modern society. In recent years, Calistria-worship has become synonimous with prostitution and (dis)organized crime. Dark tongues whisper that she is fast on her way to becoming the main patron of major crime syndicates.


Nivi Rhombodazzle is a much better-known figure in the Altered States of America than she is on Golarion. Known as the hearth goddess of the Gnomes, her faith travelled with them from England and its colonies, and she has become a fixture in the modern media. Seen mostly as a laughable figure, probably the outgrowth of an old faerytale, Nivi Rhombodazzle is used as a trickster figure in any number of folk tales and cartoons. The Gnomes, who enjoy a joke and a good trick as much as anyone, just smile at this portrayal of their goddess.


The faith of Pharasma endures, but in a much reduced form. The gods may all worship her, but mortalkind does not -- or at least, not in large numbers. A growing obsession with health and longevity causes many Americans to shun her altars and holy places, and the priesthood has to work hard to be able to compete with secular companies that offer to arrange funerals and the services surrounding them.


Shimye-Magalla is a name seen in ancient history books and in graffiti on the walls of Lissala's temples. A composition not just of the lost names of Desna and Gozreh, but also of countless other gods and spirits once worshiped by America's natives and slaves brought to toil on American farmlands, the composite deity is seen as a patron of the oppressed and those in tune with a nature which is being abused by modern industry. Wildly unpopular with the government and the church of Lissala, Shimye-Magalla is demonized in the modern media and mostly worshipped by the lowest strata of society.


Where there are Dwarves, there is Torag, or so say the grey-bearded Dwarven elders. Unfortunately for them, society moves on, and many younger Dwarves are starting to bow to the altars of Lissala for the better opportunities she grants them in modern society. Modern media describe the Father of Dwarves as a hearth god and a patron of outdated crafts, further marginalizing his worship.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Still with me after all that? Still interested? Yes? Good! I am looking for five to six players to venture into this brave new world and face the Monkey in the Library (and assorted other horrors). I like a few paragraphs of backstory from my players. Just a thought. ;)
Updating will likely be slow and hiatuses are probably inevitable, but I'll try to keep going so long as everyone's having fun.

*Rumours that the DM intends to subject you to injury, horror, death and attempts at comedy are Lies and Sedition!*

Except when they're not rumours.

*Interference detected. Rebooting signal.*


It's different though. I'll post a concept if I can come up with one.


Does the trait Rich Parents work?

I was thinking superstar kid whose dad works in the oil business. :3

It certainly does. ^^

Oh buddy :3 time to think. :) thanks!

Grand Lodge

Oooooh! To be an inquisitor in this setting. My time is short, but I am sooo very tempted.

Or an Aasimar with the celestial bloodline.

Ok, I'm in.

Sovereign Court

Two questions about your intriguing setting! First, though you have adjusted the gods to the culture of earth, I am wondering about languages. For example, would Elvish be French, Dwarven German, etc. What does Russian correspond to? Second, given the McCarthyian nature of the setting, would it be permissible to play a CG paladin - akin to a paladin of freedom if you played 3.5.

Still putting him together but deciding between a being a first or third class citizen.

Going for superstar with rich parents, totally a jock but working out the bugs. :)

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This is why I should stop visiting the recruitment boards, I seem to find interesting campaigns...

This looks intriguing. Count me interested.

(Might be going Suli, if he lasts long enough, monk. And just out of curiosity how do suli, and for that matter the other elemental races, fit into the world? Are they just of European decent?)

Sedoriku wrote:
This is why I should stop visiting the recruitment boards, I seem to find interesting campaigns...

No kidding, right? Okay, you got me. Dotting for tentative interest, pending results for a couple of other PbP recruitments :P

Ok here is my Drow Gumshoe wannabe, question as we level up can we convert the expert level to a class level in some cases? Like say expert into Investigator for instance. I plan on this character being a Investigator with the Steelhound archetype. Will have appearance up later.

Zov, the gumshoe:

Born in the great USA in Port August Zov had a troubled childhood, his father got killed by the KKK during a business trip. Mom meanwhile was (and still is) a drug addict. As a result young Zov had to become a very independent child, and so he did.

Naturally fast in both mind and body and originally an excellent student Zov's grades quickly deteriorated when he found out that no matter how good he was he would get nothing "good". Even when the humans got Fs they got the better lab equipment meanwhile Zovhad to make do with old castoffs.

His grades going the way of the Dodo Zov focused on more "interesting" subjects like the arcane, chemistry, guns, penny dreadfuls (of the thriller variety) and other fun stuff. Zov also pursues several other "side projects" (drug dealing, rumor mongering, stealing the answers for tests etc...) all to support his various habits and aspirations.

While Zov being Drow is hated by the "upper class" of the student body he is quite popular with the lower elements of the school. Hell, he is so popular that he lost his virginity at age 13 to a (gone, but fondly remembered) tiefling girlfriend. Among the dregs of Howard Memorial Highschool Zov may be the most popular person, this also explains why he seems to no everything that goes on in the school...


Chain Smoking, if his stacks of penny dreadfuls have told Zov one thing its this: You can't be a gumshoe without cigarettes.
Rumor mongering, if Zov is truly adept at one thing it is telling a good lie. More than a few of the "upper class" have become victims of Zov's ability to lie.
Criminal Activities, unlike in "proper" (read, written by "upper class" races) mystery/thriller fiction the gumshoes in Zov's penny dreadfuls weren't adverse to dealing with and even siding with the seedier elements of society. Zov sells drugs, lies, steals and slanders a lot. Being a seedy gumshoe is his chosen lifestyle.

Gun Fanatic, Zov loves guns: Every decent gumshoe has to have a good revolver, doubly so for Drow Gumshoe!
Conspiracy Theorist, Zov has two qualities that aren't often found in the same person: Paranoia and Charm. Indeed many of the lower class student budy sincerely believe many of Zov's conspiracy theories. The two most popular he has produced are 1 that the KKK is supported by the government, 2 that the government is secretly run by mindflayers!
Seducer, if Zov loves anything more than guns, penny dreadfuls, cigarettes and gumshoes it is sex. His prodigious talent for getting women to "open up" is legendary among the dregs of Howard Memorial Highschool. While he goes only for women he doesn't discriminate between tieflings, drow, elves, gnomes etc... They are all beautiful for the most part (or at least that is what Zov tells them).


Drow Expert 1
CN Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +5; Senses Perception +6, Darkvision 120 feet


AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 7 (1d8-1)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2


Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger 0+ (1d4)


Str 10, Dex 16 (14+2), Con 8 (10-2), Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 12 (10+2)
Base Atk +0; CMB 0+; CMD 13
Traits Reactionary, Charming
Feats Point Blank Shot, Nimble Moves (B)
Skills Stealth 7+, Sleight of Hand 7+, Craft (alchemy) 7+, Knowledge (arcana, local) 7+, Intimidate 5+, Bluff 5+, Diplomacy 5+, Perception 6+, Sense Motive 4+
Languages English, Elven, French, Russian, German
Alternative Racial traits Darklands Stalker
Gear Dagger (2 dollars), school uniform (free), Leather Armor (10 gp) and 38 dollars.

Seraph here.

I present

Aizawa Kakeru,:
he's still in the outline stage in background and personality. But his character sheet is up.

I made him an Aasimar - Angel-Kin with a checkered past.

He was part of a gang (Mark of slavery trait = Gang Marking on his chest) but because of his dad's lucky break he was able to move away from that and leave it behind. (Or did he?)

He's an all star baseball player for the school (since baseball was more popular back then right?) and its a common sight to see him walking or flying (Traded his alterself for Fly speed 20 ft if thats okay) home in his lettermen jacket (Masterwork Leather Armor?) and carrying his personal bat (Masterwork Club?) back and forth from school.

Other then the large allowance he gets from his parents (TBD) he is also a volunteer in his local community and regularly attends church as a worshipper or Aroden. However it is a front, he is a casual worshipper of Aroden and more devoted to Brigh as he sees the change in society as a start into another age of knowledge and technology.

Looking to possibly go oracle of brigh and take clockwork mystery. :)

Will get his backstory, personality and appearance updated tomorrow. Let me know what you think and thanks!

I'm thinking of making a Captain America type character. A brawler with a throwing shield.

Benjamin "Benny" Adams, the cherished blue-eyed blonde-haired son of war hero and his lovely wife. Weak and sickly as a child but was cured and took up working out alot. Good grades and captain of the football team as well as a competent boxer. He's quite well known around school by both the upper and lower classes. Despite 'belonging' to the cool kids group, he has never forgotten his wimpy beginnings and is quick to defend any who he feels are being unjustly persecuted or taken advantage of. This kind of puts him odds with the general veiwpoints of many students and teachers. Theres also definitely a disconnect between his patriotic "america is great" and the strict, racist, and generally intolerant views of the American population at present. Part of him dreams of becoming a politician or leader of men and changing things for the better.


To come..


I really should've fallen by now, was what Mark was thinking as he was hanging by his wickedly sharp tail like a chandelier in the locker room.

Even the laws of physics seem to have it in for me today, the tiefling thought wryly as he started spinning.

Exactly what got me into this situation? Weelll, part of it was certaintly my smart mouth. He gives a small smile that revealed lengthened canines. But then again, that is a psychological defense mechanism that developed due to me being a foundling in an auto shop. So, I guess I have my parents to blame for that. But then again, it was Ronnie the [REDACTED] who pinned me to the ceiling. Probably because he has an inferiority complex, and combined with my witticisms and the fact that I'm smarter than probably anyone else in this school. Including the teachers.

With a small sigh, Mark noticed that his tail barb was slowly detaching from the ceiling. Or, it could just be my stupidity, he thought as he fell to the ground, his paper-thin wings not doing a lick of good.


-Bruising Intellect
-Mathematical Prodigy



Interested. Possibly going Gypsy child. Maybe into Shaman. Im not sure how to work out the back story yet.

Another idea I have, is a kid raised by Michigan Militia types and maybe into Hunter or Inquisitor. So many ideas.

Grand Lodge

Still working on a decent story, but I've settled on a dwarf who is a dual bloodline sorcerer (Earth Elemental and Empyeal Celestial). Much like his bloodline, he'll split his worship between Lissala and Torag.

I definitely want to join in here. I will put something up by tomorrow.

Okay, time to answer a few questions... ^^ Please keep up the submissions, folks! There is still time to apply.

@ Stratos: I am maintaining the languages given in the CR. Probably the closest analogue to Russian would be Orcish; the Orcs and Half-Orcs mainly descend from Eastern Europe and Russia beyond.

General notice: NO offence intended to any real-life Russians here!
The Orcs had a thriving, agricultural society of their own on this Altered Earth before humans swept in and started pushing them out, committing many colourful atrocities against them in the process.
It might be best to think of the Orcs of the bygone age as the original inhabitants who were attacked and massacred in droves by the Cossacks.
An interesting sidenote: as hearth gods go, Alseta is the closest that modern Orcs and Half-Orcs have to one in America.

@ Stratos: I'm familiar with the Paladin of Freedom, but I'm going to have to veto it. Sorry. ^^; I'm taking lots of liberties with the setting, so I'm going to keep the rules as clean as I can.

@ Sedoriku: The plane-touched species mostly hail from areas that correspond with Arabia on our own Earth. They are considered to be perfectly normal; modern science postulates that they must have evolved under circumstances where such elemental powers as they currently possess were needed for their survival.

General notice: Modern knowledge of plane-touched peoples' abilities (Aasimars, ifrits, oreads, sylphs, sylis, tieflings, et al.) is based in the Altered States of America's version of the Salem Witch Trials, where many plane-touched beings were swept up in the general madness and torn apart in a brutal fashion.
This horrible stain on history is currently downplayed in the American history books as 'an earnest expression of early scientific interest in the nature of certain tribes' extraordinary abilities. The official history books suggest that rather than persecution and mass execution, the whole process centered on learned scholars coming together to perform tests on volunteers and dissect cadavers supplies by volunteers. As such, the Salem witch trials are being presented as a massive gathering of scholars, rather than one of the vilest examples of mass-hysteria and intolerance in American history.
As always, attempts to deny this officially approved account of events is considered to be Lies and Sedition. The whole subject of Witches is almost completely ignored nowadays.

DM Qouth

Any mechanical issues with Aizawa then? I did exchange his spell like ability for flight (20ft poor).

Still working on his story. Apologies for the wait. I have an outline already posted but its kinda bland. Tried to mix his Traits in with his story some. ;)


Loop I. In looks amazing cool

Miss Alice Zallna Mellany

Ok here's my idea, Dhampir daughter of a Vampire new leader of an Hells angel gang. Mother long dead, she has been raised by a wealthy Elf family as there own. She won a scholarship to attend the high school for her gift of Psionics, [Telepathy, right now with some animals v her background], she may have the raw Psionic talent feat as well GM. She knows his dad, and she is trying to do what her adopted Elf parents want and that is be good. But her Vampire dad keeps popping up in to her life and showing her just how much fun being Evil can be.

Would it be ok to play a PC like this GM?

My idea is that she gos Psion Telepth for her levels.


Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 8
Int: 20
Wis: 10
Cha: 6

Race Traits:

-Maw (reskinned as a wickedly barbed tail)
-Vestigial Wings


-Weapon Finesse


-Acrobatics +3
-Craft (mechanical) +9*
-Knowledge (engineering) +8*
-Knowledge (nature) +9*
-Intimidate +9*
-Knowledge (geography) +9*
-Knowledge (nobility) +9*
-Knowledge (local) +9*
-Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9*
-Perception +4*
-Survival +4*

GM Captain wombat here, This is the Alt for my PC,

Miss Alice Zallna Mellany
Dhampir Vetala-Born (Ajibachana)
Export -> Vampire Empath L1
leveling path to
Psion ->Telepath. LX


Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 10
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 13

feat and traits:

Wile Talent

Rich [Foster] Parents.
Still mind.?


Race Traits:

Undead Resistance:
Resist Level Drain:
Skill Racial Traits:
Spell-Like Abilities:
Vampiric Empathy:
Low-light vision:
Negative Energy Affinity:


Ride (Motorbike)


A MotorBike
A Flick Knife
A Chain + Lock
Biker Leathers
Open face Bike Helmet
Back pack
School books

I will get her worked up all tomorrow GM.

GM, do you object to recruitment roleplay? Want to ask before I dive in...

Also, he's going with the Social Outcast trait, with Knowledge (arcana) as his bonus skill.

As for why he has ranks in Intimidate, he uses those for his biting witticisms... Which often go unappreciated.

New Skills:

-Acrobatics +3
-Craft (mechanical) +9*
-Knowledge (engineering) +8*
-Knowledge (nature) +9*
-Intimidate +9*
-Knowledge (geography) +9*
-Knowledge (nobility) +9*
-Knowledge (local) +9*
-Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9*
-Perception +4*
-Knowledge (arcana) +9*
-Linguistics +9*



Marcus, a tiefling of uncertain parentage (and who in their right mind would admit to having birthed such a horror?), grew up as a ward of the state. Even more than most tieflings, he is marked as a freak and an outcast by his pronounced fiendish traits; tail, claws, and scaled skin.

He has grown accustomed to being suspected of doing wrong even when he is not, and being rounded up with the usual suspects whenever rules are broken. As a result he has grown very good at talking his way out of rough situations and has very fast reactions.

He has also developed a sense of who around him is breaking rules, if only to be aware of what transgressions will inevitably be laid at his feet.

He has spent some time studying the creatures of the outer planes, to try and better understand why he is the way he is. Sadly, this has simply confirmed to some people that he is the proverbial rotten apple. He is barely able to hang onto his position at Howard Memorial High School, and fears being expelled and sent to one of the 'schools for troubled boys.'

Alternate Racial Traits:
Beguiling Liar, Maw or Claw (claws), Prehensile Tail, Scaled Skin

Traits, Feats, Skills:
Traits: Social Outcast (Knowledge(Planes)), Reactionary
Feat:Armor of the Pit, Fiend Sight, or Fiendish Heritage
Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Knowledge(Local), Knowledge(Planes), Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, Sleight of Hand

Name Change:
Miss Isabela Calista De Romano,

Taken the Blood Immemorial Campaign trait as it fits really well with her Vampire half blood background GM.

Also GM can I ask about Fire Arms, are guns Advanced and common.
That is classed as simple weapons and cost 1/10th of the price.

Had a much better idea for a vampire back ground GM.
She is the illegitimate daughter of a Vampire Mob boss from the old country. Things then fit in a lot better, dumping the hells angle idea, no motorbike. Just daddy and the mob.

Ok she is done, ill give her a once over later, but she's good to go.

Uh I thought we were average students starting off?

I am a little confused...

dotting, thinking a Tengu from a broken home,

back story:
dad wanted the simple life; bring home the bacon, hunt, fish. Let the little woman take care of the house and kids. Mom wanted to be independent, have a career, enjoy a little night life. It was destined to end badly.

Taicho (called "taco" by his friends) visits his dad on the weekend hunting and fishing with him. He spends the week staying away from home and avoiding his mothers rotating door of boy friends.

other stuff:
would like to go ranger trapper archetype. His other trait; child of the street. ie. sleight of hand. Feat would be weapons finesse and he would take claw attack instead of sword trained and glide instead of gifted linguist.

I will get more fluff and crunch together shortly

some quick questions, did the Korean war happen, are we in the Vietnam war? How prevalent are firearms? I assume we all attend (or skip from, depending on inclination) Howard Memorial Highschool. Where is it locations wise, just thinking about accent and where we may have transferred from. Do you know how many levels of expert we will take and once we get to "classes" will you allow archetypes and will you allow more than one archetype assuming they do not contradict each other.

Aizawa Kakeru wrote:

Uh I thought we were average students starting off?

I am a little confused...

Asks the player of a the Flying Aasimar - Angel-Kin x-gang member. Im not trying to be rude here, but I hope you can see where I'm going with this, where in a world of pathfinder/cross over where players are mythical races who will if they get picked get to be Hero Propagandists in a pathfinder game. Average students would all human studying art and humanity's subjects etc, Average we are not, we have

Benjamin "Benny" Adams, All american Jock but kind

Aizawa Kakeru a Aasimar, All American Baseball Joke, and all round goody goody.

Taicho (called "taco" by his friends) a Tengu from a broken home.

Miss Isabela Calista De Romano a New York Dhampir dump with foster parents cuz her dads on the FBI most wanted, mum dead.

Zov, (the gumshoe) A Drow from a broken home, Dad dead V KKK mum off her head on drugs. Who is oppressed with becoming a Detective like Phil Marlow.

Mark A Tiefling and clever kid who no one wanted.

I'm picking up a trend here

Ill keep updating the list for the GM, If I have anything wrong or missed something please let me know and ill change /add it.


This is Taicho from Robert Henry

The fluff is still a little general, I will fill out more as we learn more about the setting.

I would eventually like to take him ranger with two archetypes: trapper and trophy hunter.

If you have any observations please let me know, thanks.

New backstory done,

Here is Cobalt Stonepeak. It's not very good, but I hope it gets the point across at least a little.

Cobalt always seems to have a foot in two worlds.
He is proud of his traditional dwarven heritage, but feels it can be a detriment to his ambitions. He is a devout worshipper of Lissala, but pays respect to Torag in many small ways. In addition to being proficient at a forge, he has studied the very dwarven field engineering and architecture to better advance his ambitions.
Note: When it is time for our first PC class level, Cobalt will take a crossblooded sorcerer with the Earth Elemental and Empyreal (a wild blooded celestial line) bloodlines.

Lady L. here; haven't forgotten this but haven't had a huge amount of time to write a character story. Reusing this alias and assuming that our starting background/build should angle towards whatever class we eventually want to be (bard), I'm thinking a changeling with a talent for music who just wants to do well with her music/classes to build a better future for herself and her dad.

Apologies Dm Qouth, I think I am unsuitable for this game. Good luck!

To be fair, kids coming from broken homes and dealing with drugs, etc. isn't exactly uncommon these days. Also, I took the campaign setting to be that even though you've got dwarves and cat people and stuff, people mostly live their lives the same way we ourselves do in the real world. They worry about grades and getting into a good school or spend time chasing relationships and/or sex, stuff like that. So most of the characters I'm seeing seem to loosely fit teen stereotypes - thugs, former thugs, jocks and preps, loners, stoners, etc. which may or may not be what DM Quoth meant by average :)

GM said "you are an 'average kid' (if such a beast exists)
I think he was kind of being Ironic, with this. Hazel I see your point, I'm just trying to see thinks more 1960's than 2010's. Back then being from a broken home was a big deal, being black [Half Orc] at a mostly white [Human/ELf] school was a big deal. yes parents where lost in the wars, but there was some stigma.

Its why I went with the Mob thing, that small bit of stigma, The mob where in their hay-day back then, Los Vagas, NYC an Chicago, they ruled the teamsters, dop-rings and prostitution. Back then it was all all low key, just about then starting to get into heard drugs and that's when it all went bad for the mob come the 70s. Thing is little was known back then about them and other such crime gangs, unlike today, we know so much of what was going on back then. Back in 196o's Hollywood and TV had not really lifted the lid on them as it has today. X mob wise guys are celebrity's now, with books out, so much for a code of Omertà haha,

In the 1960's things where shows as being more wholesome, ok under the news headlines they may not have been, but all in all it was a world of Can-Do, DYI goodness, but reds under the beds and doing the right thing, stand up for yourself, US of A. Soon men would be walking on the moons. Things where seen as good and getting better, A culture of high trust was at its core. Unlike today, The USA now is a much darker cynical place, far more mistrusting, peeking out of windows, wile being feed fear v the TV and internet, we grip out guns fearing others or the Government will come and take what little we have left so something, its becoming a far lower trust culture.

My feeling is the GM is going for a darker 1960s under our starting point of the brighter future 1960s view of the time. I could be wrong, Im not the GM but it has that feel. So in that vain

"Be vigilant, Be careful, Behave citizens"


@ GM Captain Wombat also your character is 112 that means your father could have gone to New York as early as the mid to late 1800’s, which would have been a perfect time to be involved in the underbelly of the big apple. So you and your elven parents would have seen a lot of change.

But your right the 60’s is on the cusp of a lot of social change. That’s why I wanted more information on the setting: urban or rural, deep south, mid-west, east coast or west coast. All of these come into play for flavor and social interaction.

@Robert Henry, Yep that's a good point, and something I hope it be playing in game. Being a little out of time, like Interview with a vampire.

Setting wise, we do have this from the GM, your Character ... is growing up in a 'civilized' society (a post-industrial one, anyway).

So thinking is high law, one main faith, Tech level 1960s, so cars, Guns, Planes, but yes where there the 2 world wars and the wars that followed, Who's the president, Is there a Space race yet? Did we nuke Japan? What of Cannada and Mexico? If its close to the same, but the US-A is now in full isolation mode, all cool, or did the Nazis win.

OO A German PC, who's dad was....

runs away fast.

PC List so far

Benjamin "Benny" Adams, human? who likes Sports

Aizawa Kakeru a Aasimar, very sporty and loves to fly. [May change parts of his PC, he's not gone trust me, we talked and I think hes PC is cool.]

Taicho (called "taco" by his friends) very good with locks

Miss Isabela Calista De Romano a Dhampir, into Mesmerism and powers of the mind

Zov, (the gumshoe) A Drow who would love to be a Detective like Phil Marlow.

Mark A Tiefling and clever, known for having a way with the ladys.

Hazel Stokes, a Changeling [who's into swimming?]

Cobalt Stonepeak, a Dwarf interested in magic.

Ill keep updating the list for the GM, If I have anything wrong or missed something please let me know and ill change /add it.


Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Still here too just hadn't had the time to write something up until now. If you would like I can make an alias for Amin. Also, I am making some assumptions based off of American history, mostly that the 1890's(?) push to cut-down on immigration and move to isolationism was more severe. If any of this is wrong or doesn't work, it can change.


A history of Amin would be remiss in not including his family. Amin's grandparents were part of the last wave of immigrants to immigrate to America before its started to shut itself off from the rest of the world. They found work and housing in New York City, married, and had kids and more kids. Amin's parents were born in the mid-1920's into larger families with parents who had good paying jobs, but with the Great Depression, this quickly changed; the families shrunk and the jobs stopped paying so well, if not disappearing completely. This caused his mother to start looking into ways one might prevent such atrocities (and start storing money outside of the banking system.) She found communism a different ideology and started trying to spread it; though, she was very unsuccessful. His father, on the other hand, was conscripted and served a full-term until the end of the war. When Amin's father came home he shortly married his high-school sweetheart, who had started espousing communism a new philosophy, and shortly had a child.

Due to his mother's completely failure to convert people, she barely convinced her husband to let her be communistic, Amin had a fairly uneventful young childhood. However, when he was five, the government started cracking down on such behavior, culminating in a night at the police station. Life changed a bit after that: his Mother was scared witless, his family moved to Port August, and his father started stressing Amin should follow the rules. Amin spent the next ten years trying to be the model student by paying attention in school, studying hard, and attending as many of the extra-curricular activities as he could. This isn't to say he succeeded: his grades were barely average, he never really excelled at any of the after school activities, and he could never truly bring himself to believe the propaganda.

At the age of twelve he realized he didn't want to live like his father, constantly in fear of the government, or his mother and wanted to attend a college and find a good paying job. He was fairly good at sports and tried his hand at every sport in middle school, and quickly decided baseball would help him get into college. During this time he also developed a love of martial arts and the only time he spent on non-school related activities would be for the twice weekly martial arts classes.

Stats, traits, feats, etc.:

14 Str
12 Dex
12 Con
8 Int
16 Wis
11 Cha

Broken Home (For being stigmatized more than his family life...)
History of Heresy

Improved Unarmed Strike (of course, though might look into another feat)

With ranks:
Acrobatics: +5
Diplomacy: +6
Heal: +7
Perception: +7
Sense Motive: +9
Other class skills:
Knowledge (Geography)*
Knowledge (Engineering)*
Knowledge (Nature)*
Stealth: +1
Survival: +3

Intended Direction:
Monk (Martial Artist, which removes most of the more mystical abilities of a monk and is very fitting for the setting...)

*--Cannot use said skill.

I'll work on getting an actual character sheet together tomorrow. And buying things.

And, even though the future was bright and more 'wholesome' in the 1960's, it still had its darker side (as did the rest of history). Finally, Hi Wombat.

GM_Captain_Wombat wrote:
Hazel Stokes, a Changeling [who's into swimming?]

Yeeeahhh, I'd forgotten that I'd even posted any crunch to her profile and apparently I made the crunch while I was half-asleep or something. I went back and changed a bunch of stuff since I decided to just opt for a bit of a loner character with a talent for the violin instead of swimming :)

There's also some background, personality, etc. information now as well.

PC List so far

Benjamin "Benny" Adams, human? who likes Sports

Aizawa Kakeru a Aasimar, very sporty and loves to fly. [May change parts of his PC, he's not gone trust me, we talked and I think hes PC is cool.]

Taicho (called "taco" by his friends) very good with locks

Miss Isabela Calista De Romano a Dhampir, into Mesmerism and powers of the mind

Zov, (the gumshoe) A Drow who would love to be a Detective like Phil Marlow.

Mark A Tiefling and clever, known for having a way with the ladys.

Hazel Stokes, a Changeling loner who plays Violin]

Cobalt Stonepeak, a Dwarf interested in magic.

Amin a [Race?] who's into martial arts.

Ill keep updating the list for the GM, If I have anything wrong or missed something please let me know and ill change /add it.


Some fun:

Stand in the hall way, looking at the others students, then heads off to get a book. Other kids there, joint project, but had to be done, she needed the grades. She slumped down and gets her class books out. Starts making notes.

more fun:

Taicho looks around the library to see if anyone from his sociology class is working on their project

Man, I gotta get a good grade on this paper, if I don’t get at least a C in Soc dad will make me work all weekend and won’t take me fishing, Hey there’s that Italian chick, what’s her name again, Elsiba… no its Isabela, man she is so cold, ice queen cold man, I wonder if she’s as old as they say, who cares man she’s SMART, let see if she’s working on her paper

Taicho wearing his school uniform, he has his tie loosened and his colorful love beads out over it, he walks up to Isabela, looks around uncomfortably, nervously playing with his necklace, clears his throat and in a screech voice says

Hey, hippy chick, um cool shades, um, are you working on your soc paper, um. I’m, like, in your class and I thought maybe we could work together, you dig?

even more fun:

She looks up from her writing, Her out fit is old, black corset, long black dress, she's got a the whole Adams Family look going on, very Mortisa.

She smiles up at him, as if happy to see him.
now here's a slice of luck, just the kind of dude I need, let's see, if he's cool as they say" she thinks to herself.

"Taco, right, that's the name, Ye I'm working on the doc report for Mr gibbons class, just about done in fact."

She turns around the papers she's been writing for the sociology class , the header readys.

:-A portraile of evil magic use as personified by female gender archetypes in contempiery cartoons. From Betty poo to skoopy-doo.-:

She then looks at the empy chairs at her table, then back at taco..

"Seems none of the others in my study group have not showen up yet, so yes I'll help you, with your paper. But on one condition."

She leans forwoud and whispers.

"I need to get in the room where they keep the prohibited reference books, but the doors locked, they say you have skills, you get me in there and I'll not only help you I'll wright the paper for you. How dos, 'The impact of drugs cultur with in artistic creativity' sound."

She pulls out another wod of papers from her bag,

"This was for is next mouth but you can use it, if you get me passed that lock"

She sits back and pulls a chair back patting it's seat.

"the laybrainen gos for a brake in half an hour, best wait till then."

just a bit of fun to show how we could get along etc! others free to join in,

fun times for all:

if we are wearing our school uniforms Taicho is out of compliance with his loose tie and “love beads” necklace.

Taicho, in his tie-dye t-shirt, bell-bottoms, sandals, necklace and hippy vest, sits down at the table near Isabela.

the whole paper…she’ll do the whole paper… mom won’t catch me if I cheat… but if dad catches me it’ll be more than my pride that hurts and he likes to read my work…well at least he cares

No, it’s cool, we can work on the paper together, I pull my own weight, dig. then he looks at her and smiles, whispering he says the door, to the prohibited reference books, that’s just groovy. I’d do that just for the rush, you watch the hall. I’ll pop the lock, dig?

He pulls a lock pick out of the breast pocket of his hippy vest, and begins to twirl it between his claws

'The impact of drugs culture within artistic creativity' sounds groovy, I’ve got some time to work on it,

He winks as he replaces the lock pick. He takes out pencil and paper then starts to write, watching the clock on the wall waiting for thirty minutes to pass

Fun times for all:

Yep Im thinking after school time, doing homework etc

Her smile becomes a conspiratorial grin,


She says as if she dos not say this word often, she then pushs over some books.

"This is what I used to base the paper on, the taps mark the areas you need to read. Lot of stuff about Pablo Picasso, the surrealists, also the vortasits in England. Lot of drug use. I meet Bablo once, nice kid but had this real thing for blue."

She winks and gos back to writing, she could be joking or telling the truth, its hard to tell.

artist fun:

I'm assuming the B is a type-o for a P, I'm like Bablo, 11 hours of art history and I don't know any Bablo, I even google searched him, still nothing, so I've decided it must be a type-o Pablo I have heard of LOL

Right on, I wonder what the surrealists were tripping on, looks like bad acid to me.

smiling he goes on

I prefer Matisse to Picasso did you meet him? I really like Hans Hoffman and Jackson Pollick too. But you know Andy Warhol must be smoking something. Dig? He looks up and considers

Music what about music artist

would It be worth our time to look at other forms of art, especially music, you dig. Look at the impact of weed on the blues, jazz and eventually bebop.

Looking at the clock

how long of a break does the librarian take, I’ll need four or five minutes to get the door open, how long will you need inside, can we just take the books and bring them back?

art fun:

ok we have
"The music view points a good idea, lots of Jazz was Elf weed herbs added, but the stuff rots your mind. Hay you ever hear of Jamaca, lot of mad-jazz down new Orleans from there, we play it at the temple, dark sounds real VooDoo jazz. The new bands in the top 10" I'm not so cool on. Lot of sunshine and love talk, not my vibe. You know once I spent a week in Vagas at old Blue eyes place, he was out of town, doing TV, but lot of herb there, Franks got some cool guys writing songs for him. I would not write that in your paper but you get the idea, never had tripy-shroom stuff, been told it's crazy for your head, just a bit to chaotic for me, I like my mind crisp and sharp. "

She looks around then whispers.

"The old bag gos for a smoke and a coffe in the lady's, she will be there about 15 mins, you get me in there I'll only need a few minuets "

She opens her bag and you can see an old camera in it.

Note to everyone here:
Just a heads up, Be vary carful when talking drug culture of the 60s, the Paizo site rules say users should NOT post about real drugs or there use, you can get the game and yourself band for it. I think we would be ok, if we altered posts to use fake names and types or better still the pathfinder Toxins stuff with the down sides posted as well so as not to promote drug use..

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