Hazel Stokes's page

1,455 posts. Alias of Lady Ladile.



About Hazel Stokes

Hazel Stokes
Human (Varisian) Warpriest of Desna 9
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +6
AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 20 (+8 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 shield)
HP 75
Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +8
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
+1 Shapechanger-Bane Silver Dagger +10/+5 (1d4+3/+2d6 vs. shapechangers/19-20)
+1 Starknife +11/+6 (1d8+6/19-20 ×3)
Light Shield Bash +9/+4 (1d3+2)
Longbow +9/+4 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks
Blessings 7/day, Sacred Weapon (1d8, +2), Sacred Armor (+1)
Good Blessing
Holy Strike (minor) - At 1st level, you can touch one weapon and bless it with the power of purity and goodness. For 1 minute, this weapon glows green, white, or yellow-gold and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage against evil creatures. During this time, it's treated as good for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. This additional damage doesn't stack with the additional damage from the holy weapon special ability.
Liberation Blessing
Liberation (minor) - At 1st level, for 1 round as a swift action, you can ignore impediments to your mobility and effects that cause paralysis (as freedom of movement). You can activate this blessing even if you're otherwise unable to take actions, but not if you're unconscious.
Warpriest Spells Prepared (CL 9th; concentration +11)
3rd (3/Day) - Channel Vigor x2, Magic Vestment
2nd (5/Day) - Bull's Strength, Burst of Radiance, Ironskin, Protection from Evil: Communal, Sound Burst
1st (6/Day) — Bless, Divine Favor x2, Obscuring Mist, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith
0 (5; At Will) — Create Water, Guidance, Light, Read Magic, Stabilize
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12
Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 21
Martial Focus (Thrown Weapons)
Point-Blank Shot
Point-Blank Master
Precise Shot
Quick Draw
Rapid Shot
Ricochet Toss
Starry Grace
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Focus (Starknife)
Weapon Specialization (Starknife)
Chance Savior
Adventuring Skills
Climb +6 - (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Str)
Diplomacy +10; +11 to influence friendly/helpful creatures - (5 rank, 3 class, 1 Cha, 1 trait; 1 trait)
Heal +6 - (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Wis)
Intimidate +6 - (2 rank, 3 class, 1 Cha)
Kn. Religion +11 - (8 rank, 3 class)
Perception +6 - (4 rank, 2 Wis)
Sense Motive +10 - (5 rank, 3 class, 2 Wis)
Spellcraft +4 - (1 rank, 3 class)
Survival +6 - (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Wis)
Background Skills
Kn. Engineering +12 - (9 rank, 3 class)
Perform: Dance +10 - (9 rank, 1 Cha)
Languages Common, Varisian
Magical & Alchemical Gear
Cloak of the Night Sky
+2 Agile Breastplate
+1 Light Steel Shield
Boots of the Cat
Ring of the Sublime
Belt of Giant Strength +2
Oil of Magic Weapon
Silver Arrow x10
+1 Arrow x2
+1 Ghost Touch Arrow x3
Wand of Lesser Restoration (7 charges)
Other Gear Arrows (20), Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Blanket, Canteen, Compass, Cooking Kit, Flint and Steel, Grooming Kit, Hemp Rope (50 ft.), Mess Kit, Torch (5), Trail Rations (5), Wooden Holy Symbol of Desna, Wrist Sheath, 6,179.05 gp
Special Abilities
Aura (Ex) - A warpriest of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura (as a cleric) corresponding to the deity's alignment.

Blessings (7/day) (Su) - A warpriest's deity influences his alignment, what magic he can perform, his values, and how others see him. Each warpriest can select two blessings from among those granted by his deity (each deity grants the blessings tied to its domains). A warpriest can select an alignment blessing (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if his alignment matches that domain. If a warpriest isn't devoted to a particular deity, he still selects two blessings to represent his spiritual inclinations and abilities, subject to GM approval. The restriction on alignment domains still applies. Each blessing grants a minor power at 1st level and a major power at 10th level. A warpriest can call upon the power of his blessings a number of times per day (in any combination) equal to 3 + 1/2 his warpriest level (to a maximum of 13 times per day at 20th level). Each time he calls upon any one of his blessings, it counts against his daily limit. The save DC for these blessings is equal to 10 + 1/2 the warpriest's level + the warpriest's Wisdom modifier.

Channel Energy (3d6, 3/Day) (Su) - Starting at 4th level, a warpriest can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of his faith through his holy (or unholy) symbol. This energy can be used to deal or heal damage, depending on the type of energy channeled and the creatures targeted. Using this ability is a standard action that expends two uses of his fervor ability and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. The warpriest must present a holy (or unholy) symbol to use this ability. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to the amount listed in the fervor ability. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy must succeed at a Will saving throw to halve the damage. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 the warpriest’s level + the warpriest’s Wisdom modifier.

Fervor (3d6, 6/Day) (Su) - At 2nd level, a warpriest can draw upon the power of his faith to heal wounds or harm foes. She can also use this ability to quickly cast spells that aid in his struggles. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to 1/2 his warpriest level + his Wisdom modifier. By expending one use of fervor, a good warpriest (or one who worships a good deity) can touch a creature to heal it of 1d6 points of damage + an additional 1d6 points for every 3 warpriest levels he possesses beyond 2nd (to a maximum of 7d6 at 20th level). Using this ability is a standard action (unless the warpriest targets himself, in which case it's a swift action). Alternatively, the warpriest can use this ability to harm an undead creature, dealing the same amount of damage he would otherwise heal with a melee touch attack. Using fervor in this way is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage. This use of fervor counts as positive energy. As a swift action, a warpriest can expend one use of fervor to cast any one warpriest spell he has prepared with a casting time of 1 round or shorter. When cast in this way, the spell can target only the warpriest, even if it could normally affect other or multiple targets. Spells cast in this way don't require somatic components and do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Sacred Armor (Su) - At 7th level, the warpriest gains the ability to enhance his armor with divine power as a swift action.
This power grants the armor a +1 enhancement bonus. For every 3 levels beyond 7th, this bonus increases by 1 (to a maximum of +5 at 19th level). The warpriest can use this ability a number of minutes per day equal to his warpriest level. This duration must be used in 1-minute increments, but they don’t need to be consecutive. These bonuses stack with any existing bonuses the armor might have, to a maximum of +5. The warpriest can enhance armor any of the following armor special abilities: energy resistance (normal, improved, and greater), fortification (heavy, light, or moderate), glamered, and spell resistance (13, 15, 17, and 19). Adding any of these special abilities replaces an amount of bonus equal to the special ability’s base cost. For this purpose, glamered counts as a +1 bonus, energy resistance counts as +2, improved energy resistance counts as +4, and greater energy resistance counts as +5. Duplicate abilities do not stack. The armor must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus before any other special abilities can be added. The enhancement bonus and armor special abilities are determined the first time the ability is used each day and cannot be changed until the next day.
These bonuses apply only while the warpriest is wearing the armor, and end immediately if the armor is removed or leaves the warpriest’s possession. This ability can be ended as a free action at the start of the warpriest’s turn. This ability cannot be applied to a shield. When the warpriest uses this ability, he can also use his sacred weapon ability as a free action by expending one use of his fervor.

Sacred Weapon +2 (Su) - As a swift action, grant weapon enhancement bonus or certain powers.

Spontaneous Casting - A good warpriest (or a neutral warpriest of a good deity) can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that he did not prepare ahead of time. The warpriest can expend any prepared spell that isn't an orison to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower. A cure spell is any spell with "cure" in its name.

Favored Class Bonus:

1st: +1 Skill Point
2nd: +1/6th Combat Feat
3rd: +1/6th Combat Feat
4th: +1/6th Combat Feat
5th: +1/6th Combat Feat
6th: +1/6th Combat Feat
7th: +1/6th Combat Feat
8th: +1/6th Combat Feat
9th: +1/6th Combat Feat


Though not of noble blood, Hazel was born into a life that many a commoner would have envied. Her family were longtime servants and associates of the noble Kaddren family of Magnimar and though they worked and were expected to work hard, they enjoyed a comfortable life and elevated status within the walls of the city. A few years older than the Kaddren's daughter Briana, Hazel spent her early years as playmate and something of a big sister for the younger girl and Briana's fondness of Hazel afforded her additional educational opportunities. Ever fascinated by the structures of the city, she eagerly devoured any literature regarding engineering, especially architectural. Though encouraged by both her mother and Briana to try her hand at the arts, Hazel largely lacked the talent or the patience for such pursuits though she did find that she rather enjoyed dancing, an exercise that often allowed her to burn off excess energy.

Another boon of being favored by the Kaddren's daughter was that on occasion, she was allowed to remain when Briana had visitors, often the daughters of the other noble houses. Though she tried to put on a pleasant demeanor for the sake of her friend, Hazel often found these visits boring and the other girls usually unpleasant. She had a feeling that she was the subject of their scorn when they talked out of earshot of Briana, so she did not concern herself with attempting to be friends with gossipers and backbiters.

As Briana and Hazel grew older, the visits from the other young women of the nobility began to give way to gentleman callers, their families beginning the process of matchmaking for their sons. Briana seemed larely uninterested in these visits, having been growing progressively distant from her family and friends, including Hazel. However, one of the young men that came to call upon Briana, a young Gavin Valdemar, found himself oddly taken with Hazel instead. Touched and flattered by his interest in her, the two began a secret courtship, with Gavin often visiting Kaddren manor under the guise of calling on Briana. For her part, Briana was surprisngly willing to facilitate this, though whether out of love for Hazel or simply a desire to keep at least one would-be suitor out of her hair, Hazel wasn't sure.

Unfortunately, such a ruse could not last. One evening the Kaddrens surprised Gavin and Hazel in the garden, the pair having snuck out for an evening stroll. A small, private scandal ensued and the pair were forbidden from having any further contact with each other. Hazel was also forbidden from seeing Briana, the Kaddrens fearing that the girl was proving to be a poor influence on their own daughter. Her own parents offered her no sympathy, more appalled at being shamed in the eyes of their employers than their daughter's anger and distress at losing both her friend and her first love in one swoop. Realizing that the life she was expected to live would offer her nothing but pain and disappointment, Hazel gathered her things and quietly slipped out into the night.

After leaving home, Hazel went to the only place she knew of that might offer her solace - Cynosure Tower. Though she had never been an especially fervent follower of Desna before, she turned to the Song of the Spheres to grant her guidance and luck on the unknown path that now lay before her. Feeling the pain in her heart beginning to ease and the weight on her shoulders grow lighter, she rejoiced in the benevolence of Lady Starsong and pledged herself to her service, vowing to always look ahead to the future and not dwell on the pains of the past.

Chance Meetings:

Hazel did not know it at the time, but her path and destiny were altered forever more by a chance encounter that she had one evening with an older man and what appeared to be a couple of common thugs looking for an easy mark.

Acting without hesitation, Hazel jumped into the fray, managing to get the drop on the thugs who were apparently not expecting anyone to come to the man's aid. After having given them what she felt was a sound thrashing, the man introduced himself as Petros Lorrimor, thanking her profusely for coming to his aid. Though he was not able to speak to her for more than a few minutes before he had to continue on his way, he promised that he would never forget her kindness.

Happy to help, Hazel went on her way and about her life as before, never realizing that on that day she had crossed paths with not one but two individuals whose destinies would be intertwined with her own...


In keeping as a follower of the Dream Tender, Hazel is generally outgoing and friendly. Although she appreciates all aspects of her goddess, she feels a particular kinship to the ideals of freedom that Desna espouses - freedom from both the physical and the emotional chains that bind. In spite of her outwardly cheerful personality and vows to look forward rather than behind, she hides considerable sadness at the loss of her old life and of her first love. It is this sadness that causes her to cling to her goddess as a lifeline, hopeful that one day she will be able to fully shed the weight of her past and her old life and move forward.

When dealing with others, Hazel tends to be kindly where possible but is almost always blunt and straightforward with her words rather than delicate. This usually wins the respect, trust, and friendship of those that appreciate her honesty but can just as easily be insulting and infuriating to those that either prefer or are used to being handled more delicately or those that simply don't like what she has to say.


Hazel stands a petite 5'3" and weighs around 140 lbs or so. Her light brown hair is wavy and worn at roughly shoulder length. Brown eyes regard the world with a mixture of eagerness, curiosity, and fierceness. She is not traditionally beautiful and her apple cheeks make her look younger than her 20 years, but her face and smile are pleasant enough to look at and rather cute at times.

Reward to hopefully be claimed at a later date!