The Infinite Watery Grave

Game Master MuadQuim

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I haven't heard from Zahur for a while, I'm going to wait till we here from him. :)


Sleepy DM is sleepy

Hmm. Its been days. Anyone see him around?

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Nup, sorry. I in't seen 'em. Wishin' 'em an' every one all-a very best.

Still waiting on Zahur...If I don't hear from him on Monday we'll just move on.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 2

No worries, I can wait, hope he's doing well though, and that nothing is wrong.

I apologize to all of you. I thought I had notified all of the games in which I'm playing that I was sick. I was out of commission all of last week. I'll catch up right now.

Zahur sighed in relief as the last skeleton threatening the wounded warrior woman fell to her vicious hammer blow. 'Well fought, lady warrior. My name is Zahur Thorntree.'

Seeing the dwarf rush to the aid of the unconscious woman, Zahur turns his attention to the approaching dragoons. 'Captain! The beach was stormed by a group of skeletons which set upon the party goers. The guards, that woman there, the dwarf and even the young elven lass helped to repel the invading horde. Several guests were injured and even a couple killed, but this could have been much worse. A giant wave came in at the last moment that devestated the attackers ranks leaving them scattered across the beach.'

Paladin of Shelyn 3

Lilandra nods towards Zahur. "Lilandra Ghoulbane. Well fought yourself."

As the dragoons approach she observes that they address the man, obviously knowing who he is.

"Is this kind of thing common here?

Continue the rp on the way back to town if you like. Its going to be a little thin this week. I have a memo due on Monday.

Lilandra Ghoulbane wrote:
"Is this kind of thing common here?

'I have never even heard of such a thing before, let alone happening here.'

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Will Save:1d20 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 + 1 = 2(+1 from Lilandra's spell)

Gack! Th' dice roller does hate me so! >_<

Sunny shifts, seeming to hide behind the comforting solidity of Lilandra Ghoulbane. As she listens to others speech she peers around Lilandra's shoulder.

"Rilly? You folk don't make a habit o' keepin' nets an' poles ready t' deal wi' things like that when they come washin' ashore after arilly big storm?" She asks. When people turn their gaze to her, she shrinks behind Lilandra.

"I is jus' sayin', where I be from, th' sea, it does throw up some frightful stuff..." Lilandra can feel Sunny's arms, which are wrapped around her waist, shiver to match the slight quaver in the Elf's voice.

Paladin of Shelyn 3

Lilandra gives Sunny's hand a reassuring squeeze as she speaks, drawing the attention away from the shaken elf.

"It would seem there is great darkness beneath these waters, as well as great hope possibly. We should get her to a safe plece, perhaps she may know what exacyly is going on."

She indicates the woman being gently lifted by Dirk

The strange figure from the water seems to be ....drying out....

Anyone have some water?

Male Dwarf Barbarian 2

Thinking quickly, Dirk grabs an empty barrel and runs over to the beach and fills it with sea water, lowering the strange elfin figure into the barrel of water, and picking it back up and heading back into town.

"Well are yer all comin'?" Dirk cries over his shoulder.

For a moment, nothing happens. But then life begins to return to the broken body. All of the water in the barrel disappears and the lithe figure begins to stand up in the barrel.

Storm clouds ominously roll in from nowhere, centered just above her head.

Her voice booms out, deep and terrible as the dragoons horses are spooked.

Anyone with linguistics can try to understand but only Sunny gets bits and pieces. It sounds like elven but in an accent she's never heard before.

Sunny I will PM you the details you glean.


No idea how to PM. Pretend you didn't see everyone. Sunny this is all a bit much for you but you do your best. It seems you were never the bookish type.

"MORTALS........(Material Plane?).................DARE............................NEGLECT............ .....................................LONG...................HISTORY (All of recorded time?)....................THROWN (Discarded?) INTO THE SEA ...................YOUR (Their?) CUP OVERFLOWS...............FOWL(s)? (the) BRINE ..................DOOM."

DM- The Infinite Watery Grave wrote:


No idea how to PM. Pretend you didn't see everyone. Sunny this is all a bit much for you but you do your best. It seems you were never the bookish type.

"MORTALS........(Material Plane?).................DARE............................NEGLECT............ .....................................LONG...................HISTORY (All of recorded time?)....................THROWN (Discarded?) INTO THE SEA ...................YOUR (Their?) CUP OVERFLOWS...............FOWL(s)? (the) BRINE ..................DOOM."

Put [spoiler=Sunny ] without the space at the end of the bracket in front of what you want to say then at the end of what you want to say, put [/spoiler ] again without that space in the bracket. That will make a spoiler named Sunny that will be hidden and only the recipient should look.

Zahur Thorntree wrote:
DM- The Infinite Watery Grave wrote:


No idea how to PM. Pretend you didn't see everyone. Sunny this is all a bit much for you but you do your best. It seems you were never the bookish type.

"MORTALS........(Material Plane?).................DARE............................NEGLECT............ .....................................LONG...................HISTORY (All of recorded time?)....................THROWN (Discarded?) INTO THE SEA ...................YOUR (Their?) CUP OVERFLOWS...............FOWL(s)? (the) BRINE ..................DOOM."

Put [spoiler=Sunny ] without the space at the end of the bracket in front of what you want to say then at the end of what you want to say, put [/spoiler ] again without that space in the bracket. That will make a spoiler named Sunny that will be hidden and only the recipient should look.

Forgot that thanks!

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Will Save:1d20 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 + 1 = 4

Oh...come on! >_<

Listening to the woman's (Elf?) words Sunny frowns, though she still (sigh, I'll get better, promise! :P) clings to Lilandra.

"Here, she be talkin'....funny..." The brown skinned Elf mutters.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 2

"Do yer at least speak a language we can understand?" Dirk asks with an air of annoyance. "Is there anyone here that can cast that nifty spell to understand what other's are sayin?" Comprehend Languages

Dirk puts down the barrel and looks at the strange woman, thoughts of who she is running through his head, each of them as far fetched as the other.

"Maybe she's one of them watery type folks from the sea. Or maybe even a strange type of elemental. Anyone else have any ideas?"

Don't worry Sunny, the dice gods will shine upon you again, you just have to give them praise and ask only for their benevolence :P

Paladin of Shelyn 3

Lilandra looks over her shoulder at Sunny seeing the look of concentration on her face.

"Can you understand any of what she's saying?"

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4
Lilandra Ghoulbane wrote:

Lilandra looks over her shoulder at Sunny seeing the look of concentration on her face.

"Can you understand any of what she's saying?"

Sunny's face scrunches in concentration,

"A lil'..."

Will Save:1d20 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 + 1 = 1

Oh come ON! Lilandra an' me is gon'a be joined at th' hip ferever if'n I dun't get me geeby's un'er control! >_<

She shivers, "Somat about peoples bringin' doom upon 'em selves fer doin'' wrong thing..." as again the image of the giant, all consuming wave rush through Sunny's mind.

Asides, th' DM's words is runnin' aroun' loose fer peoples t' be tryin' t' make a knowin' of. ;) Aye, an' a tad more description o' th' lass woul'n't go astray. Be she an Elf as well?

Casavir, a Dragoon lieutenant asks:

"Can any of you understand what she is saying? Has anyone tried speaking to her yet?"

She does seem, if you stare at her, to have elf-like features.

Realizing her message went largely unnoticed, the figure settles down and the clouds dissipate. She begins to create water to coat herself in and the reeds that cover her body take on new life.

Dirk. She's not an elemental. Stick to hitting things ;)

Why don't we have a caster haha? No matter. This is fun.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Okeys! This time fer SURE! Will Save:1d20 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 + 1 = 1 D'OH! >_<

Sunny edges closer to the woman in the barrel. Pushing/dragging Lilandra closer ass well as she does so.

"Hey there? How are you feeling? My name is Ellanesadrielle? What's yours?"

Wrong hat! I gotta get me a size seven and a half! Link:

Elvish...Sort of: Ellanesadrielle, Ellanesadrielle, Ellanesadrielle, Yes. I have seen you on the water before. You're smaller than you looked in my dreams.

Tell that man over there *motions to casavir* I need to speak to his bulblifuchun. Don't be afraid child.

SHE SAID DON'T BE AFRAID. Enjoy +20 on that damn will save you keep rolling. Lol.

The Oracle begins....well, surfing on a wave of water she created back towards the city

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Sunny grins at the woman's reply. we go, come on lady Luck! Will Save:1d20 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 + 1 = 1 *sigh*...-_-

"Well, good to meet you name is...?"
There is hesitation in Sunny's voice as she talks to the stranger, muffled as it is from Sunny still talking from behind Lilandra.

She turns and motions to (Who was it barrel lady was pointing at?) and indicates for them to come closer.

An', agin, we might want t' be usin' th' 'edit' button t' be makin' alterations t'yer posts. A'stead o' addin' new ones.....jus' sayin'...>_>

Aye, an' I thought we wus haulin' th' lass about some? Though I be thankin' ye fer th' friendly boost t' gettin' m' geebies and heebies un'er control....

Casavir to Lilandra and Zahur:

"I believe the Council will want to speak to you when we get back to the city. You've done incredible work for such a small number. I can't imagine how many would have died."

As you all hustle towards the rapidly departing elf-water-personb thing, Casavir speaks to Zahur:

"You have a rough look about you, and training too. Are you a guildmember in town? A guard of some sort? Who do you serve?"

The Alchemist from earlier, saunters up to Lilandra. He speaks quickly, with a rasp, one arm concealed under his riding coat.

"Hellohunter.I'veseenyourkindbefore. NameisQues."

*His hand flicks to your armor to knowingly touch a family mark, just under a pauldron. As he inspects you he you notice the deep blue and red, almost rusty look of his eyes.*

"Yesyesyesyesyes.WellknownhuntersoftheOutlands. Youshouldbecarefulventuring outofthecitylike thisssss. So young you are."

He quickly closes up his cloak, dons his goggles and wraps his face with a piece of cloth. He twitches.

"Sunny" wrote:

Sunny grins at the woman's reply. we go, come on lady Luck! Will Save:1d20-1+1 *sigh*...-_-

** spoiler omitted ** There is hesitation in Sunny's voice as she talks to the stranger, muffled as it is from Sunny still talking from behind Lilandra.

She turns and motions to (Who was it barrel lady was pointing at?) and indicates for them to come closer.

An', agin, we might want t' be usin' th' 'edit' button t' be makin' alterations t'yer posts. A'stead o' addin' new ones.....jus' sayin'...>_>

Aye, an' I thought we wus haulin' th' lass about some? Though I be thankin' ye fer th' friendly boost t' gettin' m' geebies and heebies un'er control....

Haha sorry about that. Well the figure clearly needed water and now she's up and out of that barrel. She looks a lot better. Casavir is a lieutenant of the Azir Dragoons. She was motioning to him. She used a word you did not understand "bulblifuchun" and asked to be taken to it.

Also I hope you meant caps lock was for exasperation at the poor dice rolls....Not you. You're too cute :)

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4
DM- The Infinite Watery Grave wrote:

The Alchemist from earlier, saunters up to Lilandra. He speaks quickly, with a rasp, one arm concealed under his riding coat.

"Hellohunter.I'veseenyourkindbefore. NameisQues."

*His hand flicks to your armor to knowingly touch a family mark, just under a pauldron. As he inspects you he you notice the deep blue and red, almost rusty look of his eyes.*

"Yesyesyesyesyes.WellknownhuntersoftheOutlands. Youshouldbecarefulventuring outofthecitylike thisssss. So young you are."

He quickly closes up his cloak, dons his goggles and wraps his face with a piece of cloth. He twitches.

Sunny peers from behind Lilandra,

"He's funny lookin'.." The brown skinned Elf mutters at the strange man poking her freind. Sunny gives Lilandra a reassuring hug.

Okeys! This time with th' DM's backing! *drum roll* Will Save:1d20 - 1 + 20 ⇒ (3) - 1 + 20 = 22 (O_o) Well...t'wern't a natr'l one, at least....

As Sunny slowly begins to disentangle from around Lilandra, the farther they move from shore and the memory of the HUGE destructive wave.

An' I still in't sure whut's happenin' t' Ocean Lass, by th' by....>_> Sorry...

A rather burly man saunters up to Dirk.

Ok. Burly is putting it lightly. This is a tank of a man. Think Samoan but all muscle.

His absolutely massive horse saunters up behind him.

"Aye. Dwarf. What brought you to that party? You seem a bit soggy for a tunnel-runner."

He scoops a cup out of his pack and pours you a mugh of ale, all while walking. He's talented like that.

"I'm the Quartermaster, Gregory."


The, er, Ocean Lass calls out to you "Are you coming with me? I will need an interpreter to speak with your bulblifuchun. Is this your city up ahead?"

F Exotic Elf TBA

Sunny gives Lilandra one last, quick, friendly hug before scampering off after the woman from the sea.

"Yes, that is a good idea. You haven't told me your name yet?'

Social Will save:1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12 After tugging at the shirt covering herself, Sunny thinks twice and instead keeps an eye out for something 'spare' hanging about to drape over 'Ocean Lass', assuming her 'reeds' might be a tad scarce for the people about town.

Yay! Somat larger than a 1! (^_^)

DM- The Infinite Watery Grave wrote:

Casavir to Lilandra and Zahur:

"I believe the Council will want to speak to you when we get back to the city. You've done incredible work for such a small number. I can't imagine how many would have died."

As you all hustle towards the rapidly departing elf-water-personb thing, Casavir speaks to Zahur:

"You have a rough look about you, and training too. Are you a guildmember in town? A guard of some sort? Who do you serve?"

'Yes, of course, Lieutenant. I will make myself available to the council.' Moving to retrieve his Aasifa stallion and mounting up, he joins the dragoon leader as they ride for the city.

'I am the son of Umar Thorntree, merchant and council member. I am trained in the ways of turs, the shield. I serve Rahadoum and hope to join the pure legion. As for my rough appearance, I must look disheveled from the fight. If I may, I will clean up before joining you at the council chambers.'

Paladin of Shelyn 3

Lilandra nods to the Dragoon, accepting his praise, knowing such does not come easy. She looks at the odd man with a questioning glance, part amusement, part wariness. She inclines her head, acknowledging the recognition of her family and profession.

She chuckles a Sunny comments, glad to see the fear losing it's grip on her, she gives her hand a squeeze and a warm smile.

She looks back over her shoulder at the sea ast they head to the city, certain that she would again be doing battle on these shores.

"I would gladly come with you to your council. I have some familiarity with...the undead."

Male Dwarf Barbarian 2

Dirk smiles broadly at the man, an aura of friendliness about him.

"yer see, I was once a sailor, but th' first mate, Ojin was slightly too liberal with his whip, and hit me one time too many. One night, as he was doin' the rounds, he seemed to have the sudden urge to take a midnight swim, and I was nice enough to help him overboard. Seems the crew didnae like that much and decided, very forcefully, that I should live here. This is why I'm here, that and the ale."

Dirk follows the mountain of a man and drains the mug of ale quickly, relishing the taste of the brew, his stomach rumbling loudly.

"Is there a chance yer might have a leg of mutton in there somewhere, I seem to have forgotten to eat since I got here."

Dirk Strongbeard wrote:

Dirk smiles broadly at the man, an aura of friendliness about him.

"yer see, I was once a sailor, but th' first mate, Ojin was slightly too liberal with his whip, and hit me one time too many. One night, as he was doin' the rounds, he seemed to have the sudden urge to take a midnight swim, and I was nice enough to help him overboard. Seems the crew didnae like that much and decided, very forcefully, that I should live here. This is why I'm here, that and the ale."

Dirk follows the mountain of a man and drains the mug of ale quickly, relishing the taste of the brew, his stomach rumbling loudly.

"Is there a chance yer might have a leg of mutton in there somewhere, I seem to have forgotten to eat since I got here."

"Sorry mate, but I promise our lord will feed you a grand meal when we reach town. We left in a might hurry, with the signal fires lit and all."

Zahur Thorntree wrote:
DM- The Infinite Watery Grave wrote:

Casavir to Lilandra and Zahur:

"I believe the Council will want to speak to you when we get back to the city. You've done incredible work for such a small number. I can't imagine how many would have died."

As you all hustle towards the rapidly departing elf-water-personb thing, Casavir speaks to Zahur:

"You have a rough look about you, and training too. Are you a guildmember in town? A guard of some sort? Who do you serve?"

'Yes, of course, Lieutenant. I will make myself available to the council.' Moving to retrieve his Aasifa stallion and mounting up, he joins the dragoon leader as they ride for the city.

'I am the son of Umar Thorntree, merchant and council member. I am trained in the ways of turs, the shield. I serve Rahadoum and hope to join the pure legion. As for my rough appearance, I must look disheveled from the fight. If I may, I will clean up before joining you at the council chambers.'

"Ahhhh the Pure Legion. Little too 'righteous' for outrunners like us. But you do have a mighty fine heritage there. I'll see if I can't put in a good word for you when we get back to town if you've really got the mettle."

"Suny" wrote:

Sunny gives Lilandra one last, quick, friendly hug before scampering off after the woman from the sea.

** spoiler omitted **

Social Will save:1d20-1 After tugging at the shirt covering herself, Sunny thinks twice and instead keeps an eye out for something 'spare' hanging about to drape over 'Ocean Lass', assuming her 'reeds' might be a tad scarce for the people about town.

Yay! Somat larger than a 1! (^_^)

The watery figure, easily keeping up with the horses, asks you: "what are you doing to me?"

You barely notice that she is now carrying you along with her on the wave of water she created.

When you all reach town, Casavir and his Dragoons head to the Royal Stables, while a young page directs you to stay the night at the palatial estate. Provided you accept the accommodations, the party may now rest for the night.

Can someone go ahead and set up an ooc thread for us? First topic: How are things going? I want everyone to have fun. :) I hope I'm doing well. This is my first play by post campaign.

You've got a reward coming for your bravery in the morning. Nothing big since you're level one PCs and all, but a reward nonetheless.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4
DM- The Infinite Watery Grave wrote:
The watery figure, easily keeping up with the horses, asks you: "what are you doing to me?" You barely notice that she is now carrying you along with her on the wave of water she created.

Sunny blinks,

"Hmmm? Oh, it's just that humans have a very different view of body drapery. Why the noises they made when I first join in the party on the beach."
Sunny rolls her eyes, though she laughs brightly at the memory.

"I was just seeing how 'tough' your outfit was. Plus, I've never seen any one wear things quite like that before."

Um, so were's they gon'a put us? In'a fish bowl. :P (^_~)

Male Dwarf Barbarian 2

OOC thread

Will post more stuffs when I'm not falling asleep at my keyboard.

"Sunny" wrote:
DM- The Infinite Watery Grave wrote:
The watery figure, easily keeping up with the horses, asks you: "what are you doing to me?" You barely notice that she is now carrying you along with her on the wave of water she created.

Sunny blinks, ** spoiler omitted ** Sunny rolls her eyes, though she laughs brightly at the memory.

** spoiler omitted **

Um, so were's they gon'a put us? In'a fish bowl. :P (^_~)


"Its been a very long time since I've returned to land. These garments have served me well during my travels"

Noticing that she is destroying the room assigned to her with all of the water, she leaves for the palatial gardens to seek out a pond to lie in. As she leaves, she says "I think you asked what I am called, this should do: síla lumenn' omentielvo."

[ooc] You understand this to mean, "I am between ocean and the sky."

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Sunny skips along besides the other woman.

Elvish."So, your name could be translated as 'Cloud' in the way of Human speech?" Sunny shrugs, "It's just that, most Humans I've met, they have the hardest time pronouncing things right, so I kind of help them out by simplifying things a little for them."

When the pair do come to whatever place 'Cloud' chooses to relax in Sunny will simply doff her garments and join her. (^_^)

Afk guys. I'll be back tomorrow.

Phew. Ok. I am so sorry everybody. I am back :) . I understand if some of you don't post for a little bit since your DM has been a slacker. I hope you are all having fun!

Ok so Sunny and "Cloud" are lying in a pool in the garden. Naked. I hope this doesn't make anyone uncomfortable.

I'm going to fast forward a bit. You've all been put up at the Palatial Estate at Azir, the guest quarters. The architecture here is typical for Rahadoum, a mix of sandstone and rich gardens. During the worst years, these gardens suffered as poverty gardens to feed the poor when yields were down across the nation.

In these richer times, the gardens have been converted to parks and reflecting pools, conveying a sense of pleasant prosperity that has been absent from this land in a long while.

As the sun rises, you can all see these details from your windows. Well, except Sunny. Bakers and other early risers are not quite sure what to make of her as she wakes up.

A few darker details hint of strife unknown. As you look over the streets, a scattering of broken bones and a few bits of rotten flesh are scattered near a bank, the hastily cleared remnants of a nightly scuffle with the guards and more undead. Scrawled on the wall of the bank's door is an odd bloody symbol.

Printed over the blood is a faintly blue glowing symbol.

A few members of the Pure Legion are hastily painting over both of the symbols, but they are having trouble with the blue one.

Knowledge religion if you have it.

Regardless, you are all summoned by a knock at the door around 9 a.m.

Sunny is awkwardly poked with a gardener's quarterstaff? Take 1 subdual damage....jk

Delivered to your room is a summons to the Magistrate's Chambers, a sort of "mayoral office" for Azir. Delivered with the note is a box containing 50 gold. You are due to be there by noon.

Zahur wakes with the dawn. He greets the day with a series of stretching exercises before heading to the stables to care for Al-Hadiye. After taking the stallion out for a ride, he returns to the stables to feed and brush him. Softly talking to his companion, Zahur reviews the events of yesterday and the possibilities of the new day.

Leaving the stables, he goes back to the guest room and washes before dressing in his clothes from the party, including his armoured coat, scimitar and kukri; his cesti tucked into his belt. Once he has made himself presentable, he heads to the magistrate's chambers.

Did we each receive a box containing 50 gp or is it one box with 50 gp between us?

Zahur Thorntree wrote:

Zahur wakes with the dawn. He greets the day with a series of stretching exercises before heading to the stables to care for Al-Hadiye. After taking the stallion out for a ride, he returns to the stables to feed and brush him. Softly talking to his companion, Zahur reviews the events of yesterday and the possibilities of the new day.

Leaving the stables, he goes back to the guest room and washes before dressing in his clothes from the party, including his armoured coat, scimitar and kukri; his cesti tucked into his belt. Once he has made himself presentable, he heads to the magistrate's chambers.

Did we each receive a box containing 50 gp or is it one box with 50 gp between us?

Fifty gp each :) ....And your box contains a note from Casavir, the Captain of the Dragoons. "I meant it when I said I'd put in a word with the pure legion for you. Expect to hear from them soon. I imagine this undead business is just starting. They'll be needing people to keep a lid on all of the clerics coming to town." Also, this is a gift from the boys.

Add one alchemical smokestick to your inventory


I'll rp the magistrates chambers when you all arrive. :)

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