The Infinite Watery Grave

Game Master MuadQuim

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Male Gnome Cleric 2

Reflex Save: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Gorchag 'bumps' into Dim sending Dim tumbling to the ground. Dim struggles back to his feet. "Well I guess you just didn't see me there, even though I did warn you to look down. Please be more careful next time, accidents can happen once but karma has a way of paying back bad patterns. A good day to you sir."

Dim tumbles into the waiting arms of Sunny, who keeps him from exploring the sandy floor. As she catches him, Gorchag turns to check on Dim briefly, then continues on.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

At finding herself with her arms full of Gnome, Sunny laughs,

"Hey! Nice it be t'meetcha!" (^_^) Once they're both steady again she stands and skips along beside Dim.

"So, whut were it whut brought ye t' bein' here, then?' She asks with an innocent, but still some-what mischievous grin.

Male Gnome Cleric 2

Dim gets a big smile on his face. "Many thanks for the catch, it is always to pleasure to find myself in arms of a beauty such as you, even if you are a bit tall for my tastes." he says with a wink to Sunny.
"I went a wanderin' and my feet took me here, obviously fate rewards me by putting me in such great company. I found the festival and saw an opportunity to share my joy for the world through my voice and took it. I didn't get into my good numbers before we were so rudely interrupted, perhaps I will share them as we travel, I know some really good traveling songs."

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Sunny nods,

"Aye, that sounds like whut I were doin'. Jus' passin' by an I heard th' ruckus. The next thing ye know I be comin' ashore, havin' somat tossed over me head even as I wus enjoyin' m'self along with all'a t'other folks dancin' themselves away!" She grins, skips and twirls as she describes the fun she'd been having on the sands.

"D'ye know any songs whut're keen t' dance by?" She asks happily, then winks. "As fer yer self, t'weren't nuthin' I wun't do fer any friend." Turning and spinning such that her gazes sweeps across every one in the group, even as she twirls randomly over too...

1)Khaod Argus, 2)Magnus Wolfgang II, 3)Lilandra Ghoulbane,

Dice:1d3 ⇒ 3

Where, with a giggle, she throws her arms around the woman and asks with a grin,

"So, where be it ye hail from, then? If'n ye dun't mind th' question, o'course?" She smiles at Lilandra. (^_^)

Paladin of Shelyn 3

Lilandra smiles warmly st the gnome's rambling, her expression shifting to a glare at the massive warrior for the obviously intentional trip. She looks at the man, an appraising gaze as if taking his measure, like a woodsman trying to decide which side of a particularly difficult tree to begin on.

Seeing Sunny help the little man she gives the other woman a wink, continuing on and taking a measure of their companions.

Magnus frowns at the large man trying to figure him out but his eyes wander over to the two females and he smiles.

"So where are we to start then eh?"

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Sunny gives Lilandra another quick hug before skipping over to Magnus,

"Well...I reckon th' wise folks back home would usually say somthin' like 'Begin at the beginning'..." She frowns, tilting her head and managing to look thoughtful. Though the look doesn't last long at all.

"O' course, we's got this big here feller leadin' us t' th' some where's. In' that right?" She asks and spins around to look at Gorchag expectantly.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/ 3

Khaod cannot suppress a small inhuman growl as the large man deliberately bumps into the gnome sending him stumbling back into Sunny's arms and he reflexively grips the haft of his hammer as the man looks back at them all. When he keeps walking, Khaod rumbles in his chest with indignation then eyes the gnome to make sure he was ok. In fact, the little man seemed to be in a very safe and, Khaod had give a small chuckle, much more pleasant situation than he had been before being so rudely bumped.

The half-orc then meets the lady knight's eyes and he smiles, trying to not show his fang-like teeth and long tusks as much as he can in a friendly grin. he gives Sunny a similar smile and then continues walking, prefer to listen to his new companions talk as they walked together down the beach line.

Fun party :). Glad to see everyone getting along.

As the party enters, a much more jovial, although haggard Quartermaster greets you. "Aye, ye mercenaries in the company of the Faith. Is there anything I can get ya before you go on patrol with with GruffChag over there?

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Sunny skips over and, leaning forward eagerly upon the counter, peers around at all the things the Quarter Master has on offer.

perception:1d20 + 0 ⇒ (6) + 0 = 6

"Uhh...whut's that?" She asks, seeming to point at some random object.

Yah, don't low skills and rolls just make a bodies day? :P

"So, whut d'ye recommend t' us fer spendin' our shine-y on?" Sunny candidly asks the fellow, again just as suddenly changing to a different 'tack' (Nautical term for change of heading/course) .

Also, as in to say what is there generally for sale? =)

"Sunny" wrote:

Sunny skips over and, leaning forward eagerly upon the counter, peers around at all the things the Quarter Master has on offer.


"Uhh...whut's that?" She asks, seeming to point at some random object.

Yah, don't low skills and rolls just make a bodies day? :P

"So, whut d'ye recommend t' us fer spendin' our shine-y on?" Sunny candidly asks the fellow, again just as suddenly changing to a different 'tack' (Nautical term for change of heading/course) .

Also, as in to say what is there generally for sale? =)

As you point to what looks like an awkward pole with a metal hoop at the end, the Quartermaster chuckles:

"THAT missy, is for catching and holding a man, or anything with a neck really."

"As for gear to spend ya....uh....shuneys on, I've got a wide variety of equipment for sale. We at the Legion have to be prepared for anything. You don't exactly seem to be loaded for gold but if you need something I'll see what I can do."

orrrrrr if you don't need anything we'll be off

As he says this, a courier messages Gorchag that the horses are ready for his party.

Male Gnome Cleric 2

Dim looks around at all the gear displayed. "Well there is lots here that I love to have but I appear to be a bit short on cash and I would need the big oaf to carry it for me, something tells me that he isn't in to helping anyone but himself."
"I hope that the big goon has a horse sized for me, otherwise I am going to have to double up with someone." He looks over at Sunny as he says this.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/ 3

Khaod Argus, upon hearing the news of the horses, pauses for a moment at the worry that there would not be a horse big enough for his bulk, then he shakes his head, worries ascounded. Horses were bred to be strong, all they had to do was find one at least as tall as he was and Khaod would suffer no worries of the horse's strength flagging.

He glances down at Dim, the gnome, as he expresses a worry that he would not find a horse small enough for his size and he would probably need to ride with someone else. Failing to see the look the gnome gave Sunny, the half-orc smiled then rumbles, "You can ride with me, little one." he says with his friendliest smile.

Gorchag leads you out to the Legion stables, where horses are waiting for Sunny, Lilandra, and Khaod. A gnome ranger, a mercenary hired by the Legion, offers his riding dog to Dim, a favor to a brother in a strange land. Gorchag's mighty warhorse comes along as well.

In addition to the horses, you are all issued a simple brown cloak for camouflage and to keep the sun off your backs. Tied to the cloak is a softer banana useful for keeping out the sand. Finally, the horses carry a small supply of emergency rations, a set of special academical flares, and an ample amount of rope.

These supplies in hand, you prepare to depart for the North Coast, to the small desert bastion named Dune Buckler

any questions or requests, feel free. Otherwise I'll get us traveling :) Excitement!

aww no horse for me?

Magnus Wolfgang II wrote:
aww no horse for me?

ACK! I still am getting used to all of the names. Sorry! A horse for you as well. Or maybe just a scroll of teleport for your trouble :P

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4
Khaod Argus wrote:
The half-orc smiled then rumbles, "You can ride with me, little one." he says with his friendliest smile.

Perception:1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9

Obviously completely missing Khaod's intent, Sunny skips over to the big Half-Orc,

"Why thank'e kindly!" She grins and gushes, "Um...whut be a Horse...?" She asks, her face suddenly solemn and curious as she continues to look at Khaod and seeming not to notice the large animals every one is walking towards.

Yah...while Sunny has great big blue eyes, at the moment they don't seem to be noticing a heck of a lot...:P

Paladin of Shelyn 3

Lilandra chuckes as she mounts the horse, noting the quality of the steed.

"Uhhm Sunny.....if you've never ridden before, you may want to put a blanket or something else soft on the saddle, trust me you'll appreciate it later."she says with a slight grin.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/ 3

The half-orc chuckles at Sunny's bright inquiry and simply points with a finger at the animals tethered closeby. "That is a horse"/b] he explains warmly, while pulling on the cloak over his large frame and wrapping the bandanna around his head to keep his hair back and in easy reach should he need to pull it over his face.

Khaod then smiles, shrugs and draws out his thick winter cloak from his pack, laying it on the horses back and then lifting Sunny up onto the saddle before climbing up himself. [b]"Now you'll want to hang onto the reins Blue-Eyes" he advises, picking up the reins and having the elf hold onto them tightly before he also takes the leather into his gauntlets.

He nods at Lilandra then glances back at Magnus, Dim and finally at their big hulking companion.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Sunny whoops with glee as Khaod lifts her up onto the saddle.

"Horse!" She declares, reaching out to stroke the creatures mane as the Half-Orc hoists himself up behind her.

"We have critters kind'a like this back home...but they's built different in'a stern quarters..." She explains some what enigmatically without context. Then she whoops again as the horse begins to walk and the saddle beneath her shifts with the swinging sway of the mount's gait.

"Heh-HAY! They moves a LOT different an ALL!" She declares.

Hopefully Khaod's ride skill is enough for both of them. (^_~).

Magnus smiles at Sunny's antics and then strides over to his own loaned mount and raises his hand to the mounts forehead stroking it softly slowly incanting a blessing of Ragathiel to give the mount courage in face of danger and let it be watched over as he watches over his servant.

Handle Animal1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Afterword he checks over the saddle adjusting it where needed before swinging up into the saddle and then leans down to pats his mount's neck.

"Alright our silent guide, lead the way." he gestures for Gorchag to lead the way. He then glances at Lilandra noticing her attire and her symbol of Shelyn.

"It is odd to see a martial servant of the goddess of beauty. Tell me m'lady what drove you down this path?"

Paladin of Shelyn 3

"I was born tino a family that has pledged itself to the destruction of undead and all that would plague the living. I've always believed that beauty was something that should not only be treasured and cherished, but protected at all costs, and in one way or another, all life has beauty, and undeath is the ultimate offense to the state of living."

Lilandra shrugs, a singularly attractive guesture in its honesty.

She grins as she studies the other holy warrior's appraisal of her, a twinkle in her eye, "Besides, there's a certain beauty in the flow of combat when those involved hve skill. Movement has its own beauty that is rarely surpassed."

Male Gnome Cleric 2

Dim meets the eyes of the other gnome, "Margir takk fyrir notkun á þinn fjall, mun ég sjá um það eins og hann væri sjálfum mér og skila til þín eins fljótt og auðið er. Maí örlög brosa yfir yður."

Many thanks for the use of your mount, I will care for it as if it were my own and return it to you as soon as possible. May fate smile upon you.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/ 3

Khaod gives another rumbling chuckle with the tall, elven woman pressed against his broad front and he makes sure she keeps her hands on the reins as he guides the horse in a couple of slow circles to get her used to the movement.

He glances over at the two knights and he smiles at the lady's words. When she catches his yellow eyes with her own sparkling ones, the half-orc gives her a deep nod and smiles even more broadly then coaxes the horse to a gentle stop. He then waits for the rest of his companions to mount up, while making idle conversation with Sunny.

"So tell me Blue-Eyes, where you from?

Magnus smiles at Lilandra's words as he dons his winged helmet of his order before replying.
"You speak truly someday we will have to have a friendly duel. I am intrigued about the skill of a fellow holy warrior of a different order." he says as he smiles charmingly.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4
Khaod Argus wrote:
"So tell me Blue-Eyes, where you from?

Sunny twists a little upon the saddle to glance back at Khad.

"Um...well, I in't much up on readin' charts an' such yet. T'is somat I've got's t' study more in'a future. But from here m'home" She frowns as she looks at the set of the sun in the sky and then points off towards the South-West.

"I s'pos ye could say that-a-way..." She frowns a little more, "Actually, t'is a longer ways than I kind'a thought it might be. On'a highest point o' m'home ye c'n almost all-a-ways see th' darkness o' th' great storm whut hovers over th' ocean." Her smile returns, though her gaze is looking to somewhere within her memories.

"My kin use th' changin' o' that storm t' set some o' th' rythms and cycles o' th' way at we do things..." She says quietly, obviously thinking of her distant home.

"O'course th' funnest time t' look forwards to is after th' windy season. At's when there's th' better-est chance o' a ship showin' up after gettin' itself blowed waaaay off course!" And this tale/thought/memory brings a very bright smile to her countenance.

As you leave the city on horseback, it is eerily calm, very few people are in the streets and the market is all but empty. In a few select alleyways, members of the pure legion stand guard. If you look inbetween the figures, you can occasionally catch splashes of blood on the sandstone walls.

Perception please

Here in there, hooded members of traveling religious orders bear a glowing arcane mark, flitting to and fro, observing what is clearly a lockdown of sorts.

In a moment of light humor, the same band of bards from the beach party are in the market square as you pass, albeit this time surrounded by an intimidating number of guards. They play tunes from Rahadoum's folk history, songs about harvests, and peace, and grand architecture.

It is here that Gorchag says his first words:

"Stay close"

After passing for a long while through the city, you reach the gates. Something scurries to your left.

perception again. Lilandra add your class level to this check as well.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Perception(1):1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4

Perception(2):1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11

So...I c'n see m'self not bein' th' scout o' th' party.... >_>

Khaod Argus wrote:

Khaod Argus, upon hearing the news of the horses, pauses for a moment at the worry that there would not be a horse big enough for his bulk, then he shakes his head, worries ascounded. Horses were bred to be strong, all they had to do was find one at least as tall as he was and Khaod would suffer no worries of the horse's strength flagging.

He glances down at Dim, the gnome, as he expresses a worry that he would not find a horse small enough for his size and he would probably need to ride with someone else. Failing to see the look the gnome gave Sunny, the half-orc smiled then rumbles, "You can ride with me, little one." he says with his friendliest smile.

BTW Khaod, your horse is MASSIVE. Also, can I get marching order? Gorchag is in front and I want to know who paired up with whom. Just for my notes.....and the three death attacks I'm making on you right now. JUST KIDDING!

"Sunny" wrote:



So...I c'n see m'self not bein' th' scout o' th' party.... >_>

Boy those gates are TALL. And the sky is so BLUE! ;)

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

(^_^) *Giggle*

Sunny spends most of the time when she isn't replying/talking to her companions turning her head all about trying to see as much of the city as she can as they ride along. This often includes also looking up at the sky and down at the ground.


Sunny is where ever Khaod is driving the horse. (^_~)

Male Gnome Cleric 2

Dim will ride somewhere at the rear as to not get stepped on by any of the big horses, you know how those tall folk never watch where they are going.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

As they are riding along, Dim hears the bards singing away and tries to join in as much as he can, picking up the tune as well as possible considering he doesn't know all the songs.
Perform(Singing): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
"Those are some nice songs, I will have to meet up with those fellows again once we get back to town."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/ 3

Khaod will stay near the middle of the line on his huge horse ^^

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Khaod wrinkles his nose at the stains on the walls but pays no attention to them over much, but when the thing scurries by him his eyes track the thing easily and he cannot resist growling inhumanely out of instinct.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Perception(3):1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5

Sunny frowns, "Geeze...these horses make-a strangest noises!" She looks at the mount she and Khaod share.

I has got to put LOTS of points in't that skill...(-_-)

Perception 1 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Perception 2 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Lol obviously Magnus is dazzled by the two very pretty woman in the group haha
Magnus takes a position upfront at least behind the guide cutting a dashing figure cloak and winged helmet and all :) haha

Dimitrialtjunbuderkin Yanalvidy wrote:

Dim will ride somewhere at the rear as to not get stepped on by any of the big horses, you know how those tall folk never watch where they are going.

Perception: 1d20+5
Perception: 1d20+5
As they are riding along, Dim hears the bards singing away and tries to join in as much as he can, picking up the tune as well as possible considering he doesn't know all the songs.
Perform(Singing): 1d20+10
"Those are some nice songs, I will have to meet up with those fellows again once we get back to town."

heh....are you sure you are playing the right class? ;)

When you spy the blood on the walls, you realize you've seen this before. They used to be much, much bloodier. It seems that the soldiers and their unit are using some cantrips to sand down the walls since the blood literally won't come out. What's unsettling is that it doesn't appear to be working. The blood has made it surprisingly deep into the walls in such a short period of time. Such...tenacious....bile is the sign of very serious corruption, one better dealt with divine circles and holy water, not sandpaper. Stubborn folk these Rahadoum people...

I'll post the results of the second check when Lilandra rolls. Then we'll head out of the city. Sorry for the slow pace, I promise it'll pick up soon! I wanted to give everyone some time to settle in :)

Paladin of Shelyn 3

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Lilandra Ghoulbane wrote:




You can go ahead and read the spoiler for Dim. You made the first check but not the second.

You're being followed by something small and difficult to make out. Its on four legs and darts in and out of the alleys next to your route. As you exit the city, you notice it stays back almost out of view, its brown and tan colors blending in perfectly with the landscape.

What a beautiful day it is. Clear skies, sunny. Its too bad so many strange things are afoot, else you might really enjoy this ride through the hinterlands of Azur.

Paladin of Shelyn 3

"This place is deeply tainted by evil. They can't clean it no matter how hard they try." Lilandra's tone is a mixture of disgust and sadness as she shakes her head.

Male Gnome Cleric 2

"At least they try Lilandra. The fight against the taint is not over, hope is still alive."

"Hope is always alive Dim to give up on hope is to give up on life. The fight to live in this world is a beauty that we must all strive to protect." Magnus flashes a grin over to the gnome before turning to regard the road ahead not really understanding the grim outburst by his fellwo paladin but decided to leave it unremarked and soldier on.

His god had drawn him here for a purpose and as a night of the Righteous one he was bound to seek out that purpose and help the less fortunate people.

Once I get Khaod's reaction to some info I gave him we'll move on...

Male Half-Orc Barbarian (Armored Hulk)/ 3

Khaod barely acknowledges the other's comments, his eyes tracking the thing whenever it reappears and he sets a low rumble in his chest, yellow eyes narrowed and teeth bared slightly. He cannot plainly see what the thing shadowing them is but he keeps a wary hand near the haft of his immense hammer just to be safe.

Khaod Argus wrote:
Khaod barely acknowledges the other's comments, his eyes tracking the thing whenever it reappears and he sets a low rumble in his chest, yellow eyes narrowed and teeth bared slightly. He cannot plainly see what the thing shadowing them is but he keeps a wary hand near the haft of his immense hammer just to be safe.

When you finally think you've lost the creature, a pilum slams into Dim's leg, embedding deeply near the bone.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

When you look back, you see that a small Gnome has been riding almost completely prone on a goblin-dog. As he sits up on his mount, you also note with horror that his skin is mottled and cracked under the sun to a degree not survivable by a living creature. A giant gash in his chest reveals that he is either mortally wounded or does not possess any organs. He hisses and snarls like an animal as he hurls pilums at the party.

Lets roll initiative. Battle map up shortly. otT2lMRHQtSlE&hl=en_US

Khaod, you get a surprise round because you saw this coming.

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