The Infinite Watery Grave

Game Master MuadQuim

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As the Sun sets over Azir, more and more partygoers arrive to rejoice over the bountiful harvest. A trio of bards play a series of magnificent songs. Alchemists from the city universities entertain children with flashy baubles and clockwerk trinkets. Even members of the city guard have turned out to keep order, and to mingle with the fairest of the farmers daughters.

News of the party has spread far and wide, and Azir's local government has gratefully accepted gifts to improve diplomatic relationships with neighboring states and cities. As a result, all sorts of foreigners have come to help the with the celebration, and to partake as well.

Elsewhere on the beach, Merchants hawk exotic produce and priceless stones, hoping to capitalize on Rahadoum's newfound wealth. Small makeshift cabanas have been set up where a variety of citizens take a break from the dancing to discuss politics, philosophy, and occasionally less heady matters. Rahadoumians do love a good debate, and there are many going on here.

Finally, the Keeper of the First Law is here, the head of the government. Although escorted by an intimidating honor guard, he maintains a friendly rapport as he wades through the crowds. He is dressed in a deep maroon cloak that doesn't quite touch the sand. It weighs on him like a set of armor, although he doesn't appear to be wearing any.

Ok guys, lemme know what you are up to. If it pleases you, "meet" eachother in various places. If you don't, its ok, I'll be throwing you together soon enough.

Oh and there's this 1d4 ⇒ 2

Male Dwarf Barbarian 2

Walking slowly and dutifully through small crowds of people, a lone dwarf seeks the strongest ale at this city wide celebration, kicking sand as he shuffles his boots through small piles of sand absent mindedly.

"Aye a sore sight this be, reminds me a little of home," he says with a slight tone of melancholy in his voice.

Dirk finds the nearest barrel of ale and offers to pay for 4 tankards, carefully noting all who pass by, hoping to Torag that none of his clan are here celebrating.

not sure if you wanted us to roll the 1d4 but here anyways 1d4 ⇒ 4, and not sure if Dirk has to pay for drinks, but a good dwarf knows the best ale is worth some payment.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Posting for a dot. Aye-ya! I seen a linky though from t'other place! (^_^)

The tall, blond haired Elf shimmy's and cavorts along with the other dancers in seeming abandon to the Bards music.

Dance:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21(Unskilled)

Only when exhaustion gets the better of her does she twirl away from one group to tumble down on to a bench and both buy some refreshments as well as begin chattering with whom ever fate has landed her beside.

Random, dumb luck:1d20 ⇒ 20

Turning to the Dwarf beside which she finds herself, she raises her tankard,

"Hey-ya, there! Gee, these folks be puttin' on'a swell shin-dig, hey?" She grins as she knocks tankards and then starts downing the beverage with gusto.

The sun-tanned Elf wears little more than a tattered shirt, with a skirt of fabric tied around her trim, tanned hips. Her bare feet stick out and her toes wiggle absently as she gulps down the drink.

Yay! Fer the Dice Gods smilin' on our heroes! (^_^)

Male Human Bard/2
"Sunny" wrote:
Posting for a dot. Is this bein' th' right thread...?

Indeed. You've reached the right place. Come! Enjoy the party!

Male Human Bard/2
Dirk Strongbeard wrote:

Walking slowly and dutifully through small crowds of people, a lone dwarf seeks the strongest ale at this city wide celebration, kicking sand as he shuffles his boots through small piles of sand absent mindedly.

"Aye a sore sight this be, reminds me a little of home," he says with a slight tone of melancholy in his voice.

Dirk finds the nearest barrel of ale and offers to pay for 4 tankards, carefully noting all who pass by, hoping to Torag that none of his clan are here celebrating.

not sure if you wanted us to roll the 1d4 but here anyways 1d4, and not sure if Dirk has to pay for drinks, but a good dwarf knows the best ale is worth some payment.

No need to roll. Just wanted you all to see that "2" So you pay for some ale? No need to stat that. We'll call that about a half hour of drinkin for you.

Man at a coffee table: "Aye! Dwarf! Commere! Tell us a tale or two and we'll show you a REAL drink! Give the stout one some of our strongest coffee will you? He's draggin his feet like the rejected offspring of a lame naga! Aye! Come smile with us! A joyous evening!" *laughter*

Male Dwarf Barbarian 2

Dirk turns to the elf, the image of her face slightly out of focus, and smiles broadly showing a set of pearly white teeth.

"Why aren't you the life o' th' party, if you will excuse me a moment, I'm a thinkin' that that there table needs my attention."

Dirk walks towards the table of coffee drinkers and calls over his shoulder.

"Th' names Dirk Strongbeard, by the way, you are more than welcome to join me at this table, they seem to be a friendly bunch."

Dirk takes a seat at the table, grinning even broader than before.

"A tale is that yer be wantin'? Well the only tale I be knowin' is th' unfortunate tale of how I came to be here, instead of workin' in the town guard as me pappy were, and his grandpappy before him, fightin' and upholdin' th' peace."

Dirk starts to drink the foul black liquid in front of him, wondering how coffee ever became popular despite it tasting like the back end of a mule drenched in the waters that run in most sewers.

As to not spend too much time typing this, I will condense the story a little.

Dirk starts his tale, describing his love for his family and his longing for a life outside the halls of his large town. He shows signs of anger at the way he was treated as a young dwarf and the way he was down trodden by the more "Law abiding" member of the town, even though he did no wrong...most of the time.

Finally, Dirk starts his tale of his naval experience, and the oppressive first mate, Ojin, that, despite never taking his whip to Dirk, treated him like a dog, and eventually lead the coup to knock him out and leave him at the port of call, the city of Azir.

The coffee was finally taking effect, and Dirk rethought his previous statement, coffee was useful, if only to get rid of the effects of too much ale. No cure for the morning after too much ale comes without a sore price to be paid, be it taste or pain.

I could have written more, but I have to go to work soon, Dirk is the kind of guy to want to tell his story at every chance he can get, so if the opportunity to talk about Dirk's past comes up again, I will add a little more detail.

Male Human Bard/2
Dirk Strongbeard wrote:

Dirk turns to the elf, the image of her face slightly out of focus, and smiles broadly showing a set of pearly white teeth.

"Why aren't you the life o' th' party, if you will excuse me a moment, I'm a thinkin' that that there table needs my attention."

Dirk walks towards the table of coffee drinkers and calls over his shoulder.

"Th' names Dirk Strongbeard, by the way, you are more than welcome to join me at this table, they seem to be a friendly bunch."

Dirk takes a seat at the table, grinning even broader than before.

"A tale is that yer be wantin'? Well the only tale I be knowin' is th' unfortunate tale of how I came to be here, instead of workin' in the town guard as me pappy were, and his grandpappy before him, fightin' and upholdin' th' peace."

Dirk starts to drink the foul black liquid in front of him, wondering how coffee ever became popular despite it tasting like the back end of a mule drenched in the waters that run in most sewers.

As to not spend too much time typing this, I will condense the story a little.

Dirk starts his tale, describing his love for his family and his longing for a life outside the halls of his large town. He shows signs of anger at the way he was treated as a young dwarf and the way he was down trodden by the more "Law abiding" member of the town, even though he did no wrong...most of the time.

Finally, Dirk starts his tale of his naval experience, and the oppressive first mate, Ojin, that, despite never taking his whip to Dirk, treated him like a dog, and eventually lead the coup to knock him out and leave him at the port of call, the city of Azir.

The coffee was finally taking effect, and Dirk rethought his previous statement, coffee was useful, if only to get rid of the effects of too much ale. No cure for the morning after too much ale comes without a sore price to be paid, be it taste or pain.

I could have written more, but I have to go to work soon, Dirk is the kind of guy to want to tell his story at...

That's perfectly fine by me. I'm a friendly DM. Just have fun and do what you can. I'm waiting on the other characters now :). Well, sunny got a bit in but we've two more.

A young man is seen walking through the crowds. Clad in a beautifully embroidered armoured coat with an armoured kilt above his riding breeches and boots, he carries a finely wrought scimitar on a belt with a kukri on the opposite hip. His coal black hair shines with oils and kohl lines his eyes. Strolling, he stops to greet every attractive woman with a smile on his face and in his unusual pale gray eyes.

Male Human Bard/2
Zahur Thorntree wrote:
A young man is seen walking through the crowds. Clad in a beautifully embroidered armoured coat with an armoured kilt above his riding breeches and boots, he carries a finely wrought scimitar on a belt with a kukri on the opposite hip. His coal black hair shines with oils and kohl lines his eyes. Strolling, he stops to greet every attractive woman with a smile on his face and in his unusual pale gray eyes.

Three down. One to go! Welcome Zahur!

Tristia Desmond, wife of the Keeper and prominent intellectual from the city of Manaket greets you cordially. Departing briefly from the honor guard, she surprisingly strolls with you on the beach for a few minutes.

"I like to remember that it is men like you that saved Rahadoum from a slow hungry death. Some days, with the raiders, hot sun, and scorn of the gods, even eternal optimists like myself faltered in our resolve. But men like you, with steely eyes and mettled resolve, you will defy gods and frustrate demagogues."

And then much more darkly, she seems to grow pale and her eyes darker than the ocean's horizon.

"I hope that your future only attracts the worse we have to face yet. I hope that the gods heap on their wrath and that spirits haunt your steps so that all may know that, once standing, nobody will knock us down again. Good night Zahur."

And with that, she begins to walk down the beach alone, a short distance away from the party.

It has now been one hour since you all arrived to the party. There are about nine thousand people currently in attendance.

Male Human Bard/2

Everyone roll perception

Male Dwarf Barbarian 2

Perception = 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Paladin of Shelyn 3

The young woman makes her way along the beach tending towards the outer edges of the celebration. She could feel the excitement and revelry in the air even if she did not quite share it. It did make her smile however, an expression that resulted in more than a few staring at her appreciatively.

Her armor was well made, designed to compliment her body, accented by heeled boots, and a cloak of deep green, the hood pulled back to reveal lustrous black hair that fell to the length of her chin, a functional yet attractive cut.

It always amused her to see individuals who tried to summarize what the saw when they looked at her, beautiful in at once an inviting and disarming manner, her generous curves and full fugure seemed at odds with the honed battle axe clearly visible across her back and the warhammer at her hip.

To the casual observer she seemed the type to be a teveern's most popular wench,the kind to be pulled onto many a burly lap on a cold winter's eve, yet to the sharp eye she moved with a confidence and fluidity belying first impressions, her dark eyes skimming from person to person, a series of quick studies of her surroundings.

She was at once at ease and.....prepared. Though for what was a mystery.

Perception1d20 ⇒ 7

Male Human Bard/2

Ok. Nobody made the check. No big deal.

Lilandra. You get to roll perception again. Then tell me what else you're doing at the party.

Sunny I want to hear from you too. What's going on right now?

Paladin of Shelyn 3

Perception1d20 ⇒ 20

The music really was very good. Lilandra found herself swaying to the lovely melodies as she mingled near the performers, a drink in hand. She had come to Rahadoum led by a dream, a gift of her grandfather's the famed Alric Ghoulbane, scourge of Ustalav.

She could rarely tell why she was needed where the dream took her when it happened, only that she surely would be, a fact proven many a time, quieting the derision of her brothers.

It was however refreshing to find herself in a relaxed setting, filled with genuine enjoyment. Despite the fact that local attitudes tended to seek direct conlict with the Gods, it wasn't Shelyn's way to judge, but rather to protect, even those who would scoff at such protection.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Sorry DM, different time zones an' shift work gettin' in'a way. (^_^)

Perception:1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18 (Basically to see/spot Zahur Thorntree, which shouldn't be too hard. (^_~)

Sunny bounces off the bench, spinning and deftly placing the empty tankard upon the table before skipping over to the fellow clad in a beautifully embroidered armoured coat with an armoured kilt above his riding breeches and boots, he carries a finely wrought scimitar on a belt with a kukri on the opposite hip. His coal black hair shines with oils and kohl lines his eyes.

She grins and giggles as she skips up another stranger,

"Hey-YA there!" She extends a hand, "I see ye're wearin' somat similar t' m'self..." Sunny giggles again, "O'course, that be when I'm wearin' my' not whut ever things I'm findin' t' be puttin' on in'a mornin'..." Whether Zahur replies or takes her hand, Sunny continues,

"Folks be callin' me 'Sunny'. Whut d'folks be callin' yerself, then?" She explains and asks.

Lilandra Ghoulbane wrote:


The music really was very good. Lilandra found herself swaying to the lovely melodies as she mingled near the performers, a drink in hand. She had come to Rahadoum led by a dream, a gift of her grandfather's the famed Alric Ghoulbane, scourge of Ustalav.

She could rarely tell why she was needed where the dream took her when it happened, only that she surely would be, a fact proven many a time, quieting the derision of her brothers.

It was however refreshing to find herself in a relaxed setting, filled with genuine enjoyment. Despite the fact that local attitudes tended to seek direct conlict with the Gods, it wasn't Shelyn's way to judge, but rather to protect, even those who would scoff at such protection.

Yea you smarmy undead slayer you ;) You go ahead and succeed the crap out of that check. NOTE TO PARTY: 20s always mean good times for you, even if the math is against you

As if slapped in the face, your face is torn away from the revelry to gaze at the waters edge. Nothing seems to be there until you notice there are no waves here. None. Perfect stillness.

A quiet sort of calm comes over you as you hear the battle cries of your ancestors roll over your consciousness.

As you reach for your weapon, a trio of sharpened femurs land at your feet, the grisly weapons fashioned by an all too familiar foe.

Its time to roll initiative guys :) Also, Lilandra, you get a surprise round against whatever comes at you.

I'll get the battlemap up soon.

Paladin of Shelyn 3

Init1d20 ⇒ 11

Just waiting to see something before taking surprise round.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Initiative:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Perception:1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19


Would ye look'it them dice rolls...

Sunny's voice fades out as she turns and looks towards the sea.

"Here now...that in't right..." She says softly.

Battle Map

Ok lets try this. I promise all of the fights won't be this complex but here is what you know.

Nobody in the party has rolled high enough to realize there are ALOT more of these skeletons except Lilandra. Act accordingly.

L= Lilandra
S= Sunny
D= Dirk
Z= Zahur
S= Skeleton
BS=Bloody Skeleton
(S)=Skeli not yet in view but Lilandra can see them
C= Commoner

Light Blue is shallow water and difficult terrain. Blue is deep water. Tan is sand, obviously.

You all see three skeletons covered in moss and barnacles shamble up the beach towards Lilandra. One of the skeletons is bigger than the others and begins to bleed seemingly from the bones themselves, unsettling the guards. He seems particularly interested in Lilandra. To her right, a skeleton stabs and kills the father of a boy who is searching for starfish. The water has calmed to an almost mirror sheen as the undead emerge from it.

Dirk you are sitting and need to take a move action to get up on your first turn.

Zahur, you've got a bit of running to do :-P

Squares are five feet. Diagonal moves are OK :)

What do?

Male Human Bard/2

Oops. Forgot to clarify initiative.

Lilandra. You can take your surprise round now. I'll wait on regular initiative until I get Dirk and Zahur's rolls.

Paladin of Shelyn 3

Time seems to slow, her awareness expanding to take in everything. Quickly Lilandra realizes that most people have no idea what is about to happen, and so she acts.

The hammer at her hip being drawn barely registers as a though, her body exploding into action, not exceptionally fast but practiced, precise and focused. As she charges towards the undead it feels as if the rest of the celebration is frozen, a moment between the moments where few can even gather the awareness to act.

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20incl. charge
1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Her eyes locked upon the obvious leader, the malevolence emanating from it, she brings the hamme forward in a rising arc aimed at the skeleton in front of it, clearing a path towards the real threat.

Her voice rings out, a powerful batlecry in stark contrast to her usual dulcet tone.


"Sunny" wrote:

"Hey-YA there!" She extends a hand, "I see ye're wearin' somat similar t' m'self..." Sunny giggles again, "O'course, that be when I'm wearin' my' not whut ever things I'm findin' t' be puttin' on in'a mornin'..." Whether Zahur replies or takes her hand, Sunny continues,

"Folks be callin' me 'Sunny'. Whut d'folks be callin' yerself, then?" She explains and asks.

Zahur turns at the elf's approach. Smiling he takes her proffered hand, raising it to his lips as he regards her through his long lashes. 'I am Zahur Thorntree. It is truly a pleasure to meet you, fair lady.'

At the elf's comment, Zahur looks toward the water. 'What is it you see?'

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

Lilandra Ghoulbane wrote:

1d20+5incl. charge


Surprise round is a standard action only

@ DM - Sunny and Zahur were speaking at the moment the skeletons appear, yet they appear to be 45' apart =)

Oh, and waiting for the suprise round to end and round 1 to begin before I state any actions for Zahur

Paladin of Shelyn 3
Zahur Thorntree wrote:
Lilandra Ghoulbane wrote:

1d20+5incl. charge

Surprise round is a standard action only

DM is that the case? If so the only thing I can do is a throw at that point. I'll change the post if I have a resonse befor time runs out.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

"Ooooo...bugger...I done left me knife in m' t'other sea chest..." Sunny says cryptically and quietly. Her blond locks fly outwards as she spins her head quickly to look around.

Perception:1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16

Okeys. Where be th' tables an'a benches an'a tents an'a stuffs like that?

The blond Elf pushes past the people around her (Heh, thought Zahur Thorntree were closer'n that. Edit:Ninja'd by Zahur. (^_^)) Looking to the guard she calls,

"Get th' canvas from th' tents! A couple o' guys pick up a bench or table an' use it as a barrier!" She calls out ideas to the town's defenders, hoping they'll hear her before the crowd starts to panic and make a lot of noise.

Diplomacy:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13(Untrained)Edit: Best get a dice roll in there t' help have a handle on how well people are takin' me yellin'. (^_^)

Yah, this round yellin' out ideas and tryin' slowly t' get towards'a critters.

"See, when this sort'a thing happens at home, we's nets a dryin' with which t' bamboozle such party crashin' buggers." She says conversationally to those people around her, even as they stare at the monsters emerging from the waves.

Th' tide in't inexplicably gone out, has it? Now that would be a real worry!

Male Dwarf Barbarian 2

Sorry DM, as Sunny says, different timezones and work...anywho...initiative = 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 looks like I'm going last...

Dirk hears the cry of Lilandra and stands up abruptly, knocking the table slightly and spilling other's coffee.

*move action to get up*

[b]"Ah, finally, somethin'to do...gents, stay here, time for a Dwarf to have a little fun smashin' things that need to be smashed!"[/ooc]

words are not his strongpoint, nor are speeches...XD

Dirk reaches behind him and draws his greataxe, testing its sharpness before trying to find the "undead" someone has screamed.

*last action, drawing weapon*


Er. I screwed up with you Zahur. I moved Zahur to the appropriate position. HE still has some moving to do. No big deal.

And yes, Lilandra, a surprise round is a move or standard. Its a free action to talk so you are ok there. You can throw if you want or get yourself intoa decent tactical position.

Ah dirk you barbarian you. Go smash some things.

I'll get you some tent lines and such shortly. Alas my resources to draw are limited :) What cha looking for? Your chest?

MuadQuim wrote:


Er. I screwed up with you Zahur. I moved Zahur to the appropriate position. HE still has some moving to do. No big deal.

Still a bit confused. I am now near Dirk but still nowhere near Sunny.

Oh, and going to bed. Different time zones indeed.

"Sunny" wrote:

Th' tide in't inexplicably gone out, has it? Now that would be a real worry!

No no, just the wave action has stopped. But I will keep your perceptive abilities in mind next time we deal with this sort of problem! Sharp eye! No tidal waves....for now.

Zahur Thorntree wrote:
MuadQuim wrote:


Er. I screwed up with you Zahur. I moved Zahur to the appropriate position. HE still has some moving to do. No big deal.

Still a bit confused. I am now near Dirk but still nowhere near Sunny.

Oh, and going to bed. Different time zones indeed.

*facedesk* Its four in the morning here. I am posting before I run off to catch my flight. Fixed AGAIN. Lol. Thank you Zahur


Zahur= 12
Lilandra= 11
Sunny= 23
Dirk= 8
S1= 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
S2= 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
S3= 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
BS= 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
S4= 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
S5= 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Improved init on skele's guys :( ....sorry

Sunny you're up.

Thanks everyone for your patience! This is exciting! :)

Dirk Strongbeard wrote:

Sorry DM, as Sunny says, different timezones and work...anywho...initiative = 1d20 + 1 looks like I'm going last...

Dirk hears the cry of Lilandra and stands up abruptly, knocking the table slightly and spilling other's coffee.

*move action to get up*

[b]"Ah, finally, somethin'to do...gents, stay here, time for a Dwarf to have a little fun smashin' things that need to be smashed!"[/ooc]

words are not his strongpoint, nor are speeches...XD

Dirk reaches behind him and draws his greataxe, testing its sharpness before trying to find the "undead" someone has screamed.

*last action, drawing weapon*

I wish I could give dwarven barbarians bonuses based on their LACK of speechifying. :)

Paladin of Shelyn 3

In that case previous post counts for round 1, following are her actions for surprise round.

Liandra's weight shifts, her hand snapping back and forth to send a throwing hammer hurtling towards the skeleton that killed the man.

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Without waiting to see the result she focuses her attention on those approaching.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 2

Dirk will probably move toward L10, that being the closest undead he can see.

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

No worries DM. Ye're doin' yer best, which be far better'n me. (^_^)

With nought but a shirt and skirt about her frame, Sunny is possibly more than a tad hesitant to get into a scrap with the emerging un-dead just yet.

Ooo! Excellent stuffs DM, very pretty an' handy new terrain t'boot!

"Here matey!" Sunny calls to Zahur Thorntree, "Grab t'other end o' this here bench an' well shift it t'wards them rattlers. Give th' buggers somat t' stumble over." So saying Sunny lifts the end of the bench upon which moments before she'd been sitting on.

This turn/round lift said bench and begin to move it towards the un-dead so that their advance will become more 'cluttered'.

This all sounds good.

[ooc] Sunny

If Zahur agrees, I'll allow you move a bench in the way of some skeletons. Or alternatively, if you want to try and bullrush some of the skeletons with you and Zahur wielding the bench we can roll that up too. Does that mean you want to delay until Zahur's turn to act together?


Do you want to double move? You can't charge since you don't have a good line on him. A single move for you is only going to get you 6 squares closer. I'll just move you up 6 sqaures and you tell me what you want to do with your standard action. In any case, we'll see if the skeletons get closer.


Miss. Sorry :(

The hammer whizzes by the skeleton's head, catching his and his partner's attention as he turns towards you instead of the boy. Noted the location of your hammer.

Anyone here have knowledge religion?

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4
DM- The Infinite Watery Grave wrote:


If Zahur agrees, I'll allow you move a bench in the way of some skeletons. Or alternatively, if you want to try and bull-rush some of the skeletons with you and Zahur wielding the bench we can roll that up too. Does that mean you want to delay until Zahur's turn to act together?

I'm okeys goin' with whut ever gets goin' first. The barrier idea is th' easiest, but th' bull rush and Skeleton thumoin' sounds right fun. Am very willin' t' wait fer Zahur t' help give me a hand. Unless they's got somat other in mind, in which case I'll try an' rope a town guard in't helpin' me. (^_^)

Paladin of Shelyn 3

Knowledge religion1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Caught uo in the rush of adrenaline Liandra fails to notice any key details about the situation.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 2

No knowledge religion, but as for the double move, , I'll take the action, as long as I'm not in a position, with the counters in the places they are now, for an attack of opportunity. In other words, as long as I'm not right on top of one this round, allowing them to move and get an attack of opportunity.

Sorry for the delay all. I'm at home visiting family. I'll be back at it shortly

DM- The Infinite Watery Grave wrote:
Sorry for the delay all. I'm at home visiting family. I'll be back at it shortly

Family, shmamily! Meanwhile, I'm stuck waiting on those damn skellies to make their move. =P

Island Elf 'Pugalist':1/"Almost Monk":1 |Perc:+7|HP:18/18|AC:14|T:15|FF:10|Fort:+1|Ref:+5|Will:+4|Init:+4

Ye c'n all-a-ways mention how yer're helpin' lift th' bench an' gettin' ready t' go give some smack down to th' Skellies with me? (^_~)

Ohhhhh man....its GO TIEM.

So I'm rolling the guards into initiative

G1 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3
G2 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12
G3 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17
G4 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4
G5 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3
Zahur= 12
Lilandra= 11
Sunny= 23
Dirk= 8
S1= 1d20 + 6 (10) + 6 = 16
S2= 1d20 + 6 (9) + 6 = 15
S3= 1d20 + 6 (12) + 6 = 18
BS= 1d20 + 6 (12) + 6 = 18
S4= 1d20 + 6 (3) + 6 = 9
S5= 1d20 + 6 (12) + 6 = 18

Well OK then. That sucks

Every skele goes after sunny delays. One guard is going to get an attack off because he was showing off to his girlfriend.

*facepalm* Way to go with that 17 guard number three. You're a champ. But only you. He charges one of the skeletons and obliterates it with a heroic blow from his heavy mace. His girlfriend is very impressed, but promptly pees herself with fear.

The guard cries out " We need to get off the beach! There could be more of them! We can fight them better along the road to the city!

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

I'm afraid, one skele died but that leaves....six attacks on Lilandra. Three claws and three rusty tridents.

1d20 - 3 ⇒ (12) - 3 = 9
1d20 - 3 ⇒ (17) - 3 = 14
1d20 - 3 ⇒ (9) - 3 = 6
1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19
1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5
1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16

Two of those hit.

1d6 ⇒ 5
1d6 ⇒ 6

Fortunately, Lilandra is an absolute beefcake and manages to stay on her feet despite two deep stabbing wounds.

Another skeleton charges a guard near Sunny and Zahur

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Skele's don't charge very well apparently. Stick to shambling little buddy

Another guard attacks a skeleton.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Nope. He shakes as he swings his mace. No girlfriend to impress.

Ok I think that covers it, for now. Sunny and Zahur, you are up. Dirk afterwards, then a skeleton, then back up to Lilandra.

Also, I'm not rolling them into initiative but the commoners have full round retreated, and you all can see more shadowy shapes emerging from the still waters.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 2

Just a few things, I cant see what you have changed on the battle map yet, although, you may be in the process of doing that now, if in that case, I'll shut up and move to my other thing.

Did you want us to just tell you our actions for the round or post in initiative order.

Some DMs are anal retentive that way, I know I've played with one or two (not you Sunny, you are a good DM), it's just that I cant actually know what I'm doing this round without knowing enemy placement and PC placement is all.

on a side note, at least 3 of the guards go after me, I'm not always the slowest! *dances*

Dirk Strongbeard wrote:

Just a few things, I cant see what you have changed on the battle map yet, although, you may be in the process of doing that now, if in that case, I'll shut up and move to my other thing.

Did you want us to just tell you our actions for the round or post in initiative order.

Some DMs are anal retentive that way, I know I've played with one or two (not you Sunny, you are a good DM), it's just that I cant actually know what I'm doing this round without knowing enemy placement and PC placement is all.

on a side note, at least 3 of the guards go after me, I'm not always the slowest! *dances*

Naw Dirk you can tell me things. If it doesn't fit I'll just adjust accordingly. I'm not anal. I might have missed a guard's turn or two. MzTXB0TGc&hl=en&authkey=COP3iq8G#gid=0

Male Dwarf Barbarian 2

We don't seem to have a OOC thread, I searched, but couldn't find I'll post here.

The only thing I'm getting confused about is that I am assuming I am the "D" on the battle map, assuming that is correct, I seem to have not moved yet, so I can't tell if I am close enough to attack something yet, that's all.

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