Premise: The PCs are everyday folk swept up into high adventure. In the Year of the Prince, Chondath is experiencing the golden age of the Merchant Princes. The PCs are hired by the Merchant Princes to guard their trading costers.
Question: Can the PCs work for a increasingly corrupt trading coster like the Iron Throne?
before initiative i prepared to change when the first of them boarded. are we at that point? otherwise I continue to ready, using something as cover. I'm not particularly range-oriented
Yes, the sahaugin are boarding the ship at this point. Official Realms sources say that the sahuagin are confined to the southern part of the Sea of Fallen Stars, but I'm DMing right now so I just diverged from canon. Go me.
Success, Callanon managed to bite and grapple the sahuagin. Meanwhile, more are boarding the ship and are crossing swords with spears with some of the crew. The sahuagin that are attacking you were among the first boarders.
The sahuagin attacking Abu Al'Her gains confidence from the deep gnome's miss and attacks him with his spear.
Spear Attack:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Massive miss there.
Saélihn hits her enemy, causing it to fall in the ocean (it's not dead yet), while Sigvald misses his. Abu Al'her manages to gut one open. More Sahaugin are starting to climb up the ship. Still not enough to make it tip over.
on Callanon's last turn, he had grappled an enemy. is that enemy still alive? if so, he bites and constricts it again. if not, he will move to attack another.
The sahuagin wriggles out of Callanon's constricture and turns around to punch him in the face. sahuagin attack:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18 damage:1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
on Callanon's last turn, he had grappled an enemy. is that enemy still alive? if so, he bites and constricts it again. if not, he will move to attack another.
The enemy is dead in Callanon's grip. Crushed and suffocated. The sahuagin attack the crew enmass, still emboldened. One tries to attack Callanon again while he's in snake form.
If we were playing the 3.0 version of Forgotten Realms, Baal would not exist -- my character, a Baalspawn, had apotheosis at the end of Baldur's Gate II; and become a lesser Lawful Good god of Death.
Quick questions, are we already employed by the Merchant Princes? Do we know each other? Why are we supposed to meet at the market?
You do not know each other, but you are already employed by the merchant princes. But not by the Doge. He's rather busy. You're hired by the Iron Throne Coster, and it is at the outside market you find your first job.
just got done with a massive event yesterday, getting caught up today. i'll dot&delete so i am tracking what is going on, and will jump in as soon as i am finished.
I'm a slow poster sometimes... Weekends are hard for me to post, since i don't like taking my laptop out of my bag when i get home from work on Fridays. :3
I'm a slow poster sometimes... Weekends are hard for me to post, since i don't like taking my laptop out of my bag when i get home from work on Fridays. :3
Good. I hope you're liking Japan. English teacher?
And here I thought the recruitment had just died, but I decided to check the discussion thread on a whim and poof, everyone is here. My apologies, but I guess I was a little confused by the rolling approval and the lack of a formal announcement. If you have already moved on without me, then once again my apologies for delaying the game. EltonJ, if I am still invited to join, then with your approval I will begin posting today. Just let me know. Either way, thank you for the opportunity.
And here I thought the recruitment had just died, but I decided to check the discussion thread on a whim and poof, everyone is here. My apologies, but I guess I was a little confused by the rolling approval and the lack of a formal announcement. If you have already moved on without me, then once again my apologies for delaying the game. EltonJ, if I am still invited to join, then with your approval I will begin posting today. Just let me know. Either way, thank you for the opportunity.
I'm sorry to do this, but I have to withdraw from the game. I simply do not have the time to put into this that I thought I would have. I hope you guys have a great game!
I'm sorry to do this, but I have to withdraw from the game. I simply do not have the time to put into this that I thought I would have. I hope you guys have a great game!
It's weird gameplay just isn't updating for me in this game, I finally had discussion show me posts and I look at gameplay and there are a dozen since my last post...
It's weird gameplay just isn't updating for me in this game, I finally had discussion show me posts and I look at gameplay and there are a dozen since my last post...
Sorry man, I don't know how to help you there. A dozen posts?
I can't really talk at the moment since i am a snake, and i honestly dont have the social skills to do so in human form. my character would feel a little bad for them if they are telling the truth about their artifact, but my character would also like to get paid.
Male Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor Witch 1 HP: 14 F:6 R:2 W:3 Perception:+2 Initiative:+2
Even if the elves are telling the truth, we were hired to protect the caravan from point a to b. That would mean all its goods even if they are stolen.
If we return the stolen item we break our contract and tarnish our records ( unless there are no survivors). If we protect the caravan we see our contract through.
Gormuk isnt one for poloticing however and woukd probably vote to return the stolen item. Then again gormuk would probably vote the other way just to finish the fight. He is going ti go along with the others decision at this juncture however
I have decided to do another Kickstarter on my game Moonshine Run. The kickstarter is in June, but i am getting an event together on Facebook so people will be able to keep updated on it. If you're interested, or know someone who might be, check it out.
Hey all. I appreciate being welcomed into this game. Sadly, I believe I have overextended myself, between running a game and playing in several others. I feel I am not doing this game justice, and as such, will remove myself henceforth from play. I apologize for any delay in game I have caused, and wish you all well.