Premise: The PCs are everyday folk swept up into high adventure. In the Year of the Prince, Chondath is experiencing the golden age of the Merchant Princes. The PCs are hired by the Merchant Princes to guard their trading costers.
Question: Can the PCs work for a increasingly corrupt trading coster like the Iron Throne?
The planet of Abier-Toril (or just Toril) is known as Sherem to the people of Harn. It's a high magic, high fantasy world where magic is common and adventures happen with the little folk.
Notes: Chondath is based on medieval Italy, so there are merchant princes everywhere and the old nation of man is split into city states. It's close to Turmish, a nation based on Turkey. Wars do happen between the neighbors, but Chondath experiences internal strife. Currently in the Year of the Prince, Chondath is relatively quiet. The Doge currently has power.
FASHION: On the lands of the Forgotten Realms, 12th Century fashion dominates (just look in a 2nd Edition Player's Handbook). The rich princes of Chondath are dressed more opulently. There are Sumptuary laws in place.
Time Period: The Year of the Prince (1359 DR)
Game Rules
Pathfinder, not AD&D, will be used.
20 point buy.
Level 1
Roll for starting gold
2 traits
Races: All of them are available. Use your common sense, though.
Classes: Core Rule classes (Fighter, paladin, monk, wizard, yadda yadda yadda), APG classes, Gunslinger (the Realms have a magical equivalent to gunpowder called smokepowder), Magus, classes from the ACG, Occult Adventures, and finally -- U/I.
Gods of Toril, Auril to Bhaal:
Goddess of Winter
NE Demi-power of Pandemonium
Favored Weapon: Morning Star
Domains (Subdomains): Air (Cloud), Evil (Demon), Weather (Seasons, Storms)
Patron of Arcane Magic Users
LN Demipower of Arcadia
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Domains (sub): Law (Loyalty), Knowledge (Education), Magic (Arcane)
The Ultimate Tyrant
LE Greater Power of Archeron
Favored Weapon: Gauntlet or Brass Knuckles
Domains: Destruction (Hatred), Evil (Devil, Fear), Glory (Honor, Hubris), Law (Slavery, Tyranny), Nobility (Leadership), Strength (Fist)
Maiden of Misfortune
CE Lesser power of the Abyss
Favored Weapon: Sap
Domains: Chaos (Demon, Whimsy), Evil (Corruption), Luck (Fate)
Lord of Murder
LE lesser power of Gehenna
Favored Weapon: Dagger or Longsword
Domains: Death (Murder), Evil (Demodand, Fear), Law (Slavery), Trickery (Ambush)
Gods of Toril, Chauntea to Leira:
Great Mother
Goddess of Agriculture
NG Greater Power Elysium
Favored Weapon: Sickle
Domains: Community (Cooperation), Earth (Caves), Good (Agathion, Azata), Plant (Growth), Weather (Seasons)
Lord of All Glyphs & Images
God of Literature, Art
NG Demi-Power Beastlands
Favored Weapon: Dart
Domains: Good (Azata), Knowledge (Education), Rune (Language)
ELDATH (EL-dath)
The Quiet One, Goddess of Singing
Goddess of Waterfalls, Springs,
Streams, Pools, Stillness, Peace,
Quiet Places, Guardian of
N Demipower Prime Material Plane
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Domains: Strength (Resolve), Protection (Purity, Solitude), Water (Flowing, Rivers)
GOND (Gond)
God of Blacksmiths, Artificers, crafts
and construction
N Lesser Power Concordant Opposition
Favored Weapon: Hammer
Domains: Artifice (Industry, Toil), Community (Cooperation), Fire (Ash), Magic (Alchemy), Strength (Resolve)
HELM (Hehlm)
He of the Unsleeping Eyes
God of Guardians LN
Lesser God of Nirvana
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Domains: Law (Inevitable, Judgement, Loyalty), Protection (Defense, Purity), Strength (Ferocity)
God of Endurance, Suffering,
Martyrdom, Perseverance
LG Lesser Power Twin Paradises
Favored Weapon: Shortsword
Domains: Good (Archon, Redemption), Healing (Medicine, Restoration), Law (Judgement), Nobility (Martyr)
God of Spring, Dawn, Conception,
Vitality, Eternal Youth, Renewal,
Self-Perfection, Beginnings NG
Greater Power of Elysium
Favored Weapon: Mace
Domains: Good (Azata, Agathion), Healing (Medicine, Resurrection), Nobility (Aristocracy, Leadership), Repose (Souls), Strength (Competition), Sun (Day, Light, Revelation)
Lady of the Mists
Goddess of Deception, Illusion
CN Demipower Limbo
Favored Weapon: smoke bomb
Domains: Darkness Chaos (Protean), (Night), Magic (Arcane), Trickery (Deception)
Gods of Toril, Lliira to Mielikki:
Our Lady of Joy
Goddess of Joy, Carefree Feeling,
Contentment, Release,
Hospitality, Happiness, Dance,
Patron of Festivals
CG Demipower of Arvandor
Favored Weapon: Shortsword
Domains: Chaos (Azata), Good (Agathion), Charm (Captivation), Liberation (Freedom)
LOVIATAR (Lohv-ee-A-tar)
Maiden of Pain
Goddess of Pain, Hurt, Patron of Torturers
LE Demipower of Gehenna
Domains: Destruction (Torture), Evil (Demon), Law (Devil)
The Beastlord, The Stalker
God of Wild, Marauding Beasts,
Bloodlust, and Hunting
CE Demipower of Tarterus
Favored Weapon: Animal claw
Domains: Animal (Fur, Feather), Chaos (Protean), Evil (Demon), Trickery (Ambush)
Lord of Shadows
God of Thieves, Intrigue
NE Lesser Power of Hades
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Domains: Darkness (Night), Evil (Devil), Trickery (Ambush, Deception, Espionage, Innuendo)
Lady of the Forest
Goddess of Forests, Dryads, Patron
of Rangers
NG Lesser Power of the Prime Material
Favored Weapon: Bow
Domains: Animal (Feather, Fur), Good (Azata, Agathion,Friendship), Plant (Growth)
Gods of Toril, Milil and Selune:
God of Poetry, Eloquence, and
NG Demipower of the Beastlands
Favored Weapon: Dart
Domains: Charm (Captivation), Good (Azata), Rune (Language), Song
Lord of Bones, Old Lord Skull
God of the Dead, Wasting, Decay,
Corruption, Parasites, Old Age,
Dusk, Fall, Exhaustion
NE Greater Power of Hades
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Domains: Death (Undead), Evil (Cannibalism, Corruption, Demon, Devil, Plague), Knowledge (Memory), Magic (Rites), Plant (Decay), Vermin
The Lady of Mysteries
Goddess of Magic
LN Greater Power of Nirvana
Favored Weapon: Whirling star (shuriken)
Domains: Knowledge (Aeon, Education), Law (Inevitable), Magic (Alchemy, Arcane, Divine, Rites), Rune (Wards), Sun (Revelation), Travel (Trade)
OGHMA (OGG-raab)
The Binder
God of Knowledge, Invention,
Patron of Bards
N Greater Power of Concordant Opposition
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Domains: Artifice (Industry), Knowledge (Aeon, Education, Memory, Thought, Truth), Liberation (Self Realization), Magic (Divine), Protection (Solitude), Rune (Language)
Our Lady of Silver
Goddess of the Moon, Stars,
CG Lesser Power of Gladsheim
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Domains: Chaos (Azata), Darkness (Moon), Good (Agathion, Redemption), Healing (Restoration), Sun (Light)
Gods of Toril, Shar to Talona:
SHAR (Shahr)
Mistress of the Night, the Lady of Loss
Goddess of Darkness, Night, Loss,
NE Greater Power of Hades
Favored Weapon: Short Sword
Domains: Darkness (Loss, Night), Earth (Caves), Evil (Demondand), Knowledge (Aeon), Void (Stars)
God of Nature, Patron of Druids
N Greater Power of Concordant Opposition
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Domains: Animal (Feather, Fur), Earth (Caves), Knowledge (Aeon, Education), Plant (Decay, Growth), Water (Rivers)
SUNE (SUE-nee)
Goddess of Love, Beauty, Charisma,
CG Greater Goddess of Arvandor
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Domains: Chaos (Azata, Whimsy), Charm (Love, Lust), Good (Agathion, Friendship), Trickery (Innuendo)
TALONA (Tah-LOW-nah)
Lady of Poison, Mistress of Disease
Goddess of Disease, Poisoning
CE Demipower of Tarterus
Favored Weapon: Poisoned dagger
Domains: Chaos (Demodand, Demon), Evil (Daemon, Plague), Plant (Decay)
Gods of Toril, Talos to Tyr:
The Destroyer, The Raging One
God of Storms, Destruction
CE Greater Power of Pandemonium
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Domains: Air (Cloud, Lightning), Chaos (Demon, Riot), Destruction (Catastrophe, Rage), Evil (Fear), Weather (Storms)
The Lord of Battles, Foehammer
God of War
CN Greater Power of Limbo
Favored Weapon: Great Sword
Domains: Chaos (Protean, Riot), Destruction (Catastrophe), Strength (Competition, Ferocity, Resolve), War (Blood, Duels, Tactics)
Torm The Drue, The Foolish, or The
God of Duty, Loyalty, Obedience,
Those who face danger to
further the cause of good
LG Demigod of the Prime Material
Favored Weapon: Guantlet
Domains: Good (Archon, Agathion, Friendship), Law (Loyalty), Nobility (Leadership)
Lady Luck
Goddess of Good Fortune, Luck,
Victory, Skill, Patron of
Adventurers and Warriors
CG Lesser Power of Arvandor
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Domains: Chaos (Azata), Good (Friendship), Luck (Fate, Imagination)
TYR {teer)
Grimjaws, the Even-Handed
God of Justice
LG Greater God of the Seven Heavens
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Domains: Good (Archon, Agathion, Redemption), Law (Inevitable, Judgement, Loyalty), Liberation (Freedom), Protection (Defense, Purity), Strength (Resolve, Self Actualization)
Gods of Toril, Umberlee and Waukeen:
The B%~!! Queen
Goddess of Oceans, Waves and
Winds at Sea, Currents
CE Lesser Power of the Abyss
Favored Weapon: Trident
Domains: Chaos (Protean), Evil (Demon), Water (Ocean), Weather (Storms)
Liberty's Maiden, Merchant's friend
Goddess of Trade, Money
N Lesser Power of Concordant Opposition
Favored Weapon: Chakram
Domains: Community (Cooperation), Rune (Language), Travel (Trade)