The Heroes of Chondath (Inactive)

Game Master EltonJ

Premise: The PCs are everyday folk swept up into high adventure. In the Year of the Prince, Chondath is experiencing the golden age of the Merchant Princes. The PCs are hired by the Merchant Princes to guard their trading costers.

Question: Can the PCs work for a increasingly corrupt trading coster like the Iron Throne?

Tone: Swashbuckling adventure and flair.

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Male Fanglord Paladin Virtuous Bravo 3 HP: 34/36| AC: 19| T: 14| FF: 15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+7/8|Ref:+6/7|Will:+6/7|Init:+4|Perc:+7 Lay on Hands(1d6) 4:4 Sanity: 38/40 Threshold: 16 Edge: 19/20

Sigvald puts his mace away and doffs his feathered hat saying

"Hey y'all why don't those of us who don't need to be here, go about our business please? and those of us who need to be here can go about it peaceably."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Diplomacy worked.

"Alright, that sounds like a plan."

Female Human Hunter 3 |32/32 HP | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 | Initiative +3 | Perception +8| Animal Focus: 3 mins /day ; Used:2 (Bat)

Saélihn once again lowers her weapon, looking to her leader to see what she had to say. If nothing else the outsiders were definitely interesting.

Eidolon 1 || HP 2/2 || AC:14 T:12 FF:12 || F:3 R:4 W:0 || Initiative +2 / Perception +0/Darkvision 60ft
[dice=Claw]1d20+3[/dice][dice=Damage]1d6+2[/dice], [dice=Claw]1d20+3[/dice][dice=Damage]1d6+2[/dice], [dice=Bite]1d20+3[/dice][dice=Damage]1d6+2[/dice]
Power Attacks:
[dice=Claw]1d20+2[/dice][dice=Damage]1d6+3[/dice], [dice=Claw]1d20+2[/dice][dice=Damage]1d6+3[/dice], [dice=Bite]1d20+2[/dice][dice=Damage]1d6+3[/dice]


Mister looks at the idol. He says something in Demonic and nods.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"By the way, since we are nice to each other, you can have some wine," says one of the Satyrs as he begins pouring wine. The wine itself seems to be of the highest quality.

The work completed, the idol looking good, the craftswoman doesn't go into making it magical. "It's ready to go," she says. "Is the demon following you back?"

Male Fanglord Paladin Virtuous Bravo 3 HP: 34/36| AC: 19| T: 14| FF: 15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+7/8|Ref:+6/7|Will:+6/7|Init:+4|Perc:+7 Lay on Hands(1d6) 4:4 Sanity: 38/40 Threshold: 16 Edge: 19/20

To Saelihn and the elf who was going to kill himself Sigvald says "So is this resolved? are you still going to kill yourself? We should probably get back to our duty

I'm very grateful for the offer, however now is not the time for strong wine to muddle my mind. Though it does look very good.

He turns back to the elf

well, what is your decision? Will you attempt to go through with this foolishness of suicide?

Valere gives a small snort and stamp.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"No, I won't," he says. "I'll run away, maybe to Evereska."

Kain nods his head. good, good, care for some company on the road a bit? It'll be safer until we come to a place where we must part ways.

Female Human Hunter 3 |32/32 HP | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 | Initiative +3 | Perception +8| Animal Focus: 3 mins /day ; Used:2 (Bat)

Saélihn looks from one of the outsiders to the other, then at her cousin. The one on the horse seemed not to know when a matter was not his place to meddle in.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"Okay," he says. "Cousin, I'm going to Evereska to live out the rest of my days."

Female Human Hunter 3 |32/32 HP | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 | Initiative +3 | Perception +8| Animal Focus: 3 mins /day ; Used:2 (Bat)

Saélihn looks to the leader of those present to see her response to his words. It would definitely be better than the fool killing himself. Honestly she'd be hard pressed to deny that she was curious as to what the outside world was like. She knew that there were those whom upon coming of age would leave the tribe for a time, traveling outside before returning.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"Very well, you can go," she said. "But you will be back."

"I want to see the outside world, Matron," the elf says. "Call me Callanor. I'm going with the group to see the outside world."

Female Human Hunter 3 |32/32 HP | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 | Initiative +3 | Perception +8| Animal Focus: 3 mins /day ; Used:2 (Bat)

Frowning quietly to herself, Saélihn is silent for a while. After a bit she approaches the leader of the elves.

"Matron,I request to leave with them. I am of age to go on my taith o hunan ddarganfyddiad and I believe this would be the perfect opportunity." she says quietly, looking up at her elder.

Elven (I used Welsh):
Journey of self discovery (essentially Walkabout)

M Human Shifter 1 / HP 6/12

Callanor, eh?

Female Human Hunter 3 |32/32 HP | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 | Initiative +3 | Perception +8| Animal Focus: 3 mins /day ; Used:2 (Bat)


Human, Summoner 1 || HP 10/10 || AC:15 T:12 FF:13 || F:2 R:2 W:2 || Initiative +6 / Perception +0

Some of the best journies are the ones that you take in your head. Some might say that you're crazy, I say that you're just like everyone else

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Saélihn wrote:

Frowning quietly to herself, Saélihn is silent for a while. After a bit she approaches the leader of the elves.

"Matron,I request to leave with them. I am of age to go on my taith o hunan ddarganfyddiad and I believe this would be the perfect opportunity." she says quietly, looking up at her elder.

** spoiler omitted **

Welsh is better than nothing.

The elder looks at the elf, and nods her head. "You may go."

Human, Summoner 1 || HP 10/10 || AC:15 T:12 FF:13 || F:2 R:2 W:2 || Initiative +6 / Perception +0

John stands up. "Thank you." he says. He looks around to see if Mister has caught up with them yet.

Eidolon 1 || HP 2/2 || AC:14 T:12 FF:12 || F:3 R:4 W:0 || Initiative +2 / Perception +0/Darkvision 60ft
[dice=Claw]1d20+3[/dice][dice=Damage]1d6+2[/dice], [dice=Claw]1d20+3[/dice][dice=Damage]1d6+2[/dice], [dice=Bite]1d20+3[/dice][dice=Damage]1d6+2[/dice]
Power Attacks:
[dice=Claw]1d20+2[/dice][dice=Damage]1d6+3[/dice], [dice=Claw]1d20+2[/dice][dice=Damage]1d6+3[/dice], [dice=Bite]1d20+2[/dice][dice=Damage]1d6+3[/dice]

Mister looks at the idol and smiles. Bows quickly to the craftswoman and looks to be led back to the group.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

It takes fifteen minutes for the new idol to be delivered. It's not mystical, and it's just an idol. The idol is a very good copy.

Male Fanglord Paladin Virtuous Bravo 3 HP: 34/36| AC: 19| T: 14| FF: 15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+7/8|Ref:+6/7|Will:+6/7|Init:+4|Perc:+7 Lay on Hands(1d6) 4:4 Sanity: 38/40 Threshold: 16 Edge: 19/20

Upon seeing the idol Sigvald claps hos hands together

"I like it!"

Female Human Hunter 3 |32/32 HP | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 | Initiative +3 | Perception +8| Animal Focus: 3 mins /day ; Used:2 (Bat)

"Thank you." Saélihn says with a bow. While the group waits, the elf leaves briefly, possibly to bid farewell to anyone that she would. Returning around the same time as the...odd creature with the mock idol she approaches the group of males. "I would travel with you if you do not object. My knowledge of the forest and skills at hunting would be of use to your travel."

Human, Summoner 1 || HP 10/10 || AC:15 T:12 FF:13 || F:2 R:2 W:2 || Initiative +6 / Perception +0

John accepts the idol from Mister.

"You did well. see anything of interest while you were there?"

M Human Shifter 1 / HP 6/12

"Sounds good. It's a long road to far away, however. We could use your help, as you say."

Female Human Hunter 3 |32/32 HP | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 | Initiative +3 | Perception +8| Animal Focus: 3 mins /day ; Used:2 (Bat)

"Then you shall have it. There is much to see and experience." Saélihn responds.

Kain ponders a moment.
I will offer you my spear on the road. I've no destination, merely traveling. If you'd allow me. It would be nice to travel with others again, and to have a goal in mind.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

The two satyrs look at each other, and decide to move on. In their own way, of course. The merchant is waiting for you, he's back where the group came from. It's still a delightful day, though clouds moving in the sky will hide the sun from time to time.

Human, Summoner 1 || HP 10/10 || AC:15 T:12 FF:13 || F:2 R:2 W:2 || Initiative +6 / Perception +0

John takes the idol from Mister and thanks him. Walks back to the merchant, "I believe this should do." he says as he hands the idol over to him. "Shell we get back on our way?"

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"Yes, we should," says the merchant. "Onward to the city, and to the ship. I have one chartered for our use."

You gain 150 XP from the encounter.

Male Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor Witch 1 HP: 14 F:6 R:2 W:3 Perception:+2 Initiative:+2

Gormuk trudges over to his mount a little grudgingly. He much preferred watching the Forrest people than riding for countless hours, his rump was not a fan of this mode of travel.

"It is good we dealt with the elves in a simple manner. They are long lived. Maybe carry grudges long time. There are no more peoples coming to claim their... misplaced goods, yes? Gormuk could have easily gotten work at thieves guild."

M Human Shifter 1 / HP 6/12

"I would like to be on my way, to more exciting locales."

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"Yes, on our way to Shamph, and then Chessenta!" said the merchant as he prodded the caravan forward.

Male Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor Witch 1 HP: 14 F:6 R:2 W:3 Perception:+2 Initiative:+2

Gormuk will mutter under his breath and eye the caravan with suspicion. Bringing his own pony into love me, the Half Orc will spit on the ground and keep an active watch on the merchant.

As the trip gets on, Gormuk will cast detect magic, and his pale dead eye will glow a sickly yellow. He will gaze at the wagon and the merchant in kind. If the figurine was magical chances were something else was too. Gormuk was not opposed to dealing in stolen goods, but he was against being played a fool.

"I has not spent much time on boates." says testing the word out. "How long will the floating take?"

Male Fanglord Paladin Virtuous Bravo 3 HP: 34/36| AC: 19| T: 14| FF: 15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+7/8|Ref:+6/7|Will:+6/7|Init:+4|Perc:+7 Lay on Hands(1d6) 4:4 Sanity: 38/40 Threshold: 16 Edge: 19/20

"Excellent a sea journey, finally Valkur be praised."

Sigvald seems quite chipper after this as they ride along.

greetings, hopefully you are not amiss an extra spear on your journey? Kain smiles

As they go, he seems to notice Gormucks discomfort in the saddle.
you know, if you just.. he goes on to list a few ways to make riding more comfortable and easier

I've never been on the waters myself. Is it anything like riding a horse?

Male Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor Witch 1 HP: 14 F:6 R:2 W:3 Perception:+2 Initiative:+2

"More wet I was told. But just as bumpy. " Gormuk says to Kain. Lain can see that Gormuk takes her advice at riding, if a little hesitantly. As the witch eases into his saddle he offers Kain a small but thankful nod.

Female Human Hunter 3 |32/32 HP | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 | Initiative +3 | Perception +8| Animal Focus: 3 mins /day ; Used:2 (Bat)

Saélihn is silent as she observes the rest of the group, travelling along.

Human, Summoner 1 || HP 10/10 || AC:15 T:12 FF:13 || F:2 R:2 W:2 || Initiative +6 / Perception +0

Likewise, John is just watching the sights and keeping an eye out for anything that might happen. While Mister yammers away in abysal.

M Human Shifter 1 / HP 6/12

"I've been on boats going down the river, but not in the real sea."

Male Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor Witch 1 HP: 14 F:6 R:2 W:3 Perception:+2 Initiative:+2

"Boats go on rivers? What if rocks? And falling waters? " Gormak asks dubiously. "Magic boats? Dwarf boats! All metal?" Gormak explains thinking he figured it out.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

You all earn 75 XP from the encounter.

The next three days pass without excitement or molestation from any forest inhabitants. The Caravan makes it to Iljak, passing the castle Mussum with a 30 gp tax.

Iljak is a bustling sea port. There are a lot of people buying and selling foodstuffs here. Along with items from as far away as Mulhorand, Thay, and so forth. Even people, slaves, are being bought and sold here. The people are all white with a few brown skinned, and even black skinned, hailing from the Jungles of Chult.

Female Human Hunter 3 |32/32 HP | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 | Initiative +3 | Perception +8| Animal Focus: 3 mins /day ; Used:2 (Bat)

Saélihn marvels at the sight from the sea port, staring out at the largest body of water she has ever seen. The smell in the air, salt couple with a press of hundreds of bodies, is a new one.

"So this is a" she asks.

Kain smiles towards saelihn. In a sorts yes. you could call it that. Alas, it is no match for my old home.

M Human Shifter 1 / HP 6/12

Responding to Gormuk, Callanon says, "Well, I haven't seen a waterfall or falling rocks onto the river. Mostly just steer down the middle, I guess. Nothing but trees on the sides, and if they fall, well, that's not good."

Callanon takes in the city's sights with an expression of wonder, muted somewhat by the fact that he is on a paying job and needs the money. Plus he had heard that city people will try to trick you.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"The Sea Angel has been booked for our use already," said the caravan master. "I'll just tell them that I have two new bodyguards and an elf. The bodyguards would be you, Kain, and you, Saelihn."

Kain nods. A fitting position. Though you forgot to count Valere here. He is a worthy guard as well. He chuckles as he rubs Valere's neck.

Human, Summoner 1 || HP 10/10 || AC:15 T:12 FF:13 || F:2 R:2 W:2 || Initiative +6 / Perception +0

John looks up, "Would you perhaps need a cook? I'm not to bad if i say so myself."

Female Human Hunter 3 |32/32 HP | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 | Initiative +3 | Perception +8| Animal Focus: 3 mins /day ; Used:2 (Bat)

Saélihn nods in response.

Male Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor Witch 1 HP: 14 F:6 R:2 W:3 Perception:+2 Initiative:+2

Gormuk smiles. Bodyguards are good. Usually keep people from hurting him. Hen he frowns. The merchant thought he was a body guard, didn't he. He smile turns into a frown and Gormuk spits. "How long in the city before we go on water"?

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