Orc Shaman

Gormuk Whiteye's page

47 posts. Alias of Conch.

Full Name

Gormuk Whiteye




Scarred Witch Doctor Witch 1 HP: 14 F:6 R:2 W:3 Perception:+2 Initiative:+2







Special Abilities

Darkvision 90


Chaotic Good


Anyssal, Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Orc


Caravan Guard, wandering healer

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About Gormuk Whiteye

Gormuk Whiteye
Class: Witch (Scarred Witch Doctor) 1
Favored Class: Witch

Alignment: Chaotic Good. Gormuk is a good person, even if he is rather brutish. Law means little to the half-Orc, but he does realize what it means to cross the guard. He is not nearly as violent as some of his cousins, but Gormuk is one to lend his aid where it is needed, whether others like it or not.

Race: Half-Orc

Theme: Gormuk fancies himself a healer. He is even trained in the arts. Most people only see his green skin and dead eye, assuming he is as physically inclined as his mothers brethren. When he is able to practice his profession, his patients are more like to run from him as they are to receive care. This has not helped Gormuks attempts to integrate himself into civilized lands. He has however found it easy to get jobs as a guard do to his imposing demeanor.

Size: Medium
Reach: 5'

Initiative: +2 = 2(DEX)

Senses: Darkvision (90 feet)


STR: 10(+0)
DEX: 14(+2)
CON: 14(+2)
INT: 18(+4)
WIS: 12(+1)
CHA: 8(-1)


Armor Class: 12 = 10 + 2(DEX)
Touch: 12 = 10 + 2(DEX)
Flat-Footed: 10 = 10

CMB: +0 = +0(BAB) + 0(STR)
CMD: 12 = 10 +0(BAB) + 0(STR) + 2(DEX)

Hit points: 14 = 6(6)(HD)+2(Con)+1(Favored Class)+5 (dauntless)

Fortitude: +6 = 0(BASE) + 2(CON) +2 [feat] +2 (trait)
Reflex: +2 = 0(BASE) + 2(DEX)
Will: +3 = 2(BASE) + 1(WIS)


BAB: +0
Move: 30'

Unarmed Strike: +0 = 0(BAB) + 0(STR)
Heavy Crossbow: +2
Longspear: +0
Morningstar: +0

Combat Modifiers:


-By Lvl
Background- Dauntless
1. Great Fortitude

Deadeye: +2 perception, only one working eye (no penalties)
Life of Toil: +1 Fort
Resilient: +1 Fort

Xenophobic: -2 diplomacy & sense motive vs other races and click cultures

Skills: 6/6 skill points
= 4 + 2 (INT)/per lvl

Trained Class Skills
Fly +6
Heal +5
Intimidate +3
KNature +8
Spellcraft +8

Trained Cross class Skills
Perception +2

Trained Background skills
Craft (Alchemy) +2
KHistory +2

Special Abilities:

Acute Darkvision Darkvision 90
Shamans Apprentice gain endurance as a bonus feat
Ork Blood Count as both human and Orc
Orcish weapon familiarity proficient with Orc weapons
Fetish Mask + 2 Heal, Intimidate, Save vs Pain while worn
Fierce Intelligence Treat INT as 2 higher for purpose of hexes and spells known
Hex Scar None yet
Scarsheild 1(1/2 level) to natural armor (1/minute/day)

Languages: Anyssal, Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Orc

Heavy Crossbow
1x potion clw
Belt pouch
10x candle
10x chalk
Flint and steel
Ink, black
Ink pen
Mess kit
10x parchment
Peasants outfit
Spell component pouch
10x torch
5x trail rations

light < 33
medium < 66
heavy < 100

Fetish Spells:
Arcane Mark
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Read Magic
Touch of Fatigue

Infernal Healing
Mage Armor
Obscuring Mist
Reduce Person
Enlarge Person
Ear-peircing scream

Gormuk is very Orcish in appearance. Short tusks protrude from his lips, and his skin is a moss green color. He stands well over six feet, also thanks to his mothers heritage. His hair is long and black, usually tied into a loose braid beneath his hood. The Half-Orc typically wears traveling leathers and a heavy cloak. Thankfully, more often than not people stop at the sight of his skin color, not bothering to look under the cloak. He wears no armor. The only item of any interest would be the wooden mask he carries on his person at all times. When helping others, he will wear it to the chagrin of more civilized folk. Even though the ,ask is slightly off putting, some wish he might wear it more, if only to hide his eye. His Right eye is milky white and useless. Even so, it is rather hard to catch the Orc unawares, his other darting in all directions as off to make up for the loss of the other one.

Gormuk was born to a human father and Orcish mother. He knows little of his father, save for the stories his mother would share, all painting his father as a warrior to be feared and winning his mothers love in battle. His mother was an outrider for a rather powerful tribe. When he was born, she lost much of her name but did all she could for her cross blooded son. Still, Gormuks life was tough and he was ridiculed often.

His training in the healing arts came almost as providence it seemed. The young half Orc was imjured so much by his peers he spent a good portion of his youth in the healers tents. Watching the shamans work on others (and himself) Gormuk quickly took to the basics. He found time within the healing huts was less time being picked up, for the wounded sleldomed complained. He began to apprentice under the tribes healers.

Then the wars came. Three bloody years of Orcish civil war. What was left of his time in tatters and destitute. He was prey for the other tribes, his half blood marking any who bothered to look. So Gormuk turned to the lands of his father. He found no friends, but it was less violent and he saw that his skills could be put to use. And so, Gormuk has travelled from hamlet to hamlet, aiding the ones that would let him, and running from those that feared his Orcish blood.

He made a few contacts, mostly amongst merchants and travelers. Through these he found a more steady line of work traveling with the caravans and keeping them safe.

Gormuk actually likes healing. He wants to make a life of helping others. If he can find a way to do that. Until then he wants to stay in human lands as long as possible.

Gormuk has a rather simple since of humor, and would have been a huge fan of the Three Stooges. He has a huge heart, but it is often hidden by his rather aggressive demeanor, a byproduct of living amongst orcs most of his life. Gormuk is a loyal friend to those who try to interact with him. He does not fully understand lying. This is one of many social issues he has had to deal with while integrating into human society.

150/1000 xp

Prepared Spells
0- (DC 15)
Detect Magic

1- (DC 16)
Ear-Piercing Scream
Enlarge Person
Infernal Healing

