Sparel Radtymah |

::"While I am against forcing any creature to help us, perhaps we can find some sort of mutually agreeable arrangement. Maybe they need help with a so called "greater evil" which we would be comfortable battling, even if it helps the Efreet. Of course, Viziers of the Djinni and Pashas of the Shaitans are also able to grant the heart's desires as well."::
I double checked the descriptions and I didnt see that anyone other than efrette could use wish othere than Madrid 1/year. I may have missed something though.

GM_Arbiter |

Don't forget, Shiatan are native to the Plane of Earth. Of course, you might find them anywhere if you look hard enough. Also, Absalom will sell most anything, but you might to look pretty hard for some items. Aspis Consortium and the Pathfinders have access to lots of interesting things. Shadow Absalom is good for dark magics and things related to the dead and undeath.

Malak Jaedoom |

"I"m sorry, but I don't have any special skills when it comes to breaking codes. We could send the message to the capital in Nerosyan. I'm sure someone there can figure it out."
The baron looks around at the those who stay behind once the two divine spellcasters have left.
"He was kidding about punching the bishop, wasn't he? I know the Goddess would not care for that one bit. Still, you know how inquisitors are."
The baron shakes his head and turns toward Thaddicus. "Was there something you wanted to ask me?"
Malak will get the coded message out and ask
Can you have someone copy this? We'd like to study it as well.

Akor Scourgebane |

1d20 + 24 ⇒ (19) + 24 = 43 Knowledge(Planes)
::"Hey Spare, the Earthen equivalent of the City of Brass, The Opaline Vault, is currently ruled over by a Pasha who has an immense hated of the Efreet. Perhaps if we help strike against her hated enemies, she'll grant us those wishes as a boon."::

Sparel Radtymah |

1d20+24 Knowledge(Planes)
::"Hey Spare, the Earthen equivalent of the City of Brass, The Opaline Vault, is currently ruled over by a Pasha who has an immense hated of the Efreet. Perhaps if we help strike against her hated enemies, she'll grant us those wishes as a boon."::
::Perhaps, but time is a factor. Our enemies move against us and I've heard about how 'patient,' meaning slow to action, the Earth Pasha's are. It's worth investigating at some point though. Perhaps we could just send a runner. A Janni would be the perfect messenger for such a mission.::

Sparel Radtymah |

The baron takes out a quill with its own inkwell. It makes A copy of the note in just a minute.
"I can send them the original or the copy, whichever you wish." the baron says.
"I'm sure either is fine."

Akor Scourgebane |

"Now that we've gotten rid of the immediate threat here, I think we need to focus on just what in the nine hells happened in Starfall. Supposedly, there's a rogue faction or leader that somehow prevented the bulk of the Technic Leagues forces from coming to its city's defense. While they might not have been able to actually stop the invasion, they probably would have been able to buy the citizens more time to escape. Baron, have you heard anything about this? Or is there anybody in your service who might know something?"

Thaddicus Marcaldor |

Thaddicus took in the Baron's complete disregard of his request for information on the Taldane faction as a polite denial. They probably already had whomever had delivered the tribute in custody, or soon would, and it might not be a decent time to make old connections. It made the old archer a bit bristly but he resolved to make the situation less awkward by discontinuing conversation until the group was ready to head out.
He really wished he had that magical hat that gave him a bit more glibness of tongue. Since he started hanging out with Akor, he figured he wouldn't really need it anymore and traded it for a few baubles, but now he wished he had it back. It sure did help in some of these sticky situations. He might have the ability to pick up another with the recent rewards they had gotten, but it was hard to say until they took a break to spend them.

Sparel Radtymah |

"We have a lot of tasks to prioritize, but the Technic league could be a valuable ally fo the cause (Demon fighting) should we help them. Question is, how do we go about finidng information on a structure that was teleported away with god-like magic? I suppose I could legend lore the location if needed. That could theoretically prove useful, unless of course it simply shows me a vanishing Starfall. That would be less-than helpful. "

Malak Jaedoom |

Malak took the copy of the missive and tucked it away for now.
Lets start with seeking out this rogue faction. They could have the answers to the question we have and if they are a threat to the cause then finishing them off could solidify the Technic League into our cause.

Sparel Radtymah |

Malak took the copy of the missive and tucked it away for now.
Lets start with seeking out this rogue faction. They could have the answers to the question we have and if they are a threat to the cause then finishing them off could solidify the Technic League into our cause.
I assume we've all come back together. I need to rest and rememorize spells, but we can chat in the MMM before nightfall. So unless anyone has any other idea I'll assume we're sitting in the MMM common room having tea and chatting before bed. It's been a long day.
"Finding rogues is your specality. Any idea where to start?"

Malak Jaedoom |

Well I'm not sure how much of an actual rogue this perosn is, haha! but if they've really split off from a major faction like the League then they're hiding in some dark hole where they cant be found...that narrows it right doesnt it? This coded message has to give us something.

Sparel Radtymah |

Sparel is going to spend some time with the coded message and try to figure it out. Not entirerly sure what I need to roll, but linquistics sounds about right.
I can roll 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (9) + 23 = 32 or take 20 for a total of 43, whichever gets the job done.