Sparel Radtymah |

Sparel telikinetically opens the holywater crate, places the liches remains within, and seals it shut. All without actually touching the evil remains.
"Baron, the spell I need to cast to destroy the Liches is one to make a site holy for onen year. The area is a 40 foot radius. Approsimately from there to there (points) if you wanted this building to be holyground. Beyond the ability to destroy the liches there will be a number of effecets, but I can add a lesser effect as well that any within can use. I would think Detect Evil or Deathward would be most appropriate. Do you have a site you'd like so designated? It will take me a full day of casting to finish the necessary spell."
Crap. Hallow has a 24 hour duration. I guess I know what I'll be doing tomorrow. We can head out at the end of the day if you wish.

Sparel Radtymah |

You fellas deal with that pesky problem and I'll help restack and count these coins.
The elf says as one particularly shiny coin dances across his knuckles and disappears only to reappear in the other hand and continue to flip from knuckle to knuckle.
"Dear Cousin, has your heart sank so deeply that you feel the mundane task of counting coin is the best use of your time? It's a sad day when heroe's fall to their own feelings of inadequacy. Shame really. You heard him boys, Leave him here among the shiny bits and we'll be off to save the world without him. "

Malak Jaedoom |

Hahaha! You're so amusing Sparel! WHo wouldnt want to be surrounded by so much wealth? Plus if thers another lich hidden amongst the change then I'll be here to save these helpful lads. Surely you dont need me around while you and Akor commune with the gods.
::Shall we mention the coded missive to the Baron? He would be the most likely to have seen the like before no?::

Sparel Radtymah |

Hahaha! You're so amusing Sparel! WHo wouldnt want to be surrounded by so much wealth? Plus if thers another lich hidden amongst the change then I'll be here to save these helpful lads. Surely you dont need me around while you and Akor commune with the gods.
::Shall we mention the coded missive to the Baron? He would be the most likely to have seen the like before no?::
"When I truly do and don't need you around is widely open to debate. Though if you want some assistance I have a spell that can put all this in order straight away."
::We should mention the missive. ::

Malak Jaedoom |

Malak takes the compliment in stride and offers his typical mischevious grin with his response.
Fair enough cousin, fair enough. cast your spell and lets tuck away this coin to be spent later.
Looking for the Baron the ninja will hail him.
Good Baron, are you familiar with coded messages? We found one that could hold an important clue but its meaining escapes us.

Sparel Radtymah |

Ok, how have you guys not responded to the nearly Paladin-like Akor saying he would punch a priest in the mouth in order to get him to use his chapel??
I assumed it was a joke.

Sparel Radtymah |

Sparel casts a spell and for a moment nothing seems to happen. Then sparel says to no one in particular, "Gather the treasure and organize it by value and stack it appropriately. "
Then coins and treasure seems to move of it's own accord. If you count you see 2d6 + 15 ⇒ (4, 3) + 15 = 22 individual forces quickly going about following Sparel's orders.

Sparel Radtymah |

Akor Scourgebane wrote:Ok, how have you guys not responded to the nearly Paladin-like Akor saying he would punch a priest in the mouth in order to get him to use his chapel??Because we've heard him say something very similar before?
Hell, I don't care. Punch a chaplain if it makes you feel better. ;-)

Thaddicus Marcaldor |

Thaddicus ignored Sparel's wry comment and listened to the Baron's report. A problem like this could undermine quite a bit of our efforts in this area. We will have to confer amongst ourselves to determine the proper way to proceed with this and other issues. I will stay here with the treasure as well, if only because I have some more questions for the Baron.

GM_Arbiter |

"Sparel, I know one of the spells needed to fully destroy the demiliches. However, I lack knowledge of the Hallow spell. Also, if Iomedae is willing, I might stand a better chance of actually succeeding in destroying them"
** spoiler omitted **

Darnak Deepstone |

"If he does, I'm sure a punch in the mouth would change his mind"
::"I can do that.":: Darnak raises his hand, shrugging. As they all look at him oddly, ::"Well... I can!":: He states adamantly.

Darnak Deepstone |

Ok, how have you guys not responded to the nearly Paladin-like Akor saying he would punch a priest in the mouth in order to get him to use his chapel??
HA! I couldn't help but stop and respond when I first saw the "punch in the mouth" bit. Then I continue my reading of the thread and come upon this. Too funny. :)

Sparel Radtymah |

Sparel, I have Holy Word. Also, I can use Judgement to boost my caster level to over come SR.
Perfect. That'll get the job done. Do your spells count as clerical spells? I could loan you my Prayer beads (+4CL for 10 min), though not sure if it stacks or not.

GM_Arbiter |

"I"m sorry, but I don't have any special skills when it comes to breaking codes. We could send the message to the capital in Nerosyan. I'm sure someone there can figure it out."
The baron looks around at the those who stay behind once the two divine spellcasters have left.
"He was kidding about punching the bishop, wasn't he? I know the Goddess would not care for that one bit. Still, you know how inquisitors are."
The baron shakes his head and turns toward Thaddicus. "Was there something you wanted to ask me?"

GM_Arbiter |

Akor and Sparel make their way to the chapel. The term falls short for describing the building. The structure is made of wood that's been painted white, but it still have the arched entrances you would expect from an older temple to Iomedae or Aroden. It's as big as the stone edifices normally seen in less war-torn areas.
The fountains, statues and pillared courtyards that would normally be found at a holy place of Iomedae this large are not here. Instead, there is a massive open area with wooden benches and a high wooden ceiling, like a barn with no walls, that has been built in front of the holy place. The covering provides shade and shelter during the weekly services and it looks like the open area serves as overflow for the chapel. The entire place could hold hundreds of worshippers at a time and still services are held in shifts on the holy days.
The Daggers can see some men in armor are asleep on the benches and a few animals have taken shelter there as well. Akor, you know that's typical of temples of Iomedae - they are places of worship and living spaces for her holy knights.
The two head into the chapel proper and can see the altar. It's a simple wooden table covered with a white cloth. The sunburst sword image that identifies followers of the Goddess is emblazoned on the covering. On the center of the table is the "Acts of Iomedae," the holy text of the religion that recounts the 11 miracles she performed as a mortal in service to Aroden.
One of the more well-known miracles is that she crossed the massive chasm that separates the Starstone Cathedral from the rest of Absalom by tossing out her cloak in front of her. It formed a massive bridge that allowed her to walk safely to the other side to take the test of the Starstone. A painting of the miracle can be seen in one of the mural behind the altar.
Akor, you can feel the peace and security of the hallow spell even as you enter the building. It's a calming presense that seems to affirm your decisions so far.
Sparel, you can feel the power of the hallow spell as you enter the building. The area thrums with divine power; nothing compared to your Goddess, of course, but a mystic can sense these things when they are near.
There is an old man sitting the first pew, his head bowed in prayer. He looks up at the two of you and then stands. Despite his age, he seems to be in good physical health. His hands are rough and there's a small scar on his chin. His hair is white and both eyes are a pale gray.
"I'm Bishop Montgomery, a loyal soldier in the service of The Inheritor. How can I help you two this evening?"

Sparel Radtymah |

Since they have to follow him anyway (within 60'R) Sparel orders the many unseen servants to work together and carry the crate following a short distance behind them. It hovers only a few inches off the ground and can't move fast, but it's sufficient for a calm walk to the holy site.
Upon greeting by the bishop Sparel responds,
"I am Sparel Radtymah archcleric of the Lady of MoonBow and this is Akor Scourgebane High Inquisidor Iomedae. We incapacitated some powerful Liches and have need of your hallow spell to permanently destroy them, lest they rise to wreak evil again."
Sparel motions to the crate following obediently behind them clearly labeled "Holy Water."

Sparel Radtymah |

"My friend and I need to borrow your chapel so that we may destroy a pair of demiliches that attempted to sabatoge the supply depot" The aasimar says with just a touch of authority in voice.
"Or you'll get punched in the face." Sparel Mentallyl jibes at Akor.

Thaddicus Marcaldor |

Thaddicus figured they didn't need help dealing with Iomadae with Akor around, and thought he could make progress on another matter or two. "I have a lot of friends in the Taldane army, I was wondering who it was that brought their tithe over and if they are still around. I was hoping they could take a message back to the Viceroy for me. Also, if it is so easy to scry on the effort here with these coins my friend is counting and stacking so gleefully, why don't you return the favor and scry them right back? I know Sparel has such a spell. Surely you have people capable of this."

Sparel Radtymah |

::"Gladly would I punch him in the mouth if it meant we would grant these demiliches final death. It would, of course, pain me to punch a man of the cloth and of my own faith, but I am sure Iomedae would forgive me"::
::If only the world were so simple.::

GM_Arbiter |

Thaddicus figured they didn't need help dealing with Iomadae with Akor around, and thought he could make progress on another matter or two. "I have a lot of friends in the Taldane army, I was wondering who it was that brought their tithe over and if they are still around. I was hoping they could take a message back to the Viceroy for me. Also, if it is so easy to scry on the effort here with these coins my friend is counting and stacking so gleefully, why don't you return the favor and scry them right back? I know Sparel has such a spell. Surely you have people capable of this."
The baron nods.
"We do. But the resurrection of the seer who died scrying on the Starfall failed. The seer was able to come back to us, but then died in her sleep that night. Attempts to contact her through speak with dead or other divinations have failed and no other resurrection spells seem to work."
The baron looks grim.
'Please keep this bit of information among the Daggers. We don't want to start a panic. I can ask if they want to attempt a scrying. But with such an obvious connection, I assume that some sort of protections have been raised by the craftsman. But you're right, that could be a lead if your group is willing to risk it."

GM_Arbiter |

The bishop nods to both Akor and Sparel.
"Greetings Archcleric Radtymah. Greetings High Inquisitor Scourgebane. I'm glad to see this liches have done no lasting harm to you. I hope your companions are also well."
He gestures to the altar and moves aside the holy text so the crate can be put on top of the wooden table.
"Do you wish assistance with the ritual? This house of worship is always ready for battle, both physical and spiritual."

Sparel Radtymah |

The bishop nods to both Akor and Sparel.
"Greetings Archcleric Radtymah. Greetings High Inquisitor Scourgebane. I'm glad to see this liches have done no lasting harm to you. I hope your companions are also well."
He gestures to the altar and moves aside the holy text so the crate can be put on top of the wooden table.
"Do wish assistance with the ritual? This house of worship is always ready for battle, both physical and spiritual."
"Scourgebane will be performing the final rites to destroy the creatures. I myself will merely be on hand just in case. You are of course welcome to stay in the off chance something goes wrong. We should only be a few moments."
Sparel motions to the crate and points to the table, "Put it on the table." and the crate moves to obey.

Darnak Deepstone |

::"Sorry, Sparel, but I'll not be part of forcin' anythin' or anyone ta do our biddin'. I know you mentioned your option three is riskiest, but if you're certain on doin' this, that'd be the one I'm for."::

Akor Scourgebane |

Akor places Sparel's prayer beads around his neck, then begins the ritual.Celestial "Iomedae, Light of the Sword, Goddess of Valor and Jusitce, I call upon thy power to smite these foul, vile undead and utterly destroy them!!"
Not sure what type of action it takes to activate the Bead of Karma. It sounds like I just need to wear them. If I need a standard action to activate them, not a problem. That would be "round 1"
Immediate action to call down a Judgement, picking Piercing(Slayer), Protection and Purity for a +8 to CL checks to overcome SR, +4 AC, +4 all saves. Standard action to cast Holy Word. 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (19) + 28 = 47 Caster Level check
Do I need to cast it once per Demilich? Not a problem if I do, just let me know

GM_Arbiter |

The second skull beings to bubble like a candle thrown into a bonfire. All that is left is a thick sludge floating in the holy water.
The bishop continues to mutter a small prayer as Akor finishes his rituals. As the two of you watch, the brackish water begins to clear as the last of the evil taint is removed. The cleric is removing the taint of the liches from the holy water. By the time he is done, the water is fresh and ready for use again.
The box now contains 15 vials of holy water for the party's use. It will only take a few minutes and some cantrips to put the water back in the vials and seal them.
The bishop's prayers seem to have had an added benefit. Floating in the water, a few of the 20 soul rubies appear to have survived the destruction. Instead of being a deep red, the gems are much lighter in color now, making it easy to appreciate the skill used to cut them.
The bishop smiles at Akor and Sparel.
"An excellent job, High Inquisitor. We will not have to worry about this evil again."

Sparel Radtymah |

Knowledge Arcana 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (13) + 24 = 37
Knowledge Dungeoneering1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18
Knowledge Engineer1d20 + 17 ⇒ (6) + 17 = 23
Knowledge Geography1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31
Knowledge History1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31
Knowledge Local1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22
Knowledge Nature1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37
Knowledge Nobility1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22
Knowledge Planes1d20 + 34 ⇒ (8) + 34 = 42
Knowledge Religion1d20 + 29 ⇒ (10) + 29 = 39
Spellcraft 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (7) + 29 = 36

Sparel Radtymah |

"Thank you for your assistance, Bishop. It would seem the gods smile upon us this day and favor our actions."
Sparel will bottle the Holy water, either getting flasks from the Bishop or looking elsewhere. I'm sure it's not that complicated of a request.
To the group
::The lichees are dealt with thanks to Akor. I will need to rest to prepare the spells necessary to both repair the damage to our comrades as well as take us to the plane of fire for supplies. Past that do any of you have thoughts on our next course of action?::

Akor Scourgebane |

::"While I am against forcing any creature to help us, perhaps we can find some sort of mutually agreeable arrangement. Maybe they need help with a so called "greater evil" which we would be comfortable battling, even if it helps the Efreet. Of course, Viziers of the Djinni and Pashas of the Shaitans are also able to grant the heart's desires as well."::