The Forgotten God (Table 1) (Inactive)

Game Master Rednal

Hadran, God of Valor and Knowledge
Burkhardt, God of Pacts, Pledges, and the Spirit of the Law

Deepmar Penal Colony
Dig Sita Caina

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God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

Grond spends the rest of the day walking the streets of the city, and exploring every temple and museum that will let him in. The whole while he tries to be as open and attentive to any feeling of being drawn towards something he might experience, hoping to discover exactly what Hadran had meant when he described finding a shred of his former power.

His power was stripped and placed in vessels... That's so drastically different than what happened to me... there's no solid reason to think I can regain my power the same way... perhaps I'd be better off hunting down legendary beasts and seeing if I can absorb some of their power...

As night darkens the evening sky he enters the nearest inn, pays for a room, and spends the rest of what Hadran gave him on meats and strong drink. He shows off his strength and agility some in the common room until he catches the eye of a sturdy but comely young half-orcish woman who he privately shows off his stamina to. In the morning he gives her another display of his prowess, eats a mountain of eggs and sausages, and sets off to meet Hadran at the appointed time and place.

As always in this city, there are caravans and guard jobs going in numerous directions. Most of these jobs are actually shipbound - it's considerably easier to move goods up and down the river than it is to carry them over the land - but it does seem like there's a trading mission going to Absalom.

In Grond's case, though, it might have been better to leave Orc-kin alone... put simply, Qadira does not like them. Orcs - even half-blooded ones - are universally considered to be inhuman slaves, soldiers, or enemies, and it's not long at all before Grond realizes he's being followed by a military unit intent on finding out why one of their members was pulled away from her post without permission...

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

Absalom huh?

K. Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Hhhhmmm a large city indeed and seems to be the head of the pathfinder society. Seems like a great place to track down rumors of artifacts of power. Time to go meet Grond.

Hadran will sign on for him and Grond to guard the shipment. He will then set off to meet up to let Grond in on the news.

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

When Hadran finds Grond he appears to be mid-conversation with a group of soldiers...

"I had no idea. How would I have? I only arrived earlier today when we brought the idol in to be destroyed... I didn't mean to make her late... you know how it is, the two of you get into it and suddenly seven or eight hours have gone by without you even noticing..." When Grond spots his new ally the conversation seems to turn in a new direction, "Look, there's my associate Hadran, he'll vouch me; he can tell you how unfamiliar I am with this place and your customs... Hadran, come and speak to these men for me!"

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

What the hell, I told him not to get into trouble.

Good morning gentlmen, The light of the dawnflower blessed us with another great morning here. So what has my friend Grond done here. I'm sure its simply a misunderstanding. None the less we are to leave for Absalom Grond. Come now the ship awaits. Gentlmen thank you for your sevice to the city. May the light of the dawnflower keep you safe.

This guy may be more trouble than he's worth. We will have to wait and see.

The soldiers put their hands on their weapons in a meaningful way, glaring mostly at Grond. Still, as long as the two of you were leaving, they seemed entirely content to let you go. The docks of the city were as bustling as usual - indeed, the city was crowded enough that many ships made several stops to unload cargo, since that was easier than trying to move them through the docking area by foot. The crowds were no thinner near one of your options for leaving, a large, swift vessel that plied the currents between Katheer and the city at the center of the world, but at least you could make your way through the group and into the small area of calm that surrounded each vessel.

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

Well Grond I got us guard duty on a ship to Absalom, the greates city in Golorian. If there are rumors of artifacts to be found we should be able to dig them up there. Try to keep a low profile on the ship. I don't expect much trouble, but if such does arrive don't show too much power unless needed.

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

"Thank you for helping me avoid having to kill those people. Apparently they felt they had some ownership over the woman I was having sex with." Grond says as they make their way to the docks.

As they jostle through the crowded dockside roads he asks, "Where is this Absalom? Is it a remnant of Azlant?"

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

K.History: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

I'm not sure, but it is the greatest city in the land from what I know. I'm sure we will turn something up there. Grond if you kill inocent men that are doing there job then you will be hunted down and killed. I will help you as long as your cause is righteous so stay the course. There is true evil in the world. The gods that foster it have grown bold and the gods of good do what they can but mortal affairs seem to be just that. You can choose to be good or evil that choice is yours to make, but I need to know where you stand.

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

"I have no desire to visit evil upon anyone, but if men set upon me with swords, intent on destroying me, what option do I have apart from killing them? It seemed for a moment, when you first arrived, as if it might come to just that... and, truthfully, I don't understand their complaint against me. I did not force her to come to my bed, nor restrain her from leaving at any moment. Shouldn't their complaint be against her if she failed to arrive somewhere at the appointed time?"

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

I'm sure they came upon you with intent to find out what happened. The grabbed their swords nervously because thats what guards do. They may or may not have been lawful men, but if someone is not your equal I expect for you to show mercy as these men are just mortals. If the law demands I expect your or I to submit to the law why we are goverened by the laws of men not to ruffle too many feathers. If there reason is unjust then we will work within there system. if the system is corrupt then we defend ourselves. The ability of a man is not within the sword but with his training in the art of sword play. These men protect the city as a job to survive. There is a great world of magic and people of great abilities out there so I ask that you show constaint until the time deems it is not time to any longer. Does that make sense my friend. The more people that learn about us the more the gods eyes will open. They may not know or remember us, but that does not mean they will not see us as a threat. Now lets get on the boat and be off from this land.

Hadran walks with Grond onto the boat they have agreed to be guards on.

It's not too long before the boat gets underway, heading out towards the inner sea and to one of the most fabled cities in the world. Absalom is no place for the faint of heart... and the journey's not one for the faint of stomach, either, given how much the waves rock the ship. During the second day, however, you can see a dark cloud on the horizon, and the sailors start to look rather nervous. Within an hour, there seem to be quite a high number of bows (in protective cases) set up on the deck, along with a number of quivers full of arrows.

"Either of you good at shooting things?" the Captain asked as he approached.

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

"I believe I may be a fair shot... do you have any bows crafted with strong men in mind?"

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

Pretty average at it. Never put the time in to train that much with one I suppose. I too can use one for a stronger man though. What do think the threat is. As I swore to help protect this ship, it would help to know what we face.

"Harpies." the Captain said grimly, looking up at the cloud. "They've been more active of late, attacking ships to kidnap sailors and cargo alike. Only things light enough to carry, but they sometimes sink the ship afterwards. Been doing strange things with the weather, too. Can't say I'm too fond of it." He eyed the muscles along both of your arms for a moment and, after a moment, had someone bring out a pair of thick, tough-looking composite longbows.

The Captain has offered to let you borrow a pair of Composite Longbow (+4 Str) longbows. By the way, Grond, you should have weapon and armor proficiencies listed among your feats. ^^ Also, I'll probably be on jury duty this week, so replies may be a bit slower than usual.

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

Cool, hope you get a cool case. Always wanted to get jury duty at least once. Hasn't happened yet.

Knowledge on Harpies: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

I have heard the name, but know nothing of the creature. Get all your men bellow that are not essential to running the boat for now. We will stop these creatures.

Hadran takes a bow and a quiver.

I am not the best shot Grond, if only I had my wings.

Hadran stands ready for what comes at them.

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

"I don't really have much experience with any of these weapons... but my natural abilities should be enough to be fair at it... When I still had my powers I would have taken the form of a Roc or a pterosaur and fought them up close in the air."

As he speaks, Grond tests the pull of the bow, hangs a few quivers of arrows from his crude belt, and prepares to begin firing. visibilty and wind conditions allowing, I'll start shooting while they're still a few range increments away. let me know if you need a perception check.

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

Hadran will too start attacking on site as they will probably close quickly. His first action will be divine favor once he or Grond spots them.

It takes more than an hour before the cloud gets close enough, but when it does, you hear loud screeching as three feminine forms with wings instead of arms come out of the clouds and start shooting towards the ship. They're about three hundred feet away - a bit outside of easy range.

Worse, the winds of the storm seem to be blowing quite strongly, and you can see more than a few arrows from others on the ship being blown aside before they can reach the birds.

The wind is currently Strong, and imposes a -2 penalty on ranged attacks.

Init (Enemy): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Init (Grond): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Init (Hadran): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

You're both up before the birds!

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

Grond does his best to line up a shot despite the long range and high winds...
Shot in 3rd range increment, high winds: 1d20 + 7 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 7 - 4 - 2 = 4, for: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
and scowls at his inability to hit his mark.

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

Round 1:

As Hadran sees the creatures burst forth he summons up a bit of luck from his divine power.

Cast Divine Favor

Round 2:

I may not be the best shot, but I have tricks Grond. He smiles over at his friend as he starts to move about in a battle dance. His grip tightens a moment on the bow as he sends a bit of his power into it.

Swift Arcane Strike w/ Mythic Arcane Strike for Bane, Move Action Battle Dance, Standard: Attack

Attack: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 8 - 2 = 22 Not sure of range for this round so you can adjust.
Damage: 1d8 + 10 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 10 + (2, 6) = 23

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

don't you need a knowledge check to figure out what type/subtype you're using bane against?

i'll wait to see what the harpies do before I post round 2 actions

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

Probably..It's weird b/c you know the type when you make the roll by what skill you roll, and type is usually not something you ask to identify, but its not like you see a creature and think ah let me refer to what I learned of nature to identify this thing so I will leave that one up to the GM.

Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Fortunately, Hadran's able to identify the creatures without too much trouble... and his arrow managed to slam into one of the birds. The harpy wasn't shot out of the sky, though, and one of them began singing.

Will DC 16 (Grond): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24
Will DC 16 (Hadran): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

The beautiful strains of the bird's song washed over the ship, but both of you managed to throw off the mind-affecting power. The birds were now a hundred and forty feet away from the ship.

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

I had already tried a knowledge roll, and failed based on the name I don't know if I get another one based on seeing them. Your call.

Hadran sees the arrow strike true and the creature weekend by the hit so he presses the assault.

Arrow: 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (17) + 8 - 4 = 21 -2 for wind, -2 range right?
Damage: 1d8 + 11 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 11 + (5, 1) = 18 Forgot the 1 damage from arcane strike last attack.

Come on Grond you going to hit something. Your the one that boasted about being a good shot.

Hadran smiles over to his new friend.

This was the top of round 3 so post two actions Grond.

7 Rounds of Divine Favor Remain

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

also cast divine favor

I said I was a fair shot... I never said 'good'

2nd increment: 1d20 + 7 - 2 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 7 - 2 - 2 = 7, for: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

And then he scowls angrily at another miss.

The first harpy dropped out of the sky and into the ocean. The other two let out angry noises, and another one of them began singing as they closed to sixty feet away from the boat. Several of the men on the ship staggered towards the edge of the boat, though they hadn't jumped out quite yet.

Will DC 16 (Grond): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21
Will DC 16 (Hadran): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 Mythic Surge might be able to change that. Otherwise, you'll be subject to the Harpy's Captivating Song ability.

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

Great :)

Surge: 1d6 ⇒ 1

The harpy's song was a sweet melody to Hadran's ears, sudenly his mind was not his own.

So dumb, should have been coutersonging instead of inspire.

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

Hadran goes before me so i'll wait to see how bad his turn is before I act...

It was said that many gods loved music, and perhaps Hadran's bardic tendencies were proof of that. The sweet song settled over his mind, encouraging him to move closer to the harpies with only the faintest recognition of the real world. He moved right to the side of the ship, and-

Will DC 16: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

-walked straight off the edge and into the water (unless a successful countering power kicked in, at least - unfortunately, you can't Surge twice in a turn). Enspelled as he was, he might need a bit of help getting back to the boat...

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

Kasplooosssshhhh!!!! Nnnnnnooooo. :)

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

There's no bonus on that for an obviously dangerous/suicidal decision, huh?

You've got to be kidding... Grond thinks with a sigh as Hadran walks into the sea and begins sinking in his armor, he saved me from my fiery prison, it's only right that I save him... I just didn't expect to be doing it so soon...

Grond tosses the captain's fancy bow to a sailor who seems unaffected by the song and dives in to the water. Grabbing the drowning godling, he swims him up to the surface.
swim: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

*Double-checks* Nope. I think the "bonus" is getting a second saving throw at all.

The singing harpy continues to croon as the captivated sailors slowly meander towards her, though the unaffected ones are firing arrows for all they're worth. Unfortunately, most of them aren't nearly as strong as the two broken gods in their midst, and the few arrows that managed to hit aren't enough to bring down the singing bird. It's probably going to be necessary to take the harpy down before he'll snap out of it - or at least get it to stop singing somehow. Fortunately, Grond is swimming well enough - and is physically strong enough - to ensure that getting Hadran back onboard won't be too difficult. It takes a few seconds to do that, even as the harpies continue their attack.

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

Swim: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

So interesting thought here, I know earplugs have been used to couter Harpy song and the like as you have to hear for it to work. What happens when I go under water for a few seconds and can't hear it. Do I get another save when I come back up. That would seem right as I can stil be effected by that ones song as I haven't saved against it yet, but I did stop hearing it for a few seconds.

Save if I get one: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Grond you can keep shooting if you like, Hadran will try and get to the Harpy which means he will keep swiming and trying to lunge out of the water, this could mean going under multiple times and continueing to get saves if breaking the sound works.

Or he could try tying Hadran up so he can't jump off the edge. So classic a defense that I think it was used in the original story... XD That said, sonic effects can and do work through water (specifically called out in the Designing Spells document - in fact, sonic spells can work through solid ground, too). Unfortunately, that means no bonus save for going underwater.

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

Can't blame a guy for trying :) So the description says move to the harpy in the most direct route, and at the same time take not action but to defend themselves. So do I sink or swim. swiming is trying to move toward them but also and action. Just curious.

I suppose it could be argued either way, but the usual interpretation is that you can't do complex or energetic movements - which swimming most certainly is. You're too busy dreamily listening to them to put forth the effort, hence all the sailors drowning in most of these tales.

Incidentally, I'm not specifically trying to kill you here, but don't be too upset if it happens. XD For plot reasons, characters in this game will die at least once (probably at some point before Level 5), and it won't be a long-term inconvenience for you.

HP: 174/174(188/188 Rage) -4CHA Checks in Abyss [MP 9/9 ][LP 2/2][Rage 23/23][Perform 28/28][Trance 8/8]| AC: 24, T: 19, FF: 24 | DR 5/Evil: Pro. Evil | Fort: 19, Ref: 19, Will: 15 | CMB: +15, CMD: 26 | Init: +16, Percep: +19:

Not worried, I trust you :). So sinking then. Well I guess the effects will end when I get over 300 feet from it. Is holding your breath defending yourself or complex ? Not sure how fast I sink not trying to swim with my gear, but I can hold my breath awhile. Or Grom may save me :)

Well, considering that he already dived in and pulled you out... and is presumably going to do something to stop you from going back in... XD

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

i think with a natural climb speed I can climb even if I'm holding something (like Hadran) in one hand, right? Or is that some kind of feat or ability I'm thinking of?

You need both hands free to climb - in this case, I'm assuming he's simply being carried over your shoulder or something. Either way, you successfully got him onboard, and can post for this round anytime. ^^

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

the harpies haven't acted 'last' round yet (I need to know where they are and what they're doing to decide on my actions)

The singing one is continuing to sing. The other is attacking some of the sailors.

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

How far away is the singing one?

Grond lifts the hatch to the cargo hold and tosses Hadran down inside 1 round then charges to the attacking harpy and attempts to hack it out of the air with his new polearm 2nd round

Attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18, for: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
ouch, stupid RNG

About 20 feet away from the ship and ten feet up in the air - within range of most ranged attacks.

The polearm swing wasn't the hardest attack ever made, but it was accurate enough to strike the bird. With an angry squawk, it whirled to face Grond, then slashed out with the Morningstar it was holding in one foot.

Melee: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Melee: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Neither strike managed to come anywhere near striking him, and the harpy let out an angry cry as the other continued its song.

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

Grond prepares to invoke a minor transformation--growing wicked teeth and long, sharp clothes, and summoning the strength of a bull--but then Hadran's words ring in his mind show as little power as possible and, instead, he steps back and swings the bardiche again...

attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16, for: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
lol, apparently this is what I get for cursing RNG...

It's a bit close, but the weapon smacks the harpy, and blood splashes across the deck. Arrows continue to fly from the men who are still sane, and one of them hits the singing harpy. It's not enough to bring the bird down, but at least it's been weakened a bit. The one attacking Grond bashes out with its weapon a moment later, aiming to thump him upside the head.

Melee: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Melee: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Clean misses all around, though. Meanwhile, thumps can be heard from the cargo hold as Hadran bumps into the cargo hatch, trying (and failing) to get closer to the singing bird.

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

showing as little power as possible is so tedious...

Grond tries to finish off the harpy above him with one more broad powerful swing of the long heavy bardiche.
attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17, for: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

The swing was just accurate - and just long enough - to slay the harpy. That left one more, and it gave an angry cry as it stopped singing and turned around, flying away from the ship instead of continuing the fight. A few seconds after the cessation of the song, people looked like they were coming back to their senses - and cries for help could be heard from over the sides of the ship. It was already about a hundred feet away, but might just be within arrow range if you wanted to try for a few lucky shots instead...

God of Metamorphosis and Bestial Power: Gestalt 2 [Ranger 2/Druid 2/(advanced) Warpriest 1]; Mythic 1 [Champion+Guardian] HP: 43/45 [Mythic Power 5/5][Animal Focus 0/2][Blessing 2/3]| AC: 25 (t22/ff25) | Fort: 12*, Reflex: 13, Will: 13* | CMB: +8, CMD: 28 | Init: +5, Perception: +12

Grond jumps over board and starts saving people.

those fancy new bows seem pretty inaccurate anyways...

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