The Devil We Know Series (Part IV: The Rules of the Swift)
Game Master
City of Cassomir
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This one is a Tier 1-7 scenario, so there is 1-2, 3-4 and 6-7 subtier. You are playing 3-4.
HP 42+12/84; Rage available 14/21; Reroll at +4 0/1; Infernal healing 49/50 Barbarian-6; DR 3/-;AC 17; Fort +10(+12); Ref+5; Will +6; Perc +9; Init +2; resist cold/1
It did feel a little harder than a 1-2, but not quite up there in the 4-5.
It'd be nice if more scenarios catered for the 3-4 range.
HP 44/44
I agree, but unfortunately, they did away with it after Season 2. The only place you can still get it in more recent scenarios is in the Specials.
Max HP: 24; Current HP: 21; AC: 17 (touch 15, FF 13); CMD: 16; F/R/W: +4/+8/+3 (+4 vs fear); Initiative: +4; Perception: +9
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Sorry, everything is ok. I'm in a Hotel with a spotty Internet connetion and I have to reload the page a hundred times before I get one post done. It's really frustrating :/ Thanks for your Patience!
Female Asimar Sorcerer/4
HP 44/44
No worries. I have a big series of work meetings this week and may be delayed this week myself.
HP 44/44
Day Job (Craft: Armor): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Will use my GM star re-roll on that one...
Day Job (Craft: Armor): 1d20 + 5 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 + 5 = 30
At 75 gp, that will let me check off one of my 50 gp day job rolls on my faction journal card.
Female Asimar Sorcerer/4
Day Job (Herbalist0: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
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Yeah, dayjob rolls please :)
Reporting will be done in a few minutes, Chronicles will follow tonight.
Do you want to play the next part as part of Gameday 4? Maybe we have a winner again :)
HP 44/44
Works for me. I've already leveled Borrobol in Hero Lab and just need to update his profile. I'll let you know if I'm buying anything once we have gold.
Max HP: 24; Current HP: 21; AC: 17 (touch 15, FF 13); CMD: 16; F/R/W: +4/+8/+3 (+4 vs fear); Initiative: +4; Perception: +9
No day job.
Yes, Tippy would like to finish off the arc.
Female Asimar Sorcerer/4
I would love to finish of the arc!
HP 42+12/84; Rage available 14/21; Reroll at +4 0/1; Infernal healing 49/50 Barbarian-6; DR 3/-;AC 17; Fort +10(+12); Ref+5; Will +6; Perc +9; Init +2; resist cold/1
Day job will be looking after his keep. 1PP restored to Iso. And yes, keen to finish the storyline.
Iso is slow advancement.
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Sorry for the delay with the Chronicle, yesterday was the first day at work after my vacation and I just dropped into the bed.
Gold you get:
1266 GP + 2PP for Celentrai, Tippy and Borrobol
633 GP + 2PP for Iso
HP 42+12/84; Rage available 14/21; Reroll at +4 0/1; Infernal healing 49/50 Barbarian-6; DR 3/-;AC 17; Fort +10(+12); Ref+5; Will +6; Perc +9; Init +2; resist cold/1
One fame and two prestige for Iso I assume? Any interesting items on the chronicle?
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Yes, correct.
Potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
Scroll of remove disease (375 gp)
are on the Chronicle, not very interesting :(
Female Asimar Sorcerer/4
I will spend two pp for a wand of cure light wounds. I hope to be able to make use of it in future adventures.
HP 44/44
Ok, no purchases for Borrobol. I'm going to save up :)
He's ready for the next part. Profile is up to date.
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Unfortunately I don't have the item stats for the jet rat. I can't tell you how long the enlargement would last :D
HP 44/44
I think its an artifact though for anyone that needs to recover those on their Faction Journal Cards.
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Yes, that's true. It's an magic artifact with a name.
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Female Asimar Sorcerer/4
Can I take 20 to search the statue? If I can than I have found the symbols.
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Sure, I remembered that you wanted to take 20 and posted the spoiler content in my post.
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A warning: I'm in Prague attending an indoor hockey tournament from tomorrow to Sunday. The hotel offers free WiFi on their homepage, but I don't know if this is really working and how much time I have in the evening. If I don't post updates during the weekend, please don't get nervous ;)
HP 44/44
No worries. Have a great time!
Female Asimar Sorcerer/4
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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Boon Rolls:
GM: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Iso: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Celentrai: 1d20 ⇒ 4
Tippy: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Borrobol: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Boon of players choice on a natural roll of 1 or 20
**Re-Rolls not allowed on boons**
Female Asimar Sorcerer/4
Merry Christmas everyone!
Max HP: 24; Current HP: 21; AC: 17 (touch 15, FF 13); CMD: 16; F/R/W: +4/+8/+3 (+4 vs fear); Initiative: +4; Perception: +9
HP 42+12/84; Rage available 14/21; Reroll at +4 0/1; Infernal healing 49/50 Barbarian-6; DR 3/-;AC 17; Fort +10(+12); Ref+5; Will +6; Perc +9; Init +2; resist cold/1
Merry Christmas indeed. Remarkably kids are still asleep, it must have been a long day.
HP 44/44
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Yes, Merry Christmas everyone!
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Please make your DJ rolls :)
Anything else you want on your Chronicles?
HP 44/44
Craft (armor): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Craft (armor) reroll with 5-star: 1d20 + 6 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 6 + 5 = 27
What are we going to earn for gold on this one? I'll check on whether I can make any purchases.
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HP 44/44
Ok, looks like I'm not yet as high in gold as needed to make my next major purchase. All set for this Chronicle sheet.
HP 42+12/84; Rage available 14/21; Reroll at +4 0/1; Infernal healing 49/50 Barbarian-6; DR 3/-;AC 17; Fort +10(+12); Ref+5; Will +6; Perc +9; Init +2; resist cold/1
Iso is slow XP and will use his DJ to recover a PP from the keep vanity, so he should gain 1/2 XP, 1 Fame and 2 Prestige. Oh and I guess 639.5gp
Female Asimar Sorcerer/4
Making Herbs
Herbs dj: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
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I also included the Ritual of Stardust Chronicle, in case you don't already have it.
Female Asimar Sorcerer/4
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Ok, I have to change the other two Chronicles as well. It's a bit confusing, because your character shows the Grand Lodge icon.
Osirion or Scarab Sages?
Female Asimar Sorcerer/4
I guess the new name is Scarab Sages. I will try to change the icon.
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I see the icon changed now :)
But I do see that Celentrai's previous games were reported for Grand Lodge, all of them. Just to make sure: Celentrai was Scarab Sages/Osirion from creation and did not change it later? I need to change all the old games you played with me and send you updated Chronicles.
Female Asimar Sorcerer/4
She was always Scarab Sages. I have had mistakes on characters before.
Female Asimar Sorcerer/4
lol I love how you put that!
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I'm GMing at a german PFS convention from Friday to Saturday evening (24h PFS Fight Night) so updates will be very sporadic. Sorry for any inconvenience!
Female Asimar Sorcerer/4