Iso Soturi |
Do we get higher tier gold/items?
(many recent season modules have the four party adjustment for higher tier play being using the lower tier creatures as written)
GM Baerlie |
According to the PFS Guide I have to round the APL of 2.75 to 3. The Segang Expedition is a Level 1-5 scenario, so 3 is between two subtiers. There is subtier 1-2 and 4-5.
When the APL of a table is between two subtiers (like APL 3 for a Tier 1–5 scenario), a party of four characters must play the lower tier without any adjustments for party size. A party of five to seven characters whose APL is between two subtiers must play the higher tier with the four-character adjustment.
You get the lower tier items, but the gold according to your character level. At least this is how I read the guidelines in the PFS Guide. But please correct me if I'm wrong! Actually this is the first time I have a group between subtiers.
Cross out any treasure items the party didn’t find in the scenario and mark any special boons the players did or did not earn (U); additionally, if you’re running the lower subtier, always cross out all of the items listed for the higher subtier.
Don't get me wrong, I'd really like to run the highter tier with 4-player-adjustments, but I think it's not a legal table if we do that?
GM Baerlie |
I got the answer from the other VC, the rules are that we have to play tier 1-2 withouth adjustments to make a legal table.
Onother idea: we start with the 4-parter (there is a tier 3-4 so you play this one), you gain at least one level up and after that we can legally play subtier 4-5 for 6-08.
Regarding the boons: there are boons on the chronicle 6-08, but they are valid for all subtiers. Three items are available for all subtiers + one item for tier 4-5.
Iso Soturi |
Anti-plague, cool. Sounds good. Anyone know of stuff like rings of disease resistance? Hmm, maybe just a plain old cloak of normal resistance might be more generally useful.
Borrobol |
Cloak of resistance is a must-have once you can afford it.
I bet there are some other items like that. Antiplague is pretty cheap. 50 gp.
Iso Soturi |
Time to blow that cash wad.
+1 MW cold iron great axe (he already uses the non enchanted version but I can't see the cost on a chroncile) $4340
MW chain shirt $250 (ditto)
MW, silver heavy flail $495 (ditto)
+1 cloak of resistance ($1000)
3 potions of antiplague and 3 potions of antivenom (300gp)
Celentrai Atalla |
I have some people visiting this weekend but I will be picking up some antiplague before we leave. i will try to get it written up by sunday if that is ok
Iso Soturi |
BTW I'm probably away from computers for most of the time until next week, so unlikely to be posting, except maybe a little on Thursday
GM Baerlie |
Good news, Dawn wins a price! Congratulations Dawn! I already sent you an email adress with Jesse's mail attached. Please respond to him directly by Sunday, February 15th, 2015 @ 8 PM CST US [UTC-6].
The Prize Options are:
* PDF of one of the PF Rulebooks (Core Rulebook, ACG, or APG, for example)
* PDF bundle of one of the following seasons: 0, 1, 2, or 3 (full scenario season bundle)
* PDF of a single book of an AP (like Skull and Shackles book 1, but not the RotR Anniversary edition)
* PDF of a single "Tales" book (Liar's Blade for example)
* PDF of a single Player's Companion (Familiar Folio, for example)
* PDF of a single Campaign Setting book (Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom, for example)
Iso Soturi |
It is often house-ruled that way, but DR as described in both the Core Rulebook and the Universal Monster Rules is specific to weapon and natural attacks. Does not apply to elemental, falling, spells, spell-like, etc.
The universal monster rules say:
The creature takes normal damage from energy attacks (even nonmagical ones), spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities.
<- note nothing specific about an environmental effects overcoming DR, just elemental.
So it is a little ambiguous. RAW it probably depends on whether falling damage counts as being attacked by the ground - which gets into the realms of the silly.
Intent wise, DR reflects a creatures supernatural toughness and resilience. Why it would be immune to a barbarians greatsword but still twist an ankle when dropping ten feet seems odd to me.
Of course I've never understood why a force effect like magic missile would bypass DR/- but that at least is magic.
Not that this is really a biggie, hopefully we'll down the critter in short order.
Borrobol |
Thanks for the rules update. I guess it's really to the GMs interpretation how to handle it.
Ultimately, yes, the GM is interpreting. But I think the fact that DR is specific to weapon attack damage and natural attack damage leaves falling damage on slippery ground. Ruling that a fall is the same as an attack is entering the territory of RAI instead of RAW which is generally considered a no-no in PFS.
The other issue is that you'd also be classifying a type of damage for falling. Untyped damage is rare, but untyped damage is also not affected by DR (just like force damage) and falling damage does not have a type. Again, not a huge leap since logically it is bludgeoning in most cases, but the rules don't call out a type for falling damage so again, you are entering RAI territory versus RAW.
I agree that none of this is logical. That's why I commented that it often gets house-ruled. For sure, I would house rule that it is bludgeoning damage and subject to DR in a home game, but not PFS. I suspect this is an area that will someday get FAQed, but I think until it does, you're better off ruling that falling damage is not affected by DR.
In any event, it doesn't matter this time. I bring it up more because I almost guarantee we'll all see it again. I've run into it more times that you might think in PFS. Usually comes up when you use something to take down a flier, but comes up for knocking things off walls and ceilings too.
Borrobol |
Hey, was wondering with the faction journal cards out if on our way back to Absalom I could:
Visit a city other than Absalom with a population of 5,000 residents of more. While in the city, purchase or sell an item worth at least 100 gp per character level.
Would upgrade my armor spikes from masterwork to +1 for 2000 gp in Niswan (pop. 10,300), Padiskar (pop. 8,200) or Prada Hanam (pop. 6,880).
Iso Soturi |
Thanks for the game again.
I think with slow XP, Iso only gets 1/2 an XP and 1Fame.
I'm another Exchange member, but Iso doesn't do day jobs :-( Does allowing those three looters to escape count as ending a combat encounter without violence?
GM Baerlie |
Borrobol, you can stop in Niswan, the captial of Jalmeray, and buy some stuff.
Iso, I will update your Chronicle tonight. I reduced the gold, but forgot the XP and PP. Sorry for that. Yes, the encounter with the looters counts as nonviolent. They would have attacked if stopped for too long.