The Children of Chaos

Game Master Billybrainpan

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HP: 8/8; AC: 12, T: 12, FF: 10; CMD: 13; Fort: 1, Ref: 2, Will: 5; Init +2; Perception +7
Half-Elf Wizard 1

"Opposite stories between rivalling factions are very common. The hard part is determining which side is speaking the truth."

Arkavus walks along with the two men.
"Well it is obvious we were sent here by your rivals. Now if you are the Children of Freedom or Chaos, and we were sent here by your adversaries, who was the strange man in the mask? If he was sent by your adversaries, he knew he was sent to his death knowing we'd be with six companions. So either he was a decoy or a third party."

"Also if we are called into a petty feud for no apparent reason, I'd rather return to my previous way of life if you don't mind."

The two men lead you through a small town, to the edge of a large hilly plains. They walk a good distance out and turn around one particularly large hill. In front of you in a small shack, inside the two men together move aside a large closet. they lead you down to a large chamber.

Male Half-orc Gestalt Barbarian (wild rager, drunken brute)/alchemist (vivisectionist, ragechemist) 1

Now you can ask whatever you want.

Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Admixture School) 1|HP 7/7|AC 12|T 12|FF 12|Fort +1|Ref +2|Will +3|Perc +1| Init +6|
0 - Level: Daze, Light, Ray of Frost. 1 - Level: Mage Armor 1/1 Magic Missile 2/2. Special: Dancing Lights 3/3

"What the hell is going on here? Are you terrorizing Golarion?"

Paladin 2|AC 19(21)|HP21/21

"What church was that? Who was the masked man and who does he represent? Why was the church burned?"

Half-Orc Ninja/1 HP 6/6 AC 16 (touch 14, flat-footed 12); Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0

Ren doesn't say anything, just hangs back and waits for Marrant's and Caladar's questions to be answered.

Paladin 2|AC 19(21)|HP21/21


Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Admixture School) 1|HP 7/7|AC 12|T 12|FF 12|Fort +1|Ref +2|Will +3|Perc +1| Init +6|
0 - Level: Daze, Light, Ray of Frost. 1 - Level: Mage Armor 1/1 Magic Missile 2/2. Special: Dancing Lights 3/3

did we die?

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