About CaladralCaladral
XP: 0 --------------------
Admixture School:
Barred Schools: Necromancy and Diviniation Versatile Evocation (Su): When you cast an evocation spell that does acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, you may change the damage dealt to one of the other four energy types. This changes the descriptor of the spell to match the new energy type. Any non-damaging effects remain unchanged unless the new energy type invalidates them (an ice storm that deals fire damage might still provide a penalty on Perception checks due to smoke, but it would not create difficult terrain). Such effects are subject to GM discretion. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. Intense Spells (Su): Whenever you cast an evocation spell that deals hit point damage, add 1/2 your wizard level to the damage (minimum +1). This bonus only applies once to a spell, not once per missile or ray, and cannot be split between multiple missiles or rays. This bonus damage is not increased by Empower Spell or similar effects. This damage is of the same type as the spell. At 20th level, whenever you cast an evocation spell you can roll twice to penetrate a creature's spell resistance and take the better result. Feats:
Scribe Scroll: You can create magic scrolls. Prerequisite: Caster level 1st. Benefit: You can create a scroll of any spell that you know. Scribing a scroll takes 2 hours if its base price is 250 gp or less, otherwise scribing a scroll takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To scribe a scroll, you must use up raw materials costing half of this base price. See the magic item creation rules in Magic Items for more information Spell Focus (Conjuration: Choose a school of magic. Any spells you cast of that school are more difficult to resist. Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new school of magic. Varisian Tattoo: You bear intricate tattoos that inspire and mpower your natural magic ability. These tattoos mark you as a worker of the ancient traditions of Varisian magic. A Varisian tattoo typically consists of a long string of complex characters from the Thassilonian alphabet. Prerequisite: Spell Focus. Benefit: Select a school of magic (other than divination) in which you have Spell Focus—you cast spells from this school at +1 caster level. Additionally, you gain a single spell-like ability usable up to three times per day. The spelllike ability gained (and its Varisian name) are as follows: Abjuration (avidais): resistance Conjuration (idolis): acid splash Enchantment (carnasia): daze Evocation (ragario): dancing lights Illusion (vangloris): ghost sound Necromancy (voratalo): touch of fatigue Transmutation (avaria): mage hand TRAITS:
Hagfish Hopeful: Ever since passing through Sandpoint when you were a child and hearing about the contest at the popular tavern known as the Hagfish, you wanted to take that coin purse as your own and carve your name on the ceiling beam above the bar. Training yourself to choke down indigestible food and drink water a pig would refuse, you’ve built up quite a strong resistance to all things putrid and gross. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison. Varisian Tattoo: You bear the elaborate tattoos of your people, marking you as a free son or daughter of the road. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects. Additionally, you are proficient with bladed scarves and starknives. Equipment and Money:
Carry Capacity
Dodo Familiar (chicken skin) N Small Animal Init +o; Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- DEFENSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 size, +1 natural armor) HP 4 Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- OFFENSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Speed 20 ft Melee bite +1 1d3-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- STATISTICS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Str 3, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 6 Base Atk +0; CMB -3; CMD 7 Feats Weapon Finesse Skills Perception +3 Store Spells: Starting at 1st level, a witch's familiar stores all of the spells that the witch knows. This does not allow the familiar to cast these spells or use spell-trigger or spell completion magic items. Starting at 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter, a witch's familiar adds new bonus spells to the witch's spell list based on her patron. These spells are automatically stored by the familiar and can be prepared as normal once they are gained.
As a child, Caladral traveled a lot, as pirates often do. At one point, he passed through Sandpoint, and ever since he has wanted to win the contest at the Hagfish tavern. Doing so gave him a tough gut (a handy attribute aboard some sailing vessels), and allowed him to take the win many years later. Now his name is carved above the bar for all to see.
Caladral's parents were pirates. His father was a ship's cook, his mother a wizard. They often took the young lad on their voyages, and all the sailors taught him everything he knows. His primary interests were cooking and magic. Caladral is known throughout Riddleport as one of the finest jack tar cooks. On one voyage, Caladral developed a bond with a chicken in the cargo bay. This chicken became Caladral's familiar, and the old cluck has been his familiar ever since. Now that Caladral is getting a little older, he has developed a desire to help people, rather than steal from them. Besides, his love of the sea was never as great as his parents, so why not travel Varisia a bit? Hearing of some troubles in Sandpoint, Caladral packed up his cooking pans and hit the road.
More Background:
Appearance Describe yourself as someone meeting you for the first time would see you. Race: [i]Human (Varisian) Gender Male Age 36 Size Average height, slightly overweight Coloration Dusky Skin Attractiveness Somewhat ugly, multiple tattoos, missing teeth, obvious alcoholic Dress Dirty chef's clothing, messy hair, missing teeth, obvious alcoholic, rum always in hand. What other details would someone notice on a closer look? Numerous tattoos Do you have a distinctive way of speaking? Caladral is usually at least buzzed, but somehow manages to stay intelligent. He speaks like someone with a lot of experience, who knows thier way around. Birth & Family Where and when were you born? Riddleport, Varisia 36 years ago Do you know your exact birthdate? Neth 11, 36 years ago[/i] Who are your parents? Pirates Names? Artemis and Miriela Occupations? Both parents are pirates, father is ship's cook, mother ship's wizard Social class? middle Were they married? Yes Are they still alive? yes Do you know any members of your extended family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins)? no How did you get along with your family? Generally, pretty well. Education & Work How did you learn your trade, skills, etc.? From his fatherand mother How important are letters, books, etc. to you? Only if about food or magic Do you carry any writings and/or writing materials with you on your adventures? Yes, spellbook and cookbook Friends Who were your friends as a child? other pirates How many of these people are still alive? Most What do you look for in a friend? Someone who likes to eat Have you ever been in love? [i]no Attitudes & Beliefs What are your beliefs about religion and the afterlife? The teachings of Nethys Likes & Dislikes What do you love? Food and magic What do you hate? Undead and police |