Vinsomner |
Discussion RP is ending. Those who were accepted continue in the main Gameplay thread after my post!
This will now become a regular discussion thread.
I have a Discord Channel created for the campaign. This will serve as a better way to get to know the group and have better communications with each other about the campaign and other things! When joining, verify your character in general and I will add you to the appropriate roles.
Vinsomner |
Results of Gear Rolls and rise to Mythic:
Jasmine you have been able to keep hold of your Longbow that you prize dearly. It means more then anyone could ever understand. The Longbow is additionally mythic and legendary. The bow is actually an ancient relic of your people and is imbued with a intelligence soul. You hear it whisper to you and speak only to you when no one is around, always egging you on for vengeance. After many years of being close and bonding to the bow, the mythical power of the ancient god has seeped into your very being.
Taalik, your ancestral blade and a pendant that Bryna. Ancestral blade is mythic and legendary. More below. The Pack Pendant gives you +2 to Called Shots rolls. If hitting with the shots, you deal an additional +1/2 damage of your damage rolls. Your raise is in part of becoming the Al'ahut, the blade you carry carries the souls of many of the past Al’ahut. Becoming one was a rite and a sacred art passed down the ages of the Canidae. Back to the time of ageless gods and the inception of your species.
Arion, when being touched by the god of Tarak during the summoning, your ring allows you to spend an additional 2 surges per day. Your robes also are enchanted with a +2 to natural armor. During the summoning of Tarak, the reverb that killed the other incarnates spared you and granted you your mythic power as the god has chosen you to act as his messenger.
Inja, you have a memento of Nagash, after finding his body, you fashioned a pendant from one of his scales. This pendant contains a piece of his scale wrapped with wire. It reminds you of a dear friend and what you lost. When in battle with your companion, you gain +2 circumstance bonus on any rolls made towards target you and your companion are both engaging. Yama, is actually slightly more intelligent than any lion ought to be, this is due to the mystery surrounding why a cub was alone and separated from her pack, if there ever was one. Yama is a chosen creature from the god of nature. You companion was always special in some way and over time the bond you've grown with her has developed has given your your mythic abilities as you passed the trials of this mysterious power to grant you the power within your companion.
Kyarla, the fang placed in your chest when you split from your pack has given you more power than you ever thought. Your forefather was a mythic before you, and with you, the chosen one, have inherited this power. It also gives you the ability to push your abilities further than any normal being. You gain 2 additional rages per day, as well as you were able to bring a tribe sacred blade (longsword essentially) and pendants. Although the pendants have no value outside of gnolls, they grant you the ability to refocus your mind from your rages, reduces the amount of time your fatigued by half.
Qahnaarin, being someone not of this world, you're inherently mythic. Though the energies have been repressed, they have only awoken upon your escape from the shackles. You managed to bring a bracelet that is glamorous of its own accord, giving you an additional +2 to diplomacy and bluff checks. You also have been able to smuggle a dagger from a previous owner, (Size it to how you need) and a sewing kit with the bare necessities to perform duties at a tailor.
Maqli, You've manage to bring along a token that you had a sudden impulse of creating in your youth, a bracelet of fangs and bones. Of what those belong to no one really knows, but they give you confidence and courage in battle as they rattle with your movements. This bracelet has the Brawling enchantment. You’ve always been especially touched by an unknown power, thus why you survived when you were young with the warcats who adopted you. Being raised within the crags that entombed many ancient and powerful beings, you grew surrounded by the mysterious powers, but never questioned it.
Additionally all Companions are considered mythic. I will elaborate on my house rulings on the enhancement to companions due to how this campaign has a tendency of killing them off.
Kyarla |
Since hes held, he can't roll a reflex :D
Sadly, this isn't true. The reflex save is holy. You even get one when paralyzed. It's just at -5. FAQ
And he does get a will save each round against being held if nobody takes him out. But now that they are outnumbered, it's likely a done deal.
Arion, the Celestial Summoner |
I feel like reflex is partly luck - sure, maybe rocks are falling from the sky, but you happened to be in a place where they weren't as thick and didn't need to move much. XD
Also, that probably stops abusive tactics where people are held by relatively minor movement-impairing things but then suffer far more damage from abilities that usually allow a saving throw. In general, getting around one of the main kinds of defenses should be difficult at best.
Vinsomner |
Bah, you got me. But he's deadens now. But look, I'm all embarrassed now!
Just a note. I'll be resuming the combat being moved to a post once a day today as per the house ruling. I didn't yesterday due to the miscommunication or well the failure on my part to inform everyone that they could take their turn after the surprise action.
EDIT: Apparently this encounter is a warm up for me. I just realized I made SEVERAL mistakes and read off different values. My apologies.
Qahnaarin |
I noticed that some of the PCs have traits and some do not. Are they being awarded on an individual basis? I just want to make certain that I didn't miss anything.
Vinsomner |
Everyone will be caught up on traits when we hit the desert. I had to see how everyone plays first in order to appropriately design the beginning traits for everyone. Besides a background trait that everyone should have, the only ones who should have a trait given by Broken Age should be Octavian and Bree. I'll be reviewing everything here shortly since you pointed it out!
JDPhipps |
Hey there, this is a friend of Loup Blanc. He sent me a text to let you know his computer is currently busted, and he's not sure when (or if) he'll be able to get it fixed. He's looking for other means of posting, but if those don't pan out he'll likely be MIA for a while until he can find a way to get online and post.
Loup Blanc |
And Loup Blanc here letting you know that it was probably a false flag--things look to be okay for now. It was probably just a crash, but I've had bad luck with computers in the past so I was expecting a worst case scenario. I should be okay, but if I go dark the old message stands.
Kyarla |
I'd much rather get a false alarm warning than not get one if things turn out bad.
Vinsomner |
I noticed that some of the PCs have traits and some do not. Are they being awarded on an individual basis? I just want to make certain that I didn't miss anything.
So I looked through everyones characters crunch, assuming they are all up to date. Everyone should have 1 trait given by me, and then 1 background trait upon the character creation.
So everyone should have a total of 2 traits.
I think I might be missing it on peoples character sheets, or I might of not assigned any, so could everyone please reply to this and list their background trait they selected at character creation and then the one I gave you (when I gave you your mythic reasoning).
Inja |
Background Trait: Beastkin (Wolf) - +1 to Survival, can use Speak with Animals at will to communicate with wolves.
Campaign Trait: Tight Bond (Yama) - +2 circumstance bonus on any rolls made towards a target that both Inja and Yama are attacking.
Qahnaarin |
I have Subjective Truth for my background trait.
In my mythic origins, you said, "You managed to bring a bracelet that is glamorous of its own accord, giving you an additional +2 to diplomacy and bluff checks. You also have been able to smuggle a dagger from a previous owner, (Size it to how you need) and a sewing kit with the bare necessities to perform duties at a tailor."
Was the bracelet my trait?
Tsakua Chain-Breaker |
Posting this here so that it's a bit easier to find.
Tsakua has been absent for the past six months because he was part of a scouting group that sent the signal to evacuate the first main camp. If Jasmine and Maliq were in that camp, Tsakua knows them at least by name and face. If not, I'll make up for that assumption. Either way, he's been trying to catch up with the caravan over the last six months and has stumbled upon this shape in the desert.
Vinsomner |
Taalik Amun. I almost forgot to do this. Since your not on the discord channel your not getting some of the updates.
For your companion, add the Mythic animal template to it. -cr-2-tohc/
If not, your companion has a severe risk of dying early in my game. I meant to use this in additional to the feat but I dropped the ball there.
Taalik Amun |
Excellent, I will get that amended onto my sheet promptly.
Had you decided on a campaign trait for me yet?
I am traveling on Holiday with my wife in Ireland, now through the 22nd. Internet has been spottier than expected, so my posting may slow. Please feel free to DMPC as needed to keep the game moving.
Inja |
I will be on holiday for two weeks starting tomorrow. While I will do my best to keep up with all my campaigns and post from my phone, internet access may be spotty in the uncharted wilderness of Romania, so if I suddenly disappear then please bot me as needed.
Vinsomner |
Apologies for the slow weekend everyone. It appeared I needed some downtime during the weekend with my wife. But now that its Monday, its back to our regular scheduled program!
Also, here are everyones campaign traits!
Check the spread sheet for your traits! Also you will notice I'm recompiling my custom materials I have made for the campaign, I lost the previous list so I have to rebuild it.
You will also notice a couple of players have multiple traits, this is due to them receiving theirs a long time ago during the campaign run. These players are returning players and were scheduled to get a second string of traits before the campaign initially went on hiatus.
Pazeek Splitbeak |
You will also notice a couple of players have multiple traits, this is due to them receiving theirs a long time ago during the campaign run. These players are returning players and were scheduled to get a second string of traits before the campaign initially went on hiatus.
And just like you told me, I won't make any mention at all about bribing you with homemade baked goods in return for my extra traits ;D!
Breewyn |
Vinsomner wrote:You will also notice a couple of players have multiple traits, this is due to them receiving theirs a long time ago during the campaign run. These players are returning players and were scheduled to get a second string of traits before the campaign initially went on hiatus.And just like you told me, I won't make any mention at all about bribing you with homemade baked goods in return for my extra traits ;D!
Vinsomner |
Just a reminder, if you don't post during the combat turn, I will DMPC your character. Flipside is, I assign actions your character could take, but then I roll dice to see what your character actually does.
So this could go poorly for you! Just a friendly reminder to post your actions if you can, and if your going to be gone for some time, please make mention of it in the discussion thread or on the discord channel.
Vinsomner |
Just to clear up any confusion about the combat sequence in this campaign:
Depending on who wins initiative, the players or the enemies, the turns are done in groups.
So in this example, we have the enemies act first:
1. Vinsomer Post's ALL the actions that the enemies take in one post.
2. Players take their turns.
3. Vinsomner Post's Again.
4. Players take their turns.
Now here are the caveats to this:
As per the campaign rules, ultimately if I enemies take their turn first or last, the combat will end closer to the end of the day or, most likely, at the beginning of the next day. So no matter when it ends, you will have 1 day to get your turn post in before I bot players as needed.
My post acts as the turn ender, and as long as I posted the enemies actions, then it is safe to assume your free to post unless I specify otherwise.
Players also take their turns in any order in respect to each other. If your waiting for someone to post to make your actions, please inform them via the Discussion thread or the Discord channel.
Are there any questions?
Breewyn |
Taalik and Kyarla, Most of the others have joined us on the Discord and you are more than welcome to join us if you wish to.
If you do not wish to, that's completely fine too for I understand if you don't wish to use it. Just making sure that you weren't missing out in case you did actually want to. Since I know there are a lot of times we will use discord chat to mention things and then forget to put it into the Discussion tab for those that haven't joined yet.
Pazeek Splitbeak |
Yes. Join us. We have cookies. And brain slugs. Come for the cookies. Stay for the brain slugs. Because the brain slugs demand it.