Healing Magic: All heal spells are modified by the casters total heal skill (min. of 0). Example: Joe Bob has a heal skill of 10. He casts cure light wounds for 1d8+3. Say that gives him an 8. Add his heal skill to that and poof, 18! This represents the casters knowledge of the healing and how to properly channel the healing energy to maximum effect.
Nat 20's and 1's: In my games there is a chance for even a 1st level character to impale a dragon through the heart against impossible odds as well as a 20th level rogue tripping and landing flat on his face. Roll a nat 20 and the accomplishment will go above and beyond whatever you are trying to attempt. Roll a nat 1 and it's an automatic failure, regardless of your base attack or skill ranks. Even gods can screw up.
Feat Tax: I will be using the system suggested here.
Spells: Spells do not require a spell-book to replenish your daily use. Spell-books are only required to change your allotment or learn new spells.
Skill Checks: Even if your skill check is high enough to pass the DC of the required check without a roll, you must roll regardless. Even with your high skill in that check, you still have a chance of critically failing, but also having a critical success which will grant additional boons.
Traits: Traits are earn via playing the campaign. These are rewards or affects your characters will gain depending on their actions in the campaign.
PC vs PC Diplomacy Checks: This will not be allowed to force players to think or behave a specific way. You must convince them with traditional means of roleplay.
Feats: Feats are gained as normal, but additional feats may be awarded by group/character play.
Crafting: A whole new system will be replacing Pathfinders crafting rule set to accommodate the campaign.
Combat: Players will be giving one day to post their turn in combat. By the end of day if a player has not taken their turn, they will be put on delay and combat will proceed normally. GM will roll all initiative rolls to keep from breaking the flow of the PbP.
Player Death: In the event of a players death, that is the end of their journey (If there is no chance to get a revival/reincarnation). This also means your participation into he campaign is done. No re-rolling of characters will be permitted. This is to allow other outside players a chance to participate in the campaign.
Party Wipe: In the event of the death of the entire party, a new recruitment will be held. You will be allowed to submit a new character then, but only then.