The Beginning of All Things (Inactive)

Game Master Terquem

How big is your world?

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M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas accepts the instructions and small pots from Tina, trying hard to remember which one was first and which last.

"I have not seen Caorann since yesterday evening." the cleric answers honestly. "Thanks you greatly for these concotions, Tina. We will be setting out for Woodbridge soon. We could not have done this without you."

He reaches out his hand to shake with the witch, a real sense of gratitude behind his words.

Female Sahilyph Trickster 3

As if on cue, you hear the voice of Caorann yelling Wait, wait. I'm going to come with you!. She carries her things, straining to keep hovering at her load.

Alomar was just about to start meditating on the different virtues of the Elementals when Tina arrived. Seeing that Phineas is speaking to her he starts his daily meditation.

Sorry guys, really busy at work currently


---Day 7, Woodbridge, Afternoon at the Bread and Board

The smell of warm pastry filed with cooked vegetables in a broth made from a heady lager waft from the door as it is opened.

Inside the Bred and Board this afternoon are just a few people. Douglas Ballanig is here. He is a middle aged man, portly, but in good health (his daughter is Anna Ballinig, a girl getting to be about the right age for marriage) and he is sitting with Eghan Dooley, the husband of Lynne Dooley (she is Patricia’s younger sister and some say she is more bad tempered than Patricia is, so it’s a good thing she is not here catching her husband taking a pint and not in the fields weeding the crops). An Elven gentleman is here, sitting alone. He is stately, and he has a pleasant countenance. You think he might be Yanil Asserin, one of the Elven men who brought a family here to settle just before winter.
And standing on her knee, with her tail coiled up close by her side, near the bar, talking to Oscar Oghan is Alinda. She looks radiant in a Blue Smock, pulled down to below her waist and held in place by a dark green leather belt. Her hair is worn lose, over her shoulders.

When the door opens, everyone in the place looks to see who has come in, and there are smiles all around. Alinda is the slowest to turn, and when she sees that it is Marcus, she gives him a warm smile, and, waves for him to join her at the bar.

NPC: F Alodoan-Urandoman/Half-Elven

---Day 7, Castletown, Evening at the Rising Sun

Hillary takes the letter offered by Calex, and opens it. She looks at Dieredon with a smile, turns and tries to give the same smile to Calex, but it seems less warm, and then she reads the letter.

Her face goes through several different stages as different emotions show while she reads. Finally she says

So, I am to be given a loan of enough money to pay to build a tavern and inn, if, and only if I agree to build in Woodbridge, a place just conveniently where you two boys are from. Now isn’t that a hoot. And what about permits, and taxes, she makes no mention of that. Tell me, do you boys know who is in charge of Woodbridge? Why there? Tell me, Dieron, and Calex, I’m sorry I got that wrong earlier, tell me the truth. Is Woodbridge a place that needs a inn? What are my chances of making a successful go of things there?”


---Day 7, The Green Wood, Morning to Noon

Alomar, Poseus and Phineas, gather their belongings and bid farewell to the good folk. Caorann flits back and forth among them, occasionally landing on Alomar’s back, while she continues to be excited to be welcome to travel with the three big folk.

Alomar and Phineas have completed their morning prayers and considered what preparations would be best for the long walk home. And it will be a long walk, as the friends will try to press through familiar territory and make it to Woodbridge before nightfall.

When they are all ready to go, Ganorre leads you to a path south of the village and tells you to follow it until you come to a stream and then turn to the right, follow the stream to the west, and it will then leave the forest and turn to the south. Don’t follow it anymore after that, but look to the northwest. You should be able to see the Hill of the Cairns from their and use it as a reference to guide you home.
The going is uneventful, and you make good time. Well before noon you can see the Hill of the Cairns to the north, and keeping it in sight you walk westward toward the Fox Woods.

When you reach the Fox Woods it is just after noon, and you are encouraged that you might make it back while the sun is still above the trees, but then as if out of nowhere, a pack of wolves appears in front of you.

They are not aggressive. In fact, they are walking slowly with their heads low to the ground.

The pack of wolves is about nineteen strong, a large pack, and all of you have heard stories of wolf packs, but they are never seen this close to Woodbridge, but only are talked about being far to the north east.

Knowledge Nature Check >14:
If you succeed at this roll, you know that there are wild stories that claim that some wolf packs are far more intelligent than average animals, and some can even talk with humans

Please Check your Prepared Spell Lists, as it is a new day! Also, if you are wounded, you recover 2+Con Bonus in HP for resting in the Village

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Back to 17/19 hp

Poseus sees the wolves and looks around cautiously, one of his spears in his hand.
Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

"I don't know what this is, but it doesn't look good to me." He says while spinning in his place, keeping an eye on most of the wolves as he goes.
"Any of you got an idea guys?"

Female Sahilyph Trickster 3

Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

"I can put a few to sleep...

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Posues, I didn't know you were wounded. Phineas would've channeled positive energy last night to heal the group in full before resting, if you'll allow a small retcon.

With no knowledge of nature, Phineas is afraid of the wolfpack. "It looks a bit like an overwhelming number. There are only 4 of us. Perhaps we should avoid conflict with them? They don't seem to be aggressive. Should we follow them?"

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

As a matter of fact, my lady, I have just been named Lieutenant Groundsman of the territory including Woodbridge. So, your protection, and that of others in my territory, will be my responsibility. Calex, himself has just been promoted to a leadership position on behalf of the Crown in Woodbridge, as well. We would be near at hand to the Inn, possibly using a portion thereof as a base of operation for our duties. I will allow Calex to further explain his position and the benefits of the town itself.

As for Woodbridge itself, I can only say that it is beautiful country with fine people who could use a large establishment like this letter contemplates.

He gently rests his hand on top of Hillary's, and looks deeply into her eyes.

In addition, I would be remiss if I did not express how happy it would make me to have you so near so that we could get to know eachother better.

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

Marcus will enter the Bread & Board, anxious to enjoy the delicious food he smells coming from the building. He is happy to see the warm, smiling faces meeting his own.

His eyes, fall on Alinda, and he smiles as he waves and welcomes him over. He calmly walks over to the bar, and offers Oscar a hearty handshake upon arrival, and looks behind the bar,

Hi, may I please have a scrumptious meat pastry? Also a glass of milk if you could? Thank you very much he says with a smile.

After placing his order, he looks to Oscar and Alinda, smiling he says, so, what have you folks been up to? Anything interesting happen lately?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3

"Hilary, Woodbridge is a small farming village, with hardly anything one might call substantial. But it does have a few advantages that, with the Empire now working to secure the roads, might create a real opportunity. It sits on an established route to Castletown, with the bogs on one side, the Darkwood on the other. When travel and trade gains more confidence in the Empire's ability to keep the peace Woodbridge will be a natural waystop for anyone going to and from Castletown across the mountains. I've been handed the Village and surrounding areas as part of my demesne, with Dieredon's support. As such I think I can safely talk the local lord into providing any permits fairly easily."
Calex grins, then continues. "Taxes are another matter, but Castletown has suggested that such collections as have been listed as under my authority should be deferred for a period to allow the new situation to stabilize. That provides you a window to get established before having to pay with profits you don't yet have. So. I have other plans for my new holding, but I prefer measured growth and stages for it. Nothing can be done without a solid base, and I'm asking you to help me build that base. Will you join our dream with your own?" Calex extends his hand to her and awaits her answer.


Day 7, Castletown, late afternoon, at the Rising Sun

Hillary, listens intently to what Calex has to say.

When Dieredon touches her hand, she has an initial reaction that seems as if she is going to pull her hand away, but she hesitates, glances at Dieredon, smiles, and then leaves her hand there, until Calex is finished.

It is a lot to take in, but Hillary appears to grasp it all. She leans back, pulling her hand away from Dieredon, and stares hard at Calex. She looks down at the document on the table, and then back at the two friends again. Finally she says,

NPC: F Alodoan-Urandoman/Half-Elven

Well, this is big. Really big, but it might be the right thing to do. I’ll go into Castletown tomorrow and work out the terms of the loan with Sabrine. I’ll need some time to make sure things are taken care of here, then I’ll hire someone to take me to Woodbridge, maybe in a week, and we can look at sites. If we are on the ball here, we can break ground in early summer, and have the walls and roof up before winter, might even be ready to open by the middle of winter. Of course, the offer of a tax break is nice, but I’ll need to make sure there aren’t other hidden costs, like locals jacking up the prices on basic foods or wages for the construction, and I’ll want to make sure that there are no local taverns pushing to drive me under by undercutting my prices. Will this be the first full service Inn in Woodbridge? How soon do you think a regular trade route can be established south of Woodbridge that I can count on?”


---Day 7, Woodbridge, afternoon at the Bread and Board

Oscar greats Marcus with a hearty , ”Hello, young Dale.” He then smiles, listening to Marcus, nods and says, ”Well I was going to save the pies for tonight, but for you, why not, as long as you are paying in coin, and not trade, haha. I need to pay bills this month and I’m running a little short. The pie will cost you seven copper pieces.”

Alinda puts a hand on Marcus’ arm and says, ”I glad you came. I was just telling Oscar that I might be moving to Woodbridge proper and was asking him if he thought I could afford to pay to have a small cottage built near the water. What do you think?”

Before Marcus can answer, Rosilindeae comes into the Bread and Board and comes right over to where Alinda is standing next to Marcus. Her face is fixed in a scowl, and she is stern,

”Alinda, what are you doing here? I told you that we were going home, and asked you to find Patricia and tell so that she would know we left. I don’t see Patricia here, now come on,” Rosilindeae looks at Marcus and tries to give him a smile, but it is forced.

”I was thinking of staying tonight, in case, in case Auria needed someone to go back to MacNorra house for anything tomorrow. I’ll be alright here,” when she talks she is looking at Marcus, and not at Rosilindeae.

Marcus should make a Sense Motive Check

Rosilindeae is furious, and looks at Marcus with a frown, then she turns and takes Alinda by the hand saying, ”You’ll do no such thing. Alinda Filineae Colinaria, I promised your mother that I would take care of you, and you are coming home with me now.”

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Dieredon smiles broadly.

There is one small tavern, The Bread and Board. The fare is good and the prices reasonable. There is no doubt that a larger establishment with rooms to let would do quite well considering the anticipated growth and trade route.

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

Marcus will smile at everyone, Well thank you Oscar I do appreciate you letting your delectable pies go early, as Marcus will give the man 1 silver piece and tell him to keep the change. As a way to say thank you for all the hard work they do in the kitchen.

sense: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Marcus ponders the question posed to him, but before he can formulate an answer, Rosalindae enters the tavern and takes Alinda away. He sits down, and replays the event in his mind, searching for any clues as to what just happened and the true meaning behind the event.

Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Alomar holds his hand up in the air to signal the others to stop. He stops as well and addresses the pack. "Good day to you, are you seeking something?"


---Day 7, the Fox Wood

When Alomar addresses the pack, several of the wolves raise their heads, while others keep them down, but one by one the wolves come to a stop.

A thin, charcoal coated wolf steps close to Alomar and looks up at him.

”Greetings, cousins of the wild,” the wolf speaks!

”Our paths have crossed, and as is in the traditions of our ancestors, I great you as a friend, for now. We seek to move on and do not desire a test of spirit. I am called Araco, and I speak for the pack. My father is Gan, and my mother is our leader, she is called Sookam. We are displaced and have been traveling for many days. Our brothers in this forest have told us that you, our cousins of the wild, have claims to the hunt here for more than a run and we honor your claims and will keep moving to the south and look for a new home. But, please, cousins of the wild, if you have food you can spare we would beg for your generosity for we would not commit the crime of a false hunt and bring shame to our pack.”

Alomar is unsure how to return the words of the wolves, he tries the best he can:

"Greetings cousin of the wild, we greet you likewise as a friend and hope to greet you as a friend the next time we meet. I am Alomar and I speak for this little pack. Our packleaders live in the wooden place south of here. We will share our food with you and share as friends should. If your pack is in need of more then walk with us and I will do my utmost to see that you get all the food you need."

with that Alomar retrieves all the food he can share from his pack and offers that to the wolves.


Day 7, the Fox Wood

When the food is placed on the ground, first two old looking wolves approach, and slowly begin to eat, after a moment other wolves take a share.

Araco, speaks, ”Thank you Cousin Alomar, but we must decline your offer of journeying with you to you homes. There is another pack that runs in these woods, and we must keep moving to the east. Tell me, Cousin Alomar, you travel with a strange pack. None of them are of your kind. Do you lead this pack or are you, like me, the one who speaks for your pack? Also, cousin Alomar, can you tell me if the strangers, the new cousins of the two legged kind, run to the south where your packleaders run?”

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus, not one willing to intrude so fast, still decides to jump in.
"Greetings Araco. I guess our group, though we are different, we are of the same pack. At least us three big ones, we've just met Caorann, the little one."

He lays down all the meat he still has left in his trail rations and hopes it can sustain the wolves for a while longer.

Alomar is trying to make sense of the wolves words and decides that Araco calls the Alodoans the strangers.

"Thank you cousin Araco for sharing that information. Can you share your opinion whether this other pack will allow us to travel without hindrance through these woods?

The strangers seem to be everywhere these days. They stay mostly in the stone place to the north east, but some have come to visit us in our place south of here."

Alomar thinks for a while and then speaks again

"Cousin Araco, did you mean that there is a place to the south where more Maetaur run? Or did you mean our place in the bend of the river?"


"Cousin Poseus. What you say is not strange to us, and we know our cousins run in packs that are different from our own, but know that in this, our first meeting cousin, as is required of the old ways, we great you in peace. The good folk are alwasy friends to our kind and I hope your meeting of cousin Caorann is a sign of good fortune for your pack."

"Yes, cousin Alomar, there is a large pack of your kind, of the four legged cousins, that run far to the south, but I have heard no word on the wind that the strangers have moved so far in that direction. The strangers moved onto out hunt. We tried, at first, to live with the strangers, but they drove us off our hunt and killed some of our pack. We cannot speak to these strangers anymore for we are afraid. We have been displaced and now we search for a new hunt.”

Female Sahilyph Trickster 3

Caorann flits about

"Who are these strangers? What do they look like?"

"It hurts me to hear that the strangers have driven your pack of your hunt. I hope we meet again in the future, may you find a new hunt soon"

Alomar then turns to Caorann
"These strangers are of several species. They are olive skinned humans and also beings called elves and hallings. Elves are slightly shorter then humans, but more lithe and nimble. They have an almost fragile appearance. The halflings are about half the size of humans. I tend to avoid them, maybe Poseus or Phineas can tell you more about them"


Day 7, South of Castletown, at the Rising Sun

Hillary stands and takes Calex’s hand. She agrees to work together to make her dream come true.

She gives the pair a room for the night, free of charge, and packs some fresh food for their trip.

Dieredon and Calex set out early on Day 8. The sky is clear, and the weather is fair. Dieredon has some familiarity with the country now, and even though Calex protests, Dieredon presses toward Woodbridge with haste.

The two of you reach Woodbridge well after sunset (once Dieredon is close enough that he recognizes the safety of following the river, close to Woodbridge, he can keep going even by moonlight and star light).

You each say goodnight to each other and go off to your homes and get a good night’s rest.

With your permission I’d like to pause Dieredon and Calex until Day 9 in Woodbridge. My plan is to have Alomar, Phineas and Poseus return to Woodbridge on the evening of Day 7, and then have a “No Posts Required” Day 8, for those in Woodbridge (unless they have things that they need to address, we will try to keep it short) and then we will bring everyone together on Day 9, for a grand adventure! I hope ;)

Alomar, Poseus, Phineas, Caorann - let's finish up this encounter, and get everyone into Woodbridge where Caorann can interact, for the first time, with the people there

Marcus - I've got a post that needs to be edited and put up for you, and then we can get you back to the workshop

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

I look forward to seeing what is in store. All I plan on doing daay 8 is craft armor so I am easy to do :)

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Unsure what to say, Phineas stands in the rear while the others chat with the wolves. He listens to the speech, trying hard to put together the story told by the speaking wolf.

"I can't wait until we get back to the Village. Maybe Calex and DD will be back from Castletown. I can't wait to tell them all we've learned of the wild wood, and our insignificant place in it."

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3
Terquem wrote:

... then we will bring everyone together on Day 9, for a grand adventure! I hope ;)

I have this sudden flashback from the Hobbit movie of Bilbo running across the field screaming "I'm going on an ADVENTURE!" ;D But anyway, I'm good with a pause to let you set things up. I'll check back Monday after the weekend.

We'll be right back!

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Sounds good...

Encounter is over as far as Alomar is concerned, apparently "I hope we meet again in the future, may you find a new hunt soon " was not enough of a dismissal ;-)

On day 8 Alomar will report back to the Maetaur elders, nothing else that needs to be done except the obvious delivering the cure.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

As the strange wolfpack moves off silently looking for new hunting grounds, Phineas feels a strange sense of homesickness. "How long before we are back to Woodbridge?" he asks the others. "I am ready to sleep in my own humble bed tonight. Adventuring may be fine for some, but the comforts of home speak to me more."

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

"You are not the only one in that Phineas. I myself long for a little rest as well."
Poseus pauses for a moment.

"Though with what has been going on, I doubt that that will happen or last long."
"I do wonder how things are going with Dieredon and Calex. If they could ease tensions with the Alodoans."

Female Sahilyph Trickster 3

She waives at the wolves as the move on.

"Well I for one am looking forward to all these new people!"

Caorann will spend the rest of the trip back asking questions about the town and its inhabitants


Day 7, Woodbridge, the Bread and Board, afternoon

You get the feeling that Rosalindeae is not comfortable with the idea of Alinda spending time around you, but you aren’t sure that you can convince yourself that it is not you, exactly, and maybe it is all human men in general. It leaves you feeling a bit awkward.

Marcus finishes another day’s work, and goes to sleep.

Day 7, the Fox Wood, and home

You gain a bonus rank in Knowledge Local, relating to Woodbridge and its inhabitants

Alomar, Poseus, Phineas and Caorann bid farewell to the wolves, and set out once again for Woodbridge. The sun begins to set in a clear, cloudless sky sending long shadows stretching through the trees.

Alomar recognizes some of the landscape and sets the course through the Fox Wood. In just a short time, well before it is too dark to risk travelling, you all reach the Maetaur settlement. Rosalindeae is elated to see you all returned safely, and wishes to hear the stories you have to tell. But Alomar, showing her a measure of maturity she was not expecting, stands firm and tells her that they must go on into Woodbridge, if they want to save young Roan.

Rosalindeae summons a few of the older Maetaur from the settlement and as a group you are escorted through the night to the Oghan home.

The sound of so many travelling through the fields and over the hard packed dirt of the small country roads that wind through the cottages and farms of Lakeside rouses the sleeping village and soon a following of curious humans, elves and halflings, some carrying lanterns, are behind you.

They whisper, these followers, as they see you have done something no one in this village has ever done before. You have actually returned with one of the good folk with you. And that is something that people will talk about.

As you cross the bridge into Riverside, it sounds like the march of an army, and soon there are lights in every window.

The Oghan household is awake before you reach the Bread and Board, and Oscar and Lulu are in tears as you present them the antidote. Phineas and Alomar ensure the instructions are clear, and a silence spreads through the crowd as you retell the tale of meeting the queen of the lyph village beyond the green wood.

Oscar offers you all something to eat, and a stout lager to refresh you from your day’s march.

It is late, and when folks have heard all they think they need to hear, they wander off back to their homes, repeating the stories, undoubtedly making them out to be more than what was initially said.

Poseus is offered a night’s rest at the Goodwell residence, Phineas returns home, and Alomar is asked if he will stay in Woodbridge tonight, or return to the Maetaur settlement.

Caorann is allowed to sleep in the tavern, and Lulu makes a comfortable bed for her, by standing on a ladder and tucking several woolen blankets into a hollow space near the peak of the tavern roof away from the smoke of the fire. It is a quiet, dry, and roomy space place from where Caroann can see the door and every table in the inn, but remain well out of sight if she needs to.

End of Day 7

The morning of Day 8, in Woodbridge, begins with a young boy, Tram Mitterson, running from house to house announcing the good news that Roan Oghan is well and recovering from the poison just as the good folk said he would.

Day 8, sees Dieredon and Calex travelling across the moors toward Woodbridge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus happily accepts the invitation to sleep at the Goodwell residence, or more precisely at their sheep barn, it is too late to go home anyway.

When Oscar offers the ale he accepts and enjoys it while talking with the rest, but still he feels like there is something gnawing at him, a feeling that makes him more quiet than usual.

When the bread and Board emtpies and the group splits up for a good night's rest, he claps them one by one on the shoulder. "It's been a good adventure, hope we can get together a next time under more joyous circumstances to travel to the good folk."

When he gets to the Goodwell residence with the rest of that family, he thanks them and says good night. He still looks troubled as he leaves for the shed.
As he lays down on the straw and hay and his mind begins to wander.

That was quite an adventure. I've seen more of this new world than most youngsters of my people. The good folk are a special race with a beautiful culture, but I felt so out of place there. Was I so out of line to defend my friends and myself? Should I've tried to kncok him out instead? Am I really that bloodthirsty? I used to hunt and kill for food, was I too eager to kill when I didn't need to?

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

We are close to home, Calex. Let us press on. With any luck, we can make the Bread and Board by mid-day. I suggest that we share our appointments in a sort of town meeting. I will gladly let you do the talking.

@Terquem: I was wondering if you could place a few more of the settlements, like the Maetaur, Gymnaga and Liph on our map?

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

day 7 craft: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26 vs DC 13

338/7=48 towards goal...236/250

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3

"In truth Dieredon, I'm nervous about how the village will react. Many will resent the changes we bring. The Bread & Board may well be run out of business with a new inn to compete with, leading people to resent the newcomers. When the road goes through, how will the new traffic affect our neighbors, the Maetaur and Gymnaga?" Calex sighs, then looks up at the tall elf beside him. "I hope I'm just worried over nothing- after all even with the changes coming, it will still be a better lot than Woodbridge ever had under the old warlords. I hope people will see that."

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

Marcus, ponders the feeling given off by Rosalindae. He doesn't know what to make of it. [i]Is it me? Was it something I said or did? Hmm, well, no use thinking about it right now. There is work that needs to be done. I am so close to finishing up the fine leather[i].

After the momentary thought, Marcus heads back to the shop to finish the studded leather armor. He puts those thoughts out of his mind and gets to work, but doesn't work to the bone. He takes it a little easy and finishes in the early evening with the leather.

10 + 13 = 23


Female Sahilyph Trickster 3

Caorann thanks the proprietors profusely for the space.

As she settles down to sleep
So many new people to meet! And I can watch them all from here! These Big Folk are friendlier than what I was told.

Caorann wakes up early and sets out about "furnishing" her new home with some plants and coins. She talks to the people of woodbridge as they start their day, trying to make new friends among the inhabitants.

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus gets up quite early the next day, having had a fitful sleep, he goes into the Goodwell House and looks to see if anyone is awake.
If nobody is awake yet
Seeing no-one is awake yet, Poseus practices his spear throws after placing a lid of an old barrel as a target.

I might need some throwing spears, instead of the ones I have now. These feel too heavy to throw them.
He goes on for some time when one of the Goodwell's sees him and calls out to him for breakfast.

After a short and simple breakfast, he thanks them for their hospitality for letting him stay the night once more and asks them what he can do to repay the favour.

Afterwards he makes for his own village, he's torn between land travel and swimming through the river.


End of Day 7, officially

It is dark when Alomar returns to Mingary bend and he is well received by Cicily and her family. She insists that Alomar relate all that he has learned in the short time he has been away. While he explains what has happened, she listens intently, nodding occasionally, and then even putting her hand on his arm when he describes the encounter with the boggards. She asks a few questions about the lyphs, but then asks him to explain again his experiences at the sacred site on the Hill of the Cairns. Cicily asks Alomar if he is certain that he could lead her to this shrine, and tells him that she will begin making preparations for a sacred ceremony and procession to the shrine and that the Maetaur of Mingary bend will now take it up[on themselves to ensure the place is protected and preserved.

It is Day 8 in Woodbridge

Poseus rises early and is served a breakfast of fresh vegetables and honey with bread by Elizabeth Goodwell. She asks him about his adventures, and Poseus tells her what happened. When he tells her that a lyph returned with them from the lyph village, Elizabeth’s eyes grow wide with wonder and excitement and she takes Poseues by the arm, before he can finish his meal, and drags him to the Bread and Board to introduce her to the fairy.

While Caorann goes about making her little corner in the ceiling of the Bread and Board her “home” she discovers a loose tile of the ceiling* where there is a gap between the lattice framework just large enough for her to use as a door. The opening, through the tile which can be pivoted in place, emerges under a corner below a peak of the roof, and has not been discovered because it is well sheltered from the rain, and it can be uses as a little porch for her new home. Oscar and Lulu don’t seem to mind as the number of customers this morning in the little tavern has triples as word gets around and people come to get a look at an actual fairy living in the rafters.

Before noon, Marcus finishes the Armor, and examines the work. He is satisfied with what he has accomplished and loses himself in tidying up the shop in preparation for the next task. He doesn’t even realize how much time has passed until he hears voices in the distance. While he is in the open area of his family’s shop he hears a commotion as a crowd of people are headed toward the bridge.

Dieredon and Calex have returned, and not forgetting their purpose they go straight to Auria’s home and deliver the medicines for the soldiers. Auria does not waste the two men’s time with questions, but she insists they stay for just a while as she follows the doctor’s instructions and prepares the treatment.

Word spreads of their return and people of Lakeside begin to gather outside of Auria’s home and demand to speak to Dieredon and Calex. The word quickly spreads to Riverside and more people begin to converge on Auria’s gate.

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Calex, would you care to address the masses here with an announcement of our new appointments?


Did I mention it was a particularly good day to harvest vegetables, and everyone is carrying them...jk!

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3

Calex shoots Dieredon a pointed look, then squares his shoulders & steps out to face the gathering crowd.
"My friends! As you may have heard Dieredon and myself have succeeded in getting the help we needed from Castletown for the sickness that threatened us recently. The good news for most of you is that the illness is only truly virulent against the Alodoans. Even with them, a treatment is known and we have returned with this medicine and instructions from the Castletown healers on how to make more. This threat, thanks to the knowledge the Empire brought, has been lessened to something we can manage and weather.
There is other news you should know. The Castletown Lord has been killed- assassinated by killers intent to destabilize the Empire's grasp and seize our land for their own. While some might fear the Empire, these others open up the possibility of the return of the era of warlords and extortion. With this attack, the Alodoans look about for enemies to find...and allies to help them. Dieredon and I gave them reason to look to us as allies. While we failed to save the Lord of Castletown, we rescued his daughter from the assassins. This favor showed the Alodoans that they had friends in Woodbridge. To secure that friendship they gave Dieredon charge of their forest runners- scouts that warn & ward Castletown of danger, and now warn US as well. The Empire has extended its shield over our heads."
Calex pauses and takes a deep breath before he continues. "The hand holding that me! Castletown, as thanks for her daughter's life and my wish to keep Woodbridge as much under our local authority as the Empire would allow, gave me the peerage of Woodbridge as my knighthood's demesne. May the all the Gods of Light help me." Calex runs his hands through his hair and leans against Aurie's door post, and looks out over his friends, his neighbours...his people.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus agrees to take Elizabeth to the Bread and Board, he didn't have much choice at all in the matter however as she almost pulled him away as soon as he had breakfast.

"Would you please calm down Elizabeth?" He says as he hurriedly quaffs his drink, before pulled outside.
He hurries after her, making quick pace as Elizabeth seems unable to keep her excitement down.

"The lyph that traveled back with us is called Caorann. Please don't stare at her too long, I've experienced that they don't like it when you do." He explains to Elizabeth as they come up to Woodbridge proper.

When he comes to the Bread and Board he hails Oscar and Lulu. "Morning Oscar, morning Lulu. How fare you today? Busy with the tourists from Woodbridge?" he says as he smiles and points at where Caorann stays at the tavern.

When someone comes in and tells that Dieredon and Calex have returned, Posesu looks up and salutes Oscar, Lulu and Elizabeth and hurries outside to Auria's house.
When Calex is done speaking he makes his way slightly to the front and raises his hand.
"So if I understand correctly, instead of possible problems with raiders we now have protection. But that protection comes at the price of being integrated into the Empire just like that?" Poseus frowns and rubs his neck.

"I like the both of you, but I'm not sure I like how that sounds. Trade and a defensive pact aye, but this feels like we have somehow been conquered without even a fight."

Terquem wrote:
Word spreads of their return and people of Lakeside begin to gather outside of Auria’s home and demand to speak to Dieredon and Calex. The word quickly spreads to Riverside and more people begin to converge on Auria’s gate.

I am assuming that word did not spread to Mingary Bend

After Alomar has left Cicily he went back to his parent's house and related everything there. In the morning he goes back to Cicily.

"Cicily, can you give me some advice? So much is happening in the area and I am at a loss what to do. The wolves told me there are more Maetaur settlements to the south, and I really would like to go out and meet with them. On the other hand Poseus and Phineas have turned out to be good companions, and I would like to spend more time with them. Phineas however has told us that he also needed time to think and that he feels he needs to spend more time at the temple.

Alomar pauses to gather a thought. "And then there was the shrine, it was amazing and I really would like to help you in the ceremony"

Alomar looks at Cicily, it is obvious that the young Maetaur is in doubt. There is also something he is not saying out loud, but probably the experienced Cicily will know what it is.

Alomar has a crush on Darlene, I think she could be a bard or rogue, the don't think to much type where Alomar is a lot more serious.

Calex, Terquem, what is with the vegetables? I am not getting it.

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