The Beginning of All Things (Inactive)

Game Master Terquem

How big is your world?

551 to 600 of 2,443 << first < prev | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | next > last >>

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Remembering some wives tale about moss growing on the north side of trees, Phineas tires to suggest the right path to Alomar if he has any questions about the right way to go. But it turns out that story is really more of a myth, and Phineas' woodcraft is revealed to be quite fraudulent.

Knowing he his out of his element, Phineas then prays to Mithras the Wanderer to keep Alomar on the right path.

Aid Alomar Survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Cast Guidance, which gives +1 on next check for him.

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Aid Alomar Survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Taking special note of Alomar's skill in woodcraft, Poseus finds some small things on their way that Alomar had overseen, but can easily interpret to find their way.

Alomar is really good in this, I wonder if he even surpasses Dieredon in woodcraft.

Barely made that check.


Day 5, Marcus at Margie Toolwoad’s home afternoon

“The rig does need to be fixed,” Margie says and then she manages an awkward smile. “But I’ve nothing to pay you for it, unless you’d accept the beaver pelts that Mister Die eridon has managed to bring me. I have three will that pay for a new rig or at least some new parts that will keep it from giving up on me for a while longer?”
Marcus earns 300 experience points


Day 6, Dierecon and Calex at Castletown, early afternoon

Lord Anticus smiles, and then puts his arm around his daughter’s
shoulders and says, “Very good then, please see Mister Amsolet on the second floor of the Hall, and I shall return in a short time and when I have returned I will send someone to find you and we will speak then. Thank you Dieredon and Calex of Woodbridge.”

You get a strong feeling that Anticus’s daughter has found you interesting, and is probably attracted to you. You’d like to say something, but Dieredon hurries you out of the stable and across the courtyard toward the great hall.

Dieredon and Calex make small talk as they cross the courtyard. There is a stair, the first few feet of it are made of stone and then it is made of wood built against the south wall of the great hall, on the outside of the hall and it leads to a door that accesses the offices on the second floor. Just as you reach the bottom of the stair, you hear the sound of horses riding out of the stable at a mild gallop. You turn and see Lord Anticus and his daughter and you watch them for a moment as they ride out through the main gate, and then you begin to ascend the stairs.

You climb the stairs feeling confident that your report will be brief and comprehensive.

When you open the door to the offices, your world is turned upside down.

A man, obviously dead, is sprawled across a desk, with a large knife handle protruding from his back. And on the floor in front of the desk is another dead body. This one is a female elf. The dead elf lies in a pool of blood. Just as you realize that the dead man is Amsolet, and before you can take another step, there is a scream that comes from the stables, followed immediately by the shouts of men, and the clang of steel.


Day 5, Alomar, Phineas, and Poseus afternoon in the Fox Woods

Alomar slows for a moment, examines the trees around you, and then looks around for a moment, before he tells you that he knows the way, and leads you to the edge of the wood.

You leave the wood and before you, stretching to the north as far as you can see, is an expanse of short grass and wild flowers, and there a few miles too far to make out clearly, are the piles of stones of the Hill of The Cairns. You set out in that direction and try to keep a steady pace that accommodates everyone’s natural speed.

You are only walking for a few moments when you find something unusual in the grass. It is an arrow, and it is large. It is nothing like the hunting arrows you’ve seen used by the people of Woodbridge. The shaft is heavy, the fetching crude, and the tip is a wicked and sharp piece of worked flint. The shaft is broken in two, and the arrow head has wet blood on it.

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Come Calex!

Dieredon draws and arrow to his bow and rushes back down the stairs and to the direction of the stables and the sounds of screams.


When Calex and Dieredon enter the Stable a fight will be in progress. Roll Initiative! I will be working on a map

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

My apologies to all for my absence, I was certain I had informed you, however somehow I did not

Can we pretend the question about Alomar's love has not been asked? I do not think it makes sense to play that out now

At the sight of the arrow Alomar stops.

Poseus, Phineas, Stop! Do you see that arrow lying there?

Can you keep a keen eye on our surroundings while I examine it?

Alomar goes forward and examines the arrow.

have never seen the likes of this. It is very crude and what's more; there is still fresh blood on the tip. Have you ever seen such an arrow? Please look around for a trail, whatever was shot by this arrow can not be far away.

Alomar tries to find a trail or any other marks.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Perception without keen hearing bonus of +2

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Sure thing

As Alomar spots the arow lying around Poseus thinks to himself.
Well that's not the usual size of arrows, what creature would make these?

"Right Alomar, I'll keep a watchful eye out."
Perception to lookout: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Survival to find blood trail: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas looks the arrow over but cannot fathom where it might have come from. He joins the others in looking about for more evidence, but is unable to concentrate much given this field is the farthest from home he's ever been; his eyes continually flick up to the Hill of the Cairns ahead, their destination.

Aid Another Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Aid Another Survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3

Calex pauses a moment to cast his armor spell upon himself, then hurries after Dieredon.
Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

at Margie Tollwoad's

[b]I would be happy to fix the rig for you. Why don't we consider it payment for the nice wool padding you gave me for the scraps of leather. Besides, I wouldn't know the first thing to do with the beaver pelts, I work with larger game like steer and the occasional wolf. Smaller game like beaver, otter, and coon are your expertise I say. I should be able to start it tomorrow and get it finished by dinner time at he latest. I will be by this way tonight to pick it up then will see you again when its finished[b]

Assuming all is agreed to

Marcus will take the wool padding back to the shop. When there he will start to work the padding, cutting it into the desired length for the armor he is working on. He won't work too terribly intense as he know the Maetur men will be by soon to pick up their order.


Day 5, Alomar, Phineas and Poseus, north of the Fox Woods

Alomar searches the grass and fines a few drops of blood, but cannot find a trail. He looks in every direction, but does not see anything out of the ordinary.

Poseus keeps a watchful eye, and Phineas stays close trying to be helpful.

Suddenly, from the Fox Woods some hundred yards away an arrow similar to the one that was found flies through the air. The trajectory is high, but it is aimed toward the three of you. The arrow sails over Phineas’ head and thumps into the ground.

Roll for initative!

once initiative is established the three of you will have a choice of fleeing, away from the attack or rushing back toward the Fox Wood to confront the attacker. It is impossible to see who fired the arrow, from 100 yards away and with the cover of the few trees of the Fox Wood.


Encounter at Stable, Initiative Order:

Attackers – 15
Dieredon – 12
Elven Woman – 11
Captain Haselton – 8
Calex – 5

Day 6, Calex and Dieredon, at the Castletown Castle Stables

Boo! Calex using a free opportunity to cast a spell before his turn in the order of initiative is a bit unorthodox, but I’ll let it go for now, ;)

When Calex and Dieredon reach the doors to the stable they see that the elderly halfling is sprawled on the ground near the south wall (L,7), and appears dead. The Elven woman (K,5) is being assaulted by a rough looking human man (K,7). She holds the man’s wrists, and desperately tries to keep a large knife held in one of his hands away from her.

In a Stall to the right two more human men are attacking Captain
Haselton. The men are armed each with a light mace and a large knife.

Haselton is armed with a long sword and dagger, and he blocks a few blows, but cannot counter attack.

The man attacking the Elven woman tries to stab her, pressing her arm forward against her will

melee attack while grappled: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 5 - 2 = 16

The knife plunges into her chest
damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

And the woman screams in pain.

Meanwhile the other two men keep trying to force Haselton into a position where they can come at from two sides at once, but the captain’s experience is working against the ruffians.

Melee attack on Haselton #1, I,7: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Melee attack on Haselton #2, I,8: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

With practice skill Haselton deflects one man’s mace with his sword, while he blocks the other man’s dagger with his own, and presses his back against the wall.

Dieredon is up

DM Notes:

K,6 has taken no damage
I,7 has taken 2 points of damage
I,8 has taken no damage
Elven Woman has taken 7 points of damage

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Poseus is alarmed and shouts. "Duck and take cover."

He looks to the arrow and then to Alomar and Phineas. What size is the arrow?
"Shall we go take a look?"


The arrow was fired from a medium sized bow, there is no doubt about that, but it is sized for war, not for hunting. It is heavy, and has a broad heavy head, made from stone, not metal.

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Round 1, HP: 11/11, AC: 15 (Charge), Charge, Flanking

Dieredon charges the man attacking the woman, and swings mightily with his Curveblade.

CB Att:: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 5 + 2 + 2 = 24
CB dam:: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

Alomar jumps up on all four legs as the arrow thumps into the ground.

Run to the plains! Let's get some ground between us and our assailants!

After a few seconds of running Alomar will slow down to a canter and stop to see what his friends did.

One round of running (120 ft) away from the woods

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

"Wait, don't run! Let's go see what this is. We need to know who the shooter is."

He proceeds stoop low and run forward toward the tree-line while readying his father's crossbow. Phineas keeps an eye open for any sign of the shooter.

Move forward 20' advance and ready weapon as Move Action.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

As Alomar is a very inexperienced combatant his first action will remain the same.

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus slithers towards the treeline, his spear in his hand. Eagerly looking around for any signs of people to identify.

Double Move toward the trees
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3

Round 1, HP:8/8, AC:17. Moves to sqr K-8, turns & attempts to cast Color Spray (DC:15 vs.WILL) at the 2 opponents attacking the Captain.
Calex follows Dieredon into the stable, and stops at his friend's back. He raises his hand and with a quick series of words and gestures, launches a chaotic burst of twisting lights at Captain's attackers, momentarily flooding the stable with a rainbow cascade of light.


Initiative Order:
Phineas – 19
Alomar – 16
Sashi-Anhain - 10
Poseus – 5

Fox Wood Encounter

Day 5, Turn 65 (time, approximately 10:40 am), round 1

After an arrow strikes the ground, Alomar bolts for the open grass to the north while Phineas and Poseus run toward the tree line where the attack originated. In the initial confusion some distance grows between the friends.

Poseus is 160 feet from the tree line, and he sees what appear to be three figures hiding behind small trees. The trees are not nearly large enough to conceal a person, but they do provide some cover and obscure vision. Phineas is 40 feet behind Poseus, 200 fee4t from the tree line, and he also can see three figures in the shadows. Alomar is now 340 feet from the tree line, 140 feet from Phineas.

One of the figures moves away from the protection of a tree, its movements are smooth, as if it glides to the side, and fires another arrow, this time aiming for Poseus.

Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 4 - 6 ⇒ (20) + 4 - 6 = 18

The arrow is true,
Confirm Crit: 1d20 + 4 - 6 ⇒ (5) + 4 - 6 = 3
And strikes Poseus narrowly missing a vital organ
Damage: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1

The other two figures move forward, from the cover of one tree to another, coming to the very edge of the tree line

End of Round 1

Phineas and Alomar are up

DM Notes:
SA #1 has taken no damage
SA #2 has taken no damage
SA #3 has taken no damage


Castletown, Castle Stable Encounter

Initiative Order:

Attackers – 15
Dieredon – 12
Elven Woman – 11
Captain Haselton – 8
Calex – 5

Day 6, Turn 86 (time 2:10 pm), Round 1

Dieredon rushes to help the Elven woman. With a slash of his blade Dieredon slices a gash across the man’s back. He does not scream, but he does groan from the pain, and he does not stop his assault on the woman.

Dieredon can make an Intuition or Perception Check to see if he can determine how injurious the blow was

Captain Haselton stands with his feet wide. Bending at the knees and slightly at the waist he makes himself a small target and shows his training with the practices of a quick and responsive posture. He waves his weapons slightly, trying to get a feel for the attackers next move, and then lunges forward at one of them.

Melee Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
And immediately follows through with a second attack with the same weapon
Melee Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

With his dagger gripped tightly, Haselton slashes first in one direction and then the other
First Blow: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Second Blow: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

As the wounded man staggers back, Calex rushes into the stable, turns and floods the stall where the men are fighting with a swirl of clashing colors
Will Save, I,7: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
Will Save, I,8: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

End of Round 1
Beginning of Round 2

Time seems to come to a stop for the two men attacking Haselton, they stand transfixed, blinking their eyes with their mouth’s hanging open.
The two men attacking Haselton are stunned for
1d4 ⇒ 2 rounds

The man attacking the Elven woman presses his advantage and tries to stab her again, regardless of the pain of his injury
melee attack while grappled: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 5 - 2 = 9

But he is too weak, or the woman has found new strength. His blade comes close to her chest but she keeps it back with all the strength she has.

DM Notes:

K,6 has taken 8 points of damage
I,7 has taken 2 points of damage
I,8 has taken 13 points of damage
Elven Woman has taken 3 points of damage

Alomar looks around to discuss a plan with his friends, only to notice that they are not around. He sees them in the distance and notices some persons in the tree line.

His face glows with shame at the thought that his friends might think he is abandoning them.

Alomar quickly gallops back toward the tree line.

Run action back, 4*30=120 ft back

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Is there any cover around besides the trees in the distance? If so Poseus makes haste towards that.

Poseus sees the arrow stick into his flesh and grimaces as he looks to the creatures in the distance.

Who or what are they that they attack simple travelers? Bandits perhaps? I haven't heard of bandits around Woodbridge at all though.

Poseus moves 30 feet closer, breaks the arrow, drops prone and watches from a distance if he can distinguish the shapes.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas runs forward another 20', the fastest he can and it feels like the slowest he's ever moved. Even though it's at a great distance, he fires his father's crossbow, not planning to hit so much as to cover the movements of his friends.

Crossbow at +1 range increment: 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 1 - 4 = 0

Nice shooting, Tex!

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Round 2, HP: 11/11, AC: 17, Flanking

Dieredon, not understanding how the man still stands, continues his efforts at stopping the attack upon the woman with another slash from his Curveblade.

CB Att: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 5 + 2 = 24
CB Dam: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9


Inititive order:
Attackers – 15
Dieredon – 12
Elven Woman – 11
Captain Haselton – 8
Calex – 5

Day 6, Turn 86 (time 2:10 pm), Round 2

As the man attacking the elven woman struggles to try and drive his knife into her, Diredon brings down his blade hard on the man’s shoulder just below his neck. The blow is fatal, and the attacker goes immediately limp and collapses forward onto the woman. She shoves the man to the side and throws herself into Dieredon’s arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

Captain Haselton recognizes the effct Calex’s spell has had on the two men and he kicks opne of the men to the ground, turns his dagger around and clocks the second man on the side of the head with the pommel of the blade.

“Grab some rope and help me tie them up,” Haselton shouts at Calex.


Initiative Order:

Phineas – 19
Alomar – 16
Sashi-Anhain - 10
Poseus – 5

Fox Wood Encounter

Day 5, Turn 65 (time, approximately 10:40 am), round 2

Phineas moves cautiously forward and fires blindly into the woods, the bolt from his crossbow disappears, but he notices that it gets the attention of the men in the woods, and he sees them try to shelter behind the small trunks of the trees they stand behind.

Alomar runs back to where he started as his new friends bravely, or is it foolishly, run toward whoever it is that is attacking them.

The one attacker with a bow moves slightly to his side and takes aim at Poseus again

Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 - 4 = 10

The arrow sails to Poseus’ left

The other two attackers seem to get ready to move forward, they take a step, but the one with the bow turns to them, and waves a hand, possible saying something to them, and they withdrawl back behind the trees

Poseus moves forward, and searches for cover, but there is nothing around but grass, the trees are still 130 feet ahead of him.

End of round 2

Poseus is 140 feet from the attacker with a bow, who is 10 feet behind the tree line, Phineas is 50 feet behind Poseus, and Alomar is 220 feet from the tree line, 40 feet behind Phineas


Meanwhile back in Woodbridge, Marcus hears shouting in the village,

“Marcus, Patricia, someone come quickly!”

When Marcus rushes out of his house, he sees the Maetaur men who had come to the village the day before, there are four of them, and two of the men are helping a third Maetaur, he is a young man with dark red hair and fair skin. The young Maetaur man is bleeding, heavily, from a wound on his right front flank. The wound is bound but the bandages are soaked with blood.

[b] “Markus, fetch your healer, the One-handed witch. Garnin has been wounded by an arrow. He was out in the Fox Wood examining the trees there for signs of the infestation that is affecting our trees here when some unseen attacker struck him with an arrow. He fled, in a panic, to the north and was able to lose the attacker and circled back to our village, but Cicily has gone to MacNorra House, and we didn’t think he’d make it till she returned. We’ve done everything we can but the bleeding won’t stop and he’s getting weaker by the moment,” an older male Maetaur, with dark hair peppered with grey and a salt and pepper beard shouts toward Marcus when he appears.

Alomar shouts to his friends:

Get back, they can easily kill you with their weapons, do not be a fool and think you are a warrior!!!

He draws a spear from his back and slowly moves forward, hoping that his friends pay heed to his shout.

Move 1: draw weapon, Move 2: Move forward 30 ft

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

It's alright now ma'am.

After consoling her for a moment, Dieredon gently disentangles himself from the embrace.

Let me help you, gentlemen.

Dieredon aids in the securing of the two prisoners.

Captain, what exactly is going on here? Who are these guys?

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

Marcus comes running out of his house, trying to swallow down a bit of food as he does so. Hm..wha..ugh. What's going on?!. Marcus will listen to the Maetur's tale briefly, then run off towards Auria's house to fetch her healing hand.

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus looks on as the figures move back in the woods.
"Phineas!" he calls out to his friend.
"Do we pursue them? I'd like to know more about them, but we need cover or we will be hit by a lucky shot."

If Phineas says to investigate, Poseus stands and moves up 30 feet again to the treeline. If Phineas stands down, he'll stay on the ground and wath the trees carefully.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas looks startled when Poseus starts deferring to him. "Am I in charge of this expedition? I'm certainly not sure what to do let alone to be in charge..."

Surveying the situation with grim determination, Phineas decides they must at least see who these shooters are. He can't abide the thought of brigands or worse in the area around Woodbridge on top of all the other things.

"Hold there a moment, Poseus. I'll be right there. Alomar come up when you can but keep a little distance between us."

Move up even with Poseus. That takes a double move if he's 30' ahead.

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3

Calex grabs whatever rope is handy I assume a stable should have lots of it around and begins to help secure the 2 stunned attackers. Given time, he also takes their weapons away and tosses them out of reach in case they recover before we can finish tying them up. As the defenders work to secure the attackers, Calex asks "Captain, are you all right? Do your wounds need treating? And you, milady? Are you badly injured?"


Initiative Order:

Phineas – 19
Alomar – 16
Sashi-Anhain - 10
Poseus – 5

Fox Wood Encounter

Day 5, Turn 65 (time, approximately 10:40 am), round 3

Phineas runs to catch up to Poseus, while Alomar readies a spear and moves forward as quickly as he can.

Now that Poseus is prone, the archer in the woods takes aim and fires an arrow at Phineas’

Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 - 4 = 8

But The arrow sails to Phineas' right.

Poseus delayed his action and now can reset his Initiative to go at the same time as Phineas, just before Alomar


Day 6, Turn 86 (time 2:10 pm), Round 2

In the Stables at Castletown

Captain Haselton hurries. The two men recover their wits and blink the colors out of their eyes but working as fast as they can with scraps of rope hanging on the walls nearby, leaders for bridles and other ropes, they secure the men’s hands and feet.

“I don’t know who these men are,” Haselton says to Dieredon, and then turns to Calex, “That was smart thinking son. Tell me are you an apprentice to lady D’Amertine, the Mage?”

When he is certain the men are secure, he stands. He moves toward Dieredon and says, “It’s a good thing you didn’t get far before these men attacked. Quickly now, go and fetch the Keeper of the Grounds, Mister Amsolet, and the Watch from the main gate.”

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Aye, Captain! Wait here, Calex, I will return.

Dieredon rushes to retrieve the Keeper of the grounds and alert the Watch from the main gate before returning to the stables.


You found the keeper of the grounds dead, remember

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Oh My! Forgot!

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Captain, the Keeper of the Grounds is dead in his office. We discovered him when we first heard the screams from the stable. I will fetch the Watch at the front gate immediately, sir!

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

"I think we need to find out who is taking shots at us. Even if it's only brigands, we can't let them operate this close to town unmolested. I am no tactician, but we should spread out a bit and look to flank them, then pinch back together. I will take the center if you take the right, Alomar to the left."

Provided Poseus agrees, Phineas will motion to Alomar to take the left flank and circle back to the middle. That done, Phineas will say a blessing on the Gymnaga and cast Sanctuary which should protect him until he's ready to attack in a bit.

Standard Action - cast Sanctuary, Move Action - waived until the others get in position to advance.

It looks like Alomar wants to say something, although he remains silent for a second

Since when is Phineas the leader of our small band? His plan makes sense though. Now is not the time to argue, but this needs to be discussed.

I will go to the left, wait a second while I help you with a bit of magic

Alomar casts a spell and moves of to the left.

Standard Action: Cast Bless, Move action: move 30'

Edit: linkified Bless

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus nods at Phineas suggestions. "That would be good if we weren't such targets out in the open..."

Then Phineas's magic comes along and he explains what it does, Poseus is dumbstruck and grins. "That is very kind of you Phineas, now we can get close enough."

Then Poseus waits for Phineas and Alomar, before speeding across the fields to the trees.

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3

Calex watches as Die rushes off, then turns back to the Captain. "No, sir- I'm not one of Lady D'Amertine's students. I'm largely self-taught. I was told, however to seek her out if I want to further my studies, but I'm rather apprehensive about approaching her with so little to offer. With no family or patron to support me while I study, my learning has been spotty as I also maintain an alchemy & glass-work craft business to support myself. Magic is my true passion, however. But sir- Your attackers- was the halfling among them, or was he another victim? We found the remains of another halfling some days from here near my home in Woodbridge, and were coming to report it and ask if you could send someone to help train up a village militia to allow us to protect ourselves. There's been strange things happening all over it seems.


Day 6, Castletown Stables

“Good heavens, Mister Fontaine!” Captain Haselton cries as Calex mentions the fallen Halfling gentleman, and then as he looks across the room to see the body of his friend he notices the Elven woman leaning against the wall clutching at her breast.

“Misses Lavin!” Haselton gasps, and then rushes to the woman’s side. He takes her in his arms, and then says to Calex, “Calex, son, stay here, and when your friend returns with the guards from the gate tell them to take these men directly to the bailiff in the east tower, and see to it that they are locked away immediately and that no one is allowed to visit them. I have no idea who these men are, but I have a suspicion that this was a planned attack on the leaders of this town,” he continues to talk as he slowly helps the elven woman walk toward the doors leading out of the stable. “I am taking Misses Lavin to the chapel to see Madame Duplay, our chief physician. We’ve had a suspicion for some time that certain revolutionary elements within the area might be plotting some kind of threat, but I had no idea they would dare take it this far and it is possible – Wait!”

Haselton stops suddenly and turns around.

“Lord Anticus and his daughter could be in great peril right at this moment. If this attack was planned then I fear others like these men may have ambushed Anticus. There is no time to lose, come we have to find your friend.”


Dieredon runs to the main gate. He explains the attack on Captain Hazelton to the guards. The female elven guard draws a large steel whistle from her jacket, suspended on a chain around her neck, and begins blowing it sharply as she and the other guard follow Dieredon back across the courtyard toward the stable. Captain Haselton and Calex are emerging from the stable as Dieredon and the guards arrive.

Haselton hands the injured elven woman off to the human guard and addresses the elven female.

“Angoline, be quick and muster the guard. There are two men, bound on the ground in the stable, get them behind bars immediately and see to it that they have no visitors. There is another man, dead, as well, have his body guarded until Madame Duplay can send someone to collect it.” Hepoints to Dieredon and Calex, and continues, ” Dieredon of Woodbridge and Young Master Calex will need horses immediately. Someone find Georgiana Rulais, she knows the roads that Lord Anticus usually takes when he rides for pleasure. We must find Lord Anticus as quickly as possible to insure his safety. Dieredon, Calex, as Captain of the Aladoan military of this town I am conscripting you, only temporarily, into the force responsible for Lord Anticus’ personal protection, you will take orders from Georgiana Rulais, follow her and assist her in every way you can. It may already be too late.”

He then turns to the human male and says, “Darvin, take Misses Lavin to Madame Duplay, ensure she is treated and resting comfortably, then inform the Doctor that there are two bodies in the stable, an unknown assassin and Mister Fontaine of the Printers Guild. I want Mister Fontain’s body prepared in accordance with all the Aladoan rites due a man of his position and prominence, but the other body is to be held until it is clear we have permission to perform test on the dead man to determine who he was and where he may have gotten his orders.”

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Upon the arrival of the horses, Dieredon expertly mounts and turns to Calex.

Ride: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Well, my friend, it appears that duty calls. We wait on our orders from Georgiana Rulais, but be prepared to ride and ride hard to the aid of Lord Anticus.

Dieredon checks his weapons and armor and impatiently awaits the arrival of their superior.

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