The Beginning of All Things (Inactive)

Game Master Terquem

How big is your world?

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HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

"Thanks for the offer Phineas, but I too have problems with climbing stairs and ladders. I might inquire at Elizabeth and her parents to stay the night in their barn, hopefully they are still up."

Poseus saw Phineas shake his head, wondering if they could both have thought the same thing about Calex and Dieredon.

"Goodnight Marcus, Alomar, Phineas" he says with a quick nod to each of them.


Okay we can move Alomar, Phineas and Poseus to day 5, finally, whew. I'll wrap up a bit with Dieredon before I move him and Calex to day 6. Alomar - please go ahead and make suggestions for the Maetaur part of Woodbridge, we currently have "Riverside" for the people who live on the island in the oxbow lake, and "Lakeside" for the part of the community that is west of the oxbow lake.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas gets to the Panforey after his mentor has already gone to bed. Pondering the day's events, Phineas lays down, but it is a long while before sleep overtakes him.

"A killer in Woodbridge? I get to meet the Good Folks soon? What is happening with Calex and Dieredon at Castletown; did they even make it there? What about the bog monsters? And Elizabeth, sweet Lizzie?"

Eventually, he drops off and sleeps a dreamless sleep, that lasts all too short a time, before he rises at first light, eager to get his chores done and seek permission for the trip with his friends.

As soon as he can he seeks out Panforey and relates, in summary, the events of the prior day, ending with Patricia's request for the boys to go out to the Lyph.

"Can I go, Mister Panforey? It's a little something I can do to help protect this place. I know I'll be needed. What do you say?"

NPC: F Alodoan-Urandoman/Half-Elven

Calex and Dieredon, Day 5, evening

“I don’t think you’ll have any trouble finding a healer in Castletown,” Hillary says with a frown. “Seems that that profession is about the only one that is booming, well that and farming. Mother used to say, before she left us, that this ‘damned place’ she used to call it, well, she would say, ‘this damned place wouldn’t be worth anyone’s time or energy if it weren’t for the miracle of its soil,’ whatever that is supposed to mean. So everyone comes here to become a farmer, but with so much food available the prices are as low as they can be. With low prices no one is getting rich, well, and because no one is getting rich, this inn is empty. We’ve got no guests. No one can afford to travel. And yet everyone can afford to pay for a doctor. They complain about the climate, the food, the rain, everything gives the Aladoans a pain in the legs or a chill in the spine, a cough, or water in the eyes, and the doctors make money hand over fist. No, you won’t have trouble finding a doctor, or any sort of specialist healer in Castletown. Get them to travel into the country, well that might be a chore.”


Calex and Dieredon, Day 5,evening

Calex listens to Hillary’s complaint and then smiles and says goodnight. She tells him that every room on the second floor is open, and clean, ready for guest and he can have anyone he wants. In fact, if he wants his privacy, he can have his own room, and she will charge him and his friend, Dieredon, only one price for one room.

When Dieredon makes his forward and unabashed proposal, Hillary smiles and tells him she likes his style. Honest, direct. She tells him she will spend a while with him, and they can be ‘close’ but that she will not have sex with him. She tells him that she would like to get to know him and know more about the locals. Her She tells Dieredon that she admires his courage and willingness to live out in what she believes are the “backward” parts of this land. She even believes that the locals still live in caves in some parts of this land, and laughs about it (perhaps she is only kidding and doesn’t really believe that locals live in caves, but then again…)

Before she says goodnight, at last, to Dieredon, she leaves him feeling that she is very interested in him, and she asks many questions about his abilities to track and survive in the wilderness.

The last thing she says, standing in the doorway of Dieredon’s room, holding her blouse closed with one hand, and running her other hand through her long red hair is this,

NPC: F Alodoan-Urandoman/Half-Elven

“I hope you can come by and see me again before you leave. If you do I think I will have something to ask of you. I need the help of someone like you, someone I can trust who will keep a secret. Can you keep a secret, Dieredon of Woodbridge?”

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

I would not miss visiting you again upon our return to Woodbridge. It has truly been a pleasure, Hillary. And yes, I can keep a secret. I must say that I am actually very good at it.

As Hillary leaves, Dieredon thinks to himself.

Well, it was worth a try. She does seem interested. It may just be worth a further courtship...

he tucks himself into bed and drifts off to sleep with thoughts of his duties in the morning, but he cannot seem to get the flame-haired half-elf out of his mind.

After having breakfast and praying for guidance Alomar gets a pack ready for a few days of travel. He puts on his hide armour over his Rafgham and grabs his three spears.

He then goes out to find Cecily to do a quick report of everything that happened yesterday. After that he goes to Patricia's house.

Memorised spells changed in profile


A quick note from the evening of the 4th day

Poseus, at the Goodwell residence

Poseus is welcome at the Goodwell residence, and they will even pack a small lunch for him on the morning of the 5th day. Before he sets out, this morning, as Elizabeth is coming out to take the families flocks out to Lakeside for the day of grazing, she will approach Poseus and say,

NPC: F Human

“Poseus, I want to thank you again for what you and the others have done. I want to ask you a favor, please, and could you not say anything about it to anyone. It’s just that, well, I know how much Phineas cares about everyone in the village, and he tries so hard to help where he can, but, well, could you promise me that you will try to keep him safe. I mean, for the village, of course, because we need him, the village needs him. Good luck.”


Day 5, morning, Brother Phineas, at Mister Panforey’s residence

“I can’t tell you what you can or can’t do, Phineas. You are your own man after all. I trust Patricia, she has her father’s head, and her mother’s heart, and if she thinks this is important, then I believe it is. Go with my blessing, but Phineas, be careful. There are strange things beyond this village, strange in ways that seem good and aren’t, and probably strange in ways that seem bad and aren’t either. I’ve never been much further from home than McNorra House, or Mingary Bend, so there isn’t much I can tell you that would be useful to you. I only know what I’ve heard others say and mostly what they say is when you are out in the world trust your instincts, but question them as often as you can.”

Mister Panforey smiles and gives Phineas a warm hug, sending him on his way.


Day 5, morning, Alomar, at Mingary Bend

Alomar finds Cicily in her private garden. It is a small flower garden. There are many tree stumps in the garden, where once large trees stood, but were cut down some time long ago and on the stumps Cicily has arranged clay pots where she cultivates flowers and a few herbs.
She seems troubled, and when Alomar details the things he lea4rned and explains that Patricia Flaherty is asking for him to help the village investigate the matter more, she crosses her arms over her chest, sighs, and then says,

NPC: F Maetaur Druid, 5

“This is not the best time. We are a small community of our kind. There are only a few dozen of us. You are young, Alomar, but I’ve seen you use good judgment and you are not rash, as some of the others your age seem to be. I don’t disagree with what Patricia is thinking, if I am right in my interpretation of her methods and actions. She seeks to bring this village, and all of the local populations around it, together, for strength, and at the same time she wants to be careful that we do not appear too strong. She must be thinking that it will look, to the Lyphs, that we as the local population here are united in our desire for peace and want to strengthen the ties between all of our kinds.”

She walks a few steps away from you and then turns.

“I say this is not a good time because even though we are a small community, we are not a united community. There are some among our own kind who think that the people in Woodbridge have been to open in their way of dealing with the Aladoans, and that we should not allow anymore of their kind to move here. It is foolish. I’ve tried to explain many times over, to young people like yourself, that the Aladoans are here to stay and there is nothing we can to but seek a peaceful cooperation with them, but there are some who do not want to listen. I want you to know that I am proud, and excited to hear that you are willing to be a part of what Patricia has planned for Woodbridge. You should go, if that is what you want to do, but make sure your family understands where your heart is. When you meet the Lyphs, be confident, be serious, and be polite. They are difficult people to deal with, but they are good, fair, and honest. If the message you take to them is well received, this can help me assuage our own people that there is really nothing to fear from the Aladoans, and that with all of our kind working together we can show them that they have nothing to fear from us.”

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas nods his understanding; the words of Panforey sticking in his young head. He hugs the sweet man back warmly, goes and finishes packing his gear, and waves goodbye as he walks down the lane to his destiny.

"Panforey is saying that appearances are not always what they seem. What do we really know about this murderer? It could be any of us; I excluded Dieredon and Calex because they seem sincere in helping the town, but what if they are NOT? I better keep my eye on them when they return."

He arrives at Patricia's first, and sits on the step outside waiting to see if Poseus and Alomar come to join him.

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus wakes up the next morning in the sheep shed, he thanks Elizabeth for staying the night as she enters to tend the flock of sheep.

"Give my thanks and best regards to your parents Elizabeth and thank you so much for the lunch. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for Phineas, I know he's got my back as well." He waves goodbye to her and in his mind also to the village.

Strange that, we go off on an adventure and suddenly everyone is worried. Elizabeth did seem concerned about our well-being, she probably knows Phineas is a good healer in his own right.

As he makes his way to Patricia's he checks the small lunch inside the bag of cloth to see what's inside.
Can we get a sort of small homemade apple pie made by Elizabeth with the lunch bag? I have an idea for that.
Also would I happen to have my second point in Survival due to the search for the halfling?

Alomar listens intensely to Cecily. When she is done he takes some time to think things over.

Thank you for your thoughts Cecily, I appreciate that. I do think that we as a community, together with the humans and gymnaga should cooperate more. I also agree that we should not think that the Aladoans can be forced to leave.

Wuda told us that some Aladoans want to annex a large part of land to the north west of Castletown, I feel that someone should check that if that goes through it is done with respect to the local wildlife.

I will go and visit the Lyphs, after I have said my farewells to my family of course. Thanks for your time and wisdom

After that Alomar goes to his mother's house.

Mum, Patricia of the human village has asked me together with Phineas, a human and Poseus who is a gymnaga to visit the Hill of Cairns to meet with the leader of the Lyphs. I have discussed this with Cecily and we think this is a good idea. I would also like to receive your permission to go on this endeavour, you know that I would never do anything that goes against the Meataur interests.

After hugging his mother Alomar goes to Patricia's


Day 6, morning, Dieredon and Calex

You wake some time late in the morning. After being drenched in rain the day before, and having had to hustle to reach the Rising Sun, your bodies revel in the warmth and comfort of the beds in the inn. You found cords, fastened with rings hanging on the walls of the rooms, and hooks that are on adjacent walls, and you figure out that these cords can be used to create a “clothes-line” in the corner of the room for you to hang your wet cloths. The Inn is dry and warm, surprising given the damp climate, but apparently the building is built well and sealed against the weather.

When you are finally ready to leave, Hillary is downstairs on the main floor of the inn. There are no customers, the place is empty, but she is setting out baskets of soft rolls at each table, cups and saucers, and small bowls filled with fresh butter.

Hillary tells you that for the food, wine, and a night in the Inn you owe her twenty silver pieces. She is willing to hold the bill for you, if you are going to be staying another night.

The morning is mildly overcast, but the day holds the promise of improving. The wind is light, the air feels dry, and perhaps it will be a sunny and pleasant day.

You leave the inn, after making whatever arrangements you desire, and start off toward the center of Castletown. You remember (as both of you have been here before) that the way to the castle is to travel the main road of the town, the road that follows the eastern shore of Lake Handemere, to the north, until you come to a small bridge that crosses the Lorisaine, where it joins the Lake, and then another quarter of a mile northward until you reach another bridge, a much larger bridge, that crosses the Worran, and takes you to the west side of Lake Handemere. Then you have to walk south as far as you walked north, to reach the castle.

But as you enter the town, you notice that there has been a good deal more construction and there is now a regular set of docks next to the road, and signs, with the names of different ships. The signs claim that there is a regular service, for a fair of three silver pieces, for a quick jaunt across the lake to “West Castletown”. There are four tall masted, and at least six small sailing ships along the docks as well as a few dozen small ships at anchor just off of the docks. At the end of the longest pier, there are two long row boats with canvas awnings.

From this place on the road (in the town of “Castletown”) you can see across the lake. It is less than half a mile, and below the castle, which stands on a rock formation about thirty feet above the lake, and to the south you can construction taking places on many buildings.
The people of Castletown are going about their business; some are opening shops, while others tend small flocks of sheep or goats. There are men and women pushing carts of vegetables, breads, milk, or other goods along the street. You even see a spry, elderly woman, perhaps sixty or more, moving four dairy cows southward along the road, snapping a long willow branch on the animal’s hides as they plod along. Most of the people you see are Aladoan, humans. There are practically no Elves or Halflings to be seen, but since you have lived in Woodbridge for a while you are keen to spot the subtle difference in the face, hair, and mannerisms of Urandoman’s and you can see that they make up about fifteen percent of the people you see (about one out of seven).

You can take the road you are familiar with, to reach the castle, or check on the availability of a ferry that can take you to the other side of the lake, or look for things to do in Castletown. This place has about forty or fifty buildings, mostly residences, but some combination buildings that are shops/residences, as well as a few taverns and a couple of inns.

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Good morning, Mi'Lady. You may hold our bill, and we will settle up tomorrow morning, as we are likely to spend one more night in your fine establishment. Thank you for everything and we shall see you soon.

Dieredon bows and takes Hillary's hand in his and gently kisses it.

As the two travelers approach the new docks,

Calex, let's stick to the road to the Castle. I am not necessarily fond of boat travel, regardless of the method. What say you?

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3

Calex looks around at the the proof of prosperity and expansion every where, thinking "All this will mean more outside interaction for Woodbridge. The world of our village will be getting allot larger and more complex very soon. I hope we can be ready for all the changes. For myself, I think it a good thing to be happening. Our trip here looking for help shows the kind of things Woodbridge lacks that the Aladoans can supply, if we can arrange it."

"I agree, Die. I don't think I'm rich enough to spend the money to simply save myself a few minutes walking. Besides, I'd like to see what has changed since my last trip. There seems allot of new construction going on- a good sign for prosperous times."

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

Day 5 if correctly understanding the timeline :)

Marcus will get up early, an meet his father down at the forge. They have to finish up the Maetur work order. There is much sweating, and the occasional curse word flying around the shop as they work the knuckles to finish the large task before them. The break for a quick lunch then, finish the order mid afternoon.

Figuring, the Maetur will be by around closing time, that gives Marcus some free time. He takes this time to head over to Margie's place to see if she has any excess padding, so his studded leather armor doesn't rub the skin raw on his friends.

Margie, are you in?

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NPC: F Urandoman/Human Warrior 4 | Init +1, P +2 | HD, 4d10+8 / HP 28/28 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | F +6, R +2, W +1 | CMD 16

Warning, huge posts ahead...

Day 5, morning at Woodbridge

Poseus – Elizabeth included in the sack lunch she provided to you a cheesecloth wrapped apple “turnover’ style pie.

Alomar, Phineas and Poseus, at Patricia’s residence.

“Good morning,” Patricia says when she answers the door, “I’ve been waiting for you. Let me come outside and we can walk to someplace a bit quieter.”

She walks with the three of you to the very eastern edge of the island. Here there are several small trees, and the ground is about four feet above the river as it flows passed the island from the southwest flowing toward the northeast.

“I’m afraid I have something awful to tell you. Roan is ill. It could be serious and Auria is sure it is a slow acting poison. We can only guess that what you, well not you Alomar, but the other’s, I hope they told you about it, anyway, what I was saying is we can only guess that what was stopped the other night was an attempt by the Fulogh’Mogobbh to kill the Furlough Barghnora by feeding Roan to it with him poisoned. This is why I asked the three of you to see me. Aruia’s has very little knowledge of poisons, but we know the good folk have been at war with the grindylow for as long as anyone remembers and if anyone can help us find a cure for the poison that is killing Roan it will be them. I only wish I could tell you exactly where to go, or even give you a map, but I can’t, and I’ve asked everyone I dare talk to about this without spreading a panick. Yoe see right now we have two sick Alodoans in our village, and Roan’s condition, even though we know it is a result of a poison, is hard to distinguish from the sickness the men are suffering from and the last thing we need is a panic in the village about a strange epidemic. So keep all this in your socks, and talk to know one but myself, Aruia or Cicily not even Roan’s parents.”

“Here is all I can tell you that might help. In the Green Wood there are a few tribes of Lyphs, and somewhere living among those tribes is a female Sakalyph who is a witch, like Auria, and she is supposed to know every herb, every plant, every toxin that is natural to this land. Her name is Ha’Uldurah. I don’t know where you will find her, but if you find any Lyphs at all, they should be able to take you to her. According to the stories I’ve heard, she will help you, but she will ask a price, and it is usually the recovery of something dangerous or the theft of some prize from one of the Lyph tribes, which I’ve also heard she returns to them in exchange for something she wants from them. It’s all very convoluted and hard to understand, but it is how those people are. “

“now here is the more important thing. We need her help, yes, but I also need to try to find a way to make the Lyph people understand that the Alodoans are not a threat to them. It may be that they are not concerned about them, the Alodoans, but when I was away from the village I heard terrible stories of fierce fighting between the Alodoans and the Good Folk, fighting that was needlessly brutal because every attempt the Alodoans made to negotiate with the Lyphs ended in disaster. I cannot have the Alodoans quartering an army in our village. Yes, I’m sorry to say this, yes most of them, the ones living in our village for certain, are good people, but soldiers will be soldiers, and it will not go well for us if war comes to Woodbridge. So, I’m asking you to go and find help for Roan, if you can, and while you are doing that talk to as many of the Lyph leaders as you can and assure them that we, the people of Woodbridge think the Alodoans are good people and their coming to this land is not a bad thing, and tell them that we will do everything in our power to talk with the Alodoans, on their behalf, if they have any doubts. Try to stress to them that we all want peace. When you return, with aid for Roan I hope, you can tell me what the position of the Lyph people is, and if we have to send more ambassadors, we will.”

“It is about half a day’s walk to the Hill of the Cairns, and a few hours past that to reach the edge of the Green Wood. I suggest you take care of anything you can think of before you leave, camp at the hill tonight, and then set out for the green wood early tomorrow. If you do not meet any Lyphs in two day, return, and we will have to try to find another way to cure Roan. Good luck. Do you have any questions?”


Day 5, morning at Woodbridge

Marcus, at Margie Toolwoad’s home

“Good morning Marcus, what can I do for you?”

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas frowns at the news of Roan's poisoning. "We will seek out the Lyph Ha’Uldurah and do a deed for her as may be required to gain her herb lore. Hopefully, we will find her and the Good Folk near the Hill of Cairns in the Green Wood."

"Should we also ask about the Spellstone that old Ulan spoke of during the Festival? It might help us get rid of the Fulogh Bagnorra once and for all? Or is that asking too much with things as delicate as they are?"

Phineas makes his pack ready to set out at once. "It would make me feel better, Patricia, if you came with us. We are not wise in the ways of the world, especially not the ways of the Good Folk. We are too inexperienced to do this right, and I fear many will come to harm if we fail. Please come?"

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus lays a hand on Phineas's shoulder.
"Phineas, I can understand your nervosity about this subject and your doubt about doing this right. However Patricia asks us to do it because she trusts us to do a good job and possibly instead of her. I'm guessing you have Woodbridge to take care for now, right Patricia?"

Poseus looks solemnly at Phineas and at Alomar and Patricia.

"This reminds me of my first time going fishing. It was hard at first, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. Though this is nothing like fishing, I'd guess the Lyphs might forgive us simple townsfolk for not having the proper manners of a diplomat yet."

Alomar listens carefully, trying to order everything in his mind. He also tries to determine if Patricia is sharing everything that is important for their mission.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

I agree with Poseus, our elders have determined that we are suited for this task. We should show them that trust was not misplaced


Did you have a special reason for wanting to have an apple pie in the lunch Elizabeth gave you?

You have a good feeling that Patricia is being honest.

Patricia looks across the water toward the east.

NPC: F Urandoman/Human Warrior 4 | Init +1, P +2 | HD, 4d10+8 / HP 28/28 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | F +6, R +2, W +1 | CMD 16

“Oh, well Phineas I wish I could go with you, I really do. I could use a break. Who knew that running the village was such a chore, haha. I’ll never give my father a hard time about it ever again, but no. You see, people are already starting to talk, especially after that night a few days ago. People are worried and if I left on this adventure with you, that might be enough to make some people panic. I need to stay here, keep working with Auria, and help those Alodoans until Calex and Dieredon get back with a doctor who is better educated than we are. And there is still work to do at my parents house, with mom down it’s been hard on me Da.”


Day 6, Morning at Castletown, Dieredon and Calex approaching the Castle
I had really hoped to have an image to put up for this, it is in the works and should be done soon

Your walk takes you passed many new small houses, all built close to each other along the road, and as you cross the bridge over the Lorisaine, you see that there is more construction going on to the northeast.

You pass a few farms going along the Worran river for a few hundred yards, and come to the large bridge that crosses to the west. There are three men fishing on the bridge, they are old, human men, and they look at you as you pass by and smile. One of them even says,

“Good Morning.”

You walk to the castle and as take a dirt path that rises at a steady climb toward the main castle gate. This castle has no draw bridge, and there is no moat, but there is a stout portcullis and it is raised. The opening between the flanking towers of the main gate is about twenty feet wide.

Two people stand guard at the portcullis. They are a young human male, and a mature Elven female. The human is plain looking, and he has a small nose and weak chin. The elven woman is attractive. She has short thick blond hair, and a very athletic build. Both of them wear black wool pants and grey tunics and there is a patch on the left breast of the tunics that looks like a simple crest in the form of a red shield with a single lion, rampant, on the right side of the shield extant.

The guards take a step forward as you approach and the young man speaks,
“Hello, friends, do you business in the keep today? If you do, please state your names and who you’ve come to see.”

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

I do, but the right time hasn't come up yet, wait till we leave Patricia's house and are on the way to the Lyphs.

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3


What fine morning it is as my father would say , with a big smile on his face. I am about half way through on one set of armor I am making, and I calculated how much I will need for the first set. I brought over the scraps and remainder of what I don't need for set 1. I was hoping you might have a patch of soft wools or padding, so that those that don my armor don't get accosted by it. Padding would ease the wear and tear on the armor and their bodies. Might you have anything to spare, for the right price of course. He says with a humble smile. diplo: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Good morning, I am Dieredon D'Atarisian, from Woodbridge, and this is my companion, Calex. I come to deliver my monthly report to Keeper of the Grounds, Hugh Amsolet. We would also like to visit with Captain Haselton, if possible.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

PHineas sighs heavily, the weight of the trip, and it's importance to the peace of his village, bearing down on him.

"I suspected as much. Let's get outfitted and be off then. It's a long walk ahead of us."

I have Phin outfitted and ready to go when you guys are.

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

As Poseus doesn't have much money or belongings he is outfitted as well.

Poseus notices the weight of the burden Phineas feels and his somewhat down attitude.
"Hmm I might have something to cheer him up a bit. In hindsight I might know something that'll cheer him up.

He slithers alongside Phineas as they leave Woodbridge and set out towards where Patricia had pointed them.

"Don't be so down Phineas, even when a day of fishing seems to yield nothing, the next day you catch your biggest catch. I believe you have such an expression as well... uhm... After rain comes sunshine?"

Poseus smiles as Phineas looks at him questioningly, but before he can open his mouth Poseus interrupts and places a hand on his shoulder in a merry mood.

"Well I might have something that could cheer you up. A special treat from the Goodwell family. To be more precise a sort of apple pie made by Elizabeth herself for us three." He looks at Phineas and then turns his head the other way.

"Funniest thing is, I did have to promise her, you would get the biggest part of it."
At this point he lets go of Phineas and moves along to Alomar, nodding and giving him a wink. He'd probably understand it.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas looks dumbstruck at Poseus. What? Lizzie, I mean, Elizabeth, was thinking about me? How did...why...I mean...that's great! And pie, too! Amazing, perhaps we do have a little luck on our side.!"

"Wow, Elizabeth Goodwell made me a pie, how on earth did I forget about her. There is so much going on here and things are moving so fast. I really should've gone to see her, but perhaps when we return from the Hill of the Cairns, hopefully with good news."

"Thanks, Poseus, that is just what I needed,"Phineas says to his friend giving him a pat on the back. "If you think it'll keep let's save that pie until lunch and I'll make sure YOU get the biggest piece!"

"Now let's get started..."

Phineas is ready to lead the group to the Hill of the Cairns. Sorry but I've forgotten which way that actually is....

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3

Castletown expedition
Calex opens his mouth to reply to the guards polite challenge when Dieredon beats him to it. He closes his mouth with a surprised "snap!" when Die is able to ask for the garrison captain by name. Calex grins at his friend's foresight and ability to name-drop, then turns to nod in agreement to Die's words for the guards.

"Good morning! As my friend here says, my name is Calex, and we have business within. May we please enter?"

Alomar smiles at the interaction between the human and the gymnaga.

Do you know the way to the Hill of Cairns? Unfortunately I am not that knowledgeable in the lay of the land. Although I do know that that way lies North.

Alomar points in the direction of North.

Alomar is wearing a hide outfit, a quiver with three (small) spears on his back and a type of pack saddle adopted for Maetaur use.

If there is anything I can carry for you I would be happy to. We Maetaur are not easily burdened.


Day 6, late morning, at the Castle of Castletown, Dieredon and Calex

“Yes sirs, Mister Amsolet is in the Long Hall and Captain Haselton, I think, is in the stables with Lord Anticus. You are free to enter the castle,” the young man says.

You know where the Long Hall is, it is a meeting hall and grand dining hall built along the east wall of the castle. It has a second floor, where there are rooms where the castle’s staff can keep records and do business. You can hurry there or go directly to the stables and meet with the captain.


Day 5, late morning, Woodbridge, Alomar, Phineas, and Poseus

none of you know exactly where the Hill of the Cairns is, nor have you ever seen it, but it is well spoken of, and it is understood that if you go north out of the Maetaur settlement, through Fox Woods, (which is a small forested woodland of low rolling hills) you will come to an expanse of tall grass fields, and will be able to see the Hill to the north east. The Hill of the Cairns is the western most rise (so it will be the closest rise to you when you emerge from the Fox Woods) in a mountain chain that stretches for over 16 miles going east by northeast. It is the lowest of three rises and reaches a height of 588 yards above sea level (Woodbridge is about 20 yards above sea level, the Fox Woods are about 80 yards above sea level, so the hill is 500 yards above the grassy fields). The top of the Hill of the Cairns is a flat expanse covering approximately one-half acre and from there you can see over the trees of Fox Woods and the tops of the houses at Woodbridge. It is eight miles, as the crow flies, to the top of the hill, and another seven miles from there to the edge of the Green Woods. As a walk, it is probably more like 10 or 11 miles to reach the top of the hill and if you set out now you will reach the hill late in the afternoon.


Day 5, late morning, Margie Toolwoad's home, marcus

Margie smiles at Marcus, and invites him into her home saying, Well, I know I have just the thing you are looking for.” She asks you to wait a moment while she goes into a back room of the house.

You stand in a large room that is part living area and part kitchen, with a heavy, but not large, wooden table pushed against the wall near a fireplace where there is a small smoldering pile of peat fuel. . There is a cupboard next to the table and it is filled with fine porcelain plates, cups and bowls. There are two wooden chairs, with home crafted mats made from yarn on the seats, near the fireplace. The room is filled with the smell of simmering wild berries, and then you see a small black pot, covered loosely by an oversized lid, hanging on a metal rod above smoldering (but not burning, there are no flames) peat. You notice that the “rig” (an assembly of metal rods attached to two plates that straddle the smoldering peat) is very old and looks as if it is ready to fall apart if it is bumped, and the top rod bends even from the slight weight of the small cooking pot.

Margie returns presently carrying two yards of fine woolen yarn woven into a blanket.

“I bought this wool yarn a year ago and made this blanket. I had this idea that there were, well, you know how it is, I thought that someone in the village was bringing back riding horses from Castletown and that there would be a market for horse blankets. Turned out that there were no horses to bring back, and I’ve not found a use for this wool yet. I’ll trade this to you for your leather craps. How does that sound?”

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

Thank you for inviting me in. I'll be happy to wait, Marcus looks around her humble house and it reminds him of his parents home. We wonders how long it would take to reinforce her rig of her pot holder so it doesn't break. Maybe a couple hours at most.

When Margie returns with the wool, a large smile forms on his face. He holds it and holds the soft wool in his hands. This should work perfectly. The scraps for the wool, that sounds like an amazing deal, thank you very much. I have one more question for you. Would you like me to fix or reinforce your rig. I would hate to have it break on you while cooking?

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas and the other set out to the Metaur camp, waving to Cicily and Dominic as they pass the Metaur who, I assume, are still working on the tree removal project.

As they get to the edge of the Metaur settlement, Phineas stops and sighs.
"This is the farthest from home I've ever been. Never been in those woods and certainly never past them. What a terrible exciting adventure this is."

He looks back at his once happy river valley, squinting to see figures moving here and there in the distance on innocent, unconcerned business. Then hefts the straps of his pack and says: "A blessing from the Protector on you both. Wandering the roads is part of the Mithras legend, perhaps we'll see the Wanderer himself on this journey. Let's get about it so we can make the Hill before dark."

With that, he sets out at a purposeful pace into the Fox Woods.

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

As Phineas tells them about him not having travelled as far, Poseus joins in.
"You are not the only one here Phineas, these last few days have brought me further from home than I have ever been."]/b]

Poseus looks forward instead of backwards and can hear all amnner of birds and other animals making sounds in the grasslands and woods ahead. The plants now still look familiar, but he has a hunch that will soon change.

[b]"I hope Koi-Vin helps to protect Woodbridge while we are gone. In these times we will need her blessings. We on the other hand might need Talagos's help to stay hidden from wild predators."

He slithers back after Phineas and looks on at Alomar walking beside him.
"So, do you have someone special waiting for you when you get back Alomar? Phineas has someone in mind, but how about you?"

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Thank you! Come, Calex, let us swing by the stables first, then we can catch up for my official reporting duties in the Long Hall afterwards.

Dieredon strolls into the stables with Calex.

He approaches Lord Anticus and bows at the waist.

Good morning M'Lord, Captain. I am Dieredon D'atarisian from Woodbridge, and this is my companion, Calex. I have come for my monthly report on the the area in and around Woodbridge to the South. However, we have some additional news that will be of import to you. May we have a moment of your time to relate these events?


Dieredon and Calex

Day 6, morning, at Castletown

Lord Anticus is an average man, in almost every way. He is not a tall man and his physique is not athletic nor is he “out of shape”. He is probably in his late fifties, and he shows his age well. He has a dignified face, though it is plain. His brown eyes have a look of thoughtfulness, and he smiles with warmth that seems genuine. He wears a small cloth cap on his head, and a bit of brown hair with bits of grey stick out of the hat around his ears. He has a close cut beard, trimmed thin on the sides.

Captain Haselton stands in contrast to Lord Anticus. William Hasleton is a young man, probably in his early thirties. He is tall, taller than Anticus by six inches at least. He is a powerfully built man, with a narrow waist and legs that seem a bit too thin for his body. His face is long and narrow and his eyes seem close set and this gives his face an intense expression even when he is relaxed. Haselton has blue eyes and a full head of dark black hair.

There are three others present in the stable with these two men. An elven woman, she is plain, and a bit thick. She is dressed in commoner’s attire. A Halfling man stands close to her. He is old, perhaps in his late sixties or early seventies and he is clean shaven and bald. His face is wrinkled and tanned. This Halfling wears an expensive and well tailored professional man’s suit (he is perhaps a legal man, a scholar or counselor). And then there is a young human woman. She is a few inches shorter than Anticus, and she has his features, his eyes for sure, and his chin. She has dark chestnut colored hair that she wears in a single long braid over her right shoulder.

Anticus and the young woman wear riding clothing, of very fine quality.

NPC:F Half-Tafganor Druid/4

“Good morning Dieredon of Woodbridge,” Anticus smiles and extends his right hand. “I am always happy to meet the young men and women doing our countries more thankless tasks out in the country. Mister Amsolet will be eager to file your report, but Woodbridge, hmm, Woodbridge, no I don’t think I’ve visited this hamlet. I’m sure it’s on the list, maybe before the summer’s end. But I’m sorry you wanted to tell me something. You look like it is something serious. I am just about to go for a ride with my daughter. I don’t suppose it can wait, or are you comfortable telling me this news now? If you can make it quick, I suppose I can spare some time. I was just finishing some business. So what is it that troubles you?”

Both Calex and Dieredon notice that the young human girl suppresses a frown when Lord Anticus mentions delaying for a few moments, but then suddenly the young girl makes eye contact with Calex, and she turns her head.

You should make a Sense Motive Check.

You should make a Perception Check


Alomar, Phineas and Poseus

Day 5, Afternoon, the Fox Wood

The Fox Wood is a “gentle” woodland. The trees are young, not very tall, and there is ample room between the trees to move through the woods easily. You should not lose your way, but it is possible. Someone, one of you, should make a Survival Skill Check (you can talk about who should make the roll in the discussion thread). The others can assist (you need to roll a Survival Skill check and roll higher than a 10, to aid the critical roll). Whoever makes the roll can apply a +2 modifier for each other aid roll success. The DC to successfully navigate through this woodland is 12. If you fail the roll, you lose d4 hours, but if you fail by 5 or more you lose d4+2 hours. A very good role here can create a discovery!

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17


It seems to you that Lord Anticus is in a difficult position, and you have a feeling that he wants to stay and hear you out, and maybe even finish the business he is dealing with, with the other people here, but that he has promised his daughter to take her riding, and does not want to break that promise. His words come fast, and you can sense some discomfort in his tone.

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Lord Anticus, please continue with your affairs. Calex and I will report to Mister Amsolet first. If you would do me the honor of having a brief meeting later today, it would be greatly appreciated.

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
GAH! I did post Sunday- or thought I did anyway. I guess I missed hitting the "Submit" button or something- sorry. It was just me introducing myself to the Captain, following Dieredon's lead. Nothing too earth-shattering. Again my apologies for the mistake.

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