The Beginning of All Things (Inactive)

Game Master Terquem

How big is your world?

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Thanks for giving me the chance to look at the remains, it seems like someone attempted to decapitate the diseased person and failed. I can not tell if the person was alive at the time or already dead.

It is weird though that the sack is still in such a good condition, hopefully the Dale family can tell us more.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas nods his agreement. "Let's see if Wuda is here, and if not we'll go see the Dale's next." They are approaching the B&B. Any sight of the woman? If not, Phin will go in and ask Lulu if she's seen her today.

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3
Dieredon D'atarisian wrote:

Dieredon smiles broadly at Hillary.

Thank you very much, Mi'Lady. We may indeed wish to stay right here for our brief visit, even though we have business in town. I welcome the reprieve of a fine evening at your establishment. Feel free to start a tab, and we can settle up early tomorrow, or later, if we stay on. I look forward to tasting that wine.

Dieredon half bows and sits himself down casually at the table with Calex. he waits for Hillary to depart.

Well then, let us make plans for tomorrow. I think that we should establish an agenda to accomplish everything in one day. I do need to call on a friend to the north of town for a brief moment at sometime during the day. I also need to report at the castle. Please help me work out a plan of action, friend.

"I mentioned at our aborted campsite that I think our first stop should be at the local barracks, for 2 reasons. One is to report the dead halfling and find out if any such has been reported as missing. This will also give the Imperials the reassurance that Woodbridge is a peaceful neighbor that isn't secretly killing Imperial citizens. Hopefully we can avoid being seen as a trouble spot that needs to be garrisoned. If we can get a name for our short friend here" Cal taps the wrapped package containing the skull "it would be a good start. Also Auria wishes to request help from an Imperial-trained physician to help treat Sir Borderman. She says his illness is beyond her, and she fears he has less than fortnight to live if not treated soon. She hopes an Alodoan healer might know something to save him. Since he is a soldier of the Empire, the barracks commander might be able to send someone. Next would be finding a diviner to examine the skull to confirm the identity of the deceased, and the cause of death, then locating any family or friends our dead halfling had, so to give them some kind of closure. And on a few personal errands- I wish to locate a elf mage Wuda mentioned to negotiate an exchange of spells- a trade of my admittedly paltry collection for any of hers of equal power that she might desire. Anything that increases my magic I consider a good thing." Cal grins at his elf friend. "You might want to join me for that. Wuda says this Sabrinelle D’Amertine is quite attractive. Maybe you already know her? And finaly I need to collect my consignment for my glass & other craftwork from the merchant that buys from me, then get my next work order from him. In any event that is my idea for a plan. Any suggestions for changes would be welcome of course. I value your judgement."

I'm holding off mentioning buying the weapons Patricia wants until I hear how Terquem wants (or doesn't) to play it.

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus slides after Phineas, while casually talking to Alomar, asking about the Maetaur village.

As they walk to the B&B he looks around to see if he sees perchance Marcus or his father walking around in the village.


Dieredon and Calex Day 5, evening (at the Rising Sun)

Hillary leaves your table, and after a long wait, she returns, followed by a young human teenage boy, he is thin, and his face is long and plain. Together the two of them carry several plates loaded with bits of fried chicken and duck, roasted pork, backed potatoes and crisped vegetables, hard rolls, with spreads of honey-butter and jellies, two tall wine glasses and a long necked bottle of white wine.

Hillary and the young boy set out the plates across your table.

It may be that Patricia has changed her mind about arming the village, you’ll have to decide for yourself if you will follow through with her idea.

NPC: F Alodoan-Urandoman/Half-Elven

”This is all we have left in the kitchen, so I hope you enjoy it,”Hillary says after everything is placed.
Before she leaves your table, she places one hand on Dieredon’s back and adds, “I hope your stay is restful.”


Poseus, Phineus, and Alomar, Day 4, evening, Riverside, at the bread and Board

When you enter the tavern, Lulu is sitting at a table with Wuda, and three other people of the village, including Elizabeth’s father. It looks as though the five of them have been playing a game of cards, for small change, copper coins.
Oscar is at the bar and he is serving beer from a newly tapped keg that is sitting on the bar in a special cradle.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas steps up to the table and clears his throat nervously. "Hello Lulu. Mr Blackwell. I do hate to interrupt, but I most urgently need to speak to old Wuda privately for a moment. It'll only take that, then back to your card game, if you please?"

If the old crone comes outside, Phineas asks Poseus to show her the scrap of clothing and explain about the bag and it's contents, especially the directive from Cicily to seek her out and see if she recognzied anything.

Phineas awaits her response, breathless.

Diplomacy, Gather info?: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Dieredon listens intently to the list that Calex details. He raises his head when Hillary returns.

Thank you, Hillary, with such a fine meal and drink, I am sure that the night will be very restful. When your shift has ended, perhaps you could join me for a nightcap?

After Hillary's response, Dieredon turns his attention back to Calex.

I am in agreement with your agenda, and I would not change a thing. When you reference a trip to the barracks, do you mean the castle itself. If not, we will need to add that to your list so that I can give my monthly report. In any event, it seems like an early start will be necessary.

@GM Terquem: I am assuming that the barracks and the castle where I make my monthly report are one in the same? If not, please clarify. Thanks

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus looks in nervously as he stands in the doorway of the B&B, he is trying not to act as though he is worried, which he definitely is.

"We might need your advice on something" he adds to Phineas's comment.


The main town of Castletown lies on the eastern bank of the estuary where the Worran and Lorisaine rivers converge. It is built upon a high ground area south of the Lorisaine and east of the Worran estuary. The castle is on the west bank of the estuary, and is only accessesible by boat, or by crossing the Lorisaine at Castletown, going north a quarter of a mile, and then crossing the Worran at a little village called Copper Rock, and then going south. The castle includes a walled town as well, but both the town on the east of the estuary and the town within the castle walls are called “Castletown”. Work is beginning on a bridge that will cross the estuary closer to the castle. The main garrison force (of 150 soldiers) lives within the walled town at the castle proper. All Aladoan’s holding official positions also live within the walled town portion of Castletown. Both Calex and Dieredon know their way around the walled partion of the town, they know the streets and how to ask for access to the castle proper, but are probably not too familiar with the west side of the town, where the Wizard Regicce Pas’Doreen, lives.

Poseus, Phineas, and Alomar, Day 4, evening

Wuda pushes her chair away from the table and announces, ”We’ll I’ve nearly lost everything I’ve earned from selling my goods, so you’ve rescued me before I could lose it all, haha.”

She stands and motions for the two of you to lead the way.

Once she has been shown the remains, she frowns and says, ”Boys, now be careful. This is a Halfling, and a young man, by the looks of the clothing, probably in his early thirties, wait” she looks around and then motions for you to follow her away from the building and move under a tree near the lake.

”I’m leaving in the morning,” Wuda says, ”But I’m not going back to Castletown, not right away. I have business in Grandview, to the northeast. This isn’t the first one of these small folks to die this way. There were three or four done in just like this closer to Castletown. They all had one thing in common. They were all members of a movement to annex a huge area of land to the northwest of Castletown. They call themselves the New Pardorians. I spent the winter in Castletown and everywhere you go, in every tavern, every alley, they talk about these New Pardorians. I don’t know what it is that is special about them, or why they call themselves that, but the other folk, not the humans, but the elves, they are really in arms about these people, and in Castletown there is a warrant for the arrest of an Elf Aladoan who goes by the name of Irillian the Green, a terrible woman they say who is responsible for killing these smaller folk. I tell you boys, it’s a mess in Castletown, and you don’t want any part of the trouble that’s brewing there. I heard people saying that it is headed toward a civil war, and Castletown is about as equally divided as they get on the matter. Seems some of these elves put in a land grant request to the Aladoan governor well before these Halflings did, but as I understand it the Halflings have more money and more pull with the man in charge at Castletown, so these elves were told to go pack sand, but then these murders started happening, and the local head man there put a hold on everyone’s plans to start building outside of the township he controls. It had pretty much calmed down there when I was getting ready to leave, but looks like someone in Castle town,” she says pointing toward the sack, ”was still pressing their luck too far. I’ll tell you what I’d do. Get rid of that sack, get rid of the evidence. And you better hope that the elves you’ve let move into your village aren’t in league with the ones behind these murders, because I don’t think they are going to be satisfied just stopping the Halflings from keeping them from what they want, if you know what I mean.”

”That there sack, I don’t see them very often, and I don’t know much about how they are made, but they are imported from Aladoa. There is something about the leather I don’t know about, but your man Marcus and his father can probably figure it out.”

NPC: F Alodoan-Urandoman/Half-Elven

”I’ve got a pile in the kitchen to wash up, and batches of dough that I need to set to rising so they’ll be ready in the morning, but if you are still up when I’m finished, when it’s time to clean up out here, I’ll sit down with you for a while and you can tell me where you’re from and why you chose to live in Castletown,” she says to Dieredon and then turns and walks away.

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus looks on baffled as Wuda tells her story about the sack and the halflings, the baffled expression suddenly turns to expressed shock and concern.

"Dieredon and Calex were headed towards Castletown, to tell them about the body we've found. We were trying to make sure that they don't see us as dangerous, but this could mean we got a whole different trouble on our necks."

He looks to Phineas and Alomar, then back to Wuda.
"Don't tell me that they might set their eyes on Woodbridge as well?"


”What’s you name, boy?” Wuda says to Poseus. ”How many spears to your people have? A dozen, twenty, and bows and arrows, maybe your folk have a few, and what armor? None, I can almost guarantee. These Aladoans arrive every month and every one of them comes with weapons and armor for a dozen. Oh, at first no one seemed to care, but now the Lord of that Castle is confiscating weapons as they come into his town, and that’s just making things worse. Who knows which side is armed better, the Halflings, the elves, but I’ll tell you this, if war breaks out, the regular folks of Castletown are going to flee for the country, they are going to come to places like Woodbridge looking for help, protection, and when they see what you’ve got, and it isn’t what they got, what’s going to stop them from just taking it,” Wuda makes a motion with her fist as if she is grabbing fruit from a tree. ”I spoke to Patricia, your village leader, and she’s asked me, well, nevermind what she’s asked me. She’ll tell you herself when she is good and ready. Boys, get rid of that, and start thinking about your futures.”

Alomar seems shocked at the mentioning of annexing a large part of land.

They can't just claim a large part of land! The land belongs to everyone, not just a couple of halflings or elves! And what has to come of the creatures that live there now? It does not sound like they are settling there with respect to nature!

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas is shocked by the words from the peddlar woman. At first he can only stand with his mouth agape and blink.

Finally, when he recovers his wits, he says:"But we are a peaceful place, that war and it's refugees would threaten our very existence here. Some Aladoan warlord could wipe us off the map with the stroke of a pen. We have no soldiers, or arms, or defenses."

As Alomar speaks, Phineas follows up "Why is this land so important to either the halfings or the elves. Isn't there plenty of land in Urodoman to go around?"

Still scratching his head, Phineas decides he needs to speak with Patricia next.

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus listens to Wuda and is taken aback by the prospects wheeling around in his mind.

He shakes his head fervently to snap back out of the nightmare going on in his head.

"Poseus ma'am, that's my name." He says vaguely. "My people has some warriors, but they are few and we don't wear much armour to begin with."
"Phineas, Alomar, let's head out to see Marcus and then talk to Patricia. She should have an idea on what to do next."
Poseus is sounding hopeful, perhaps a little too much.

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3

Dun dun duunnn...Wow Terquem, way to crank things up a notch!
Announcer's voice: "Meanwhile, back in Castletown..."

Cal watches the elf-maid depart and turns back to Dieredon with a grin. "Always on the hunt for game, eh Dieredon? I must admit I think you've picked out the best of the flock to try for- but I've heard it's not the size of the bow but how well you can aim." Cal teases his tall companion."But on to business- I had thought to try the Castle barracks itself. Firstly because I know the area better, plus the commander there would have the greater authority. With the added incentive that it would be the logical station to find the healer Sir Borderman needs so desperately. From the Castle we can work our way back out of town, hitting our various errands on the way, with maybe another night here in the inn, before leaving for home in the next morning."

Calex leans closer to Dieredon so as to not be easily overheard, and adds "There is another matter. Patricia wanted me to look into the purchasing of weapons to arm the village, but she never met up with us to give me the money she was going to supply before we left. not comfortable with the idea of inquiring about such on my own. Without her funds we can't complete any purchase we bargain for right now anyway, and if the Empire hears the village is arming itself- no matter how justified- I can't see them NOT sending a garrison to Woodbridge. If it was myself in charge here I know I would. But..if we ASK the Alodoans, perhaps the barrack commander tomorrow, to actually HELP us set up & train a village militia, under one of their officers command, thus putting us nominally as loyalist...what do you think? Might that get us the help we need and lower tensions as well?"

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Let me discuss that with my contacts in the Castle. I am, of course, a part of this Empire, and an agent of the same. Mayhap we can get some help in that regard. Your plan is sound, and perhaps one more night in this Inn could get me what I truly desire from Hillary, eh?

Dieredon smiles broadly and waits for Hillary's shift to end, in hopes that she has some time to spend with him.


Dieredon and Calex Day 5, evening (at the Rising Sun)

You enjoy the food, the wine is excellent, and you spend the evening talking about the things you will do tomorrow.

Hillary goes through a door, presumably to the kitchen, and comes back out again a few more times as the evening progresses. She stops, now and then, to talk to the other people working on clearing tables. Little by little most of the people here leave. The musicians finally end their session, and carefully pack their instruments and make a point of saying good night to everyone still hanging on, they even stop by your table and thank you for being here tonight. They do not make conversation.

When you are the last two people left in the inn, Hillary comes out of the Kitchen, followed closely by a thin and tall human man. His face has the same features as Hillary’s, and though he is mostly bald, where he still has hair you can see that it is silver with touches of red.
Hillary hugs the man, kisses him on the cheek, and then removes her apron. She rolls the apron up and hands it to the man, and he goes back into the Kitchen. Hillary joins you at your table.

Alomar, Phineas, and Poseus, Day 4, evening

”Those are noble thoughts, young man,” Wuda addresses Alomar, “These people from across the ocean have different ideas about what belongs to them, and what belongs to us, and I am not going to argue with them. You’ve never been away from your homes, any of you, have you? Well, let me tell you it could be a lot worse. In the north they fought them, and lost, too many petty Kings and lords who could not muster any armies of size, no, who can say why? Is it because their gods favor them more than ours favor us? Is it because they have more powerful magic? Is it because they have many more years of experience, larger armies, better soldiers, gah! Who knows? They are here, and we are better off staying out of their way. Let them fight amongst themselves, if they want to, but mark my words, if they want to take Woodbridge they will. Good night boys. I’m old and I need my rest before I set out tomorrow morning.”

You know that bit is late in the evening, but you feel it is important to follow up on this matter. Patricia could be at either her own place, a small house on the northeast side of Riverside, or she could be at her parents’ house, just south of the center of Riverside.

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus stands a bit bedazzled by the news, sighs and then snaps back to reality.

"I guess my people should know about this, but that will come after we have spoken with Patricia. I'd suggest to split up before the evening grows more late. That way we could get information spread more quickly. What do you two think?"

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

So, Hillary, who was the elderly human that was so lucky to have gotten a kiss from you? Your father, perhaps? I ask because I would not want to step on anyone's toes this late in the evening.

I agree that we should tell our elders everything as quick as possible.

I think it is better for the mutual understanding of the three communities if we stick together. Let's show our elders that they should stand together as well to solve this pickle we are all in.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas says:"Let's see what Patricia says or knows about this. Then we can decide about the rest. We also need to find Marcus and his dad."

Swallowing, the youth thanks Wuda and bids her good fortune in their game.

NPC: F Alodoan-Urandoman/Half-Elven

Dieredon and Calex, day 5, evening at the Rising Sun

“Oh, him? He’s my uncle, Roger, my father’s brother. He helps in the kitchen, when he can, and his son, Keiran helps also. My father disappeared about six months ago. He went looking for my mother, who left us, what now, that’s almost two years ago. I think she hopped a ship back to Aladoa, but dad always believed she went off to the south searching for some treasure she had heard about from some people passing through the town when it was just a tiny place. The castle wasn’t completed then. I was seventeen at the time, and dad had just opened this place. But that’s enough of my story. Tell me about yourselves.”


Alomar, Phineas, and Poseus, day 4, evening

Where do you go first, to look for Patricia?

What place is nearest

To Phineas and Poseus:

Let's go. I suggest we check the nearest place where she can possibly be first

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

"Let us go by her reidence first. There's not reason to pull her father into this discussion with the other troubles they have to deal with now. If she is not at home, we can check at the elder's."

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

"That's some good thinking Phineas. I guess I lose my head a bit in this mess. it is a lot to take in."

Poseus accompanies Phineas to Patricia's house.

NPC: F Urandoman/Human Warrior 4 | Init +1, P +2 | HD, 4d10+8 / HP 28/28 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | F +6, R +2, W +1 | CMD 16

Alomar, Phineas, and poseus, Day 4, evening

You hurry across the island to Patricia’s cottage. It is a small cottage, built by her father as a gift to her when she returned from the wars. You knock upon the door frame and Patricia answers quickly.
She is still dressed in her day attire, wool pants, low cut boots, and a three layer assortment of two shirts and a vest. She has a small leather bound book in her right hand, it is partially opened and she holds one finger between the pages.

“Good evening Phineas,” she says when she opens the door, and then noticing he is not alone she goes on to say, “Alomar, right, I think we’ve met before, I haven’t seen you in a while. You’ve grown, and it’s Poseus, right, from the other night I remember you. I was just reading an old book that’s a favorite of mine. I should be in bed, but seems I’m glad I wasn’t. What brings you around?”

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas is glad to find Patricia. "Really ma'am it's been a trying day. We should sit down to discuss what we have found out near the Metaur camp by the rocks in the river."

Phineas goes on to relate the finding asking Poseus to show the bag, and open it if requested. He also relates the story told by Wuda the Peddlar of pending civil strife in Castletown and the concern about overflow to Woodbridge.

He pauses, asking Alomar and Poseus if they have more to add.

Phineas has lots of questions, but as he was trained by Panforey, he is getting the facts right first.

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3

Back to Castletown
"We're from the village of Woodbridge, a few days travel from here. A couple of days ago an Alodoan knight arrived, escorting a traveling tradeswoman. During our Spring festival, he contracted a severe illness that our village healer says she doesn't know how to treat. We were sent to fetch an Alodoan healer to hopefully save him before he succumbed to this sickness. We were going to try to speak with the Castle barracks commander to request his help, since it's presumably one of his knights that is sick." Calex's expression shows Hillary how worried he his. "I hope we get a positive answer. Our healer says the man has less than a fortnight and we have other worries, what with the swamp monsters attacking the surrounding areas of the village- I'll let Dieredon tell that tale, since he's the hero of that fight."
Cal finishes his words with a flourish towards his elfish friend, and thinks to himself "The stage is set, Dieredon. Cue the hero! Don't ever let it be said I wasn't the perfect wing-man!" "I think it's time for me to retire. If you'll give me directions to my room, please, Hillary, I'll head off to sleep."

Good evening Patricia,

I agree with Phineas that we need to discuss the gruesome items he and Poseus have found.

I also heard about the illness your mother is suffering from. Is she being tended by a healer? If you want I can come around tomorrow morning to check on her.


Alomar, Phineas, and Poseus, Day 4, evening (at Patricia Flaherty’s home)

Patricia winces when Phineas refers to her as , “Ma’am”, and reminds him that she isn’t as old as all that.

She listens, intently, to the story Phineas tells, and then, while she is thinking about what to say, Alomar asks her about her mother.

“Oh, yes, Auria and Cicily have both been by to check on her and they are doing everything they can for her. I even hear that Cicily will be traveling to see Rosilindea tomorrow, to discuss a remedy for stiffness in the limbs that is known to the Gymnaga folk. I’m very hopeful,” patricia says to Alomar, while she gives Poseus a quick glance and smile.

Talking about her mother seems to have taken Patricia’s mind off of the problem at hand, but after a pause, her face falls into a frown, and she shakes her head.

“No, I don’t agree with Wuda. I was afraid you would find something like this. I’ve been in some of the Alodoan tonws, to the north, along the west coast, and this, this way of dealing with an enemy, is popular. They torture the poor victim nearly to death, then slit the throat, and dispose of the body, usually in the sea, but I suppose our river is now something they will use for their crimes. You should not try to get rid of the remains. Whoever that was, a man or woman, adult or child, they deserve a final rest. These waters, this river, have taken many lives over the centuries, and it known its share of ghost and other restless spirits. Find out what you can about the sack, although I don’t understand what could be special about it. Seems like just a variety of very strong leather too me, but try to learn what you can. Then, I know it’s late, but then take the remains to Mister Panforey. Tell him to say whatever prayers he thinks will be helpful in warding off any chance of our village being visited by a restless spirit. And then, yes, I think it would be the right thing to do. Then I want you to go to the Hill of the Cairns, and find the leader of the Lyph community on the east side of the hill, in the Green Woods. His name is Ha’Uldurah, and he is a Sakalyph. Come see me in the morning and we’ll talk about what I want you to talk to him about, and we will make sure everyone, Alomar, your mother, Poseues, your family, and Phineas, you’ll need Mister Panforey’s blessing and permission from your parents as well. The trip will take you two or three days, and I want to be sure all of you can be gone from your responsibilities for that long. Meanwhile, let’s hope that Calex and Dieredon can keep us out of trouble for a while longer, but who knows really where their loyalties lie. Go see the Dales and learn what you can about the sack. It may turn out to be helpful in the long term.”

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas nods his acknowledgement at the orders, nothing fazing him anymore today. "It's the third time the Hill of the Cairns has come up in our discussions. First about the enchanted milk pail, then about the Spellstone and the Fulagh Bagnorra, and now again with these torture/murders. I guess I will be seeing what it's all about soon."

He says a quiet goodnight to Patricia, promising to return in the morning ready to leave on their mission. He whispers to the others after they leave:"This story grows more complicated the more we hear. These Lyph, the Good Folk, are the center of many stories under the surface in Woodbridge. I can't wait to see them."

He motions to the others to follow as they go looking for Marcus or Mr Dale at their forge.

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Poseus bows slightly for Patricia as he softly says goodnight as well.

"I hope Marcus and his father are still up this late, don't want to wake them."

"These stories get more complex everyday, I have heard few stories about the Good Folk and now I am going to meet them. These are strange times."

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

Marcus, washes up for the day after a very hard days work on the Maetur work order for the shop. After washing up, he heads on over to Lu's place for a hearty dinner to replenish all he had lost during the day.

Marcus sees his father out the door, and begins to head on over the Lu's as he runs into Brother Phineas, Poseus and Alomar if memory serves him right. He hasn't dealt with Alomar much, but he has been pleasant like most Maetur, Marcus has been around.

Howdy Phineas, Poseus, and Alomar correct? What brings you by my quaint shop. I was actually headed over to LuLu's to get some dinner. The work order for your people was larger than what even I anticipated, but my father and I got it done. Shall we get some dinner and relax a spell my friends? Marcus says with a smile.

What a lot of turbulence in our small community! One day I am tending to the goats and sheep of everyone and now I am swept up by the things that concern our leaders. I do not know yet which situation I prefer, although it is better to be in the know then not.

Alomar is contemplating everything that happens when they run into Marcus. The one time he was in the Dale's shop he seemed like a nice kind of guy.

Good evening Marcus, I am sure you made everything quite right, although I was not aware of an order from my fellows. It is not as all Maetaur know everything that our people do. Although I am sure that Cecily knows everything herself.

Thanks for the invitation, but we have some errands to run that need to be done as soon as possible. As a matter of fact one of these errands is at your place. Can we step into your shop for a bit?

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

Of course, let me open her back up, Marcus fumbles with his keys.

Inside, the smell off the fire dying down fills the air. Various tools hang on hooks ready to be used at a moments notice. A few suits of simple armor stand in a corner, and various simples weapons hang on racks displaying the craftsmanship his father had distilled in him.

Sorry for the slight smoky smell, just closed up shop til now, he says with a grin.

Thank you Marcus

Alomar steps inside and waits for Phineas to show the leather sack.

I do not mind the smell, although it is different than the animal smells I am used to.

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Diredon soon finds himself alone with Hillary, and he is certainly tempted by her wiles, regardless of her half-breed status. He nods to Calex as he treks up to bed.

Well, mi'lady, it is true that we dis fight off some monsters in a bog, but I was the only one really able to put up a stalwart defense. See, I am quite adept at the use of my Curveblade from my years spent in Alodoa. I have been trying to establish myself here, and my skills at trapping and tracking are well-suited for the frontier. However, I do have responsibilities to report on the flora and fauna of the areas around Woodbridge on a monthly basis at the Castle. Well, enough about me. I have quite a busy day tomorrow before my return trip to Woodbridge. I thank you for sharing a drink, but I feel that I must retire soon so that I am well-rested. However, I would feel remiss if I did not ask you to share some time alone with me in a more...shall we say...comfortable surrounding? Please do not be cross, If I have spoken out of turn. You are quite attaractive.

Dieredon smiles and reaches towards her hand to close it in his own.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas is noticeably dour and depressed as he enters Marcus' workshop. While glad to see his new friend, the weight of the troubles from this day wears on him visibly.

"Marcus, we need your expertise on something, and we also need your secrecy. Do we have your word?"

He waits until the smith acknowledges and then proceeds to show him the sack.

"I don't want to tell you the contents but have you ever seen a sack like this one? It is important if you have any clues as to it's owner or use. This sack was used in the commission of a crime and we need to stop whoever was responsible. Patricia and Cicily of the Metaur think you (or your father) may have seen this or soemthing like it in the past."

He passes over the sack, but keeps a hold on the ropes that bind the top closed. Phineas will show Marcus if he insists, but would prefer not to.

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

Marcus looks worried, since he has never known Phineas to be down before. He decides to himself that no harm can come from looking at the mysterious bag they are holding.

Of course, you know I can keep a secret Brother. Let me see if all the knowledge from my mother can father can help you guys out. Marcus says as he looks at the bag. He spends several minutes examining the bag. The texture, consistency, the material, the clasps at the top of the sack that are used to keep it closed, never opening it for the moment. After examining every inch of the bag he returns the bag to Phineas, takes a deep breath and relays his findings and thoughts.

Crime, so much for our quiet and comfortable living. Anywyas, Marcus says with a lack of expression on his face.

The material is very rare. I have only dealt with this material once before. It is an aquatic creature, however the name escapes me at the moment. It is not native to our lands, that I am positive of. Look here, as he stretches, pulls and even takes a knife and pokes the bag, this material is very resistant to tears, rips, and even puncture. It has been treated with an oil and worked in such a way that it is water resistant. This treatment I have only heard of, never actually witnessed. I would take a guess that someone in Castletown might know how to makes such a bag, and may even have the base material. The fasteners at the top, have been used and abused over the years so it isn't as good as it used to be but the bag itslef is of very fine quality masterwork. I am quite surprised you found it. Marcus looks towards those in front of him for any reactions to the information.

If you don't mind me asking, where did you find such a remarkable bag and what is in it. I can only assume that such a rare bag, will contain a rare item? Marcus asks with a curious look on his face.

various rolls:

Know Geo: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Know Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Prof Tanner: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Phineas is uncomfortable keeping secrets from one he considers a friend,but also knows this news is grim indeed. He sighs and tells Marcus about the dead halfling, relating it to the skull that the smith should remember from before.

He goes on to tell him about Wuda's thoughts and Patricia's and the idea of going to the Lyph in the morning.

When he finishes, he is exhausted. "Probably best if I just go to be now Marcus. If you can think of anything more about this bag - maybe some clue as to who's it was - then please meet us in the morning and tell us. Otherwise, we will see you when we return from Hill of the Cairns in a few days. May the Protector walk with your while we are gone, my friend."

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

I don't remember ever being told about the body before. Did I miss a post somewhere?


This is the first time Marcus has been told that a body was discovered. He may not have known anything about the skull, if he was not present at the Bread and Board this morning, day 4 morning. Poseus brought the Skull to the village the night of the Festival, day Two, and you may or may not have been told about it then, I really don't remember. Let’s see if I can put up a day track to see where everyone is at and what has happened.

Day 1 – Elizabeth Goodwell and Roan have an encounter that leaves Roan alone and he is abducted by Grindylow – the newly organized friends of Calex, Dieredon, marcus, Phineas and Posus (with Cara and Chance, who are o longer with the game) fight off the Grindylow and return to Woodbridge in the dark. Poseus returns home and discovers that a young Gymnaga girl has found a small skull in the river.

Day 2 – the Spring Festival

Day 3 – A meeting is held at the Bread and Board and two separate missions are established. Phineas and Poseus travel to see Rosilindea of the Gymnaga people. Wuda sells her wares

Day 4 – Calex and Dieredon set out for Castletown while Phineas and Poseus travel to the Maetaur settlement and while exploring the river near there find the remains of a Halfling, drowned and beheaded in a leather sack. The meet a young male Maetaur named Alomar and return to Woodbridge. – we are still here for Phineas, Poseus, and Alomar

Day 5 – Dieredon and Calex are delayed by rain, but reach the outskirts of Castletown late in the evening and are at an Inn called , The Rising Sun

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

I will just say this is the first I heard of it then. I was at Lulu' before everyone else got there and we all just missed each other by minutes.

What!?!? A halfling was murdered, so much for our peaceful village. Marcus stifles back some vomit as he looks again at the bag and the skull within. After a few moments to catch himself he turns back to the group, I remember something else about the bag. It is made from a Mok Turtle. A sort of sea cow, that lives in the Aladoan inlet. I learned of this information from father. When I was younger, he worked on a bag, such as this for an Aladoan Elf, Yanil Asserin, who moved here a while back. The creatures are raised and harvested for their meat/hides/hard plate shells. When done, my father gave me a piece of scrap of the same material. Let me take a quick look around to see if I can find it.

int check to remover where it is: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Can't seem to find it right now, maybe tomorrow will be luckier. So, if Castletown might know better, how do we get this information to Dietedon and Calex. They left a day ago, weather permitting they should get there in a day or two. I hope they are all right? Marcus asks in a slightly worried tone for Dieredon and Calex


Marcus searches the shop, a quick search, and cannot find it. It was given to him when he was a boy, so it could be anywhere in his parent's house. Maybe in a day or two he will remember where he left it.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

"So the bag likely belongs to an Aldoan or someone familiar with Aldoans. That narrows the list down considerably. Maybe Patricia knows who each and every Aldoan in town is, but I only know Calex and Dieredon, and they're both gone to..."

Phineas considers that perhaps his friends visit to Castletown was more than just coincidence. But he shakes that thought off quickly.

"I do hope Mithras is with them. I'm afraid they are walking right into the lions' den unaware." He says a quick prayer of protection for them.

"Look for the scrap when you can Marcus, but for now, we will get some much needed rest. Alomar, Poseus, you are welcome to stay at Panforey's for the night, but there is no beds, it'll have to be the hayloft, but it will save you a long walk in the dark...We must meet back in the morning anyway."

Phineas yawns tiredly and says his goodbyes to Marcus heading for Panforey's and his rest, either with or without his friends.

Alomar smiles when Phineas mentioning the hayloft.

Thanks for the offer Phineas, but we Maetaur are not very skilled at climbing stairs or ladders. We prefer to sleep on our futons on the ground flour.

I will go home, I can make a light if necessary and I know the way. I suppose we meet tomorrow morning at Patricia's?

Phineas, will you take the remains to Panforey so that he can say his blessings?

Good night to you all, Marcus, thank you for your time.

With that Alomar departs for the Maetaur village.

We need to come up with a name for that part of town

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