....Well....I can see I'll be in the minority here but - no. Didn't like it. Couldn't, in fact, finish it. Just like "Pirates Honour" actually. I thought the writing was flat & the characterisation two dimensional. Boring, to be blunt. "Pirates Promise" will be part of the VERY short list of Pathfinder novels I've purchased (all of them, thus far) that will be headed towards the 2nd hand bookstore.
Otherwhere wrote: Barbara Hambly gave them a really cool reason: gold and gems and jewelry make music that only dragons can hear. They are entranced by its melody! Ah, you beat me to it! That was going to be my suggestion - read Barbara Hambly's Dragonbane series. Dragons need pure gold (thus, refined & worked by those crawling bi-peds with those nimble fingers of theirs) into which they can breathe the magic of their Names and have it reflected back to them. It's like Dragon catnip, I tells ya!
Osprey publishes about a dozen different series, mostly concerned with military history & regalia. The "Myths & Legends" line is quite recent but excellent, looking not just at the titular characters but how the stories of them have changed over time & how they have been represented in different media. For those looking for campaign ideas, the "Raid" series from Osprey looks at small unit operations throughout history - plenty of good stuff in there!
I think a lot of Barbara Hambley's stuff would do well on screen - in particular her Ysidro/Asher vampire books & the Dragonsbane stories. Both of these universes are extremely well realised & highly intelligent. Both lend themselves to the screen without any need to be dumb'd down &/or cruelly truncated. Glen Cook's Black Company would suit a tv series, perhaps...? For movies that (personally) disappointed, I'd look no farther than The Hobbit. It's probably just me, it just had some glaringly annoying features (un-dwarven looking dwarves, dwarves looking hobbits in the eye, sunlight tolerant orcs, Greenwood becoming Mirkwood overnight...it goes on). ...(deep cleansing breathe)... Anyway... I'd never want to see Jack Vance's work turned into a movie, I'd never be satisfied, no matter who was involved & how well it was executed. And Hollywood needs to leave Matheson alone until they decide stick to the story & keep Will Smith AWAY from it!
This is probably my inner grognard rumbling but I'd love to see an "olde school" party adventure - four to six characters with a reason to be hanging together, plugging away in tumble-down dungeon. Traps, dead-ends, pitfalls, pratfalls & wandering monsters. Treasure! As an aside, I'd love to read a really good description of a knock down, drag out stoush between two magic-users (in my experience, they usually go one of two ways - ZAP! BLAMMO! Greasy smear. Or, half an hour later, two lean, exhausted beardy guys poking away at each other with daggers...
Okaaay...this is an old gripe & I don't expect to get any satisfaction on the topic, but can we PLEASE get volume 2 of Downer? Seriously, print it or provide it as a PDF but get it out there! Look at the sales figures for volume 1 - you are guaranteed those numbers as a MINIMUM for volume 2, plus the sales you'll garner from people no longer put off by the prospect of only having 1/2 a story (which is exactly as frustrating as it sounds). |