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I am mad as Hell about what D&D won't let pathfinder use any more. This is going to throw off the continuity of the world of Golarion one of the richest and most detailed fantasy settings of all time. I have been buying D&D products for about 40 years now, but they won't be getting a single penny from me ever again!

Ezekieru wrote:
Temperans wrote:

Skinwalker I can maybe see causing some potential confusion when in hybrid form.

But Orcs? Are we looking at the same illustrations cause Orcs don't look like boars.

Well, not exactly like boars but they do have tusks, pointed ears, flatish noses. Which are all features that a person descended from a boar headed rakshasa might have. Remember they don't have an actual animal head like their rakshasa parent, they just have animal-like features.

I guess given all the different races , most people would not see someone with boar-like features and automatically think "OH SHIT, that guy is a rakshasa" they might just think he has orcish or skinwalker ancestry

QuidEst wrote:
Pathfinder's rakshasas have a pretty big focus on power and hedonism. I imagine that something of that carries through to the impression rakshasa tieflings make. It wouldn't be boar in the sense of "a big pig", it would be boar in the sense of "there's a reason fighting boars shows up in cave paintings and the accomplishments of pretty much every Greek mythical hero".

So not pretty to look at charisma , but more like "Wow, that guy is a real bad-ass I wanna hang out with him" charisma

I remember in their original write up Tieflings of rakshasa heritage it was said that humans frequently find them attractive and that they had a feral glamor.Now I could see that being the case with those whose rakshasa ancestors had the heads of tigers or other felines. Cat are widely regarded as beautiful

But what about those descended from rakshasas that had the heads of animals people people generally find unattractive like crocodiles or boars? Would they have the same kind if charisma?

IIRC in one of the 2nd edition products there is a Rakshasa-spawn, (AKA beastbrood) tiefling NPC (or perhaps it was just a general summary of the race.Does anyone know what I am talking about or what product this was in?

Has the Japanese shojo appeared in Pathfinder publications

If they don't already have stats, I thought that
Given their physical appearance, love of alcohol and the fact that they have often been conflated with apes I thought they might make a good Oni version of Vanaras .

Any thoughts

James Jacobs wrote:

We haven't statted up Yowie yet, but I'm 100% sure they're out there. Early on we indicated that the mystery continent of Sarusan was our "Australia analogue" but today that's not the case, since we're trying to keep that continent a blank slate for GMs to play with or simply to keep a bit of mystery about Golarion for the time being. So it's not cool/fair/good to "strand" Australia inspired content to a place we'll probably never explore in print. Instead, we've been looking at Australia stuff now and then where appropriate to inspire us.

Yowie hasn't reached Golarion yet as a result, but as I'm probably the primary reason there's such an emphasis on cryptid-inspried monsters in Pathfinder, traditionally, I can assure you Yowie is and has been on the to-do list. Can't make promises when or if we'll get there, alas.

If you do end up creating yowies how would you make them different from sasquatch and other similar cryptids

Given that sasquatch,yetis, and orang-pendek all officially exist in the Pathfinder setting what about Australia's cryptid ape the Yowie
Do they exist on Golarion ?
Have any official stats been done for them? I know they don't appear in any of the bestiaries have the perhaps appeared in any of the modules ?

What do ratfolk, wererats, and ratlings all think of each other? Surely they must cross paths obsessionally, how do they interact?

Ok, I know it has been stated that every animal species on the Prime Material Plane has a Foo counterpart in Nirvana

1) Have any Foo creatures other than dogs or lions appeared in any of the Pathfinder Adventure Paths or modules

2)Just in terms of physical appearance what make a Foo a Foo. I know what the physical features of a Foo Lion or Dog are, but I am having a hard time visualizing these features on creatures like elephants or dolphins

IIRC It was stated that goblinoids were possible forms that the oni manifest themselves as.We know about the hobgoblin oni and presumably there are bugbear oni out there somewhere, but what about goblins.Would an oni ever have the form of something that was so (comparatively) small and weak? and what about other small races like kobolds, gnomes or wayangs ?

Do they give any new text descriptions and background info about the various creatures?

I know it features a lot of creatures from the other bestiaries .Exactly how is it different from the bestiaries that came before?

In the Classic Monsters it is stated that
"Of all the males, only the criosphinx willingly helps rear its own young, often as part of the bargain for mating in the first place"
Why are the Androsphinxes unwilling to help raise their children? This does not seem to be in keeping with their good alignment.

Also, given that they are the product of a gynosphinxe being brutally raped by a Hieracosphinx why do gynosphinxes allow their hieracosphinx offspring to survive?

and as Yqatuba
pointed out t?post=v5748gbit9s7k&thread=v5748rzs42jqk#newPost

How a hieracosphinx would even be able to rape a gynosphinx in the first place since they are a lot more powerful. Plus a hieracosphinx has 6 int and a gynosphinx has 18 int so even if she was outnumbered seems like it would be easy for her to outsmart them and escape.

In the Classic Monsters it is stated that
"Of all the males, only the criosphinx willingly helps rear its own young, often as part of the bargain for mating in the first place"
Why are the Androsphinxes unwilling to help raise their children? This does not seem to be in keeping with their good alignment.

Also, given that they are the product of a gynosphinxe being brutally raped by a Hieracosphinx why do gynosphinxes allow their hieracosphinx offspring to survive?

What is the origin of quasits (i.e. were they based on some creature of mythology , did they come from some work of fiction , etc)

Shisumo wrote:
The mention of summoning creatures makes me very curious to see if we will get the "base stats + template" style of Starfinder, which has gone over very well at my tables.

Are the classic monsters like orcs and vampires presented any differently than the the were in the earlier bestiaries or are the pretty much the same?

I was re-reading the ogre section in Classic Monsters Revisited.The description of the ogres' late night jamborees, gave me an idea. Some theme music to help set the stage for players encountering one of their shindigs.Not necessarily the music the ogres themselves are playing, but something to set the mood.Something to capture the essence of hulking sadistic degenerates but with something of a hillbilly sound as well.

Any suggestions?

How about some of the more obscure D&D creatures
3)Devil Swine

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I remembers reading in Mythical Monsters Revisited that all harpies were female and reproduced by mating with males from other races. Yet in the recent Sand Point supplement there is a male harpy.

What is up with that?
Is there an official position on this subject?

The common Rakshasas always have the heads of different animals Is there some factor that determines just what head a Rakshasa gets, whether one has a tiger head or one has crocodile head?, etc or is it all just random?

Vic Wertz wrote:
Kyle still has friends here, but it's been quite some time since he's done anything professional for us.

What issues of Dungeon magazine have Downer strips in them?

Just what issue of Dungeon magazine to Downer premier in?

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I came across this pic online g
and inspiration struck: Centaur-Oni
I would like to hear you thoughts on this
1) Are there any centaur like creatures in Asian folklore?
2) Do any centaurs live in Tian Xia?
3) what would be some good magical abilities to give them?

It featured some suggested dialog for a kyton that was trying to convert some PCs to his way of thinking.It was focused on showing that notions of Good and Evil were not absolutes.

Just how to they dress themselves in those fancy clothes they like to wear,given that they have wheels instead of hands or feet

GM Rednal wrote:

"Oni are a race of evil spirits, native to the Material Plane, that manifest physical bodies based upon the shapes and desires of humanoid mortals", and "The type of oni a spirit transforms into is influenced by a wide variety of variables, ranging from the nature of what the oni spirit was before to the location where it is reborn into the realm of flesh and blood."

So, it's not always obvious what the factors are, but it's definitely not random.

Thanks for the info

Ok, I know that Oni are Kami that have taken the form of mortal races. But why do oni take the forms that they do? Is there some factor that determines whether one becomes a Ja noi or a Nogitsune, or is it all just random?

What is the inspiration for these creatures? Do they come from some work of fiction or were they inspired by something from folklore?

thanks for the info

What artist did the cover for Paths of the Righteous

Do Devil Swine exist in the Pathfinder?
or are they considered intellectual property of wizards of the coast?

The feline headed Raksashas of D&D ( I know the creatures of Indian folklore are totally different) are one of my favorite monsters.Have they ever been featured significantly in any of the novels or short stories based on the Pathfinder setting?

Rysky wrote:
Dunno since it's not signed. You might have better luck asking in the actual product thread.

Ah, this is a good idea

Brother Fen wrote:
Cosmic Creatures Revisited.

That could be really cool. although I am still holding ou5t hope for a monsters from fiction book

Jester David wrote:
Kvantum wrote:

Terrors From Below Revisited

Aboleth (and Faceless Stalkers/Ugothols)
Gibbering Mouther
Intellect Devourer

I second a Darklands beasties revisited. Drow, duergar, morlocks, vegipygmies, gugs, and a couple others might fit.

Seeing how this one did indeed come to pass, are their any other revisited books in the pipeline awaiting us?

Anyone know?

What artist did the werepanther on page 52?

One thing I have really loved about Pathfinder is the fresh spins they put on well known monsters. Like how the ogres are based on the demented hillbillies in Texas Chain Saw Massacre or goblins being based on Gremlins,Critters,& Lilo and Stitch

Given the wave of evil clowns in the media this year, I was wondering if there is a Pathfinder race that could mesh with idea of evil clowns i.e. Killer Klowns from Outer Space, The Joker,etc.

Or have any evil clowns served as the basis of any Pathfinder monsters?

What would the height of frost giant child that was the age equivalent of a human 9-10 year old be?

el_skootro wrote:

I didn't see this anywhere else here, so I thought I'd let everyone know that Adamant Entertainment will be producing an RPG set in China Meiville's Bas-Lag world.

El Skootro

Did the rpg ever get published?

James Jacobs wrote:
Joshua Goudreau wrote:
Based on the su-monster out of the 2E Monstrous Manual it wouldn't be difficult to make stats for them in Pathfinder since they are essentially just apes with some psionics. The psionics component can be easily translated to a handful of mind-effecting spell-like abilities.
It wouldn't be difficult, no, but we wouldn't do it. If we do a su-monster, it'd be based on the folklore version of it, and that means no psioncis/psychic power, since that version of the su-monster is not open content.

Just got the new Bestiary , You all really great job with the succarath.It is a much better foe than the Su-Monster and the illustration, is more in keeping with the original description of the creature

Ok I know that when drow fleshwarp goblins they get Gublasks.
Are there any specific creatures they get when they fleshwarp hobgoblins or bugbears

Anyone remember the Qullan from the Fiend Folio?
They were an interesting race but not much was done with them
Do they exist on Golarion ?

James Jacobs wrote:
I love the revisited books as well. And they're not on PERMANENT suspension. They're just waiting, patient and potent. Unleashed rules now where they ruled once. The time shall come when they shall rule again. When winter is summer, and summer is winter. Their hand is at your throat, yet you see them not. The Player Companions are their cousin, yet even they can spy the Revisited books only dimly. When the stars are right again, they shall return.

Isn't that what David Gerrold said about the Chtorr series

MMCJawa wrote:
Thomas Jones wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
The Unleashed books tend to be more encounter focused. Less playing around with a creature and describing there role in Golarion, and more "here a detailed NPC with lair/item/etc info
Have you all thought about releasing a "no frills" version of the revisited series. You could release pdf versions with no art-work. That was it would cost you all less money and fans of the revisited series could look forward to some future volumes

IIRC, there isn't a whole lot of difference between the costs of producing a pdf and a printed book. Most of the money goes into layout/writing/editing/art. On top of still ends up taking up time that can be used for other books, in which case it would be better to just release it as a normal book than as extra work on the schedule in addition to all the other CS books

And art is a big seller for the books I think...I don't think they would go through and produce a book with no art, because the savings from not having to order art would not offset lost of customers who won't buy something with no art.

I mean don't get me wrong, The revisited books were some of my favorite campaign setting books. I would love for them to come back, especially as there are still plenty of creature types/niches to cover.

Sigh, oh well.

BTW, how did I do on my list in the OP can you think of any I missed?

MMCJawa wrote:
The Unleashed books tend to be more encounter focused. Less playing around with a creature and describing there role in Golarion, and more "here a detailed NPC with lair/item/etc info

Have you all thought about releasing a "no frills" version of the revisited series. You could release pdf versions with no art-work. That was it would cost you all less money and fans of the revisited series could look forward to some future volumes

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How about revisited book that focuses on game creatures that come from fiction rather than mythology or folklore.Now I know anything connected to LOTR would be out of the question.Would any of the following creatures be possible

Pseudo Dragon- from L. Sprague de Camp
Serpent People-from Robert E Howard
Wererats - Fritz Leiber
Bandersnatch-Lewis Carroll
Jub-Jub Bird
Men from Leng
Hounds of Tindalos-Frank Belknap Long
Grendel - Anglo-Saxon epic poem
Girallon-Edgar Rice Burroughs
Hippogriff- Ludovico Ariosto
Preyton- Jorge Luis Borges
Anyones I am missing?

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