Star Wars The Galactic Unification (Inactive)

Game Master Shanosuke

Rebel soldiers have defeated the Empire but the danger of its swift return looms and the galaxy is unprepared to fight it off. Can our heroes unify the galaxy against the return of the empire or has all the work the rebellion has done been for

A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far Far Away…..:

It has been a little under two months since the destruction of the second death star and the defeat of the emperor. The Rebel Alliance has suffered heavy casualties at the battle of Endor and is trying to recover. Meanwhile, uprisings are breaking out all across the galaxy and not all of them are for the good. Several planetary governors had been put in charge of the worlds all apart of the Empire’s control. These leaders now sought to fill the vacuum left by the emperor’s death. With no apparent heir the Empire has been reduced to fighting itself.
The galaxy is quickly plunged into a chaos that it has not seen for several millennia. The Rebel Alliance soon rallies what is left of it’s forces to try and help the wounded galaxy repair itself and for the better. However, other influential leaders have appeared as well.
The strongest of these is Mirianna Palpatine. The emperor’s adopted daughter. Rumor has it that she is a trained force user and she is the closest thing to an heir that many of the imperial officers could find. She now leads a good fourth of the imperial army. The rest of the empire is ruled by dozens of smaller factions and Mirianna aims to reign in these leaders and make them yield to her new authority and Empress of the galaxy.
The death of Jabba the Hutt also fueled a new war. Zadora the Hutt had bet his cards on the Alliance defeating the Empire by backing them in the war. When he heard his rival Jabba had been killed by some of the Alliance’s key figures, he moved into action quicker than anyone thought possible. His connection with the Alliance allowed him to absorb much of Jabba’s assets to him and another crime lord named Nym. During the battle of Endor Zadora waged his own war and seized the assets Nym had gained from service with the Alliance. Now Zadora was buying out every mercenary organization across the galaxy. With the Empire in chaos and no real galactic order, Zadora declared war on all the major galactic crime lords. His advantage, speed, resources, and his allegiance with the Alliance and other groups who are sectioning his actions for a hostile take over of the criminal underground.
With all the uncertainty and chaos now in effect, the stability between worlds in waning and the conflict continues higher than it ever has. With so much turmoil can Mirianna, The Rebel Alliance, or Zadora ever hope to return order and unity to the galaxy…

This is the Recruitment for the Rebel Alliance story thread. Those of you sighing up for the alliance put forth your character apps here. This story you are joining the crew of the famed Mon Calamari Battle Cruiser Home One to go on missions to repel imperial remnants and pacify worlds suffering from strife or civil war. Also to act as security for simple diplomatic mission. You are provided equipment and only get the base value of credits provided by your class (As if you rolled a one on your credit dice roll)

You are allowed to put forth a character for each thread and I may pick more than one of them depending on how many recruits I get over all. Otherwise I pick my favorite of your two or three characters for the thread you made them for.

Recruitment ends in 2 weeks or when I get enough spots filled.

Sources We will be using The Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook by Bill Slavicsek, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker. If you don’t have it and want to play, it is an easy buy on ranging from 15 to 40 Dollars or on Ebay.
AbilitiesWe will be using 25 Point buy following all the purchase rule from the Star Wars rulebook with the exception that instead of all abilities starting at a base 8, they start at 10.
Vitality I have decided to give players a max vitality equal to their hit dice max + con X 3. Players will not gain more vitality until level 4. This is to keep you from dying too soon as in this game……death can be quick due to the high damaging weapons.
Classes You can pick from all classes except for Jedi Classes. Jedi Adept is permissible but only with a good and reasonable back story. Thing is, Luke is technically the last “Jedi” but not the last force user.
Races All races are usable within Zadora’s faction with no limitations. In the imperial faction there are only humanoid, or basically human looking species like Cereans, or Chiss and so on. In the alliance there will be no primitive races. I added a few races and will post the details on either Sunday or Monday depending on my free time to type it from paper to PC. That’s a lot of work. The following new races are:
-Gran +2 Con +2 Cha -2 Dex
-Chiss +2 Cha +2 Int
-Miraluka – limit one per thread +2 Wis -2 Cha Start with Force Sensetive Feat and Sense Feat
- Mandelorian – limit one per thread +2 Str +4 Con -2 Cha Has fast heal
-Tusken – Fringer or scout class only +2 Str +2 Con -4 Cha Has +2 trait bonus to animal handle and Ride. Uses Graffii proficiency
-Weequay +2 Dex +2 Con -2 Int -2 Cha
-Nikto +2 Str +2 Con -2 Wis – 2 Cha
-Chadrafan +4 Dex +2 Cha -2 Str -2 Con Small
-Drell +2 Int +2 Wis no negatives
-Barbel +2 Str +4 Con -2 Dex -2 Cha -2 Int Has Nat Armor
These races are added and I will post more details later. The ability modifiers are just to give you an idea as to what they are capable of.

Now What I need you to put in your ap. I don’t want a statblock as things may need to change but this is what I do need. Also don’t make an Alias please. Not yet anyways
You need
Your backstory including
-Name, Age, and Race
-The Reason for your class
-Physical Description
-Skill Explanation – (Basically you explain where you got your skills from, this doesn’t need to be too precise)
- Motivations (What are you character’s goals and what motivates them to do stuff, anything)
-And finally why you are joining this faction.

Once all that is taken care of you just wait for me to look over your app. This campaign has a few critiques and if something you chose wont fit or don’t make sense I will ask you to correct it.

I am looking for 4 to 6 players a thread. I will close all recruitments in two weeks or once all positions are filled with desirable players. Whichever happens first. Best of luck to Y’all.


This campaign does not have an attendance rule. You post when you can. However, I run a tight ship and will move all three threads along regularly to keep everyone on the same page even if not everyone has posted so try not to get left behind. I will post Summeries in the campaign Info section to summarize what happened so you wont be too lost after being gone too long.

If there is anything I am missing or you don't understand, I will do my best to answer.

I don't have a full concept yet, usually in the rebellion i play the soldier or the tech specialist. I only like humanoid looking races, favorites are humans and twi'lek.

I will pull something together over the weekend. I have a concept in mind already.

This is a characetr concept I had for a now defunct game on the boards. I like his background so I would like to recycle him albeit 20 years later. If you approve I will stat him out. I am considering using another character from a now defunct PBP if this one is approved but for the Hutt PBP thread. I may also submit a character for the Empire thread but I will see what the interest is like in a few days before I do that, don't want to eat up slots for other players.

Name: Jarl Tehnos
Race: Human
Class: Soldier
Homeworld: Fedalle
History: Born 40 BBY on Fedalle, a wealthy and industrious world of the Core, Jarl’s family served as guardians for an affluent manufacturing clan. As he got older he was groomed to join his father and continue in his line of work but fate intervened, in 23 BBY the Clone Wars exploded and at age 17 he enlisted with the Republic's new division Rahm Kota's Militia.

Though most soldiers were clones at this point, his training since birth and his status as a non-clone volunteer granted him an opportunity to enter Officers training even at his young age. For the next three years, he served under General Kit Fisto. His participation in the Battle of Mon Calamari granted him rank almost immediately as the SCUBA fighting was a particularly dangerous mission.

Impressing the General with his bravery, he was assigned to his army again for the Battle of Khorm and helped liberate the world from Separatist rule. With these two deadly battles under his belt, Jarl rose up the ranks quickly proving himself with valor. He liked the Jedi and even had a chance to meet Master Fisto twice who he found to be honorable and wise. The last time he had the privilege to serve under master Fisto was at the first Battle of Cato Neimoidia. The ground assault on the stronghold was lightning fast but proved to be of little avail as the main target for the raid, Nute Gunray escaped before he could be captured.

Jarl was next assigned to General Aayla Secura and instructed to go to Felucia where some of the main fighting was taking place with the Separatists. Despite his rank, Jarl was demoted for the assault which did not sit well with him. Jarl was still on an offensive on the planet of Felucia when Order 66 was carried out. He was shocked by the brutality of the act and confused when he was told the Jedi were traitors to the Republic.

After the battle ended Jarl was next assigned to invade Kashyyyk under newly appointed General Vader. His team was not the 501st and was on the planet more for logistic support than real action. Again the atrocities committed on the wookies’ made his stomach turn. Sick of the infantry grind and what it did to his psyche, Jarl asked to be reassigned to the Imperial Navy as a deck security officer.

Even in the Navy though Jarl knew that what he was doing was wrong. He thought that perhaps not seeing it on the ground he could live with the terrible deeds being committed by the Empire but he could not. On the verge of going AWOL, the answer to his moral dilemma came when Jarl was re-assigned to the ISS Hammer, commanded by Admiral Saul Naratha. Soon thereafter Naratha declared mutiny against the Empire and Jarl gladly joined him.

Joining the Rebellion proved to be one of the most difficult decisions Jarl had made even though he knew it was the right one. Being on the run for most of his adult life with no chance to settle down became a burden until that fateful night above Endor when the Empire finally fell.

But the Empire did not fall, the fight still goes on and Jarl, with more years behind than ahead will do what he has always done. Fight.

Name, Age, and Race: Me'eona Lakur, male young adult, Miraluka
Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
The Reason for your class: Me'eona is a scoundrel. Growing up on the Hutt world of Nar Shaddaa as a street urchin, he learned a great deal about taking what you need and worrying about the consequences later. After stealing from a minor crime lord, Me'eona knew it was time to leave. Stealing a small ship and heading out into space, Me'eona almost crashed and died landing on the first planet out of Hutt Space. Meeting a Rebel recruiter was a chance encounter but it was as good as anywhere else he could have found himself. Acting as a hijacker, as worked well since he joined the rebellion. He doesn't feel as strong about the cause as his friends but he is loyal to the closest thing that he has to a family.
Physical Description: Me'eona appears to be a typical human pilot. He wears dark goggles to hide his eyeless features and carries a small blaster on his hip.
Skill Explanation – Me'eona learned his skills growing up in the slums of Nar Shaddaa. His pilot skills came from wagers made on racing; few people believed a blind kid could fly as well as others. His force skills are only natural abilities that he learned like another would learn to balance as he walks.
Motivations Me'eona has found companionship with his rebel friends. he enjoys the thrill of the steal and the race to escape. Me'eona feels like his companions are his family and is loyal to them as such.
And finally why you are joining this faction. Well, if you meant why I personally want to be on this thread, then it is because I like the underdog idea. If you ment why the character wants to join the faction, it is merely because a recruiter helped him out and he had no better place to be. Since joining, he has come to think as the rebellion as his family. He may not believe in the cause, but he fights for the family.

Two complete concepts

One still thinking.

First week of recruitment this is pretty good.

I have added more playable races. Aqualarish, Nautolan, Feeorins, Zeltrons and Mirialan's to the list of available races for all three threads

-Aqualarish +2 Str +2 Con -2 Cha Water breathing
-Nautolan +2 Dex +2 Int Water Breathing
-Feeorins +2 Str +2 Wis -2 Cha
-Zeltrons +2 Wis +4 Cha. They have Cha producing hormones
-Mirialans +2 Dex +2 Wis.

It appears i overestimated the amount of time i have for online games, and i'm following too many, sorry to have troubled everyone but i cannot enter this too.
Have fun.

Jarl's profile is ready.

looks like only two concepts........this isn't good for the alliance. If I don't get at least to more then I'm going to close this thread. Though I may try running the rebellion with one of my RL groups.........wonder if that will even work. Oh well. I may still simply run empire and Zadora so its still on.

Could be most people deliberately didn't make one here figuring everyone else would.

Who really wants to play a good guy when there are bad guys to be played!

Who says the people working for the empire are bad guys. I never said Rebels had to be good and imperials had to be bad. Did I?

If you get enough people in the empire thread, I can drop that submission, and make one over here.

I could actually just use the submission from the empire thread here, as it would only require a very slight adjustment to the backstory. Instead of emulating Admiral Thrawn, he believes the admiral violated Chiss code, and that he and the Empire continue to do so.

I could easily toss my scoundrel/tech from the hutt thread over here. Put him where you need him. I will write a couple of backstories and submit both.

Finn Uhodeski was born into the upper tier of the nobility of Alderaan but had spent much of his youth as too much of a ne’er do well for him to receive the royal treatment. While his older brothers were off honing and perfecting the socializing skills that would one day serve them to become great diplomats and leaders, young Finn was busy slicing computers and looking to stir up trouble. It was no surprise when his parents sent him off shortly after his 16th birthday for some “studying abroad” as his father put it. In reality it was a large sum of credits and a demand to go anywhere but home for the next few years.

Finn followed many groups of travelers and saw much of the galaxy in this time. He never spent much time actually piloting a starship but came to be pretty handy in plotting a course. His inquisitive manor rewarded him with a fine skill set but it was his impeccable intuition that proved him the ever impressive navigator. Many who have travelled with him note how he seems to go with his gut reactions on most decisions rather than sitting and thinking on it. When asked he would tell them casually that he follows his heart and it's never steered him wrong (despite what a handful scars and half-mended bones would say).

When his home planet was destroyed he told the folks he had been traveling with that he had felt ill and needed to return home immediately. He plotted a course for the pilot and demanded that he follow it but he was entirely unprepared when they arrived in the “graveyard.” At that moment he swore revenge on the Empire and spent weeks trying to find the underground rebellion so that he may join them and avenge his estranged family.

Name, Age, and Race
Finn Uhodeski, 19, Human
The Reason for your class
Scout: He is definitely an explorer of sorts. Not so much a warrior or swindler but mostly someone who can’t stay in one place at a time and values the thrills of adventure. He has experience getting into places he is not supposed to be and is equally comfortable indoors and out.
Physical Description
Wiry and athletically built, Finn is a reasonably handsome young man. He is roughly 5’11 with short cropped brown hair and bright emerald green eyes. He favors fashionable, tight fitting shirts and pants but likes layering a lengthy jacket overtop to keep a few items more or less concealed.
Skill Explanation – (Basically you explain where you got your skills from, this doesn’t need to be too precise)
He will focus mostly on Astrogate, Computer Use, and Survival. These skills come from the time he spent exploring after he turned 16. He has a bit of a wild streak so sneaking skills (hide, move silently, listen) and physical skills (jump & tumble) have played a big part in some of his less than reputable actions.
Motivations (What are you character’s goals and what motivates them to do stuff, anything)
Finn is a bit of a hothead and even though he never saw eye to eye with his family, they were still his family. It took a tragedy for him to finally stand up and focus himself on a specific goal. Complete obliteration of the Empire (or evils fueling it) is what he lives for.
Also, with your discretion I’d like to give him force-sensitive at 1st level and have his “intuitions” eventually lead him into going with a force using class.
Why you are joining this faction
To beat up some Empire baddies!

They maybe hope for the rebellion yet. I'm going to post a description of the leaders you will be serving under in a bit.

What a shame it would be if the GM himself gave up on the Rebel Alliance. They were only the overall protagonists for 3 films :)

Assuming we fill up enough slots for the Rebel thread, how heavily house ruled is your game going to be? It's been difficult not to create an alias and character sheet but if you're going to be changing stuff up its totally understandable.

Join the Alliance! Uncle Luke Wants YOU and other propaganda...

Recruitment Ends Friday! Please we need one or two more rebels in our ranks. "Help me <INSERT YOUR NAME> Your my only hope."

Also, I will explain house rules in the discussion. That is where we will build our characters.

Hmmmm so uhhhh... Since things are looking very grim for the rebels, would you be entirely opposed to only the 3 of us working at it? I'm still game for this campaign and if no one else is willing, I would be willing to go solo. Maybe a Jedi if that's the case??? :p

All with your blessing of course, Shanosuke. :D

So idk if anyone realized this but the firefox auto-fix flagged jedi but not Jedi. Who would have guessed?

Instead of introducing the rebellion as a full blown thread of it's own right away, perhaps run in the background as a npc thread and have the rebellion trying to either lure away the pcs from the other factions, or convince them to serve as diplomats and spies in order to further the goals of the rebellion. That leaves the option available for future use by PCs, but keeps the number of active PC threads you have to manage down until the success of the other two bring in more players and a third active thread is required.

Name, Age, and Race
Kuwon Tuoa, 18, Nautolan
Glee Anselm
The Reason for your class
Scout (Pilot): Kuwon's family were traders and so he spent a lot of time flying to planet to planet in space transports. He learned the ropes of piloting and trade as well as the ability to shoot a gun lest they run into some less reputable trading partners.
Physical Description
1.8m tall with dark green skin. Dresses comfortably with cargo type pants and jacket, with lots of room for carrying all sorts of tools and other gear. On his tentacles he has simple gold and silver bands.
Skill Explanation – (Basically you explain where you got your skills from, this doesn’t need to be too precise)
Piloting, Astrogation, Communication skills. Standard skills necessary for a trader.
Motivations (What are you character’s goals and what motivates them to do stuff, anything)
Kuwon's family was killed and their family ships taken by the empire for allegedly dealing illegal arms to 'criminal elements'. Kuwon being the only one to survive. In actual fact the person being dealt with was an imperial governor who to avoid getting caught, blamed the Tuoa family and had them rounded up as criminals and executed before the story could be told. Kuwon now lives with a burning hatred of the imperial system and will go out of his way to disrupt imperial operations.
Why you are joining this faction
The imperials will pay for what they have done!

Shanosuke wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

I am in for the mission. We can talk more Sunday.

Alright everypony! Recruitment ends tomorrow! Hope you got all your concepts good to go and we'll get this thing started! YEEHAA!

Okay Recruitment is closed. I need each of you to let me know who is still in. Also, Give me a list, Just the names and factions, of all the characters you have submitted to my thread. I will likely be double some of you up where you will be playing 1 - 3 different characters one in each thread. But if there are enough submissions, I will not do that.

I will be going over these on the weekend and will post the final organization on Sunday night or Monday after noon. I'd hope to start this by no later than Wednesday.

Thank you all again for your application. At the very least I am sure each player will get in.

I'm rearing to go! My only character is Finn Uhodeski for the Rebel faction. Looking forward to getting this ball rolling.

Name, Age, and Race
Kregen Tzetar, 23, Human Male


Entrepreneur: Growing up in a smaller village he valued being able to make a living without becoming a smuggler. He started some small businesses in moister farms and a shooting range. Using the range he became a marksman with a pistol, to protect himself. However he had other reasons to become adept to the blaster. He knew that he would need this skill to deal with the security system of the old imperial base near his home. This base had been abandoned for a long time and he figured that he could use whatever was left by the Empire to start a new business, with better profit. He then started a new business using the remnant technology, weapons, and droids from the abandoned imperial base, as merchandise to sell for profit. He also found some other intriguing items that have some strange properties.

Physical Description
He has average physical ability, toned but muscular, sandy blond hair, light blue eyes, 5’7” tall, a cheerful smile, welcoming attitude, genuine friendliness (until you piss him off).

Skill / Explanation
Marksman: Lots of practice shooting at his range, and rading the old imperial base.
Leader: Good at directing people, and managing his businesses
Bargaining/ Appreciating/Haggling: All good businessmen should know these.

Motivations (What are you character’s goals and what motivates them to do stuff, anything)
He has a goal to become a very well successful businessman in the entire galaxy, in whatever he can get into. However, he doesn’t believe in the smuggler/Imperial/Hutt way of doing business. So he decided to join the Rebel alliance to help get rid of all this less than reputable forms of business.

Why you are joining this faction
The rebels are the only ones who actually do legitimate business.

I'm still in.
Characters submitted:
(1) Me'eona Lakur; Rebel Alliance Thread
(2) Talon Marsk; Empire Alliance Thread

I'm ready for this RGP to start, i am also testing the txt format here.
Kregen is ready for the battle to ensue
"Who is ready for the fight for fair trade and a stable galactic economy!"
[occ] Kregen is at the recruitment line for the rebel alliance when he says this[/occ]

He went to practice his marksmanship with his blaster after it was issued to him the rest of the day.

Kregens first five shots

1st and second shot1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 241d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
3rd 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
4th and fifth he did long range at 16m 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 - 4 = 21d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 - 4 = 12

After Much painful thinking and going over profiles and trying to figure out whose who and where everyone would work best, I came to the following Conclusion.

Star Wars Recruits draft.

Xzarf – Yurvin Salki – Duros Tech specialist
Mrdrkerknight – Torin Tol - Kel dor Soldier
Kenderkin - Venkru Vong – Mandelorian Soldier
Shadowsun21 – Ellor Vantoi – Duros Scout

Denis Henry – Jarl Tehnos – Human Soldier
Imjohnnyrah - Finn Uhodeski – Human Scout
Iraqcrusader - Kregen Tzetar – Human Noble
Graynore - Me'eona Lakur - Miraluka Scoundrel

Eric Swanson – Zaleos Buerlon – Miraluka Noble
DSX Machina - Karval de Longinous – Mandelorian Soldier
Tourach – Galvet Fleming – Human Tech Specialist
Shadowsun21 – Nichos Vilpedric – Chiss Scoundrel

This is what I have set up. If any of you have any concerns or displeasures with the results please let me know. I can be reasonable. If I missed anyone please let me know as I am one player shy from having a complete party layout.


I have you set in two different threads as sort of a filler. I think it will be easier for me to run these with only four players a thread. If this is too much responsibility for you let me know and I will ask someone else to run to characters or I will make an NCP.

Awesome, looking forward to starting.

Everything is golden. I'm looking forward to character creation.

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