Ishikawa Kimiko |

I am so glad I have a built in rebreather in my throat. She shakes her head. "Yes I guess I could help you out Vincent. Haven't had to scare anyone with the metallic skull in a while. Will make a change from poison talk from the 'scientists' on board this vessel." Kimiko replies to Vincent.

Harvardr Eberhardt |

Somewhat hesitantly,
Sure The word drawn out longer then usual. But the lessons might have to wait until after we have our job secured. We need money to fund your 'research'. Or better yet to outfit the ship with facilities more helpful to your 'research'.
I don't want to be anywhere near poisonous plants. poisonous animals I can deal with, plants not so much.

Davachido |

Okay chatting seems to have died down so the groups seem to be atm:
Xetsa leans in trying to make sure the others don't overhear much. "Crow, I have a few contacts here that I neglected to mention earlier. I didn't know if they had escaped from my previous home but it looks like some have. They also managed to commandeer some supplies the both of us could use. On the way to bugging a bunch of places would you like to maybe help me get those supplies off them. Its some simple stuff, fertiliser, seeds, compressed air, quick freeze.. stuff like that. I'm sure we could find a use for them?" Xetsa smiles as Crow sees the possibilities of the tools rushing through her mind.

Davachido |

The Markets
Kimiko, Vincent and Havardr go off to the markets to grab potential information or ask around who their target is. There appear to be many different groups of people about however they see two groups that stick out that might have info. Vincent noticed at the place he got the job that the guards had similar markings to them and their clothing like a uniform. Upon walking around on Aether he knows there isn't anyone from the peacekeepers so anyone in uniform would be likely part of similar establishments that weren't part of law enforcement or armies. The group sees a group of men equipped with beat sticks and stun guns doing a recruitment drive under a gazebo. The markings and clothing are different to that which Vincent has seen before.
The group also catches wind of a hooded fellow who is going around asking people if they have need of labour or 'one-off payment' workers that didn't work as hard.
The Bleeding Rock
Xetsa and Crow enter another bar, this one with another fanciful name. Xetsa asks "So... we plant something and leave, or do you think we'd get anything else from the people here?"
Crow scans the area and sees something suspicious. A peacekeeper from the federation out of uniform attempting to discreetly ask the bartender for information. Crow gleans this from the credentials the man has left on the table. Few others carrying them around in quite the same holder. However, it seems like he is getting himself into trouble as many of the residents here do not like the law.

Davachido |

Waiting on Crow but will start these.
"Hmm who?" The hooded man replies. "Look you don't need anyone specific. What you need is a strong man, you aren't exactly built. I, however, can get someone stacked like a house for you, just need to feed him. All work, no questions." The man begins a short spiel about potential uses for such a man.
Harv listens in on the recruiters and finds that they appear to be getting initiates for guard duty or mining operations. They are asking questions like 'have you used a gun before' or 'you aware that there is no hazard pay'. Despite the harsh conditions the recruiters are painting many of those approaching are taking the job with few objections. Quite a few ask if this will allow them a step up into the Laohu. The replies range from 'we'll see' to 'if you live', it seems to be based on the candidates talents or the appear of nationality at least as far as Harv can tell.

'Old' Crow |

sorry again, I was away all weekend on business *waggles imaginary tie*
I would love to help you, I am sure those...items would be useful, and helping is what friends are for! it's even on our way.
I will leave it to xetsa to find her contacts on the way as I don't know where they would be, lets see how this pans out
On the ship:
right you are harv, we have more pressing matters to attend to! We shall continue this conversation later *wink*
In The Bleeding Rock:
Crow quickly passes Xetsa what appears to be a small mantel clock. Go and stick this somewhere it doesn't look too obvious, but not hidden, the best hiding place is usually in plain view after all! Oh, and I might need help in a bit, keep an eye on me in case there's trouble.
Having sent Xetsa to plant the clock, Crow quickly buys a drink and accidentally spills it all on the fed, mainly on the crotch and face. this is too good an opportunity to waste with hesitation!
Acting drunk and rather over-eager, Crow strikes up conversation with the plains-clothes officer.
HA SHORRY FELLA! HIC. crow overacts, getting the attention of the miffed crowd I MUST NOT HAF SHEEN YOU, YOU LOOK BETTER WET ANYWAY THOUGH, COVERS UP YER UGLY FASHE! getting a laugh out of the patrons at the other mans expense, eases the tension in the room.
not letting the fed speak, let alone move and speaking quietly: put away your ID you fool! can't you see you're about to get lynched in here? I have no love of the law, but I don't like seeing a man beaten either, now get out of here and be more careful with who you show your ID too!, I'm sorry about the drink, I seem to have fried your watch as well. I'm a watch salesman, have another one on me, and be more careful in future!
taking off the feds' watch and putting on another of his own while talking gives the fed little chance, and as quickly as he sidled up, crow disappears towards the door.

Vincent Tuff |

Vincent found the comment ridiculous as he was clearly plenty built. Sure he might not have looked it. But he was strong enough to do anything he would possibly need himself.
I will keep it mind, I get a feeling that we might take you up on your offer very soon, but before any such business might occur, we would have to locate Ms. Blake, so it would greatly increase the chances of us needing your services if you could point us towards somebody who could help us locate Ms. Blake.

Neil Dwight |

Neil caught up to the other at the market, spotting Harvardr's large frame in some kind of gazebo he headed over to him.
Hey, so we any closer to finding this Blake woman? Just for the record I'm not massively in favour of this, its riskier then what I'm used to, and this whole place gives me the jeebies. he sighed and he nodded at the recruiters Jobs seem in pretty slim pickings round here don't they? Who even are those guys?

Harvardr Eberhardt |

Noticing his compatriot moving up alongside him,
That makes two of us, these guys seem to be recruiting guards or at least security personnel. People familiar with weaponary, and by the sounds of it the work is dangerous. Vincent is just over there.. Nodding slightly enough to point him out but not enough to cause attention I'm guessing he's asking about Ms.Blake. Other then that your guess is as good as mine. Whilst we're here though...
Harv' moves towards the man who asked about the Laohu.
Looking for work too eh? Time's are rough for us common folk, you couldn't do me a favour could you? I've only recently arrived here, heard there would be jobs, could you tell me what the Laohu is? And why gaining standing with them is beneficial?
Harv' continued listening in to what the recruiters had to say, whilst he waited on an answer.

Davachido |

The Bleeding Rock
Xetsa moves to plant the bug while Crow absolutely befuddles the fed with his drunken acting. As Crow begins to leave the fed takes out a small piece a paper and examines Crow as he stumbles away.
Are you going to stumble away from the bar?
The Markets
"What is Ms Blake to you anyway?" The hooded man asks. "I deal with people, but never quite so specific. Though if you have coin, I can at least get the name and see if she's on my Inventory or dealt with me in the past say?"
The man Havardr asks looks at him surprised. "Must be real new around here then. The Laohu are the lowest rank of footmen for the Shings. You get there you are set, no longer just some lowly dirt worker. You'll have people to get your back! Out here, that's all the law there is. If you ain't with the Shings.. or at least with one of the fams, you are just a dirt worker and expendable." The man tilts his head looking behind Havardr. "Don't forget to check yours, as I doubt anyone else will out here, the mines claim many as it is."

Harvardr Eberhardt |

I'll keep that in mind
He takes a quick glance over his shoulder to see if there was any reason the person in front of him titled his head.
You mentioned the fams, who are they? Who is the most 'established' shall we say. If they are the law around here it would help to have them ranked. So I don't piss off the wrong people of course. Does the mine belong to the Shings?
Just what Harv' had feared, though the absence of the law was a little reassuring it did him, or his fellow runners, no favours if the local gangs took and interest in him or them. People dissapearing, the thought made Harv' shiver on the inside.

'Old' Crow |

Having made a scene and acted drunk to calm the patrons, Crow melts into the crowd and slips out the door to wait for xetsa.
i.e. he doesn't want to have a reeeally long conversation with the guy, in case he gets ID'ed, whiiiich I think is what's happening. ah well

Davachido |

Let's get this show back on the road then
The Markets
The man talking to Harvardr stares at him in disbelief, likely he doesn't get why an off-worlder is here if they don't know what's going on. "The fams are the On Lok Wu, the Shings and the Leuns. They control different facilities and don't try to encroach on each other too much. Battles arise if they do, bad ones. The Wu and Shings own mines though for different resources, again, to make sure there ain't no bad blood. The Leuns control all the gambling and other 'entertainment' in these parts."
The hooded figure tilts his head at Vincent. "A game of chance you say, what did you have in mind? A set of dice."
The Bleeding Rock
Crow leaves with Xetsa trying to go towards their next destination, except they figure quite quickly they are being tailed.
Stakes: Lose their persuers somehow.
body+heart: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 3, 6) = 12
enemy: 6d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 5, 4, 1, 4) = 18
A different man compared to the one Crow saw before is quickly gaining on them without going into a jog, his hand is up against his face likely talking to someone.
Raise: 4+4=8

Harvardr Eberhardt |

I see, so these guys are recruiting for the Shings' mines then. I appreciate the info' friend.
Harv' moves away from the person he was talking to and stands next to Neil again.
This isn't the family we need then, or at least not the one the bartender told me about. Assuming he can be trusted. Though something is troubling me...
Harv' starts to survey the surroundings he finds himself in, the fella he was just talking to mentioned something about watching his back. Does that mean he was being watched? Though hard to distinguish from the crowds around him Harv' checked to see if anyone was watching him or any of his 'allies'.

'Old' Crow |

see: 2+6 = 8
having noticed his pursuer, Crow directs himself and Xetsa through a series of turns, random at first, but by memorizing the layout of the streets as he goes, he builds a mental map of the area, enabling him to double back in a convoluted fashion, Crow now trailing the mystery man.
acuity: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 2, 2, 3) = 13
Raise: 5+3 = 8

Neil Dwight |

This is just great... Neil muttered as he looked around, thinking Harvardr had noticed something.
They didn't seem to be getting anywhere fast, and looking back at Vincent, he seemed to be starting something. So we're after some info right? I have a friend who might be able to help us, I'll go see if they can lend us a hand. Oh and.. he pointed to Vincent You may want to see what he's doing. Neil clapped Harvardr on the shoulder and headed off towards Drake's lab nervously looking around for anyone belonging to one of these 'families'.
Heading inside he called out, smiling as best he could Hello again, So to business, now or in the future. What did you have in mind?

Davachido |

Right sorry, applications and constantly changing sleep patterns are annoying.
The Markets
Harv' looks around and tries to gather if they are being watched. It looks like they are but not specifically. On the tops of buildings, there are many lookouts observing the crowds. Many of them have binoculars. Harv' is unsure who they are out looking for, if anyone in specific, but if not, it is likely some form of crowd control or threatening presence to show who calls the shots around here.
Neil heads inside Drakes lab and she gives him a nod. "Hmm, well, the first set of business would be trapping. There are a lot of creatures that roam into town when everyone is asleep. They are very small creatures with poisonous fangs. No-one has set too much an eye on them so we don't know what they look like other than they are furry and likely similar to mammals. We only know they are venomous because people have been bitten... now... I want that venom. It seems to be hallucinogenic, I don't know how useful it would be if it kills clients. However, if it can be used with some acceptable side effects. Now that would be useful."
Escalate (usually I don't think we can escalate backwards by adding stats unless you want this to go to gunfighting but let's just ignore it for now. Traits are usually more appropriate).
acuity: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4) = 10
See: 5+3 = 8
The man having lost Crow, takes out a radio and starts talking into it. Then he ducks into a house seemingly without needing the key.
Raise: 5+1
Remaining: 1, 1, 4

Harvardr Eberhardt |

Cautious but satisfied Harv' moved towards the crowd that had encircled Vincent whilst taking note of the direction Neil traveled in. Keeping track of these guys seemed important, the atmosphere was fairly volatile as it was.
Remaining a part of the crowd he pushed his way to the front to watch what was unfolding.
A game of chance eh? To risk something on gambling he must have something up his sleeve. I reckon people round here don't like those who hide things up their sleeve.
Harv' always aired on the side of caution, his size meant he had a lot of trouble with those looking to establish themselves or look good in front of their friends. Once the fists started swinging who knows where it could end up.

Neil Dwight |

Neil raised an eyebrow Seems doable for a reasonable fee, but the small ones are often harder to track. Are we talking small like a mouse or what? He moved his hands indicating various sizes
If I know how big they are I know what size trap to set, and whereabouts in town have they turned up? I don't want to wander into some gang territory at night looking shifty.

'Old' Crow |

Seeing the man talk into quietly, Crow consulted his watch, the bug he dropped in the man's coat may prove useful sooner than expected
I'm holding off on the check thing till I have more info, I reckon it should be free if I'm gonna get anything at all

Davachido |

Crow picks up to listen to what is coming on the line, he hears.
"Yes he kind of looks like the run.. no I don't know for sure it was dark. Yes just give me some eyes in the sky, subtle ones.. we don't need attention out here."
The markets
"That's the thing we don't know exactly what they are but as for size... probably around earth fox, definitely smaller than a big dog. Though some people have said they have seen bigger. There have been a few people who noticed them before if you want to question them. They have mostly turned up in residential districts or the markets when night sets in and there are far less people around." Drake responds to Neil.
Harv sees Vincent attempting a game of chance though what has been undecided. There appears to be a lot of squaring off between him and a hooded figure so far.

'Old' Crow |

As Crow hears the man speak, he makes an executive decision. Be somewhere else.
This seemed like a good idea, so he turned and, he's not ashamed to say, fled like a little girl. the last thing they need is to be caught.
Being careful to remain in shadows and undercover as much as possible, Crow made his way back to the ship, maybe a short trip, didn't quite get everything done as he wanted, but at least he is safe, and with xetsa still out planting the bugs he gave her, maybe not a wasted trip after all.

Neil Dwight |

Neil nodded Alright, fox sized is probably easier to catch rather than fiddling with tiny fangs or barbs. This shouldn't be too bad I'll be back with some specimens probably in a few days he flashed Drake a smile spun on his heel and left.
Urban hunts were not his usual thing as authorities often didn't appreciate snares and firearms inside settlements. This time though as long a she didn't injure a member of one of the families he'd be fine.
He headed over to the residential area indicated by drake and decided to see if he could find any trace of these creatures, or maybe see if the locals knew anything.
Do you want this to be a conflict? As I guess actually getting the creature will also be a conflict.I also assume that Neil can get the materials for a basic snare and a way to harvest the venom with a quick visit to the ship and without a check or it could be another one.