Space Dog's in the Vineyard

Game Master Davachido

Current posting: Aether Colony

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Acuity (6d6) Body (5d6) Heart (2d6) Will (4d6)

Neil walked up to them shouldering his sack now, fortunately, without a damp patch.
"While you guys hit up the local bar, I'm gonna see if I can get anything for these at a market or shop nodding at the sack and see if there's any other work here. Mining worlds usually have poor or unpleasant game but hey! maybe less hunters."

Male Human Acuity(7d6) Heart (3d6) Body (2d6) Will (3d6)

While starting with the bar did sound like a good idea, trying to blend in while accompanied by the crazy old guy and the Genghis Khan did not.

No need to advertise that we are a group yet, I will make a separate way to the bar if anyone else wants to join me.

4d6 Acuity, 3d6 Body, 4d6 Heart, 4d6 Will

"I guess that leaves us to stay with the ship for now, we don't want our only way off the planet stolen." Xetsa throws Neil and Crow some small devices before they leave. "Keep in contact if something goes wrong."

Looks like two groups, one to the market and one to a bar.. which we'll call The Rusty Pick.

The Rusty Pick

Old Crow and Havardr make their way to the bar with Vincent rendezvousing with them later. Sticking out a bit as a man with a noticeable hairdo and a horse next them. The Rusty Pick is an old mining shaft, it juts out from the rocky side of the crater. Likely one of the oldest buildings in the colony. It was converted from the opening foyer in the rocks to the elevator down into the planet. Now it is a bar rife with people and drunkards. Even the elevator still works, though it is guarded by a few folks and an unscrupulous lot appears to be using the elevator, wonder what goes down there.

As Crow enters the bar he can't see his old contact, there is a lot more people using this place than he last remembers. Maybe a few questions or looking about might find him.

Stakes: Finding Crow's contact, starting with heart an acuity.

Crow: 7d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 3, 5, 2, 6, 2) = 25
Havardr: 6d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 4, 6, 5, 5) = 32

No Traits have been used yet as depends on how you approach it. I haven't rolled anything for the encounter yet, basically depends if you end up just looking around or talking to specific people.

The Markets

Finding the markets isn't particularly hard as Neil just follows the traders though a lot of the merchants are ignoring Neil, he doesn't quite know why. It could be what he is selling though he hasn't really taken it out of his sake yet so could be something else. As he is moving through the market he gets a tap on his back. "Hey there fella, you look new round here." A short robust man looks up at Neil. Wearing some tattered jeans and a torn t-shirt, the man is carrying a bag of rocks. He is bald and sports a large orange handlebar mustache. "You don't carry the soot of the common raffle about here." The man pokes Neil's sack he is carrying "Planning on finding somewhere for that eh?"

Acuity (6d6) Body (5d6) Heart (2d6) Will (4d6)

Neil spun round "Ah yes, just got off the ship. I was hoping to sell off my current stock before anything else" he nodded to the sack "rare and exotic animal goods from the edges of explored space" he said with flourish "I don't suppose you could point out the butchery or some kind of exotic dealer Mr...?". Neil doubted any kind of assistance in this place would be free or devoid of risk, but he needed somewhere to start lest people start messing with him. Gad he hated entering new markets.

Male Human Rancher. Acuity: 2d6, Body: 6d6, Heart: 4d6, Will: 5d6

After tying up Gunnar outside Harv' entered the bar. He walks over to the bar and takes up a stool there, gesturing for crow to follow. He raises his hand to grab the attention of the barman

Whiskey, double and on the rocks.

Once the drink is brought over to him he takes a sip. The liquid burning as it went down, not the greatest quality it would seem. People preferring high levels of alcohol to flavour it would seem. Still it hit the spot and helped him blend in at least a little more.

So old man, what does this friend of yours look like? All I see are a lot of drunken faces, some watching us.

He had noticed that certain groups were eyeing the newcomers, whether that was just because they were new or if they had some other plans he did not know, he kept a weary eye on them as he surveyed the crowds in front of him.

No raise here as I don't think I've done anything to warrant a raise. I have no way of knowing who we are looking for at the minute so I'm holding off until then.

Male Human Cryotechnician. Acuity(5d6) Body(2d6) Heart(2d6) Will(4d6)

Crow followed Harv' into the bar and sits down at the bar next to him
'I'll have the same' Crow was used to drinking his own brew, anything they had here was bound to be tame in comparison, but he might as well sample it

Raise 5+4=9 (remaining:33262)

'by the by my good man' He quickly spoke, as the barman was about to leave 'you wouldn't happen to know a fella' by the name of Joseph would you? I know he used to come here regular like a few years ago, he was a trader...of sorts'

Crow asks the barman directly hoping if he's quick enough no-one else will have heard the name, he didn't really want to broadcast his intentions that widely.

The markets

"José Henríquez my good man. He says before continuing. I don't know, nothing does come free..." He scratches his chin.

Stakes: Getting info (possibly without payment.)

José: 7d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 6, 5, 2, 2) = 23
Neil: 2d8 + 7d6 ⇒ (3, 4) + (6, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5, 4) = 32 Trait used: Selling animal parts ain't easy.

Raise: 6+2=8
remaining: 1,1,6,5,2

Back alleys

Vincent walks around trying to take in the sights, possibly trying to find a local gambling dig. The back alleys are mostly filled with people smoking .. something. He can tell it isn't tobacco it smells different. After wandering for a bit he does find what appears to be a bet gone wrong. Two quite large fellows are squaring off about a pile of money on the ground with a set of two dice on the floor. Vincent sees an opportunity to either swipe the money or possible break up the fight and get a piece of the money through winning it as obviously these two don't look the best of gamblers.

The Rusty Pick

The barman raises an eyebrow at Crow, walking back to him. His face wracked with thought for a small moment before he smiles again. Cheerfully the barman says. "There are a lot of Joe's bout these parts, some go down, some don't come back up. Ya know the sort..?"

barman: 10d6 + 1d8 ⇒ (4, 1, 2, 4, 5, 1, 4, 3, 6, 6) + (8) = 44 Trait: Customers ask too many questions.

see: 8+1=9
Raise(Crow and Havardr): 6+3
Remaining: 6,4,1,2,4,5,1,4.

Male Human Rancher. Acuity: 2d6, Body: 6d6, Heart: 4d6, Will: 5d6

5+4 to see. Remianing: 6,6,6,5

I can see where this is going, have a heart. He's just and old timer looking for a long lost friend of his. Who knows he may not have much time left in this world, surely answering a simple question isn't too much to ask for. Think of it as your good deed for the day

As Harv' briefly turns away from the crowds and gives his thoughts, whilst taking another sip from his drink.

Raise: 6+6=12. Remaining: 6,5. Also I'm a little unsure how we proceed here, I took a look at the rules and apparently I have to see crows raise as well? Or he now has to see my raise? Some clarification would be helpful as the example in the rulebook isn't too clear :)

Acuity (6d6) Body (5d6) Heart (2d6) Will (4d6)

see: 4+4=8
remaining: 1,2,3,3,4,5,6

Here we go, nothing's ever free but I might be able fob to him off with something less useful. Neil sighed.

"That's true, but really I could find it myself think of this a chance to gain personal capital of this market's latest business enterprise"


Male Human Acuity(7d6) Heart (3d6) Body (2d6) Will (3d6)

Gentlemen! To a third party observer, which in this situation I would consider myself to be, it would appear like you are at an impasse about the fate of this pile of money.

May I be so bold as to venture a guess that this hostility is caused by an unsatisfactory conclusion of a gambling activity? If that is indeed a case then let me help you my friends as I do believe you are victims of a common misconception.

This misconception being the believe that the aim of gambling is rapid exchange of items of varying liquidity, when in truth the only liquidity you should be worrying about is one filling your glass. Gambling is about human relationship. Good company, strong drink and the thrill of the game.

So why don't we move this indoors?

Stakes: Getting them to talk.

Acuity + Heart: 10d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2) = 351d10 ⇒ 8
trait: Honest face

Raise 5+4=9

Will update in the morning but to Havardr's question, you don't have to see crow's raise unless he is targeting you specifically. So if he's trying to stop you doing something or is hitting you or you are caught in something like stray poison.. or something

Totes not doing too much research and talking to professors.. no.. not really.. sips relentless, orders pizza.

The Markets

"Err personal capital? Do you have some rare stuff with you or something?" José says stumbling over his words a little realising that Neil could talk up some other people if he needs to.

See: 6, 2, 1 = 9
Raise: 5, 1 = 6
Remaining: Nothing

Back alleys

Burly one: 6d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 3, 2, 5, 5) = 19
Burly two: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 1, 2) = 9 .. wow what a roll, okay he's out with the first see woooo. Well.. baring any escalation

The first burly man shouts down the other "Oh aye, th's one here was using some crooked dice, see?" He points at the pile of money. "He don't know what good company is if it hit im in tha' face!"

See: 5, 5 = 10
Raise (Burly one and Vincent): 3, 2 = 5
Remaining: 3, 1

The other man cowers a bit stuttering out his words but not getting anything intelligible out.

See: 1, 3, 2, 1, 2 = 9
Raise: Sucks at rolling, it's why he is using loaded dice apparently.

The Rusty pick

"Simple questions usually do beget simple answers, though occasionally the answers are far more ... complex than is worth the answer sometimes." The bartender replies, somewhat unconcerned to Crow's age though letting slip he does know something.

See: 6, 4, 2 = 12
Will raise after Crow has his go.
Remaining: 1,4,5,1,4

Male Human Cryotechnician. Acuity(5d6) Body(2d6) Heart(2d6) Will(4d6)

Changing the subject quickly Crow changes tack on the hapless barkeep, hounded from both sides now.
'It's a lovely pub you have here you know, the last time I was here, it was with my mate from Kralter,' not so subtly sliding in the name of a notorious prison camp... 'we always said we should come back here and wreck the place for a laugh, I guess If I cant find Joe, maybe I should give him a call...'
ok. It was obviously a bluff, but the guy looked so worn down by the days trade and the assault of questions, it was doubtful subtle threats would have made it through his skull

See 3+6 = 9 (remain: 322)
Raise 3+2 = 5 (remain 2)

Acuity (6d6) Body (5d6) Heart (2d6) Will (4d6)

see: 6
remaining: 1,2,3,3

Neil spoke as fast as he could and tried to look as animated as possible without drawing too much attention from other people.
You know. Personal capital, you tell me now where to sell this super rare stuff and then when I'm looking for sellers or someone's got this super hot tip, I think: oh yeah, my friend Josè could use that, and I tell you. Everyone wins and we all part friends and business associates.

Come on that should be enough, this is petty information Neil thought. Judging by Josè's expression he seemed ready to tell him.

Raise: 6+3=9
remaining: 1,2,3

The Rusty pick

"Hmm yes a call should suffice. Why indeed would you need to ask around if you have his number?" The bartender looks about ready to walk away, though something makes Crow wonder what the bartender knows about his old friend as he was quick to reply when talking about the phone.

See: 5, Reverse the blow
Raise (Crow and Havardr): 5, 4.
Remaining: 1, 1, 4. Don't forget if you want to add traits or escalate as I know you guys are running low on dice.

The Markets

Josè wisely chooses not to escalate.

"That does sound like a good deal." Josè says scratching his head. "You've probably traded far more than I realise." Josè scratches his belly. "Okay okay, there is a woman named Drake not too far from here. She's a fence and deals with the more unusual trade. Mostly drugs or supplies for drugs but you never know what you can use to make the next new thing. She often buys some very different things to experiment with. Heck maybe you can become a supplier." Josè gives a few poignant directions so Neil can easily find her. "If you do find some tips you can find me in the mines. There is a register out the front of each one that gives contacts to people inside. Sort of like a prison I guess now that I think about it but phones don't work too well inside of rock, though the wired intranet they have down there can contact most workers."

Male Human Acuity(7d6) Heart (3d6) Body (2d6) Will (3d6)

See 5
Raise 5+2

But would it not be our duty then to help those around us to better themselves? Besides it is the 31st century gentlemen, all civilized folk play cards these days. So lets head to the watering hole and settle this like they do in the best casinos on Kadr. And while we are at it I would not mind hearing whats new around these parts, I have been a bit our of touch lately.

Male Human Rancher. Acuity: 2d6, Body: 6d6, Heart: 4d6, Will: 5d6

See 5, Remaining 6.

Picking up on the subtlety Harv' had heard something like this before. It was back when he first arrived at the previous colony, and they were trying to stitch him for supplies.

Answered that quick didn't we? Now trying to distance yourself from us eh? Look, give us the information. It's a simple question, and then we can stop this little game of what do I or don't I know. You're holding back something and once we get the answer we'll leave you be. Both parties win.

Raise: 6. Remaining: Nothing. I believe you've not taken off one of your die. The 1 from the first raise (8+1) in our conflict.

Acuity (6d6) Body (5d6) Heart (2d6) Will (4d6)

Neil snapped his finger and pointed at Josè "Thanks buddy if I learn anything you'll hear from me" giving him a surprisingly sincere smile, he walked off in the direction he had indicated.

Moving through the streets he found Drake's 'shop' as best it could be called. "Hello? I was told i could find someone who dealt in rare goods here?" he knocked as he stepped inside, wondering what he'd find.

Male Human Cryotechnician. Acuity(5d6) Body(2d6) Heart(2d6) Will(4d6)

All this chatter, and actually following conversation had made Crow a bit bored, and rather anxious, he was suddenly very aware that his socks were bunching up at the end of his shoes. and his feet had nowhere to go, flashbacks of last Thursday leapt up at him from the annals of his mind, assaulting his fragile composure.

'Oh, for pete's sake man, I can't stand around all day listening to you not talk, either you shut up and tell me what I need to know, Or I sick the ostrich on you!'
rising ungracefully from his stool and making rather a commotion, Crow starts to try and clamber over the bar whilst making peculiar ostrich like noises. Almost like a cobra, as he mounts the bar, his hair fans out and presents an imposing visage for anyone directly in front of him.
adding 2d6 cabin fever crazy, and 2d6 cray cray hair
2d6 ⇒ (2, 5) = 72d6 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9

see:6,3=9 (remain: 2,2,5)
If I read this right, barman has 1,4 remaining, and has to see Harv's 6, which means he has 0 remaining, I intend to finish this with a crazy old man intimidating a bloke with his hair, (anyone seen firefy?)
raise 2,5=7 remain (2)

The Markets

Neil enters the door he presumes the shop is in, it doesn't really have any markings on it to denote it but once inside Neil can immediately smell the sheer amount of different drugs concocting or being taken inside. Though behind a counter there is a well groomed attendant in a suit smiling at you entering the doorway. "Oh welcome, seeking some of the best? Would you like a run down on the stuff I have, I'm always open to new customers. Especially those that tend to want to repeat mmm." The woman smiles seem to widen after every sentence.

The Rusty Pick

Yesh, after this the barman will run out of dice easily. If you want to add more description to the ending of the thing feel free to add it! :D

The barman slowly backs away from the crazy man spluttering out the words "Okay... okay okay, God!" The barman mutters "Is everyone that man knew a right nutter?!"

The barman pours himself a drink "Right so your fella started working for some of the big wigs.. or I guess what you would call big.. er I mean fat cats, yea let's go with that." The barman warily stares at Crow's hair. "Er so yea, didn't owe them debts or anything like that but he had some scheme about getting them more ore out of the mines, some say it's more of the rare kinds. Now the issue here is a little dicey, people say he was killed but I know that ain't true." The barman leans in so only Crow and Havardr can hear, he tilts his head away from the head of hair. "Some of the miners who work for these blokes like to talk when they have a decent portion of booze in em, now they started talking about some guy who is working for them, no pay. However each day they get something more that sells a mint." He pulls back "Now the stuff they are selling hasn't actually increased in supply though the cost is still the same, also all the supplies are coming from one source now... you can likely guess which one."

Back alley

escalate: 6d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 5, 3, 3) + (5) = 27 Brawler trait, these dice added to 3, 1

See: 6+2

"How bout like casinos here?!" The burly one gets up throwing a meaty fist towards Vincent.

Raise: 5+5: 10
If you escalate to match roll your 2d6

Remaining: 3, 3, 3, 3, 1

Male Human Rancher. Acuity: 2d6, Body: 6d6, Heart: 4d6, Will: 5d6

Taken a little aback, causing him to spit the drink he had in his mouth back into his glass he turns and looks at his fellow traveller dancing on the bartop squawking.

I guess it's weird but at least it worked. Not entirely sure what I should be doing here.

Harv' continues to stare a little while longer before he catches himself and finishes of the drink. Placing a hand on Crows shoulder he gently but firmly pulls him back to sit in his stool.

Ok old timer, take it easy. We got what we needed, now maybe we can calm down a little. I think enough people are taking an interest in us now. Seems your friend is alive and we know where to start looking

As he waits to see if crow calms down he finally realises something.

Wait a second, is his hair standing on end? Seriously what the hell!

Male Human Cryotechnician. Acuity(5d6) Body(2d6) Heart(2d6) Will(4d6)

A touch from behind brings him back to reality and the demon bird recedes back into the depths of his mind. As Crow takes his seat to hear the barman's story, his hair slowly flattens again.
huh, it seems that the bar must have some loose circuits in it somewhere behind the top. When I lost contact with the ground I must have been subject to some small charge. huh.
As the barman explained the story, the rest of the pub started to buzz again. The commotion had died down and no-one got bottled, fairly boring by their standards.

well Thankyou kind sir, that is most helpful indeed, for showing such kindness, the least I can offer is to fix up that old music player in the corner!
before the barman can reply, Crow is up with the youthfulness of a man half his age, and inside 4 seconds, he is sat cross legged in the remains of the Jukebox, fiddling with the pieces.

As soon as I have repaid my debt, We can be off to the mines, and find old Joe, I wonder what he's found down there...

Acuity (6d6) Body (5d6) Heart (2d6) Will (4d6)

To say the woman was disconcerting was an understatement. he'd dealt with researchers and scientists before but this woman's enthusiasm, not to mention the smell, threw him off. "Ah no, I'm actually here with a business opportunity." he slung his bag on to the floor" I have here, some rare substances from a recently settled world. Oh! where are my manners? name's Neil, I specialise in acquisitions" he held out his hand in greeting.

Male Human Acuity(7d6) Heart (3d6) Body (2d6) Will (3d6)

2d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11 I am starting to feel bad for him

Vincent was always ready to dodge a punch while talking as it seemed to be the time when most people tried to punch him. Maybe there was some kind of connection.

He took several quick steps back getting outside his assailants reach

They lack class...

while raising the barrel of a revolver in level with the gamblers head.

...and generally are undeserving of the tittle.

The coils running down the barrel hummed menacingly.

Now how about we return to civilized conversation before I am forced to air mail your brains to the next town over.

See 2+8=10
Raise 5+3=8
So he is punching me, I have a gun out but using it to intimidate, do I count as still at talking, at fighting or at shooting level of escalation. ( I am betting my remaining 4 on fighting)

Back alley

Well he escalated, so we're at fighting, since you aren't shooting him with the gun then it isn't gun-fighting just yet. Though if you use the gun dice now you won't be able to use it if it hits a gun fight.. which is unlikely ... with his amazing rolls.

He stops in his tracks as he stares down the barrel of the gun. "You aren't actually going to fire that, are you?"

See: 3, 3, 3= 9

The burly guy slowly tries to move his hand to bat the gun away, you have a feeling he wanted to do it faster but he really doesn't know if you are bluffing or not.

Raise: 3+1= 4
You have plenty to end this scene, he got nada. So go for it.

The Rusty Pick

The barman tilts his head to see what Crow is attempting to do. "Well that thing is broken anyway so the worst he can do is make it .. more.. broken." The barman croaks as he finishes his drink.

"You can probably just ask around easy enough to get info on the guys running the mine. Here." The barman chucks something at Havardr. It's a folded napkin with the name On Lok Wu

The Markets

"Ah Neil, Wonderful name, wonderful name. Clearly you had a loving mother." She moves her hands in a doting manner while her smile stays ever plastered to her face. "Drake, charmed I'm sure." the woman exclaims in jubilation, as if her name was the best thing she said all day. Then takes Neils hand with both of hers and shakes it. Her hands feel odd somehow, like the palms have fur or hair. "Now onto your ..substances... what kind of merchandise do you have. An off worlder like you has had to have something good to sell if you found this place with such an intent. Some new species of plant? An unknown poison? Maybe a decent level of rust found on some old war mine perhaps?" Drake appears to be listing things without stopping.

Male Human Rancher. Acuity: 2d6, Body: 6d6, Heart: 4d6, Will: 5d6

He takes the napkin and quickly moves it into his pocket before people notice. Or at least that's what he hoped, he was never really any good with subtlety. Then drops enough cash to cover the drinks and turns towards old crow.

Shall we make a move? Seems our next stop should be the mining offices or whatever they use to conduct the official business. We need to find out what your friend does and of course if there's any work going that could be useful.

Harv' found himself wondering how he is gonna inquire about this On Lok Wu without anyone taking notice. Either way sitting around the bar wasn't going to solve these issues. They still needed to make contacts that could help them figure out why they had been accused of high treason in the first place.

I don't like relying on those outside the law, but I guess that's me now.

Male Human Acuity(7d6) Heart (3d6) Body (2d6) Will (3d6)

See 4 (boom)
Raise 4+2=6

When a man stands on a track you dont ask the train to stop. What happens next is entirely up to you.

Since neither of you look like law abiding citizens, I would recommend you begin by telling me who is in charge around these parts and where would I need to go to introduce myself. And then leaving. Expeditiously.

10 minutes later Vincent was walking through the crowded street towards an unassuming building pointed out to him by his two recent acquaintances.

People around here seemed more jumpy then he anticipated so before leaving the alley he loaded his gun just in case somebody actually called his bluff next time.

Crime bosses categorize people coming to them in one of three groups: victims, partners or rivals.

Confident but not threatening. Respectful not intimidated. Mutually beneficial. Easy enough. Dirg Six Fingers. I swear that sounds familiar

Vincent approached two guys standing at the door.

I am here to speak with your boss.

Acuity (6d6) Body (5d6) Heart (2d6) Will (4d6)

Despite his unease at the handshake Neil stood there waiting for her to finish until it became apparent that she wasn't going to stop.

Must be the chemicals in the air he coughed politely

Well Miss Drake. What I have here are the remains of several undocumented alien species. Neil slung the bag onto the ground and started taking out various samples.

Naturally I have what can be best described as the meat and bones of the creatures, which you may be interested in, I'm not sure; I'm no scientist. But what I suspect you may find intriguing are these. He picked up a zip lock bag filled with small glands.Now these particular creatures have a habit of using these to spew forth one foul smelling but effective goo in self defence. I have some other smaller bits, eyes, scales etc. And if none of these interest you I also do commission acquisitions.

He admitted it wasn't his best sell but he was sure he could get something, he wasn't that fussed with such a meagre catch.

In front of a small building

Vincent demands entry to the building from what looks like two Bouncers. Both of them are in sleeveless tops, rather toned, black hair, jeans, some sandles and wearing sunglasses. On their shoulders are small walkies, one of them shouts something in Cantonese into one of them before getting a reply. Stares down Vincent replying "Boss doesn't have an appointment with a no-lifer like you, you want to work go sign up at the mine." The guard points further along towards the crater wall.

The Markets

Interesting, Interesting." Drake inspects the bags without touching them, smelling them from a distance. She takes a glove and touches the outside of one of the bags before tasting the end of her glove. Licking her lips as the taste diffuses Drake proclaims "These are definitely specimens I haven't used before, how about this for a deal, I'll give you some cash upfront for the find. If I am able to make a new product out of some of these then you get a cut, a finder's fee if you will. I would also be willing to use your skills for more payment afterwards for creatures on this planet. Sound like a good deal to you." Drake nods, as if content with her own proposal.

Male Human Acuity(7d6) Heart (3d6) Body (2d6) Will (3d6)

While I definitely could, between guns a space worthy ship and one of best merc teams in the sector I would be the most overqualified miner this side of the belt. Maybe the big man has a spare minute and some problem he needs fixed. I can wait.

Male Human Cryotechnician. Acuity(5d6) Body(2d6) Heart(2d6) Will(4d6)

Finally Crow stops fiddling with the old machine, he turns it on. miraculously it sees to work, and the addition of a large clock to the top of it seems a nice touch.
there, that should keep it going for a little while, and it might just let me know some interesting tidbits if I've linked up that clock correctly.

seemingly to himself, Crow whispers as he works
right, I've got the basic function working, now it should send a live uplink straight to you Anna (the watch) , let me know if you see anything interesting, or anyone comes looking for us here, heheee being a spy is soo much fun!

completey GM discretion if that even works or not, but can't hurt to try

Suddenly straightening, amazingly quickly and fluidly for an old man, he turns back to the bar
Ok then Harv, if we have what we need here, lets make tracks and find the others, then we can go explore the more dodgy areas of this little moon!

Was going to post yesterday but paizo site was garbled

Markets: Waiting on reply from Neil

Bar scene: Where are you guys headed now then? Bug has been planted, I don't see why not.

In front of a small building

"Best merc team?" The guard scoffs, then speaks some Cantonese into his shoulder radio. He waits for a reply then nods while replying. His focus returns to Vincent. "Okay then, he says if you can prove you're worth his time he'll talk to you. Find a woman named Tessa Blake, bring her here.. alive.. then he'll see you and might have something more for you. That is depending on how talkative Tessa is feeling." The guard then waves at Vincent as if to shoo him away.

Acuity (6d6) Body (5d6) Heart (2d6) Will (4d6)

Neil was shocked, it sounded like an unbelievably good deal maybe even great. Amounts hadn't been discussed but the potential steady work was an added bonus. He clapped his hands together and smiled.
That sounds more than fair Miss Drake, if its all the same to you I'll swing by a few times over the coming days until I can establish a more convenient method of contact.
After collecting the initial payment for the glands and exchanging necessary details he decided to head back the ship with the good news.
Hey...gang. It seems at the least we wont be destitute.

Male Human Acuity(7d6) Heart (3d6) Body (2d6) Will (3d6)

So full of doubt Vincent sighs at the guard as he heads back to the ship.

Destitution was never really a possibility Mr.Dwight, not with all the talent aboard this vessel. It would appear I found us a job with the local prominent citizens, real pillars of the community.

Male Human Rancher. Acuity: 2d6, Body: 6d6, Heart: 4d6, Will: 5d6

He takes the note and pockets it. He leaves the saloon, thinking attracting more attention then they already have probably wouldn't be the best course of action. He moves out into the street, and grabs Gunnar by the reins leading him down the road. He wanders till he finds someone who looks as though they work in the mines, once he finds them he asks about the mines and where you can sign up. A couple of passersby grumble some rough directions and point off down a road. Harv' thanks them then decides to head back to the ship.

He spots Neil and Vincent already there, as he takes a seat.

Turns out crows friend is still alive and kicking. He seems to be turning a tidy profit from the local mines, but information about what he's selling was a little scant. I got a name and that's about it, On Lok Wu. As you can probably guess subtlety isn't my strong suit.

After listening in and being told about the various work opportunities,

At least it's something, though I have a bad feeling about the kind of work we're likely to get given

4d6 Acuity, 3d6 Body, 4d6 Heart, 4d6 Will

Look like everyone is back at the ship, cool.

"Some starting funds can definitely get us somewhere." Xetsa muses. The group notices she has drawn up a small map of the ship and circled areas where to put plants. You're unsure why that might be important.

"What's the job Vincent? It sounds like you have brokered something with the local establishment." Xetsa smiles, not even really questioning where the job came from.

3d6 Acuity, 5d6 Body, 2d6 Heart, 5d6 Will

Kimiko tilts her head at Harvardr thinking about what he just said. "Those sound like family names. I'm not sure if the order means anything. I can say they are chinese in origin at the very least."

Male Human Cryotechnician. Acuity(5d6) Body(2d6) Heart(2d6) Will(4d6)

Crow wanders back to the ship with Harv, awkwardly quiet, after all they had only met a few hours before.

Hey guys! did everyone have fun? overly forced companionship, good start, idiot.

Crow repeats all that Harv managed to say adding that he now has surveillance in the pub, with plans to bug most of the major meeting places of the colony, It's clear half of his compatriots don't believe him, and the other half think he is crazy. At least some of the were right.

Crow wanders really obviously nonchalantly over to Xetsa.
Xets! I'm loving the layout! equidistant to avoid contamination, far from fuel lines, consumables and sleeping quarters. that gives us... 5 test sites, As soon as we can find Old Joe we should be good, Apparently he's been making some sweet money in the mine, which means he clearly has everything we need! heheeeeee

the others try to ignore the blatant flaunting of the law, after all they are in this together, and who knows, it may even prove to be useful.

facing the rest of the crew again, Crow begins explaining his plans
I want to head to as many pubs and squares as I can, Now we have basic information, I need to expand my Intwork, so we can pick up names and places without having to risk human interaction, it also gives us the upper hand with any deals we make, knowledge is power!

Crow will willingly teach anyone who is willing to listen, how the network is going to work, and what he has set up in the pub.
(I am assuming if anything to do with us or the names we are looking for come up within said locations, GM will notify me through anna)
I am also hoping to set this network up as a check rather than have to visit every pub as a scene, unless we stumble upon something important or difficult on the way

Male Human Acuity(7d6) Heart (3d6) Body (2d6) Will (3d6)

We are to arrange a meeting between our potential client and one Ms Tessa Blake as a means of proving our competence. Judging by the tone of the gentlemen I spoke to Ms Blake might be less then thrilled about the prospects of attending such a meeting. I would recommend we put some priority on this as the speed with which this is resolved will most definitely affect our future employment prospects with that organisation.

On a side note in regards to the names Mr Eberhardt provided, not sure if this is relevant or helpful but the people I spoke to did communicate in that weird Chinese language among themselves.

Male Human Rancher. Acuity: 2d6, Body: 6d6, Heart: 4d6, Will: 5d6

Did you mention how many of us there was to this employer? I agree with resolving the issue as quickly as possible, but having bugged locations to provide intel also seems like a good idea.

He scratches his head awkwardly,

So maybe we split up again? I think mine and crows presence is probably known to at least some organisations around here, the talk with the barmen, it worked but maybe not as well as it could have. We need to check in on the mines and crow's buddy, and set up this meeting.

He sits down and rests his arms heavily on his legs whilst letting out a noticable sigh,

I'm not overly familiar with this type of work or discussion. So I'm not sure whats the best way to go about things.

Acuity (6d6) Body (5d6) Heart (2d6) Will (4d6)

Neil raised his eyebrowThat sounds an awful lot like a kidnapping there Vincent, or at least suspicious. Did they also reveal as to why they couldn't 'arrange' their own meeting? He looked over at Harvardr
I think most of us are new to this kind of work, I've only dabbled in it in the past. Though I recall someone saying its generally a good idea to keep the amount of people that want you dead the same as those that want you alive. Which, when considering we're technically criminals, gives a decisive numbers boost to column A. We could do with some friends...

So there has been some discussion, start narrowing down on a plan. Remember feel free to ask your two current allies for help if you need. So far you guys have thought:

  • Talk with barmen and plant bugs.
  • Do the request from Vincent's 'allies'
  • Acquire other allies.

    Neil might be slow at posting for a bit as he's in Spain.
    Also don't forget you have relationship dice spare, feel free to add them to things. Like Neil could add some to Drake so that further deals are made easier, Crow could add some to Joe so any conversations or info gathering involving him is easier, Vincent could add his allies so it makes it easier to get leverage with them later.

  • 4d6 Acuity, 3d6 Body, 4d6 Heart, 4d6 Will

    "Thank you Crow. I am trying decently hard. It's good to have some emergency plants and some decoration. I'm thinking maybe having some poisonous ones that I can slowly make us immune to. Just in case we get assaulted, it would be good if the cabin air was on our side." Xetsa grins slightly. "You never know when a CQC scuffle could go down." The use of CQC instead of her saying something like a brawl is an odd use of language.

    Male Human Cryotechnician. Acuity(5d6) Body(2d6) Heart(2d6) Will(4d6)

    yes! dice! those are things! I'll grab a d6 to Old Joe, why the hell not

    Well In bugging the towns hotspots, it may be that we run into this Ms Blake on our way, and if not, the additional intel will certainly help track her down. On top of that, it may well further our other goals, ok, maybe not the making more allies one, but definitely the learning about the Chinese quarter, and whatnot.

    sidling back to xetsa to continue that conversation..

    oooh, good idea, some anti theft air supply, could be useful infused in the plants as a quick ingredient as well! I'll start testing local wells for decent candidates! if we can successfully engineer our own pathogens as well we can really start getting creative with side effects!
    Crow continues to expostulate wildly and starts making all kinds of notes with xetsa. he is completely gone from the conversation now until someone distracts him with something else, ah the many curses of having a great, albeit warped mind.

    Male Human Acuity(7d6) Heart (3d6) Body (2d6) Will (3d6)

    Its only kidnapping if we we use force, I wouldn't underestimate the power of simple charm. As for balancing the books, while noble effort it is also ultimately pointless as currently most of the federation wants us dead.

    I would appreciate somebody taging along, numbers always convey a message in these affairs. Maybe Ms Ishikawa would like to go for a stroll? Please don't take it as an insult but the metal bits are sure to make an impression, and first impressions are vital when in the business of negotiations.

    I might add dice to allies once I am sure we are not going to double cross them immediately

    Male Human Rancher. Acuity: 2d6, Body: 6d6, Heart: 4d6, Will: 5d6

    Moving himself away from Crow and Xetsa...

    Their willingness to poison us seems all to genuine, and no-one is worried?

    Personally I'd prefer it if you didn't poison our air supply, I'm sure you have the know-how to pull it off but I kinda like breathing. I can come with Vincent, I'm not familiar with the affairs but I'm a physical presence. I'm guessing that helps, even if it means having someone to cover you should things turn sour.

    Turning back to Crow and Xetsa,

    I'm serious, I like being able to breathe and to be alive. You've got that crazy look in your eyes again Crow.

    Male Human Cryotechnician. Acuity(5d6) Body(2d6) Heart(2d6) Will(4d6)

    O don't worry about that, Harv! That's the genius of it you see! You wont even notice a thing, but should anyone not acclimatised to our personal atmosphere join us without warning, they choke, or vomit, or get paralysed! anything we like at this point!
    (xetsa, paralysis, that's another one!)
    give me one hour Harv, and I bet I can not only make you happy with my plans, but you'll even offer your help. what do you say?

    I'm going to say I teach Harv about biotoxins and their uses. I don't really want this to be check, but it can be if Harv resists my knowledge! *mad/evil grin*
    saying that, I'm not going to force my teaching onto him, Harv, you willing to learn?

    Male Human Acuity(7d6) Heart (3d6) Body (2d6) Will (3d6)

    Not to sound skeptical but I feel this plan leaves us one breathing gear set away from having our asses handed to us. Why not smoke? Or just seal the bridge and vent the air? Tripmines? Assault droids?

    4d6 Acuity, 3d6 Body, 4d6 Heart, 4d6 Will

    "All those have the potential to kill us you see? The plants, however, once we are acclimatised will provide a shield against our attackers! Even if they were to storm the bridge they wouldn't be able to survive the slow drain from the air in their lungs."

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