
Arwen McLyntier's page

535 posts. Alias of Algar Lysandris.

Full Name

Arwen McLyntier of Clan McLyntier


Hp 22/22 AC 21 / 11 / 20 (+1 Perc; +1 Init; Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +6)

About Arwen McLyntier

Back of Arwen

Freedom Town, to him it was now Home. Arwen had pretty much lost it all. Friends, family, clan. He had been captured and sold into slavery. But he had managed to live to tell the tale. On the long way back it rained, rained and then rained some more. He could remember the day he almost drowned while the small slave caravan crossed the Nelsin river. the current was strong but seeing that he was delayed the taskmaster pressed on. The horse he was tied to broke a leg on a stone while crossing. The current was so strong that it instantly took rider and slaves down under. But he had managed to survived. the rage, the controlled anger in him had helped. He had managed to escape.

But being a Full blooded Tieflin was not something most people would forget when they saw him. It earned him remarks and snickers even tough all he wanted was to fight injustice and Evil.

But that is when he heard the call. The call to serve, the Call to fight against the Fiends in the WorldWound. He arrived to late to fight in the Siege of the Diamond city . But he go there anyway and knew that his vigil against "them" now had started

And so he answered the question "Because someone has to stand up to them. Someone has to show the Fiends that they can not snuff out the free will and the Goodness of the People and Because i swore an Oath to Fight them until i die when i became a Paladin. he pause for a second his tail waggle a bit Yes i know it is not because i look like one of them that i am one of them. It caused me enough pain in my childhood."

he says before bowing to the master at arms and heading out to the bar to get a beer

When the city of Kenebres was attacked by the demon host and now lied in ruins.he had been a survivor of the initial assault, either struggling to find safety. He had come to join but was in the process of undergoing selection by the crusading army when it all happened


Male (Pit Born) Tiefling Oath of Vengance Against Fiends
Paladin of Abadar
Medium Tiefling / Outsider (Native)

Init +1; Senses Perception +1, Darkvision 60 ft

AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+6 armor, +2 shield, +1 dex, +2 natural armor)
hp 22 (2d10)
ER Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5 Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +6
Armor Lamellar, Medium
Shield Heavy Steel Shield
Defensive Abilities Tiefling Resistances (PFBty 264), Aura of Courage (PFCR 61)

Spd 20 ft/x4
Melee Glaive-Guisarme +6 (1d10+6) 20/x3 brace, reach, see text
Melee Longsword +6 (1d8+4) 19-20/x2
Special Attacks Smite Evil [1] (PFCR 60-61)

Str 18, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 18

BAB +2, CMB +6, CMD +17

Feats Armor of the Pit (PFARG 172), Armor Proficiency (LIGHT / MEDIUM / HEAVY) (PFCR 118), Shield Proficiency (PFCR 133)

Skills Diplomacy +9, Knowledge (religion) +4, Sense Motive +3

SQ Aura of Good (PFCR 60), Detect Evil (PFCR 60), Divine Health (PFCR 61), Lay on Hands [4] (PFCR 61) +2 Tiefling Favored Class Bonus, Mercy: Sicken (PFCR 61)

SU Divine Grace (PFCR 61)

MC Code of Conduct (PFCR 63-64)

Traits Touch of Divinity (Shield) (PFAP 6), Magical Knack (Magic) (PFAPG 329)

Racial trait Prehensile Tail

Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal

Gear Mercenary Kit (This includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.) A small tent, 2* Spring loaded wrist coil (Dagger)

Cash 4 gp

Spells (CL 0)

Daily Resources Left:

Sp 1/1 Shatter, 1/1 Shield Detect Evil
SU 1/1 Smite Evil, 4/4 Loh (1d6+2), Mercy:

Current Effect: