DM Shisumo |

The burnt room appears otherwise uninteresting, so I assume the group moves on.
The corridor bends to the right at a forty-five degree angle just past the doorway to the burnt room, and continues on for about a hundred feet before bending to the right again. Along that stretch of the corridor are a number of small rooms, their doors open or hanging askew and any contents or other noteworthy features long ago looted or stripped. At the next bend, the corridor travels about fifty feet without interruption; at that point, however, there is a T-intersection, where another corridor opens to the south.

Querel Stonegutter |

The roll to find it was the Perception check, so the party has already made the necessary roll.
Appraise:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Querel pulls a small vial from his pack, and uses a pin to apply a tiny drop of acid to one of the tusks. Nodding in satisfaction, he remarks, "These should fetch a fair bit, even if we just have'em melted down for coinage."
He then waits patiently at the intersection for the others to arrive. "Bear left?"

Sylvalia Tesseril |

Unless the geometry of the layout has confounded me, the right-hand corridor should take us in the direction toward the entrance. Traversing the left corridor would therefore take us deeper within the Redoubt, at least until we reach the outer wall.
Is the only light in the halls that which is provided by our Wayfinders?

Asim Chigaru |

Unless the geometry of the layout has confounded me, the right-hand corridor should take us in the direction toward the entrance. Traversing the left corridor would therefore take us deeper within the Redoubt, at least until we reach the outer wall.
Is the only light in the halls that which is provided by our Wayfinders?
I trust your math. Let's work back toward the entrance so we don't get caught in a crossfire.

DM Shisumo |

There are enough holes in the ceiling that you can assume there is ambient light unless I specifically say otherwise. Also, - probably because I still haven't come up with a good way to give you a large-view map of this place online - Sylvalia's math is off, at least a little: the corridor you are in now heads east and the right-hand corridor heads south, while the exit is toward the west. She's right, though, that continuing on is likely to take you deeper into the complex.

Asim Chigaru |

There are enough holes in the ceiling that you can assume there is ambient light unless I specifically say otherwise. Also, - probably because I still haven't come up with a good way to give you a large-view map of this place online - Sylvalia's math is off, at least a little: the corridor you are in now heads east and the right-hand corridor heads south, while the exit is toward the west. She's right, though, that continuing on is likely to take you deeper into the complex.
I don't have a good mental picture of the layout of this place, but can we just retrace our steps to get back to the entrance? Like, go back to where we found the trap that we ignored?

Asim Chigaru |

Faced with this new set of options, the group decides to return to familiar territory. A few moments' walk find them back at the first T-intersection; they can continue south to the trap Mara found earlier, or turn west and return to the huge entrance room where they fought the first guards.
Let's approach the entrance with caution, and see if we can catch any Redblades there unawares.