Garrick Hathorne |

unarmed AoO on Guard 2
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
dmg if it hits
1d3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
5 ft move to the right, then grapple Guard 2. no AoO due to Imp. Grapple. If you can flank on a Combat Manuever, then my result gets a +2 more than this result:
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Asim Chigaru |

The gunlinger sees the giant take a terrible wound from a bolt to the chest. He walks forth with steel in his eyes (to L-17) and fires a shot at G1.
I'll use a grit point to use Up Close and Deadly.
Touch attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 (this gets -4 if Garrick is still considered to be in melee with G1 when he is grappling G2)
gun damage 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
precision damage, deals half even on a miss1d6 ⇒ 5

Asim Chigaru |

The gunlinger sees the giant take a terrible wound from a bolt to the chest. He walks forth with steel in his eyes (to L-17) and fires a shot at G1.
I'll use a grit point to use Up Close and Deadly.
Touch attack 1d20 + 6 (this gets -4 if Garrick is still considered to be in melee with G1 when he is grappling G2)
gun damage 1d8+1
precision damage, deals half even on a miss1d6
Ruh ruh, possible critical...
Crit confirmation roll 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 Touch, possibly minus 4
Extra damage if hit 3d8 + 3 ⇒ (2, 3, 3) + 3 = 11

Garrick Hathorne |

Assuming my 13 vs AC misses, but my 18/20 vs CMD succeeds. Also assuming Macawi didnt have his def power up and got hit.
Garrick easily sidesteps the bolt, but Macawi isn't as lucky. He glances back, and to his surprise sees that the giant is still standing! Clearly impressed, Garricks eyes grow wide. He turns back to his enemies, and fails to connect with his elbow to the solar plexus.
So you are choosing the "use them at your own peril" option? Got it. Bad idea. Somebody check on Stretch and make sure he's ok. Me and this fool are about to dance for awhile.
Garrick lashes out with his hand, quick as a cat, and grabs Guard 2 (who I think is the Ulfen but I could be mistaken).

Garrick Hathorne |

Uh, so if that guy drops and/or I crit him, I regain a grit point. If the 20 or 16 touch hits he takes 25 total damage, if the 20 or 16 touch misses he takes 14 total. Yeesh, what a first impression. :-)
Garrick, still locked in battle with the Ulfen, hears the boom of the hand cannon and watches as the Garundi takes a blast to the chest.
Gods! Remind me never to get on your bad side, Slim!

Garrick Hathorne |

oops! forgot concealment. i know it applies to combat maneuvers, and im pretty sure it applies to shots too. dunno if we are supposed to roll it or wait for shisumo. im just going to do it to speed things along, but if shisumo is suppposed to do it, thats cool.
1d100 ⇒ 38

Asim Chigaru |

Yep, totally forgot about that, otherwise I would have waited for a caster to cast light. Do they still get concealment after we move up? If so, here's my concealment roll, which I guarantee will hit, as I never actually get a critical hit. :-)
1d100 ⇒ 1

Macawi Farstrider |

Wow, you guys waste little time. Nice shooting, Asim. Heh, 'Stretch' - I like it. Glad my defensive built involved as many hit points as I could squeeze into his first-level frame.
Macawi exclaims as the bolt comes in over his shield and hits him directly. Growling, he looks to Mala, "Mala OK?" Seeing no damage on the little woman, he nods, "Good."
Knowing the guards have dropped their crossbows and no longer threaten the women in the party, he lets his javelin drop and draws his longsword. I had in my head that he had dropped to a knee to be the most out of the shield and cover Mala, but I didn't say so, so I'll make no assumptions about any changes to AC, but I also won't take a move action to stand. Next time, he'll know better.
He glances as the missile in his chest, concentrating for a moment. Expending psionic focus to active path power (vigor) to gain 5 temporary points for the next 3 minutes without using a power point.
Out of actions, no movement. Oh, and maxing damage on a crossbow? Twice? Really? ;-)

Sylvalia Tesseril |

The combat exploding furiously around her has taken her quite aback.
Garrick! I was endeavoring to parlay with yon brigands to negotiate a mutually -- EEEP! Interrupted by the thunderous CRACK! of Asim's hand cannon.
Ears still ringing, she pulls herself up to get herself in range of her spells. Stands, then moves this round.

DM Shisumo |

A few rules clarifications:
Grapples are attack rolls, and gain all the benefits and suffer all the penalties thereof. So both flanking and miss chances do apply.
Grappling using Agile Maneuvers is a slightly less-rewarding option than focusing on just about any other maneuver with AM, because grappling reduces your Dex by 4. For a Strength-based grappler, that usually means the opponent's CMD goes down without affecting the grappler's CMB, but Garrick will only be maintaining parity with his foes. Also, you cannot make AoOs while grappling, but you are able to threaten, because you can still make attacks - this means a grappler still offers his/her allies a flank as well.
Please feel free to roll your miss chance if it applies to you. Also, keep in mind that wayfinders can cast light at CL 5th at will.

DM Shisumo |

Oh, and maxing damage on a crossbow? Twice? Really? ;-)
Hey, at least I didn't crit. ;) Speaking of which...
Yep, totally forgot about that, otherwise I would have waited for a caster to cast light. Do they still get concealment after we move up? If so, here's my concealment roll, which I guarantee will hit, as I never actually get a critical hit. :-)
Yeah, sadly, that means no crit for you. Which makes me cry, because that would have been possibly the best first combat roll in the history of the game...
Think we're still waiting for Sparky's next action.
For convenience, map is here.

Garrick Hathorne |

Er, I moved and drew my scimitar (I kept one hand free for spell-casting), and since I don't have a BAB +1 I can't combine those two actions. Not very efficient, but I blame that on it being Sparky's first battle. However, I don't think it's my turn.
yeah it looks to me like we are just waiting on mala's action, and then it should be the baddies again. cause after they fired and advanced
sparky moved up and drew weapon
garrick grappled one of em
asim missed due to concealment. (frick! garrick is not in a good situation right now) but his power should let him still deal 2 dmg if im not mistaken.
macawi used his power for temp hp
sylvalia stood up and advanced.

Garrick Hathorne |

A few rules clarifications:
Grapples are attack rolls, and gain all the benefits and suffer all the penalties thereof. So both flanking and miss chances do apply.
Grappling using Agile Maneuvers is a slightly less-rewarding option than focusing on just about any other maneuver with AM, because grappling reduces your Dex by 4. For a Strength-based grappler, that usually means the opponent's CMD goes down without affecting the grappler's CMB, but Garrick will only be maintaining parity with his foes. Also, you cannot make AoOs while grappling, but you are able to threaten, because you can still make attacks - this means a grappler still offers his/her allies a flank as well.
Please feel free to roll your miss chance if it applies to you. Also, keep in mind that wayfinders can cast light at CL 5th at will.
yup. its a tad weaker than some other maneuvers with AM, but at level 7 i get clever wrestler which removes all of the negatives. ill almost certainly be tripping and dirty tricking as well, so AM will help there too. until i get clever wrestler ill have to rely on my human favored class bonus to boost my CMD for grappling, as far as people trying to escape my grapple is concerned.

DM Shisumo |

Er, I moved and drew my scimitar (I kept one hand free for spell-casting), and since I don't have a BAB +1 I can't combine those two actions. Not very efficient, but I blame that on it being Sparky's first battle. However, I don't think it's my turn.
Ah yes. I forgot that you actually moved twice. So it's the guards' turn again...
As a bullet goes whizzing past the Garundi man's head, Garrick grabs for his Ulfen companion. The northman is shockingly strong and fast, however, and for a moment it seems as though Garrick won't manage to get a hold on him - Sparky's arrival, however, distracts the other warrior just enough to allow Garrick to find an opening.
Without hesitation, the Garundi man steps back into a flanking position opposite his ally, and the two men strike out at Garrick with their scimitars.
Garundi's attack, including flank: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15, damage 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Ulfen's attack, including flank: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14, damage 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Your guys' turn again. In case anyone is wondering, the lack of miss chances here is not an accident.

Asim Chigaru |

Note that even when I miss, I graze the target for half of the 5 damage
Blasted darkness, that was a kill shot for sure. Can one of you shed some light on these guys?
Asim waits for one of the caster types to cast light--sorry, but I need to reload and shoot so no actions available for light. In the future, any time there's any darkness I'm going to keep refreshing a light spell on my armor with the wayfinder, cuz why not?

Garrick Hathorne |

Uh, guys? This red-eyed freak has spines coming out of him! Demons can still be choked, right?
Garrick uses the momentum of his foe's sword swipe to pin him to the ground!
pin with +2 flank and +5 for him not escaping on his turn. My -2 and his are a wash so I didn't include them.
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28
conceal. Unless we can proxy Mala to come up and use light. :)
1d100 ⇒ 59

Asim Chigaru |

Macawi I updated your positioning on the map. Shisumo, since Mala didn't get a turn, can we take her last turn for her and move her to the right and use her wayfinder to cast Light? That way she can move up this turn and negate all of the concealment for us. Also, if Garrick is pinning G-2 but is adjacent to G-1, does G-1 count as "in melee" for the purposes of me getting a -4 to shooting him?

Asim Chigaru |

With lightning speed, the gunslinger empties a bullet into his hand from a hidden compartment on his wrist, simultaneously loading it and black powder into his strange weapon (move action reload).
Thanks for holding him steady for me. Asim uses his trait to use Up Close and Deadly at a cost of 0 grit points on G2.
Touch attack 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5, target gets -4 to AC and no dex bonus, -4 for shooting into melee is included
Gun damage1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Precision damage1d6 ⇒ 2
Concealment if we can't proxy Mala1d100 ⇒ 9
Wow, even if Mala can use light before hand (since concealment fails again) I believe that 5 touch attack will still miss by one or two. Needed a 4 or 5 or so on the d20, probably. I was gonna get quick draw for flavor at level 3, but methinks I'm going to have to take Precise Shot :-)

DM Shisumo |

Macawi I updated your positioning on the map. Shisumo, since Mala didn't get a turn, can we take her last turn for her and move her to the right and use her wayfinder to cast Light? That way she can move up this turn and negate all of the concealment for us. Also, if Garrick is pinning G-2 but is adjacent to G-1, does G-1 count as "in melee" for the purposes of me getting a -4 to shooting him?
Mala's action was to draw and load her crossbow, as given earlier. She rolled lower than the guards on her init, so that's her only action so far - she has an action yet to take this turn, however. And yes, since he's still adjacent, he's still in melee.

Sylvalia Tesseril |

Sylvalia Tesseril wrote:Um... Sylvalia is next to Asim, not Macawi. Mala is next to Macawi...Moving next to Macawi, she blanches when she sees the bolt protruding from the half-giant.
Dost thou require assistance? She asks in a hoarse whisper.
So she is. My mistake. I suppose her comment would be, Must the retort of thy weapon be so cacophonous? The very walls of Absalom must be alerted to our presence here!

Mala |

Finally getting her weapon set aright, Mala looks up to find herself left far behind. "Hay! Wait for me!" she calls out as she heads off towards the fight, all the while idly thinking about men who have spines coming out of them. I can see how that would be handy esspecially if you were being hugged like that guy is, well not if you liked the person hugging you obviously, but if you didn't then it might make him stop hugging you, assuming of course that the spines are long enough and sharp enough, it might be like trying to hold a prickly pear...
I'm not sure what knowledge check that would be. But here's a spread.
Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Knowledge (Almost anything else): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Garrick Hathorne |

Sparky is invigorated by the news. "Spines, you say? Let's take them down and have a closer look." He slashes with his scimitar at the held opponent.
Flanking scimitar attack:1d20+1; 1d6-1
Miss chance:1d100
that actually might hit, cause when he is pinned he gets no dex to AC, and also gets an additional -4 to AC.
also, sylvalia activated her light, so the concealment no longer applies. asim grazed him for 1 as well, so he is down 2 hp. man, the rolling isnt going to well for us so far. :(

DM Shisumo |

I'm not sure what knowledge check that would be. But here's a spread.
Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20+9
Knowledge (Almost anything else): 1d20+5
Is this an archivist naturalist roll? If it is, can you do me a favor and call it out as such in the future, just to be sure? For now, however, Mala has no idea what might be involved with these men...
Garrick and his opponent struggle together in the middle of the melee, while Sparky and Asim both manage to graze the Ulfen warrior, neither deals a significant blow to him. Meanwhle, Macawi, Sylvalia and Mala all move closer to the battle, which is not bathed in the warm light of Sylvalia's wayfinder. (Map has been updated accordingly.)
The Ulfen warrior does not seem to notice his minor wounds, and instead tries to free himself from Garrick's iron grip. CMB check, including the flanking bonus from his ally: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 On the unarmed warrior's opposite side, the Garundi man unleashes a pair of devastating blows at Garrick with his scimitars. Pinned characters do not threaten, so no flanking bonus applies. Scimitar attack #1: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12, damage 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6. Scimitar attack #2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7, damage 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9.

DM Shisumo |

Okay, interesting situation here. First time I've ever run into this in Pathfinder. Since Garrick's CMD is reduced by 2 for grappling, it looks like the Ulfen guard's CMB check is successful. The question is, what happens? In 3.5, escaping a pin meant you went back to being grappled, but PF seems to lack any language that suggests that. Instead, under the "pinned" condition it says, "A pinned creature can always attempt to free itself, usually through a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check." That seems to suggest one check is enough to get out of the grapple entirely. Thoughts?

Asim Chigaru |

The gunslinger nods with satisfaction, finally able to see his targets. The combatants swirl in a deadly melee, but he takes the risk to fire into them anyway after reloading again.
Touch on guard 21d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Regular damage1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Grit point to use Up close and deadly 1d6 ⇒ 6
This is beyond frustrating, but at least my extra damage hits him for 3 this time.

DM Shisumo |

The attack bonus from flanking represents the difficulty in dealing with an attacker on the opposite side; Garrick's still trying not to get hit by the guy attempting to stab him in the back, which divides his efforts with regard to keeping the guard pinned. You can get a flank even if you don't threaten; you just don't offer a flank to your ally in return.

Sylvalia Tesseril |

The frustration is evident on Sylvalia's face as well. With both enemies free, she makes her decision:
Garrick! Canst thou extricate thyself from the melee? Step back!
Five-foot step and casting color spray, delaying until Garrick steps out of the cone.

Garrick Hathorne |

The attack bonus from flanking represents the difficulty in dealing with an attacker on the opposite side; Garrick's still trying not to get hit by the guy attempting to stab him in the back, which divides his efforts with regard to keeping the guard pinned. You can get a flank even if you don't threaten; you just don't offer a flank to your ally in return.
gotcha. ive never used a grappler before, so itll probably take me a while to get fully used to the rules. ;)
Garrick deftly (and luckily) avoids damage again, casually glancing at the Garundi with a condesending sneer.
Keep trying, craven! I'm not even close to drunk enough for you to actually cut me!
Garrick's flicks his wrist, and a wickedly sharp dagger appears in his hand as if from no where. He lashes out at the Ulfen before withdrawing.
Swift action: springloaded wrist sheath puts his honed dagger in hand. Standard action: melee with dagger on Ulfen with flanking. Move action: hit or miss, he will withdraw 5 ft down to get out of the cone.
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

DM Shisumo |

The Ulfen guard sidesteps Garrick's attack, and neither his expression nor his companion's show any response to the fighter's gibe. As soon as Garrick steps aside, however, Sylvalia whispers words of arcane potency, and a dizzying blast of color washes over your enemies.
Love the color effect on the map! Will save for Guard #1: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (4) - 3 = 1; Will save for Guard #2: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (10) - 3 = 7.
Both men tumble to the ground, unconscious.
You may do as you will to them. 267 XP for each of you.

DM Shisumo |

Sylvalia Tesseril wrote:The Will DC should be 15.i hope they are some kind of cyborg and not actual "construct" robots, or they will be immune to will save stuff, right? :(
Among other things, they bled in response to being grazed by Asim's shots and nicked by Sparky's scimitar.

Sylvalia Tesseril |

The Ulfen guard sidesteps Garrick's attack, and neither his expression nor his companion's show any response to the fighter's gibe. As soon as Garrick steps aside, however, Sylvalia whispers words of arcane potency, and a dizzying blast of color washes over your enemies.
Love the color effect on the map! Will save for Guard #1: 1d20 - 3; Will save for Guard #2: 1d20 - 3.
Both men tumble to the ground, unconscious.
You may do as you will to them. 267 XP for each of you.
Quickly. They will be out for scant moments. I wouldst have avoided their demise, but their unnatural features means thus is the safest course.
Glad you liked it. Seemed the best way to show what I was getting at, and to have a bit of fun in the process.

Asim Chigaru |

Asim nods with respect at the mage as he reloads his pistol again. He will then activate his wayfinder (can I wear it around my neck as an amulet, or do I have to hold it?)
I have some rope. Should we tie them up and try to question them, or string 'em up and put them out of their misery?

Sylvalia Tesseril |

Asim nods with respect at the mage as he reloads his pistol again. He will then activate his wayfinder (can I wear it around my neck as an amulet, or do I have to hold it?)
I have some rope. Should we tie them up and try to question them, or string 'em up and put them out of their misery?
Is there a standing bounty on brigands by Absalom? Knowledge: Local 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
If so, I am informed there is profit to be made in surrendering them to the constabulary.If not, I believe banditry carries the punishment of death.

DM Shisumo |

Absalom offers no standing bounties on brigands, though specific troublemaking groups are sometimes targeted in that fashion. While Sylvalia doesn't know whether these bandits are among those who have been so targeted, Mala has yet to give the matter serious thought.