Garrick Hathorne |

Garrick spits on the ground and reloads his dagger back into the wrist sheath. Having seen how the wayfinders work, he activates his as well.
Unless there is coin to be had in their return to the authorities, its probably better to just end em here. No use wastin good rope on em. Anyhow, they don't look the type to talk, and they would shoot us in the back as soon as they got the chance.

DM Shisumo |

Asim nods in agreement with Garrick, then rifles through the unconscious men/monsters' possessions to see if they have anything of note.
Each man had two scimitars of average quality, leather armor (of equally unimpressive make), a heavy crossbow and (now) 19 bolts. In addition, the Ulfen warrior was carrying 5d10 ⇒ (2, 8, 5, 10, 9) = 34 gold coins, while his Garundi companion was carrying 5d10 ⇒ (10, 1, 2, 8, 1) = 22 gold. Neither has anything else of interest.
On closer examination, the metal spines criss-cross each man's body, looking almost like a second set of arteries or veins; the spines seem to mostly follow the large muscles of the arms, legs and abdomen, though smaller ones mark fingers, neck, jawline, scalp, and even feet. Two spines jut out from beneath each man's hairline, just above the temple, curving around to end at the corner of each eye. The network of metal comes together in a heavy knot over the man's spine, a thick lump under the skin that sticks out almost a full inch.

Macawi Farstrider |

Macawi says something under his breath as he prepares to bring his sword to bear on one of the fallen men's throats.
Unless someone stops him, of course - he's moving slowly and methodically.
Given the opportunity, he will look at one of the heavy crossbows and hold it to his shoulder to sight down its length. Nodding, he says, "Macawi could use. Macawi keep?"

Sylvalia Tesseril |

If anyone has a compelling reason as to why we should let these dudes live, throw it out there. Otherwise Garrick is gonna do an unarmed, coup-de-grace, stomp to the throat to take them out before they recover from the color spray. ;)
I'm waiting for Mala to chime in, hopefully with a high knowledge check.
Sylvalia will examine the metal spines running along these men, and wrack her brains to ascertain their origin, or purpose.
Knowledge check? local (for humanoids) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Arcana?1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Heal check? 1d20 ⇒ 20

DM Shisumo |

Sylvalia will examine the metal spines running along these men, and wrack her brains to ascertain their origin, or purpose.

Sylvalia Tesseril |

Sylvalia's dark eyes widen in fascination as she studies the men. By the two sides of Nethys... she mutters under her breath.
She looks up at her companions with a deeply disturbed countenance. These men have been altered -- metal run throughout their musculature for the purpose of enhancement. I would greatly like to question this one, (points to the Ulfen) but I fear his augmented strength would make physically controlling him a risky proposition.
As an afterthought, she will hold her wayfinder near the man's metal tines and look for any change in the crystal.

Mala |

Mala peeks around the taller people as the battle ends, giving an apreciative "Oooohhh" at the spell her friend uses. "Nice one, Sylvalia." Seeing the threat has ended she hurries around the big folk so she can get a better look at the spines as well, crouching down next to Sylvalia. In an odd way, her flighty nature seems to vanish as she becomes utterly absorbed in the sight in front of her. "You know..." she mutter softly, whether to herself or to Sylvalia is hard to tell, "It would be facinating to get a better look. I'd be esspecially interested to see how it ataches to the spine..." She hmms softly as she runs her hand over the metal, taking careful note of where it runs.
Then she springs back to her feet and starts to walk to the door, her intesity shatterd as quickly as it formed. "I should check this for any traps they may have laid on it."
I already did a knowledge check for any info about creatures like this, but she'll do her own for anything she knows about augmenting people with machenery. Oh, and for the bounty possibility as well. :)
Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Knowledge (Misc, if it isn't Arcana): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Knowlesge (Local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Taking 20 searching for traps on/around the door. That's a 27 total.

DM Shisumo |

The door does not appear to be trapped.
Neither group has been in the area for long, however, and not much else is known about them.
Sadly, the 11 isn't going to help you with the augmentation question.

Mala |

Mala humms to herself as she inspects the door. When she does speak, it's hard to say exactly who she's talking to, but its loud enough for everyone to hear. "You know. I heard that the city had a bounty out for some of the bandits hiding out here. Dead or alive as I recall. The Redblades. And as the only other bandit group to be known to be camping here are half-orcs, I can only assume that these..." she gestures vaguely to the two bodies, "...are two of those." She pauses again as she scrutinizes a particular piece of wall. "If more lay beyond, and our propensity for violence continues, this could be a quite profitable expedition."
She smiles and, apparently satisfied, pushes gently on the door, testing their resistance. Not trying to open them, at least until everyone is looking in their general direction.

Asim Chigaru |

Mala humms to herself as she inspects the door. When she does speak, it's hard to say exactly who she's talking to, but its loud enough for everyone to hear. "You know. I heard that the city had a bounty out for some of the bandits hiding out here. Dead or alive as I recall. The Redblades. And as the only other bandit group to be known to be camping here are half-orcs, I can only assume that these..." she gestures vaguely to the two bodies, "...are two of those." She pauses again as she scrutinizes a particular piece of wall. "If more lay beyond, and our propensity for violence continues, this could be a quite profitable expedition."
She smiles and, apparently satisfied, pushes gently on the door, testing their resistance. Not trying to open them, at least until everyone is looking in their general direction.
Is the penalty for banditry in these parts death? If so, we should tie them up and escort them back to town, or carry out the sentence ourselves. Either way, we should hear what they have to say first. We have no proof of banditry on them now, and we did approach them with weapons drawn, hurling insults. I will not murder someone just because keeping him alive is less convenient. Now, who wants to help me?
Asim takes rope from his pack and begins binding the men with it. If anyone wants to aid another, I'd appreciate it hehe.

Garrick Hathorne |

you auto-succeed if the guy is unconscious. the dc to escape is they basically roll CMB vs 20 + your grapple bonus. so if i tie em up they need to hit a 27 to get out. at any rate, Garrick will help.
Garrick shrugs, and walks over to Asim to assist with the tying up.
I'm not no banditry expert, Slim, but these guys do have red patches on their armor. And Mala said the bandits around here are called the Redblades. I'm wonderin if that is their symbol. If she says that it is, then that's proof enough of banditry for me.

Sylvalia Tesseril |

As this is my first foray into lethal hostilities, I am unaccustomed to the practical considerations of taking prisoners versus straightforward elimination of the enemy. From a purely fiscal perspective, killing them would be most efficient, though I detest the thought and still wish to question the Ulfen.
Keeping them alive presents another quandary: how long will our task take within the Redoubt? Would they be more of a hindrance to our objectives if left alive and alert? Would we wish to cease our engagement now, and return these men to the authorities of Absalom? Then return on the morrow to engage with new defenders?

Garrick Hathorne |

Well, she said they are wanted dead or alive, so either way we'll make money. But, assumin they dont accept just bandit scalps, and require an entire bandit, then keepin them alive is best as far as movement is concerned. Carryin a corpse is a pain in the ass.
As far as takin them back right now, thats a whole nother problem. Right now, we got the element of surprise. If we were to take them back, and they dont check in with someone else at an arranged time, lets say, that could mean trouble when we get back.

Sylvalia Tesseril |

Sylvalia will retrieve her pack from where she dropped it as the fight broke out. She will then return to the tied-up men, and sit cross-legged, serenely waiting for them to awake.
Knowing that they'll also be blinded for a few moments even after they're roused, she will begin addressing the Ulfen first in Skald.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
I wish to know the nature of the metal running through your form. From whence did it come? Do you know its origin? Was it from a device within the Redoubt?

Garrick Hathorne |

Garrick will stand next to Sylvalia with his arms crossed.
Don't get to close to them. They were pretty strong, and I dont really know if those ropes'll hold em or not.
He yells over his shoulder,
Mala! Don't open that door yet! When Sylvalia is done talking to these guys, we'll all go in together!

DM Shisumo |

The warriors stir after a few more moments, and both immediately grunt and begin to strain at their bonds. The rope strains against their enhanced muscles, but does not break, and after a few moments longer, they stop trying so hard.
At Sylvalia's words, the Ulfen man turns his head toward her voice. There is a pause before he finally answers. "Ég veit ekki hvað var gert við mig, Norn. Einn daginn var ég ekki eins og þetta. Nú er ég. Við erum öll svona, og við ætlum að nota nýja styrk okkar til dýrðar Rauðublöð."

Sylvalia Tesseril |

Turning to her companions, though not taking her eyes off the captives, she'll offer, He claims to not know the origin of the augmentation. However, he hath confirmed that they are Redblades, and this hast befallen all of them.

Mala |

Mala shrugs a bit, and starts to just wander about aimlessly as she waits. However, as she sees Sylvalia go retrieve her pack she snaps her fingers. "Knew I was forgetting something." And off she goes to do the same. She doesn't have much interest in interrogating the men, but she does sit nearby, with her crossbow in her lap, listening attentively.

DM Shisumo |

With a narrowed gaze that now seems to be directed at Sylvalia specifically, the Ulfen guard answers, "Ég sofa ekki. Ég sé betur í myrkrinu en áður. Ég man betur, en hugur minn ... er óviss, á stundum."

Sylvalia Tesseril |

He claims to have advanced ocular abilities -- vision in reduced light settings, and he no longer sleeps. His memory is improved, but speaks of being confused at times.
Her face hardens with a look of intense concentration. Musing in Elven, she mutters, Eylenni o oineal se atriviste mayalanthel ke ous evelya gaoulemna.

Mala |

Mala gets wide eyes. "Ohhh!"

Sylvalia Tesseril |

Sparky sounds intrigued. "I'd like that. Wonder how one goes about getting those implements."
Sylvalia gives Sparky an incredulous look for a moment, then realizes he was probably responding to her and not to Mala's conjecture.
She shakes her head and addresses Sparky. I fear the cost of such an augmentation would likely be the loss of one's sense of self. I would have to interact with this one, and others like him, to be certain, but there is something about his countenance that sets me at unease. I wonder if it has to do with his augmentation.

Garrick Hathorne |

Black Tom wrote:Sparky sounds intrigued. "I'd like that. Wonder how one goes about getting those implements."Sylvalia gives Sparky an incredulous look for a moment, then realizes he was probably responding to her and not to Mala's conjecture.
She shakes her head and addresses Sparky. I fear the cost of such an augmentation would likely be the loss of one's sense of self. I would have to interact with this one, and others like him, to be certain, but there is something about his countenance that sets me at unease. I wonder if it has to do with his augmentation.
sparky doesnt speak elven. :)
Sounds to me like whoever is puttin in this stuff is using it to control these people. I cant tell if this is magic or science, but can this kind of thing be reversed?
Garrick, eager to move on to the next fight, walks up to the door and listens for foes.
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Sylvalia Tesseril |

Gestures to Sylvalia and Mala.
One of you mind asking him how many friends they have inside, where they're hidden, what traps they have, and what weapons and armor they're carrying?
She looks a bit surprised at the gunman, and blinks a few times. Yes, I suppose such an inquiry would be beneficial.
She turns to the Ulfen and translates Asim's line of questioning.

Mala |

Mala shrugs and hops back to her feat, obviously considering that to be the end of that. Hefting her small pack she wanders back over to the door. Not right in front of it... She actually rather fond of the idea of keeping behind the big friendly giant. She giggles a bit at that thought.

Sylvalia Tesseril |

The Garundi man frowns at Asim's questions, and in a deep basso rumble, says, "I do not think you should answer the sorceress' questions any more, Halldór." The Ulfen man blinks, then frowns as well before shaking his head.
"No more questions," he says in Common.
Sylvalia doesn't react. She regards him cooly for several long seconds.
When she finally speaks, it's in the common tongue. I understand. I will respect thy decision, and ask no further questions regarding thy forces that lay beyond the door.
I would, however, ask of thee regarding thy fate, and what thou wouldst prefer. Our plan is to surrender thee to the authorities of Absalom, living or deceased. Which one is of no consequence to us.
Shouldst thou wish for a warrior's death, my companions can oblige thee.
Alive, thou wilt face the judgment of Absalom's courts, and may well hang. However, thy unique conditions may grant thee clemency if thou allowest thyselves to be studied by learned sages within the city. Furthermore, I promise to speak on thy behalf should the need arise.
In exchange, we will require thy cooperation, as we continue to breach the Redoubt, and encounter more of thy confederates. Thou needst not take up arms against them, but thou art not to resist, attempt to escape, hinder us, or aid thy comrades in any way. Do so at thy own peril, for in the heat of battle, expediency will surmount mercy.

Garrick Hathorne |

Upon hearing Sylvalia's long-winded response to their silence, Garrick will address the captives.
In case you dont speak in the scholar's tongue, allow me to translate. Help us, and we let you live. Try to hinder or hurt us, or aid any of your pals in there, and I cut your throats.
Then to his companions:
I say we gag em so they cant shout a warning, and leave we leave em tied up. Let them walk ahead of us. If there are any hidden traps, or buddies of theirs lying in wait with crossbows, they can be of some use to us, whether they are willing to cooperate or not.

DM Shisumo |

"We understood her," the Garundi man answers, "and she did not say what you just said. But it does not matter. We will not aid you, or allow ourselves to be studied. By your own words, that means you must kill us." He shows no special emotion at those words, and his Ulfen companion merely waits impassively.

Asim Chigaru |

Ok. So they are choosing the human shield route. Fine by me. Anyone have something we can use to gag them, or should i just tear up some cloth from one of their shirts or something?
I will not allow you to use these men as human shields. They have a right to choose their own fate with honor, and if they won't subject themselves to the courts then I will carry out their sentences here by the authority of the Gunmarshals of Alkenstar.
Approaches the Garundi man with gun drawn.
Sarenrae teaches us that most people can be redeemed, but those who can't must be stamped out of existence. I have been in your shoes before and have myself turned from that path. Will you change your ways and aid us, or subject yourself to judgment at my hand? The choice is yours, but it is a serious one, and final. I await your decision, and any last words you might have.

Sylvalia Tesseril |

Sylvalia stands with a smooth grace, looks at the Garundi coldly, then looks at the Ulfen with a touch of softness.
She then turns her back on them both and walk a short distance away. She will close her eyes and await the inevitable.

Garrick Hathorne |

I cant say i see the honor in being executed like a rabid dog, tied up and lyin in the dirt. I'm thinkin that its just more practical to use them to keep us from being bushwacked, but whatever. I aint no marshal. I can borrow ya a blade if ya want, though. No sense wastin the ammo.