Shadow of Ascanor (A)

Game Master Mar Nakrum

Within you runs the blood, and curse, of nobility. Why being the scion of some distant and ambitious ancestor grants you the right to rule is not for us to judge, but to act upon. Last year, you received correspondence from the elderly Beauturne, inviting you to attain the prestige and honor owed to your lineage. You have met with the man in person, a grotesque looking and hardened creature, yet his genuine desire to strike against the Palatinate Council of Lozeri inspired. You have joined to his venture, and soon you will meet with your new comrades in secret, in a small tavern in the vacant old capitol of Ardis.

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I treated it as an intellectual argument. Nothing heated or bad feelings on my end. Or are you referring to in character.?Still working out his personality.

I imagine this will be important someday though. I look forward to her creativity in battle.

Female CN Varisian Shadowcaster

Yeah no offence was taken or given on my part. I just thought it was good roleplay but I'll try and keep a lid on it in future if its a problem.

I specifically meant the discussion in this thread.

Female CN Varisian Shadowcaster

Ah, I see

N Varisian Slayer 3 | HP: 29 | AC: 16/18 {Shield} (T: 12 FF: 14/16) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W 5/5/1 | Init: +2 | Perception: 6 (7 vs Traps) Disable Device (8) Intimidate (7) Kno (Local) (7) Sense Motive (6) Stealth (8) Survival (6) | Active Conditions: |

Oh Aldric and Jacob are going to be fast friends I can tell. :p

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Game left due to change in work situation

I have a thought, we should all make a rumor and common knowledge thing for our characters. Like, three to five points of common knowledge (meaningful things of course, nothing flimsy so you can pretend to be some mysterious entity of line wolf bullshit), then a common rumor about your character, a less common rumor, and an uncommon rumor that people may have heard. That way we can figure out who may know what about who.

I'm just looking at the Jacob and Chester posts and think it might be a good way to sort that stuff.

Oh, and the rumors could be true, partially true, or not at all true, just to give some social rp hooks

Yazmine Khera wrote:

I have a thought, we should all make a rumor and common knowledge thing for our characters. Like, three to five points of common knowledge (meaningful things of course, nothing flimsy so you can pretend to be some mysterious entity of line wolf b!&#$!@%), then a common rumor about your character, a less common rumor, and an uncommon rumor that people may have heard. That way we can figure out who may know what about who.

I'm just looking at the Jacob and Chester posts and think it might be a good way to sort that stuff.

Oh, and the rumors could be true, partially true, or not at all true, just to give some social rp hooks

Beautiful idea. Anyone who wants to take part in this, feel free.

Game left due to change in work situation
Yazmine Khera wrote:
...mysterious entity of line wolf...

*lone wolf. Auto correct zzz...

Glad you like the idea. I'm going to put some serious consideration into Yazmine's so I'll try to have something up sometime this weekend. I always loved these sort of RP tools.

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NE Varisian Cleric of Ruzel 3 | HP: 24 | AC: 15 (12 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMD: 12 | F: +5 R: +4 W: +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 SM: +2 | Active conditions: |

I'll jump on the bandwagon with this, why not?

Common Knowledge:

1. Current head of House Banderfeld, far removed as it is presently from it's home province.

2. Barrister of some minor renown known for unholding the law of the land to an almost ruthless level.

3. Unwed at present, to the dismay of his mother and delight of many an elegible bachelorette, of noble blood or otherwise.

4. Traveled for many years after his graduation from university, having only returned within the last few years.


1. Takes bribes from anyone willing to pay them to change the verdict of his trials in their favor. Some even say he takes bribes from both sides of the trial.

2. Unwed because he uses his bachelor status to hide the fact that he is not in search of a wife, but a husband. Others argue that he carries on an affair with another local noble's wife and is awaiting the opportune moment to see the cuckold husband done away with.

3. Rumors abound about the events that befell the noble barrister during his travels. The most prominent include a great deal of debauchery, forays into the slave trade, and trade agreements with merchants and warlords alike. Some whisper of darker inclinations that struck him during his travels, involving vile rituals concerning the dead and unspeakable deities.

4. Some believe that his return to his family's rightful home heralds a reckoning for those who caused the death of his father. Others think he simply wishes to have a voice in the government again, if only a minor one.

Female CN Varisian Shadowcaster

Common Knowledge:

1. Born in Nidal, and the last true heir to her (currently weak) noble House.

2. Almost never speaks of her parents, it is believed that they did not survive shortly after their daughter was taken to Dusk Hall

3. Skilled Shadowcaster, and served in the Midnight Guard in Westcrown for a short time.

4. Currently unattached, although this seems more due to a lack of interest on her part.

5. Spent the last few years travelling lightly and travelling fast, drifting from town to town, returning to Ardis only recently.


1. Some claim that she left the Midnight Guard for covert operations, hunting down and eliminating any member that was not a "true believer"

2. Experienced a crisis of faith and no longer worships Zon-Kuthon.

3. Had a close relationship with a women known only as Myrkr, an infamous Shadowcaster active in Nidal and Westcrown, who was leader of the Midnight Guard at the same time as Kiara was a member. Most notable for wielding unparalleled amounts of power and a lack of mercy, brutally repressing anyone who stood in her way. Myrkr is notably no longer active in Westcrown, departing for unknown reason's of her own.

NE Varisian Cleric of Ruzel 3 | HP: 24 | AC: 15 (12 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMD: 12 | F: +5 R: +4 W: +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 SM: +2 | Active conditions: |

Should we jump ahead to the next morning or are we gonna wait until something happens during the night? I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it were the latter, given Gothic Horror.

N Varisian Slayer 3 | HP: 29 | AC: 16/18 {Shield} (T: 12 FF: 14/16) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W 5/5/1 | Init: +2 | Perception: 6 (7 vs Traps) Disable Device (8) Intimidate (7) Kno (Local) (7) Sense Motive (6) Stealth (8) Survival (6) | Active Conditions: |

Enh scene transitions happen in Gothic Horror too. I am fine either way.

Common Knowledge:

1. Sent to Ordanto in his early teens Aldric served Count Manfray Murlay and later his son Count Conwrest Murlat by training to be part of the counties various military actions against Numerian encroachment and rampant banditry and other related issues.

2. Recent winner of many large scale hunts in Lozeri.

3. Despite his noble upbringing has spent much of his life working outdoors or in service of lesser folk learning skills such as trapping and tracking. Because of this background he is still known to gamble with common folk from time to time.

4. A passingly dedicated student of geography some of Aldric's hunting and military success has come not from his brute power but his pre-planning and studying the areas he was working in.

5. His mother and sister died due to mysterious illnesses, a wracking cough that caused the spitting up of blood. His father succumbed to a combination of a similar sickness and poor self care having become a drunk and all around abuser of substances.


1. There was a scandal in Aldric's first county competition where a fellow hunter was found gored by the prize boar. It was noted that although Aldric killed the creature with a spear the expected favorite to win, a skilled boar hunter, was caught unaware and "mauled" in an uncharacteristic way.

2. Rumors abound that the young Aldric Beauturne, willowy and weak from illness left to Ordanto and returned years later uncharacteristically healthy, hale and powerfully built, the receiver or unusual treatments or perhaps magic such as lycanthropy.

3. Some say that the illnesses of the Beauturne's match the description of an exotic poison supposedly hailing from Katapesh.

4. Prideful to a fault, rumors persist that Aldirc has killed men for minor offenses such as spitting near him, offering jokes about his noble heritage or talking of his skills as a warrior in a negative way.

If everyone is ready, I will progress the game to day 2.

Female CN Varisian Shadowcaster

No Objections here.

N Varisian Slayer 3 | HP: 29 | AC: 16/18 {Shield} (T: 12 FF: 14/16) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W 5/5/1 | Init: +2 | Perception: 6 (7 vs Traps) Disable Device (8) Intimidate (7) Kno (Local) (7) Sense Motive (6) Stealth (8) Survival (6) | Active Conditions: |



Jacob Romero wrote:
Dante has everything he needs and feels this town is unworthy of anymore coin then what has already been spent.


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oops. Confused my aliases for a moment.

NE Varisian Cleric of Ruzel 3 | HP: 24 | AC: 15 (12 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMD: 12 | F: +5 R: +4 W: +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 SM: +2 | Active conditions: |

This might be a better place to ask this: Out of curiosity, does it cost 60g for both the carriage and the horse? Or each cost 60g to take on the ship? I suspect I may have done my math wrong.

60 gp per large ass thing.

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NE Varisian Cleric of Ruzel 3 | HP: 24 | AC: 15 (12 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMD: 12 | F: +5 R: +4 W: +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 SM: +2 | Active conditions: |

Oh, good! Then I was right. No worries, thanks for the clarification.

We're all on board and ready to ride down the river. I'll be posting the highlights of the trip and you're welcome to decide either press forward or stick around to enjoy the local color, or fight for your lives, as your inclinations dictate.

Expect Day 3 to start this evening.

Female CN Varisian Shadowcaster

Did I learn anything about the city / town from roaming around and chatting with people GM?

I could roll knowledge I guess

Kiara Alina wrote:

Did I learn anything about the city / town from roaming around and chatting with people GM?

I could roll knowledge I guess

That would be a gather information check via Diplomacy.

Sorry for the delay everyone, when I woke up at 9pm, I fell into FF12. The night shift is a harsh mistress that requires recuperation and leisure time.

Female CN Varisian Shadowcaster

Diplomacy (Chastel): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Diplomacy (House Beumhal): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

NE Varisian Cleric of Ruzel 3 | HP: 24 | AC: 15 (12 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMD: 12 | F: +5 R: +4 W: +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 SM: +2 | Active conditions: |

Why not, everybody get on board!

Diplomacy (Chastel Inn): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
Diplomacy (House Beumhal): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

Feel free to yell at me if this isn't appropriate to do retroactively.

The checks are fine, I'll put up some spoiler results later.

N Varisian Slayer 3 | HP: 29 | AC: 16/18 {Shield} (T: 12 FF: 14/16) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W 5/5/1 | Init: +2 | Perception: 6 (7 vs Traps) Disable Device (8) Intimidate (7) Kno (Local) (7) Sense Motive (6) Stealth (8) Survival (6) | Active Conditions: |

Kno: Local (Beumhal): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 My post got eaten but having grown up in Ordanto I'm wondering what Aldric knows...

N Varisian Slayer 3 | HP: 29 | AC: 16/18 {Shield} (T: 12 FF: 14/16) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W 5/5/1 | Init: +2 | Perception: 6 (7 vs Traps) Disable Device (8) Intimidate (7) Kno (Local) (7) Sense Motive (6) Stealth (8) Survival (6) | Active Conditions: |

Uh oh...

Chastel Knowledge

DC 10:
Chastel residents claim that it is the largest city in all of Lozeri, but really, it’s just an overgrown farming halmet.

DC 20:
Chastel is also host to almost nightly attacks by wild beasts from the forest, the most terrifying of which is the Devil in Grey, said to be nigh unkillable and impossible to track.

House Beumhal Knowledge
DC 10:
Once the manor of a minor noble, since his death the house has been transformed into an inn that claims to be haunted in a delightful fashion, much to the amusement of visiting guests.

DC 20:
Originally owned by Niclavos Beumhal, who hanged his entire household, his prize stallion, his kennel of hunting dogs, and himself in a fit of madness, the house has been haunted ever since.

DC 30:
Rumors persist that the haunting has become more dangerous…

Good news, I'll be on more often starting in two weeks, I'm trading in my weekend/grave-shift security job for something better.

Sorry about the wait, I've been violently sick recently.

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NE Varisian Cleric of Ruzel 3 | HP: 24 | AC: 15 (12 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMD: 12 | F: +5 R: +4 W: +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 SM: +2 | Active conditions: |

Yikes. Sorry to hear that. Glad you're feeling better, though!

N Varisian Slayer 3 | HP: 29 | AC: 16/18 {Shield} (T: 12 FF: 14/16) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W 5/5/1 | Init: +2 | Perception: 6 (7 vs Traps) Disable Device (8) Intimidate (7) Kno (Local) (7) Sense Motive (6) Stealth (8) Survival (6) | Active Conditions: |

So apparently I got a little ahead of myself when I made Aldric and picked up Trapfinding but didn't add Disable to my skills/buy ranks? Is that something I can amend because I intended to fill that role...whoops...

Aldric Beauturne wrote:
So apparently I got a little ahead of myself when I made Aldric and picked up Trapfinding but didn't add Disable to my skills/buy ranks? Is that something I can amend because I intended to fill that role...whoops...

No problem.

In the process of moving to new digs, update will happen Wednesday evening.

Finally have internet access on my computer again. Let the terror commence.

Any thoughts on the mysterious figure?

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N Varisian Slayer 3 | HP: 29 | AC: 16/18 {Shield} (T: 12 FF: 14/16) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W 5/5/1 | Init: +2 | Perception: 6 (7 vs Traps) Disable Device (8) Intimidate (7) Kno (Local) (7) Sense Motive (6) Stealth (8) Survival (6) | Active Conditions: |

Yay! I think I have a pouch of Strange Coins somewhere...

Last week, I received an inner ear injury at work, and then to my boss gave me a demotion and cut my hours. The good news is I got a second job as an Editor for an independent publishing company, so that's where I've been the last seven days. Additionally, I'll be moving again this week. Life just doesn't let up sometimes.

I'll see if I can keep up the pace from previous weeks, I've enjoyed both games very much and would like to reward you with more material to play with.

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N Varisian Slayer 3 | HP: 29 | AC: 16/18 {Shield} (T: 12 FF: 14/16) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W 5/5/1 | Init: +2 | Perception: 6 (7 vs Traps) Disable Device (8) Intimidate (7) Kno (Local) (7) Sense Motive (6) Stealth (8) Survival (6) | Active Conditions: |

Ack! Well I am having a good time so I'm happy to truck along, but life can be a bear some times to just take things as you need to.

Blop blop.

It'd hard for me to comprehend that we've been at this for just over five months now! Thank you for sticking with it, January will be full of murder and mayhem, I'm certain.

I solemnly swear to never f&#% you guys over in combat. In fact, consider our combats more like another avenue for character and story development. For example, the lodge is a burnt-out ruin, so if you want to hide behind some rubble, or position yourself just inside an opening or something, feel free. Let's tell a story.

I'm giving Yazmine some more time. If I don't hear back from her soon, we'll continue forward without her.

Enough time has passed I think. I'll get the next round of combat going tomorrow.

Game left due to change in work situation

Sorry for my absence. Things have been crazy around here. I've moved and gotten a new job that has me with almost no free time during the week. 10 hour days paired with over an hour of commute time each way. Ick.

Anyways, as it stands, I'm just not able to keep posting in the forums any more. Really sorry about this. Good luck with the campaign!

Thanks for letting us know, good luck with everything.

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