Aldric Beauturne |
Here I am. Just realized I need to wrap up my gear, whoops.

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

I r here. When will the first gameplay post be...that is actual gameplay?
I'm going to wait until everyone is ready, which includes formatting your character information sheets as per my bidding in the player's guide. The player's guide will also be updated soon concerning how I'd prefer the game be structured, but to summarize: close 3rd person narrative, bolded dialog, italicized thoughts, no text walls, GM does most of the rolling.

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

Please refer to Marris Ghalmont for character status formatting.
Specifically, I want everyone to copy this set-up:
Race: NE Varisian
Classes/Levels: Vexing Daredevil 3 | HP: 22 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +7 W: +8 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 SM: +7 | Active conditions: |

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

I've created an OOC discussion thread for both groups here, should you feel the need, as I do, to discuss both games at once.

Yazmine Khera |

You can kind of get a feel for the major ethnicity of the region by the languages spoken in the area. Nidal has Common, Shadowtongue, and Varisian.
Think of it like being of Scandinavian or East Asian decent living in America, rather than being American in America.
Speaking of which, I should change mine to Keleshite I think, though the page on Qadira seems to differentiate between a true Keleshite and a Qardiran...

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

I just remembered something. A handy haversack can hold 80 pounds in the main portion and a skeleton weighs only about 20. I think you know where I am going. I can control up to 3HD with Command Undead. Can I assume I have managed to bind one or two? And then stuffed them in the bag?
Two 1HD skeletons may be found in your bag of holding.

Jacob Romero |

Last thing. The skeletons right of the bestiary have, as gear, a broken chain shirt and a broken scimitar. With mending I can fix that. But I want to give one a heavy shield and the other a longbow. So one is tank and the other is support. Do I have to buy all this or can I mend what they already have and add the rest? Or are they just claws only?
And might as well get this out of the way too since it will likely become an issue. Do me and my minions, for there will be more, all move on my init or separately?

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

Last thing. The skeletons right of the bestiary have, as gear, a broken chain shirt and a broken scimitar. With mending I can fix that. But I want to give one a heavy shield and the other a longbow. So one is tank and the other is support. Do I have to buy all this or can I mend what they already have and add the rest? Or are they just claws only?
For the sake of fairness, you'll need to equip them out of pocket.
And might as well get this out of the way too since it will likely become an issue. Do me and my minions, for there will be more, all move on my init or separately?
Good question. I'm planning to implement group initiative, so your minions will go at the same time as you.

Aldric Beauturne |
Working on updating my sheet now. Question for the GM is as follows: Do you have any issue with my "handy haversack" being more a shoulder satchel versus a backpack? I imagine with two swords, a shield and a longbow strapped to his back an actual backpack might be a bit clunky compared to a lower slung bag? Just a visual thing...
Edit: I forgot I didn't get a haversack. Though eventually I would ask this so I will leave it here...

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

Working on updating my sheet now. Question for the GM is as follows: Do you have any issue with my "handy haversack" being more a shoulder satchel versus a backpack? I imagine with two swords, a shield and a longbow strapped to his back an actual backpack might be a bit clunky compared to a lower slung bag? Just a visual thing...
Edit: I forgot I didn't get a haversack. Though eventually I would ask this so I will leave it here...
I'm fine with cosmetic changes.

Marris Ghalmont |

Marris sneers petulantly back at the barkeep.
The barkeep takes a -2 penalty to his Will saves while Marris stares at him.
Hahaha! The Mesmerist is my new favorite class.

Kiara Alina |

Seeing as I'm an illusionist, I should prolly chat to the DM what I can and cannot use an illusion for. For instance, if I create a Illusion of a dire tiger (for instance), could it provide flanking? What happens if we come across a caster and I ready an action to cast an illusion of a wall right in his face if he casts Fireball. Does the spell detonate or pass through? Can you create an illusion of stairs (say, on the outside of a building) if none exist, and Zen it up, intentionally failing a save against my own spell and pretending if they exist. Stuff like this :/

Bēl-Ṣullulim |

Seeing as I'm an illusionist, I should prolly chat to the DM what I can and cannot use an illusion for. For instance, if I create a Illusion of a dire tiger (for instance), could it provide flanking?
If the creature being flanked believes the tiger is real, flanking bonus applies.
What happens if we come across a caster and I ready an action to cast an illusion of a wall right in his face if he casts Fireball. Does the spell detonate or pass through?
You'll need to link me to the spell that would generate such a shadow object.
Can you create an illusion of stairs (say, on the outside of a building) if none exist, and Zen it up, intentionally failing a save against my own spell and pretending if they exist. Stuff like this :/
Again, depends on the spell/ability/whatever your character has access to. As far as intentionally failing the save to disbelieve, that works. Reminds me of Peter Pan.

Jacob Romero |

Personal beliefs:
Seeing as I'm an illusionist, I should prolly chat to the DM what I can and cannot use an illusion for. For instance, if I create a Illusion of a dire tiger (for instance), could it provide flanking?
If the creature being flanked believes the tiger is real, flanking bonus applies.
I agree but they get a will save which is probably what you intended with "believes the tiger".
What happens if we come across a caster and I ready an action to cast an illusion of a wall right in his face if he casts Fireball. Does the spell detonate or pass through?
You'll need to link me to the spell that would generate such a shadow object.
Most spells say what they can do and what they can't. Illusions are a little more vague and up to DM discretion but I couldn't accept the fireball impacting even if the wizard failed. It should have no baring on anything physical passing through. At best you could cast it the round before and make him go around or, if he never saw the casting, might just walk by. The whole "interact" part of the illusion can be ruled different ways. I prefer to think they have to have some reason to doubt the illusion first. If they don't know the way they might stop and walk away. If they know their shouldn't be a wall they get a will save.
Can you create an illusion of stairs (say, on the outside of a building) if none exist, and Zen it up, intentionally failing a save against my own spell and pretending if they exist. Stuff like this :/
Again, depends on the spell/ability/whatever your character has access to. As far as intentionally failing the save to disbelieve, that works. Reminds me of Peter Pan.
Absolutely broken if used in the right hands and their are spells to actually do this. Illusions aren't real. Nothing can change that except some really high level abilities.
Just my 2 cents.

Kiara Alina |

Its a good thing I asked this ahead of time I think, because there are a number of opinions.
Illusions aren't real.
Good point, but what happens when Shades, Greater Shadow Evocation and Greater Shadow Conjuration all hit the "100% real" threshold (via Shadowcaster ability and a certain metamagic feat). What is the interaction there?
You can see why I am eager to hammer out specifics so that everyone is happy with things that can and cannot be done.
Anyway, there is a spell called Illusionary Wall, and I think its definitely a fair ruling to say that physical objects can pass through illusionary walls. I'l prolly extend this to including fireball or something (although a wizard that persists on blasting fireballs at my illusions is going to have to be careful about accidentally blasting the real thing).
Here are the SRD links to pretty much most of the dedicated "illusion spells" I'm looking at (ie not Invisibility and stuff, the image ones)
Silent Image
Major Image
Shadow Conjuration + Greater
Shadow Evocation + Greater
Persistent Image
Permanent Image

Jacob Romero |

Casters detonate spells like that where they will them to so obviously he is not going to will it too explode in front of him. Here is an interesting idea. We could consider the wall an interruption to the spellcaster forcing a concentration check so it still detonates where he wants. Otherwise he loses control and it never does.
As for shadow confuration, those say they are partially real and include rules for such interactions. As for making an object, obviously it would have 20% of the strength so it might not support you. Also, there is no way for the caster to disbelieve. They made it. Kinda hard to disbelieve something you made.

Kiara Alina |

Casters detonate spells like that where they will them to so obviously he is not going to will it too explode in front of him.
You misunderstand the tactic. Fireball does NOT go through solid walls, if it hits something, it detonates prematurely. Period. This means that if I come up against a fireball abusing mage, I can ready an action to cast a wall spell right in front of his face if he chooses to cast a fireball. So ---> Mage prepares to use Fireball ---> Readied Action goes off ---> Wall spell manifests in front of the mage ---> Fireball hits and detonates. Its a completely legal tactic, the only downside being the fact that if the wizard picks say, Lightning Bolt, your readied action doesn't trigger, and you just wasted your action.
I think the scenario is moot. An illusionary wall would (I imagine) block Line of Effect, ergo, you cannot center a fireball on a target behind a wall. If the wizard knows that its an illusionary wall (via saving or spellcraft), then he can prolly Fireball right through on tho.
As for shadow confuration, those say they are partially real and include rules for such interactions.
Greater Shadow Evocation and Greater Shadow Conjuration are both 60% real. Shades is 80% real.
Thanks to the Shadowcaster Wizard ability, shadow spells are treated as 20% more real, ergo if I cast Shades to mimic Web, then IT IS Web. Its 100% real. The Solid Shadow's metamagic also grants a 20% increase as to whether the spell is treated as real, which means that Greater Shadow Conjuration / Evocation are also treated as 100% real.

Jacob Romero |

You misunderstand the tactic. Fireball does NOT go through solid walls, if it hits something, it detonates prematurely. Period. This means that if I come up against a fireball abusing mage, I can ready an action to cast a wall spell right in front of his face if he chooses to cast a fireball. So ---> Mage prepares to use Fireball ---> Readied Action goes off ---> Wall spell manifests in front of the mage ---> Fireball hits and detonates. Its a completely legal tactic, the only downside being the fact that if the wizard picks say, Lightning Bolt, your readied action doesn't trigger, and you just wasted your action.
I think the scenario is moot. An illusionary wall would (I imagine) block Line of Effect, ergo, you cannot center a fireball on a target behind a wall. If the wizard knows that its an illusionary wall (via saving or spellcraft), then he can prolly Fireball right through on tho.
I get the tactic but the illusory wall does not block Line of Effect, just Line of Sight. That means spells that target a creature or object would not work but bursts would. If he fires it right in front of the wall for some reason you are still getting hit, even if he believes its real.
Greater Shadow Evocation and Greater Shadow Conjuration are both 60% real. Shades is 80% real.
Thanks to the Shadowcaster Wizard ability, shadow spells are treated as 20% more real, ergo if I cast Shades to mimic Web, then IT IS Web. Its 100% real. The Solid Shadow's metamagic also grants a 20% increase as to whether the spell is treated as real, which means that Greater Shadow Conjuration / Evocation are also treated as 100% real.
No argument here.