Aldric Beauturne's page

73 posts. Alias of PirateDevon.


N Varisian Slayer 3 | HP: 29 | AC: 16/18 {Shield} (T: 12 FF: 14/16) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W 5/5/1 | Init: +2 | Perception: 6 (7 vs Traps)


Disable Device (8) Intimidate (7) Kno (Local) (7) Sense Motive (6) Stealth (8) Survival (6) | Active Conditions: |

Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 12

About Aldric Beauturne


HP: 29 ( Max + 1/2x2 + 3 FC +6 CON)
AC: 16/18 (10+2(Dex)+4(Armor) {+2 Shield})
F/R/W: 5/5/1


BAB: +3 Melee: +7 Ranged: +5
MW Greatsword: +9 2d6+6 (19-20*/x2*)
Longsword: +7 1d8+4 (19-20*/x2*)
Kukri: +7 1d4+4 (18-20*/x2*)
MW Comp Longbow(4): +6 1d8+4 (x3*) (120 ft.)

*+1 Trait to confirm. (See Anatomist)


Adventuring Ranks: 24/24 ((6+1 Int +1 Skilled)x3)
Acro +7 (2 +3 Class +2 Dex)
Bluff +5 (1 +3 Class +1 Cha)
Climb +8 (1 +3 Class +4 Str)
Disable Device +8 (2 +3 Class +2 Dex)
Disguise +1 (0 +0 Class +1 Cha)
Intimidate +6* (2 +3 Class +1 Cha) *+2 vs someone who you failed against (See "Chip on the Shoulder Trait)
Kno: Dun +5 (1 +3 Class +1 Int)
Kno:Local +5 (1 +3 Class +1 Int)
Perception +6* (3 +3 Class +0 Wis) *+1/2 Class vs Traps
Ride +6 (1 +3 Class +2 Dex)
Sense Motive 6* (3 +3 Class +0 Wis) *-2 vs someone who has insulted you (See "Pride" drawback)
Stealth +8 (3 +3 Class +2 Dex)
Survival +5* (2 +3 Class +0 Wis) *+1/2 Class for Track
Swim +8 (1 +3 Class +4 Str)

Background Ranks: 6/6 (2x3)
Kno: Geo +6 (2 +3 Class +1 Int)
Profession: Gambler +5 (2 +3 Class +0 Wis)
Profession: Trapper +5 (2 +3 Class +0 Wis)

ACP: 0/ -2 (Shield)


Human: WF-- Greatsword
1: Power Attack
3: Furious Focus


1: Anatomist
2: Chip on the Shoulder
3: Lesser Noble
Drawback: Pride

Class Features:

Favored Class (Slayer) +1 hp (3)
Proficiency: All martial and simple. Light, Medium, Shield (No Tower)
Studied Target
Talent (Trapfinding)
SA 1d6


Person {47 lbs}
Explorer's Outfit
MW Great Sword
2x Kukri
MW Composite Longbow (+4 STR)
Mithral Shirt
Heavy Steel Shield
2 Grappling Arrows
20 Common Arrows

Backpack {38 lbs}
20 Common Arrows
Noble's Outfit
Rope (hemp 50 ft)
Rope (silk 50 ft)
Torches (10)
Mess Kit
33 PP 30 GP

Adventurer's Sash {14 lbs}
1 Grappling Hook
Flint and steel
Trail rations (10 days)
Traveler's Any Tool
Ioun Torch

Light = 100
Medium = 200
Heavy = 300

Scion of the once ruling family of Lozeri, Aldric Beauturne has derived equal challenges and benefits from his family's reduced political stake.
Born to a nephew of the infamous Count, Aldric was raised in a family of some established wealth and at first grew up in a lifestyle of good means. As the family's fortunes turned due to a poisoned family name and premature illness and death of his mother and sister, Aldric was sent outside the county to Odranto where Aldric served as a ward of distant relatives in service of Count Manfray Murlay and later his son Count Conwrest Murlat.

Raised in Ordanto into his teens Aldric learned of the barbarian hordes to the north and the harsh life of warriors marked by constant struggle. Aldric's robust health and large frame gained the young man many admirers and opportunities to hone his skills. As he progressed into manhood news of the passing of his father arrived and Aldric decided it was time to return home and look after his family affairs.

Despite his meager resources Aldric soon flourished in his return to Lozeri. The counties penchant for hunts proved an excellent social scene for Aldric to return to, his skills and power proving to make him a crowd favorite in many circles. Additionally his family name saw him gain some influence with some who saw the fate of the county on a bad course while Aldric's distance to his grand uncle insulated him from the negativity of the counties' former ruler in many cases.

Yet recently Aldric has sensed that his is a path of greater glory. Not content to merely use his power and minor celebrity to earn money Aldric chaffs at the rumours of the counties decay and is enticed by notions of pride that the name Beauturne can mean something good for the area again. A notion that is reinforced by the correspondence of a distant relative...


Personality is capable, confident, proud (to a fault)
Large build, well defined. An Ustalav bruiser with a decent brain.