Rayhan Xobhadi

Marris Ghalmont's page

29 posts. Alias of Mar Nakrum.


NE Varisian


Vexing Daredevil 3 | HP: 22 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +7 W: +8 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7 SM: +7 | Active conditions: |








Haunter of the Dark




Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Infernal, Undercommon, Varisian,

Strength 11
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Marris Ghalmont

HP: 22
AC: 17 (10+3(Dex)+4(Armor))
Fort: +3; Ref: +7; Will: +8

Melee: +2; Ranged: +5
Rope Dart: +8; 1d4+*dmg; x2crit; 20ft.; Blocking, Distracting, Monk, MW
Sword Cane: +2; 1d6+*dmg; x2crit; Hidden

Adventure Ranks: 27/27 ((6 +2 Int +1 Skilled)x3)
Acrobatics +9 (3 +3 class +3 Dex)
Bluff +10 (3 +3 class +3 Cha +1 misc)
Diplomacy +10 (3 +3 class +3 Cha +1 misc.)
Escape Artist
Knowledge: Arcana +6 (1 +3 class +2 Int)
Knowledge: Dungeoneering +8 (3 +3 class +2 Int)
Knowledge: Local
Knowledge: Religion +6 (1 +3 class +2 Int)
Perception +7 (3 +3 class +1 Wis)
Sense Motive +7 (3 +3 class +1 Wis)
Spellcraft +6 (1 +3 class +2 Int)
Stealth +9 (3 +3 class +3 Dex)
Use Magic Device

Background Ranks: 6/6 (2x3)
Knowledge: History
Knowledge: Nobility +7 (1 +3 class +2 Int +1 misc.)
Linguistics +8 (3 +3 class +2 Int)
Lore: Dark Tapestry +8 (3 +3 class +2 Int)
Perform: Oratory +7 (1 +3 class +3 Cha)
Sleight of Hand +7 (1 +3 class +3 Dex)

Armor Check Penalty:

Human: Point-Blank Shot
1st: Precise Shot
3rd: Weapon Focus (Rope Dart)

1st: Born Under the Stranger (Feint bonus vs aberrations)
2nd: Unspeakable Bond (+2 Diplomacy vs Aberrations)
3rd: Lesser Noble
Flaw: Pride

Class Features:
Favored Class Bonus (Mesmerist): +1 hp (3)
Proficiency: all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, sap, sword cane, whip, and light armor.
Weapon Proficiency: Rope Dart
Consummate Liar: +1/2 mesmerist level (min. 1) bonus on all bluff checks. Qualifies for Improved Feint and Greater Feint feats even if he doesn't have Combat Expertise.
Hypnotic Stare (Su):As a swift action, one creature within 30ft. takes -2 on Will saving throws. Only one creature may be affected at a time.
Painful Stare:1d6+1 damage.
When target of Hypnotic Stare is damaged, the Mesmerist cause the target to take additional damage equal to 1/2 the Mesmerist's class level (mim. 1). If the Mesmerist is damaging the target, the damage is increased by 1d6 points for ever 3 class levels the Mesmerist possesses. This can only be triggered once per round.
Mesmerist Tricks (Su): 4/day.
Misdirection:On attack, triggers to enable feint check that negates target's Dex bonus to AC.
Towering Ego:Adds Cha mod. to Will saves.
Bonus Feat: Improved Feint
Dazzling Feint (Su): Successful feint activates one ability below.
Piercing Strike: Successful damage causes Painful Stare damage die to change to d8.

Knacks: Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Haunted Fey Aspect, Mage Hand, Message, Read Magic
Per Day:1st: 4

Rope Dart, MW
Sword Cane
Entertainer's Outfit
Mithral Shirt
Cloak of Resistance (+1)
Hypnotist's Pocket Watch
Signet Ring
Silver Holy Symbol
Belt Pouch
-Flint and Steel
-Ink (1 Ounce)
-Iron Pot
-Torches (10)
-Trail Rations (5)

Weight: 43.5 lbs. (18 lbs. w/o Backpack)
Carrying Capacity:

Born of a guildsman father and an old-blooded noble, Marris has known only resentment from his large maternal family. Gifted an insatiable ambition and curiosity, Marris turned the ire of his family against them and learned the dark secrets of his “noble” lineage. He lives under the name of his father, and vows to make that name synonymous with his dread power.

Born in Caliphas to a wealthy guild overseer and the daughter of old nobility, Marris spent his youth in the tutelage of his paternal grandfather, a retired guildsman who doted on the boy like he was his own son. The grandfather’s time was short however, and after his death, Marris’ mother spirited her son away to Lepidstadt, to live with her family there. Marris’ half-commoner roots earned him only ire from his family, though he found some comfort in their estate’s library. Here discovered hidden and mysterious tomes, hearkening back to his family’s original rise to power and the assorted demons and otherworldly gods that lent them that power.

As he grew into a suitable heir, his family began to thrust upon him the responsibility to carry on the family legacy, as his cousins and brothers were seen as unfit to make important decisions without the oversight of their decaying elders. Marris resented the hot and cold treatment of his birth and his new responsibilities, and became consumed with spiting his relations at every corner, in every step. He dabbled in ignoble professions, toured with an acting troupe, practiced the oriental rope dart at fencing practice, and was forcibly expelled from the University of Lepidstadt.

Before his family could do something to curtail his behavior, Marris raided the family fortunes and left to explore the world and follow the seeds planted in his mind as a child, to find those unspeakable gods and their cults, though he knew not what he would do when he found them.

Marris dresses finely, his dark beard is sharply cut and his balding hair kept short. Built tall and firm, he surprisingly favors unconventional weapons such as the rope dart and cane sword. His most striking features are his grey-blue eyes that appear to burn with some unquenchable inner-fire.